I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank you for this encouraging stand for Biblical values. We pray that this would encourage and convict us to do the same in our own lives.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jonathan Isaac, of the Orlando Magic, was the lone NBA player who stood during the national anthem before the team played the Brooklyn Nets last week. All other players and coaches knelt.

Isaac, who was claimed by the Magic in theĀ first round of the leagueā€™s 2017 draft, was also the only player not wearing a shirt that shows ā€œBlack Lives Matter.ā€

The 22-year-old Florida State University graduate said he doesnā€™t believe kneeling or wearing a T-shirt ā€œgo hand in hand with supporting Black lives.ā€

He said he does believe Black lives matter.

In an interview, Isaac answered questions about his decisions with a focus on religion.

(“Last Friday, Jonathan Isaac of the Orlando Magic, who is an ordained Christian minister, became the first NBA player to refuse to kneel for the national anthem; he also would not wear the Black Lives Matter T-shirt his teammates were wearing.

On Sunday, as the Magic played the Sacramento Kings, Isaac suffered aĀ season-ending ACL injury, which prompted ESPN radio host Dan Le Batard toĀ post a poll question asking whether people thought the injury was ‘funny.'” From Daily Wire.)

Are you encouraged by this Isaac’s stand? Share with your friends…

ā€œI believe that my life has been supported through the Gospel, Jesus Christ, and that everyone is made in the image of God,ā€ he said. ā€œEach and every one of us each and every day do things that we shouldnā€™t do. We say things that we shouldnā€™t say. We hate and we dislike people we shouldnā€™t hate and dislike. Sometimes, it gets to a point where we point fingers about whose evil is worse. And sometimes that comes out with whose evil is most visible.ā€

Isaac, an ordained minister, said he wanted to take a stand and remind people that ā€œthe Gospel of Jesus Christ says thereā€™s grace for of us.ā€ . . .

ā€œWhen you look around, racism isnā€™t the only thing that plagues our society, that plagues our nation, that plagues our world,ā€ he said. ā€œComing together on that message — that we want to get past not only racism but everything that plagues us as a society, I feel like the answer to it is the Gospel.ā€

When asked about the correlation between religion and kneeling during the anthem to protest police brutality, Isaac repeated his earlier statements.

ā€œI donā€™t really see it as religion for myself. I see it as a relationship with God,ā€ Isaac said. ā€œI donā€™t think that kneeling or putting on a t-shirt, for me personally, is the answer. For me, Black lives are supported through the Gospel. All lives are supported through the Gospel.ā€

The NBA has had a rule since the early 1980s saying players must stand for the anthem, but NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said Thursday night that he was relaxing that policy in these times where a desire for equality and social justice is at the forefront of many conversations in this country.

The teams that played Thursday, the opening night of the restarted season, all knelt for the anthem.

Isaac received the Magicā€™s community service award last year. He has donated money to feed children affected by the coronavirus pandemic, led a Hurricane Dorian relief effort and has raised money to help organizations promote literacy for children in central Florida.

(Excerpt from Action News Jax. Photo credit: Dreamstime.)

Are you encouraged by this Isaac’s stand? Share with your friends…

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Alicia Mitchell
August 20, 2020

Wow! That is amazing! Thank you Lord that he is taking a stand (literally) and using this circumstance to bring you glory!! Please heal his knee miraculously so that he can also speak out more about your wonderfulness! Amen!

August 10, 2020

Thank you Lord for this courageous and patriotic young man. Help the people of our nation, to follow Jonathan’s example. Open the eyes of these traitors to the destructive harm they are willfully doing to weaken our country’s pride and strength. Lord God help America to stand with you and the USA. In Jesus name, Amen.

August 9, 2020

My Father in Heaven please bless Jonathan Isaac for standing up for you as well as his constitutional rights. Thank you Jonathan for the courage to be a light to so many young people who look up to athletes. Asking God to continue to encourage you and place a hedge of thorns around you for protection. You bet every Black life matters to God. He loves each of us unconditionally, no matter what our skin color. Thank you for standing up for your Christian values and help to start revival in our Country.

