Two major prayer events are covering Washington, D.C. in prayer today! You can participate wherever you are.
The Return, a prayer revival event, was planned and scheduled well before the coronavirus and national unrest. Be a part of what God has in store–join the livestream:
To hear The Return in a different language visit
Franklin Graham has organized a Prayer March in Washington, D.C. as well. Join the livestream hosted by Mike Huckabee and Cissie Graham Lynch at 12 noon ET:
Jonathan Cahn, on The Return:
The Return occurs during the 10 days of Awe, the period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur (the first 10 days of the Hebrew month of Tishrei), where Jews seek reconciliation with those they have offended and take time to self-reflect, repent, and practice acts of charity.
During this 10-day period, a most significant day exists on the Hebrew calendar which falls this year onĀ Sept. 26, Cahn explained. The day is called Shabbat Shuva. Shabbat means “sabbath” and shuva means “return.” It is the day established to return to God, specifically for a national return to Him.
Joel 2 is a portion of Scripture that is appointed to be read on Shabbat Shuva, which speaks about coming before God with repentance and consecrating a solemn assembly of prayer and fasting. Jews around the world will be unrolling the scrolls, reading that scripture in their congregations that day.
“We had no idea,” Cahn said of the seeming coincidence of this day and The Return.
“When I look at the biblical template and I see it unfolding and coming to pass, I know the stakes here and the stakes are that if we do not return to God then we may pass the point of no return, that without revival America is gone as we know it. And without repentance there is no revival.” (Excerpt from The Christian Post.)
Franklin Graham has organized a Prayer March in Washington, D.C. as well. Join the livestream hosted by Mike Huckabee and Cissie Graham Lynch at 12 noon ET:
Franklin Graham on Prayer March 2020:
The upcoming march is solely about prayer and calling upon God, Graham stressed.
“I don’t have entertainment; I don’t have music. We are coming to pray, to pray for our country, our leaders. And by starting at one end of the Mall and going to the other it’s an opportunity for us to walk together and to show unity,” he said.
Just as the freedom marches in the civil rights era during the 1960s were a demonstration of unity, this is an opportunity for the Church to come together, he added.
“By coming [to the march] we are participating in something that is bigger than us, and we are going directly to the throne of grace, calling upon the name of God, asking for His favor, His help, and I hope that these Christian voices, these prayers will shake the city. And not just shake the city but shake the country. And it can happen.” (Excerpt from The Christian Post.)
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Father God Creator of Heaven and earth, to You and You only be Glory and Honor and Power!!! For You have created All things and by Your Power and for Your Glory they We were created!!!
Thank You for what You have done and shifted in the Heavenly and in this Nation….not only this nation but the Nations of the world.
This was my 3rd time in the last 20 years starting with the first Call in 2000 to have the privilege and honor to join with The Church standing in the gap for our Nation.
And each time has been amazing….and I know that each time God heard, God moved…..but this time, This time there was a shift in the Heavens even as I write this Im so humbled by what I know Father has done!!! I still have the burden to cry out..push for the Fullness of what God intends to accomplish in and with His Body in this Nation!!! Amen
But there was a joy, a sweetness you could feel the Fathers pleasure as we repented, prayed, marched, loved on and witnessed to each other and the vendors, the police officers, the lost.
The Beautiful Bride of Christ winning this battle on our knees!!!!
What an awesome privilege it was to be part of the āReturn.ā It was spectacular from the first sound of the Shofar to be in that sea of people Seeking to honor God and repent for the sins of our land. Both groups, those praying on our National Mall and those Marching through the streets were crying out to God on behalf of our nation and for the healing of our hearts and land. We have never seen Washington DC so peaceful! It was absolutely beautiful. . The sealing of the day occurred with the 7 Blessings and Declarations of the people followed by the Shofar Blast after each one. Truly a Feast of Trumpets!
