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Father, we thank You for bringing Benjamin Netanyahu back into power. He is Your choice, God, so we pray that he would be a righteous leader. Bring him and his people into relationship with You.
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Intercessors, you prayed for Netanyahu during Israel’s election. Now he has emerged as the new Prime Minister. Let’s continue to pray for him.

From The Jerusalem Post. Former prime minister and Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu is poised to become Israel’s next prime minister, according to the counting of almost all of the ballots. By Wednesday afternoon, Netanyahu held his lead with more than 80 percent of the votes counted across the country.

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Arab party Balad was originally said to be close to crossing the threshold but by Wednesday afternoon that option seemed to dissipate. Had it happened, Netanyahu’s bloc would have potentially dropped to 60 seats, one short of a coalition majority. Likud had sent an urgent letter to the police commissioner on Tuesday night demanding that allegations of voter fraud in the Arab sector be immediately investigated.

According to the exit polls on Tuesday night, Netanyahu’s bloc, which includes Likud, Religious Zionist Party (RZP), United Torah Judaism (UTJ) and Shas, crossed the 61-seat threshold and will be able to form the next coalition. …

According to all channels, the Netanyahu bloc has 62 seats while the Lapid bloc has 54-53 seats. …

The victory will bring Netanyahu back into power after serving as prime minister between 1996-1999 and 2009-2021. He is already Israel’s longest-serving prime minister and has spent the last year as head of the Opposition.

The last polls on Friday showed a tie between the pro-Netanyahu and anti-Netanyahu camp, but in the days since it managed to pull ahead. …

Netanyahu delivered his apparent victory speech early Wednesday morning, claiming that the Israeli public has decided and granted him the victory, according to the Israeli election exit polls.

Netanyahu thanked his supporters for giving him and his bloc a “massive vote of confidence from the Israeli public.” …

What do you think of the results of this election? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Jerusalem Post. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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November 4, 2022

Father God thank you for giving this time of rest for president Netanyahu thank you for bringing him back thank you for showing your movement and how much you love your people Lord you do so much may everybody’s eyes be opened and ears opened to you and to you only we pray for the United States of America as well may you turn this state right side up please give us the desires to always want you and not this world this world is evil Lord thank you for always being for us as a world is against us in Jesus name I pray no weapon formed against us will prosper the truth will set us free the truth will always overrule the lies

Connie Heintz
November 2, 2022

Congratulations Benjamin Netanyahu . Always praying for you 🙏

Christine from Kentwood MI
November 2, 2022

May America walk in tandem with Israel and may righteousness be restored to Israel and America. Hallelujah, Lord God! Be honored in our countries. Thank You, Lord God. Your arm is not too short to bring justice!

Nancy Randolph
November 2, 2022

I thank God! He is working on our behalf just as He said He would. We must never doubt and never speak against what we are believing and praying for not matter what it looks like! GOD IS GOOD!

In John 14, the Lord Jesus said, twice, “If we ask Him anything, He will do it.” However, we MUST believe. He said it twice, because it is true! Look at how He answered and is answering our prayers all around us. HE IS GOOD!

Susan CC
November 2, 2022

Mazel Tov Benjamin Netanyahu! I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I pray for the peace of Israel and all nations.

November 2, 2022

by Eva

Voices rising up in unison;
Spiritual voices filling the air,
Rising up toward the throne room of heaven.
Hear, O’ Israel,
Hear the watchman’s prayer!
The God of Israel has set His watchmen,
Has set them upon thine ancient walls.
Refusing to sleep nor to keep silent,
Faithful watchmen heeding their call.
Watching, listening for sounds of horsemen
Come against the Mount of God.
Fearless watchmen prepared for battle;
O’er Israel’s enemies they will spiritually trod.
“Hear the ram’s horn sounding, calling?
Arise from your sleep and take your stand!
For I have called you to be My watchmen
To pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

[Isaiah 62:6-7]

Diane Lemyre
November 2, 2022

Thank You Farher for putting Netanyahu back in office
Please protect him and bring President Trump back in also so they ca. work together TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR WILL!

November 2, 2022

People prayed and God responded. Let’s take a lesson from this to fast and pray for a mighty reset in the house and senate in preparation for change in 2024.

November 2, 2022

God of Salvation, bring healing, peace,joy for all in need. For thy glory.


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