August 9, 2020

Father please protect your servant Jonathan Issac. Allow Him to answer to you alone Lord. We ask that he be given the First Amendment rights our Christian forefathers fought for us to have in the United States of America. We also ask that you send Jonathan a miracle for his ACL to supernaturally be healed. And that heā€™s able to stand most of all for our Lord Jesus Christ, and as a Leader in the NBA. Jesus we ask that you send your Angel Armies to protect him as Psalm 91 promises. Thank you for voices of truth and reason in this hour. God bless Jonathan Isaac and God Bless America. In Jesusā€™ name we ask. Amen.

Nancy Carmickle
August 8, 2020

Dear Lord, thank You so much for this young man, Jonathan Isaac, for standing up strong for You and for this beautiful country You raised up to be a light to the nations! May his faith in You grow stronger, and may his influence lead others to follow his example! You put him in this place to be a light in the darkness! Thank You, LordšŸ™

Betty in WI
August 7, 2020

Heavenly Father, Thank You for this precious young man’s courage to give You honor by standing for the anthem rather than kneeling. I pray that his strong stand will influence other Christian men and women to stand for YOU, too. I pray that You will bring a miraculous healing to Johnathan’s ACL injury and that it will not be a season ending injury for him. You are Almighty and All Powerful. Jesus paid the price for all of our sins, sicknesses, and diseases. Jesus raised people from the dead! This is not too hard for You. Hear our prayers, dear Father. Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. To You be the glory forever and ever. Amen

Inalee Blackwell
August 7, 2020

This young man’s response was right on. Those that are followers of Christ believe Jesus Christ is the answer to all of human’s problems and with Christ all lives matter, even the unborn! God bless him for his love for Christ and commitment to Him!

Judith Knight
August 7, 2020

May Jesus keep protection around your sons all the days of their lives, Sherrie Sweat!! I am not Black but I am a mom who can understand fear for your sons. I pray we have many Jonathan Isaac’s raised up in our society — of all races, who will have the courage and conviction to publicly stand for our Savior in every profession when there is great risk. I pray the day will come when we won’t see color of skin but what God has written on hearts. Jonathan Issac is a warrior for Christ just like Tim Tebow. I pray for his future and his miraculous healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

August 7, 2020

Reminds me of the song verse that says
ā€œThough none go with me, I still will follow! No turning back! No turning back!ā€
I thank the Lord for this young mans faith as an example to others who call themselves Christians.

August 7, 2020

Let’s remember David
Who young and slite fought Goliath with God’s word…and won
My God bless jonathan Isaac with the same anointing.
That’s others would see too what God can for you
Keep slaying those giants in
In Jesus holy name

Miki Jackson
August 7, 2020

I applaud Isaac’s stand he took while the National Anthem was playing. That took guts! Praise God for him. May the Lord continue to use him and bless him for his stand and testimony.

Mary Lawless
August 7, 2020

I applaud this young man’s courage to stand for righteousness and boldly declare the gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer. All lives matter. I bow to the Lord Jesus Christ, God Almighty,ONLY. Not to the demonic spirit of intimidation.

August 6, 2020

Let’s pray that his ACL injury will be miraculously healed by the Lord and Savior that he honors and stands up for.

gannie acueza
August 6, 2020

He is a true Christian and a true believer of Jesus Christ and I admire him. Many professing Christians are “wolves in sheep’s clothing” and just like what Jesus said, “You are praising Me with your lips but your heart is far from Me.” Who is the exact opposite of Jonathan Isaac? Steph Curry who says he is a Christian but his words and actions do not prove his faith and God knows that.

Caroline Eagan
August 6, 2020

Bless him dear Lord, with a double portion blessing in everything he says and does in the Mighty Holy Name of Jesus, thank you Jesus for his stand for You, King Jesus. Hallelujah

Sandy Garner
August 6, 2020

Lord I thank you for the coaches and the player’s who also acted widely in not harassing Johnathan Issac for standing,they respected him for his opinion and there were no back draft, Lord may the other, sport’s have the same respect and acceptence as majic NBA Orlando Lord bless them all

Carol Murray
August 6, 2020

I am so proud of my brother in Christ! I think that it would great for us to pray for him. God is well able to heal his knee & be glorified by his testimony.

August 6, 2020

What a precious ‘kid’, who has such a mature, God filled, mercy directed response. This should give alllll people hope.