I thank you Lord for this country and pray for our people to return to you. Please cause those that donāt believe you to see you. May we as Christians have love in our hearts for those so lost. Use us dear Lord to bring about positive change to your glory! All honor and glory to you Jesus!
Is it possible to put what President Trump said in support of the prayer on the Washington Mall in writing? Jonathan Cahn read it to the people live but I would love to pray through what the President said in his statement. This gives us the Body of Christ an opportunity to quote him accurately and share with others. Thank you for help with this request!
Father God, I thank you so much for allowing me and my family to be part today of The Prayer Walk. We Your children gathered today and recognized that we need You. You are our only hope and strength and together and with Your Grace we bowed and repented and declared that we are turning from our wicked ways. Thank you for a beautiful day Lord. Thank you for shining Your face upon us. We adore You! Your enemies have been persistent in plotting and scheming against you Lord but we know his days are numbered. Let God arise may his enemies be scattered! In Jesus name I pray!
Thank you God for all you want to do and do for us. Help up humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways and love you above all! Thank you for Franklin Graham for having this special day! Forgive us for our sins and help us love You and each other. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
I am here in my home, joining you in spirit and praying. How I love and thank God for IFA, and all the Intercessors! I am so grateful for all the beautiful prayers and I pray them too, out loud! You are my brother and sisters in Christ, and I have such love for you all!
I also am thankful and blessed by you Sherli and all the Intercessors and IFA.
I too pray the prayers of everyone out loud.
Love & Blessings to all my brothers and sisters in the Lord. š
Thank you, Melodie rejoicing to be your sister in the Lord!
Iām so happy to be included and Iām praying….
We are with you in prayer and fasting here in NC.
Watching the live stream and praying for our nation. God please help us! Please change hearts and lives today! We ask you to have mercy on us! There is no better time than today in the midst of times of your holy feasts! Father we ask that those who don’t even know what is going on today in our nation’s capital stumble upon these events and find you! We ask that the presence of your Holy Spirit permeate every nook of DC today! We pray that no one can escape your anointing today in the streets of this city! We pray that while some might be in their homes channel surfing that they find these events and be curious enough to watch and then find you! We need you Lord like never before! We repent for the sins of our nation! We thank you for hearing our prayers! We thank you in advance for the shift that is coming in the spirit realm today! In your precious name, Jesus! Amen and Amen!
Lord God above in the name Of your precious Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth bless this prayer meeting in Jesus mighty name as never before Lord move in the streets of Washington D.C. move all over America and the world
today Lord dispatch waring angel around the world and especially in the United Sates Of America. Lord you can combat and destroy the evil that has been unleashed on our world. Lord you love us and we have been disobedient to you and your Son, we have brought shame to your name as a nation especially California turning our noses up at you walking in disobedience please forgive us Lord we repent and place ourselves on the alter. Rose your child and America.
Father, have mercy on our nation as the righteous ones continue to worship in truth and declare You are Lord. Hear the cries of Your people as they stand in the gap in prayer. Move upon Your church and break off the spirit of religion and pride. Open ears, eyes, and hearts to Your truths. Bind every form of brainwashing of liberal thinking and loose righteous thinking. Cause every person in our nation to repent and turn from any wicked ways. Dry bones rise up, Lost souls receive. Wake up believers. Reveal Your great love, truth, and goodness as people search for guidance. Let the fear of the Lord be our wisdom. Holy Spirit move upon us like a fierce wind. Make Your supernatural presence known. This battle is Yours and You have warriors in place. Continue to cover Your righteous ones with the blood of Jesus. Confuse and dismantle every scheme of the enemy. Cause discord and chaos in every camp Satan has established. Charge Your mighty warring angels over every city and town in America. Expose evil and corruption that masks itself as government leadership. Tear down their world of influence and their power over the American people. Cause the rich and influential people to fall if they do not have a Kingdom agenda. Tear down the power of large corporate control. Bless and protect every government leader whose agenda aligns with Yours. Let righteousness, justice, and truth prevail in this great nation. Let us not grow weary or complacent. Quicken us to be vigilant and strong, clothed in Your armor. Our eyes are fixed on You alone, and our faith does not waiver. Your Kingdom reigns forever. Jesus in King and the earth is His footstool. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus.