Priceless Godly wisdom and love.

LauReen Perkins
August 6, 2020

God bless and heal this young man of God. His commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an example to be followed by all those to name the name of Jesus. To God be the glory for his boldness and conviction to “stand” for what he believes. May our brother Isaac be healed in Jesus name and continue to be an example to his generation.

Michael Fitzpatrick
August 6, 2020

Jesus Christ said, “If you are ashamed to acknowledge Me before men, Neither will I acknowledge you before My Father in Heaven”.

August 6, 2020

Praise God for this amazing and courageous man!!!

Sherrie Sweatt
August 6, 2020

Not impressed with him not standing but I respect his choice. I am a minister, single mother with two Black sons, one whom has mental health issues. I am afraid for my sons 24 hours 7 days a week. I know what it means to pray without ceasing! We all have different ways of expressing ourselves. I also read the history behind the song.

    August 6, 2020


    LauReen Perkins
    August 6, 2020

    I a black woman who is impressed with him not standing. The anthem has nothing to do with police brutality and neither does BLM so to God be the glory for his boldness. He will most likely catch a lot of flack for not following the crowd. Broad is the way the leads to destruction and narrow the way leading to eternal life. I applaud this young man who refuses to follow the crowd but instead who chooses to follow Christ.

      Judith Knight
      August 7, 2020

      May Jesus keep protection around your sons all the days of their lives, Sherrie Sweat!! I am not Black but I am a mom who can understand fear for your sons. I pray we have many Jonathan Isaac’s raised up in our society — of all races, who will have the courage and conviction to publicly stand for our Savior in every profession when there is great risk. I pray the day will come when we won’t see color of skin but what God has written on hearts. Jonathan Issac is a warrior for Christ just like Tim Tebow. I pray for his future and his miraculous healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

August 6, 2020

God bless Jonathan Isaac for standing for his belief in and relationship with Jesus Christ. He is an inspiration to us all. May the light of Christ continue to shine through him and pierce the darkness.

Jackie Prentiss
August 6, 2020

(See quote below:)Is this irony or a God thing? Perhaps this is to take him out of this demonic madness that has taken over the sports world now. We kneel to Almighty God & Him alone. May God heal this brave young soldier, who shined as a light when he stood alone for righteousness.
“On Sunday, as the Magic played the Sacramento Kings, {Isaac suffered a season-ending ACL injury,} which prompted ESPN radio host Dan Le Batard to post a poll question asking whether people thought the injury was ā€˜funny.’ā€ From Daily Wire”

    Patricia Asmussen
    August 6, 2020

    Father in Heaven I lift this young man up to you and ask in the might name of Jesus that his leg be healed and not diminished in any way. I pray that during this down time he will strengthen his walk with you. Amen.

Glenda Nichols
August 6, 2020

Sir you are indeed blessed to stand for many reasons. Thank our Lord for the injury, thank Him for how He will show Himself Mighty. God WILL fulfill His great plan for your life. Thank your for your courage ! All lives matter…..

Florida A Holbert
August 6, 2020

Mr. Isaac, thank you for standing by your convictions. When people look in and recognize the truth about what is going on they will stand also! When someone kneels it should be in reverence to Almighty God asking Him for help! Father in the Name of Jesus, by the the power of Your Holy Spirit send Your help to this nation and to the nations of the world! Please continue to open the eyes of people around the world cause them to see and know the truth about what is really going on! This Nation is one nation under Almighty God! We proclaim we are not and will not be divided by sin and its corruption and deception! Shine the light of Your continence down on the people of the world and bring deliverance!
To the players and owners of the NBA, MLB, NFL and anyone else that is being deceived by the front of black lives matter, what was ligament is not that now! Know the truth, wake up, be those that walk with and in integrity! Many things that have happened to us over the have been wrong, but you cannot correct it with another wrong! Only crying out to and trusting God will bring us the answer!
ABBA Father, hears the cries of Your people and send us help from Your Sanctuary!

August 6, 2020

May the Lord give His angels charge over this man to keep him all his ways..
In Jesus name

August 6, 2020

God, bless Isaac for standing for truth in kindness. Heal his injury and encourage him. In Jesus’ Name amen

B davis
August 6, 2020

May the Lord continue to bless this young man as he takes a stand for what He believes God would have him do. I was thinking today “All lives matter to God” that’s why Jesus came to save us all for His Kingdom. Satan the enemy is out to Kill, Steal and Destroy. This young man understands this, we as children of God bow to no man, yet we humble ourselves at the feet of Christ and pray for all of mankind. May the eyes of the people be opened to see that when ever there is looting, rebellion, destruction and hatred; Almighty God has no part in that. Any movement that promotes and agenda that is centered on rebellion is not of God.

Sue Gordfon
August 6, 2020

May God bless you and heal you!! thank you for your courageous stand!

August 6, 2020

Thank you for allowing courage to rise up in the face of adversity & regardless of consequence, a true Revelation 12:11 witness. After reading the above, Daniel 3 came to mind, you are as they were, therefore, in the name of Jesus I pray the ACL injury you sustained will NOT be season ending, God will supply your need & His name will be glorified among the nations. I pray your action will cause more to rise up and stand for the gospel of Jesus. May you rejoice in the blessings pronounced in Matthew 5.

Shirley Meyd
August 6, 2020

We live in a world of brokenness and nothing we do can change that. Only through Christ can we see and be changed to love each other as God intended. I see that God was honored through standing for the Anthem because you didn’t do what everyone else did you did what Jesus said,”For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.” Thank you for your example of courage to stand for truth even when you stand alone. Blessing!

    August 6, 2020

    I pray psalm 91 over you My son Isaac. and the healing power of the Holy Spirit to heal your wound in Jesus name

Monica Hall
August 6, 2020

Thank you for your courage. I will continue to pray for you!

August 6, 2020

Thank God for this man of God and the courage to stand when no one else would!

We need more Isaacs!


Viera Anabalon
August 6, 2020

We need more young men like Jonathan Issac,because the solution is not any particular group or a stand for this or that, we’ve pushed God out of every aspect of our lives and chaos ensued. Until we recognize and seek God, we will be resorting to applying bandages instead of the cure.
May God be merciful toward this Nation and forgive us our sin of leaving God out of our lives.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Jim Reed
August 6, 2020

Jonathon Isaac’s message is exactly, surgically, medically, socially, spiritually and racially what our nation needs. We need this media message to mediate the truth, that is, The Gospel: Good News… finally… whew…

Please pray for a revival and/or A Great Awakening in the U.S.A. by the grace of God Almighty. Amen. This is our ONLY hope. Amen again.

Rita J West
August 6, 2020

Praise God for this young man standing strong against all odds. He is doing what Jesus would do. Jesus always represented his father and the body of Christ should too. As he said it’s about your relationship. He really was not alone, the Holy Spirit presence was in him In Christ Jesus. To God be the Glory!!!

August 6, 2020

If there is a way to show Jonathan Issac that there are people standing with him please show him these posts. The story of Elijah in Dothan comes to mind when praying for him. He wasnā€™t alone standing for the anthem. There is an army of angels that the Lord had sent to stand with him. Jesus, give this man strength. Build him up Lord. Make his feet firm standing on the Rock that is Christ. Thank you Lord for men who are not afraid to stand for truth! Thank you Lord for Jonathan Issac!

Melinda Morales
August 6, 2020

Praise God for Jonathan Isaac! God is raising up leaders in every sphere. Father in the name of JESUS protect your children and give them a mighty platform so others will follow.

Frankie Hutchens
August 6, 2020

God Bless Isaac! Such a blessing! Such a testimony! We need more young folks like him to help turn his generation in the direction of Godā€™s Love and what His love does for the world.

Carolyn Watson
August 6, 2020

God I come to you in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the courage of this young man and his stand for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Continue to raise up voices that every sector of America will listen to. Thank you in the name above all names.

August 6, 2020

Our most holy holy holy LORD GOD almighty! THANK YOU for this young man and his personal relationship with YOU. Thank YOU for his courageous testifying of YOUR good news gospel message of unity. God convict all the ” Christian’s who knelt to the idol of Marxism and
who knelt disrespecting and denouncing and advocating the destruction of this nation.
Come Holy Spirit and pour out on all flesh!
We are in desperate need of Your might hand to defeat the evil satanic activities! Come quickly LORD JESUS!