My prayers and heart are united with this company of saints! Maranatha!
Reminds of a song we sang in the 70’s during the Jesus Movement!, “Lift High The Banner of Love, Hallelujiah”
Lift high the banners of love, Hallelujah
Sound the trumpets of war
Christ has gotten us the victāry, Hallelujah.
Jericho must fall
1. Brothers, are you sure of your calling?
Will you fight for Jesus the King?
Are you prepared in this battle
To lay down your lives for your friends?
2. We must stand in unity by the spirit made strong
Stand with Jesus, our captain
And fight till Godās kingdom has come
3. Preach the Saviour crucified, dead but risen again
Come against the powers of darkness
In His glorious name
4. In the name of God the Father
In the name of Jesus His Son
And in the name of the Spirit
We will fight till we are called home
Lift high the banners of love, Hallelujah
Sound the trumpets of war
Christ has gotten us the victāry, Hallelujah.
Jericho must fall
I, too, was convicted and saved through the Jesus movement in the 70’s. Our country needs another Jesus movement. God bless you and our nation.
Father God, thank you that we were born for such a time as this. Please protect the prayers warriors in Washington and around the world, help them feel your Holy Spirit flowing through them. Let this day be the day that turns this nation back to You permanently and is the point where unity through You God is sealed forever for this nation. Thank you Lord for Your angel armies who are fighting the supernatural battles and let them be energized by the prayers of Your people. We thank You Lord for Your victory over the plans of the evil one and exposing ALL of his dirty deeds and draining the swamp here in America and around the world, by the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Amen
Oh Lord God, hear our prayers of repentance for the death of 62,000,000 abortions. Forgive us for this loss of the miraculous life you created but was destroyed. The babies cry out from the land. Lord, forgive us, forgive us, forgive us I pray and heal our land. Our destiny as a nation for you, Lord, was made at Cape May and we were to spread your word. Forgive us for becoming complacent, comfortable and thinking we were safe. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Forgive us, I pray. May today be a reconciliation. Bless all those who have come together today and shift our nation. Remove the blinders from those who promote Marxism, hatred and separation. United in you, Lord of the army angels, we stand today together in DC, our homes and around the world.
In agreement, amen
Lord awaken the sleeping giant in your church today. Let the fire of your Holy Spirit fall upon your people as they gather this day in our nationās capital And across the nation. Let true repentance and submission to you and your truth bring us to a place of action to take back the land you have given us. Let the wind of revival blow across our nation and raise up the laborers to be sent out from our nation into the uttermost parts of the world to bring in the end time harvest in Jesus name. Amen
Iāll be there with some mighty pray warriors. So excited to be his hands, feet, heart and voice today.
God is so good!
If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways and seek my face, then I will hear their cries from heaven and heal their land. We are crying out Lord. Our land needs healing.
Thank You Lord for seeing that all these Christian leaders coming together to pursue God and pray to you, May You give them each good rest of sleep, Holy Spirit be with them, refresh them, tomorrow morning meet with them and give them Your word and your strength again to glorify, to serve You. May Your good work to be done and holy effects remain long after. And pray for us that stay behind that Lord, keep Your fire burning, and keep us to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading,to keep us to stand guard with this Return. Thank You, In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Father in Jesusā name we agree with all praying and returning to You that You will hear from heaven and heal our land.
We believe your Word and thank You for our President standing strongly with You and defending our freedom of speech and religion courageously.
Thank you for your people gathering today to courageously proclaim your great love and peace. Holy Spirit lead us and guide us into all Truth so that we always worship You, Our Father, and Jesus Christ your Son.