Lisa Stout
August 6, 2020

What a testimony. Lord, may he be a example for others to follow. Wish I could send him a message and thank him for this.

August 6, 2020

Thank You, LORD JESUS!
Bless You, LORD, for the grace, courage and strength that You gave to him.
Father GOD, we ask You to dispatch Your Holy angels to surround him for his entire life and protect him from everything that would try to do him harm.
And now, LORD, help each and every one of Your children to take our proper place in this world and stand for fearlessly for Truth.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jensina S Printz
August 6, 2020

Thank you Lord for his stand. Lord I pray he would take it one step further and take OFF the mask.Praying against the wickedness of mask wearing, in Jesus name. This is a visible sign that is encouraging BLM, communism, and goes against ALL things health and wellness. Christian leaders all across our land MUST take off their masks and rally Christians to do the same. Wake us up to STOP wearing masks in Jesus name. I pray against the spirit of fear in Jesus name.

Barbara from MA
August 6, 2020

Young Man, you keep standing up for Jesus, let no one or anything stop you from obeying the will of God. You are a great example for young men in this generation praise the Lord. We are in great need of men like you who will stand up for what is right in the sight of our Lord. You keep the faith and let the world know who you serve. God Bless you and all you do to stand up for Jesus. Psa. 91 You are in my prayers, glory to God. Barbara from MA

    August 6, 2020

    Almighty God, I want to thank you for this young man Johnathon Isaac. Thank you for his courage and taking a stand for you against opposing viewpoints. Thank you that he understands truth, that it is not about religion but about a relationship with you. He just proved that the truth will set you free as your light is shining through him. Please grant him favor and healing and thank you that no weapon formed against him will prosper and every tongue that is raised against will be condemned. In Jesus name.

Vina M Elias
August 6, 2020

Father God in the Name of your son Jesus I pray for this young man and his example will open the eyes of other young Christ followers to do the same take a stand for Jesus not movements but the gospel.

Mary Capp
August 6, 2020

Lord, please reward Mr. Isaac for publicly proclaiming his belief in you. He is going to be targeted by those who do not believe in you, and ridiculed for his belief in You. Help him to maintain his belief even as he is censured by those around him. Protect him and heal him

Sue Nofziger
August 6, 2020

This outstanding young man needs our prayers, as his faith will be attacked, and wasn’t he injured and possibly out for the season? Praying for his healing.

Lois Taritas
August 6, 2020

Thankyou for Jonathons stand for Christ, he is a bold man that stands on God’s principles not mans!
We speak blessings and honor over Jonathan today, and I stand with him!

August 6, 2020

Yess I am with a strong support of his comments. All Human lives matter to me. I say this research “Black Lives Matter and look at their mission statement. They have a hidden agenda. God bless amen.

August 6, 2020


Now we need to pray for his recovery from a torn ACL.

Thank you, Father, for Jonathanā€™s boldness to stand for you. Thank you for being with him, for guiding his physicians, and for successful recovery. Show him your plan for his life during this down time, as he recuperates. May he continue to give you praise and glorify you in all he does.

August 6, 2020

You are one of the very few people who stand for truth. You can see thru all the lies and propaganda.you already know that no matter who we are each and everyone of us was created in the image and likeness of God. Thank you for being a Godly and righteous man. The gospel is the only way to salvation. All the answers to every problem is in the Bible. We weren’t made to fit in and follow the crowd, we were made to stand out!God bless you and God bless America!!

Annette Perdue
August 6, 2020

Thank you, Father for giving this man Your supernatural courage to stand up for You. I pray for this same courage in my own life. What a role model You have given us. Praise be to You, Father!

Dr. Loretta (Lead Pastor) Rich
August 6, 2020


August 6, 2020

All glory to God.The answer is in the Bible. Isaac is preaching! Is anyone listening?

August 6, 2020

Isaac is playing to an audience of One! He cares more what his Lord and Savior thinks of him and his behavior than any man. It is obvious that he is a sincere person with a strong faith and a lot of good common sense.
It takes a lot of courage in today’s world to stand alone. Bless him Father.


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