National Communion Celebration – You Are Invited!
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National Communion Celebration – You Are Invited!
The Come to the Table National Communion event, scheduled for July 3, 2023, at Independence Mall, in Philadelphia, will also be taking place in private homes and among church groups all over the nation. IFA has a video featuring Lou Engle Ministries that details some of the Lord’s instructions for this event.
Come to the Table — A National Communion Celebration
Independence Mall, Philadelphia, July 3, 2023, 1–3 P.M. EST
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld” (John 20:21–23).
In a free document offered to those who will be hosting groups for this event or participating individually, Christian leader Peter Louis, of Braveheart Ministries, explains the motivation that led to God’s instruction for a gathering at Independence Mall for taking Communion in unity as the Body of Christ in the U.S.A.
“First, we believe that through this communion revival God is awakening individuals to the power and purpose of the bread of life and the blood of the New Covenant. Through revelatory teaching and experiential communion services a spiritual strengthening and nourishing of His bride is going to take place.
Second, we believe that the communion revival is going to connect the Body of Christ and heal the division that currently exists. This will happen as we submit our differences, offenses and denominational nuances to the authority and power of Christ’s broken body and shed blood. We must collectively repent to the LORD of our division and broken fellowship. As we do, I believe the oil of the Spirit is going to be poured out on the Body of Christ in power along with the commanded blessing promised in Psalm 133.
Finally, we believe that the Body of Christ will come together and mobilize a grassroots movement of communion services across the nation, and the world, that proclaims the forgiveness of sins to the lost and broken and invites them to come home and experience the saving power of God’s grace and love. We believe that a unified declaration of forgiveness coming from the Body of Christ will release a massive wave of healing, salvation, deliverance and reconciliation to our nation” (Come to the Table, pages 7–8).
In an address at the Ascend Conference, on February 24, in Philadelphia, Peter explained that all are equal at the Lord’s Communion meal: Here, no title, no ministry, no ethnicity, no socioeconomic status is exalted, but only the shed blood of the Lord Jesus and His supremacy in rising from the dead to purchase us as His own. Here, Peter opined, we receive strength, hope, and perspective from our risen and exalted King in the very presence of our enemies — whether personal, corporate, external, or internal. “It is His provision for whatever you are going through,” Peter writes. “It is to be an altar that speaks a better word every day of our lives.” Peter further expresses his intention for this event, which is not that everyone should come to Philadelphia, but that many would also participate locally, from their homes and churches, creating a “sound coming from the Lord’s table that says, “I forgive you. Father, forgive our nation for abortion, for racism for sex trafficking. We remit our sins.’ ”
The anchor scripture for this event, John 20:23, is one that seems overlooked in the Church. Jesus, haven risen from the dead, appears to His disciples in a locked room and commissions them, as the Father had commissioned Him, and He breathes on them, filling them with the Holy Spirit. I understand this to be their “born again” moment. The Spirit came into them for regeneration and as a seal of salvation. Up until then, Jesus had them operating under His own authority and anointing, enabling them to do signs and wonders in His name. Then, in Acts 2, they are baptized in the Holy Spirit for ministry. This baptism is also in us, for us, and upon us for others, as many teach.
But if that is not remarkable enough, the first instruction the disciples are given after being filled with Holy Spirit is not to speak in tongues, preach the gospel, or even heal the sick; it is rather an instruction to forgive. They now have the authority to either forgive sins, and so remit them, or to withhold that forgiveness. This is a remarkable paradigm shift, which was then acted upon by Stephen as he is being stoned, as recorded in Acts 7:54–60.
“We can’t have all the blessings of the Holy Spirit and not have the responsibility to steward Jesus’ name on the earth,” Peter Louis writes. “What if all of this chaos that we are seeing in our nation and on the earth is because men and women of God did not stand up and [proclaim], ‘Hey, you are forgiven! The blood of Jesus covers you! I speak life over you! Be forgiven in Jesus’ name!’ When Jesus did this, dead people exploded out of the grave!” (see Matthew 27:50–52).
In a June 19 Instagram post, Lou Engle and Peter further flesh out revelation about the Lord’s invitation to come to His table. Lou relates the biblical account of Mephibosheth, as recorded in 2 Samuel 9: King David asks if there is anyone remaining from Saul’s family to whom he can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake. David’s desire to show kindness was based on the covenant he had made with Jonathan. In that same way, Lou explains, the kindness our Father God extends to us is because of the covenant we have through the blood of Jesus, as expressed in the Communion meal.
As the biblical chapter unfolds, David summons Mephibosheth, who is crippled in both feet from an injury sustained in a fall when he was a child. David tells Mephibosheth not to be afraid, because he intends to show him kindness for the sake of his father, Jonathan. David then restores to Mephibosheth all the fields that had belonged to his grandfather, King Saul. Moreover, David declares that Mephibosheth will always eat his meals at the royal table. Peter describes the beauty and the miracle of this table as being that Mephibosheth will be like anyone else eating there — with his crippled feet hidden, as it were, below the table; only Mephibosheth’s face will be in view. In the same way, as we come to the Lord’s table, He covers our weaknesses with His blood, and He desires to meet with us face-to-face in intimacy. We also meet on an equal footing with each other, face-to-face, our sins, our differences, our titles, our accomplishments, and our failures — all covered by the blood of Jesus.
Peter and Lou both believe that this July 3 Communion event is going to lead to the salvation of a “Mephibosheth generation” — the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those with whom God has made covenant (such as Robert Hunt, in 1607, and the descendants of Jonathan Edwards from the First Great Awakening).
The Body of Christ in Philadelphia has been preparing for this event for many years, without even knowing that it would occur. The Church there (as represented by intercessors in Philadelphia who are part of Philadelphia Tabernacle of David and other churches) has been praying and asking God this year to restore God’s original intent for both the City of Brotherly Love and our nation. These believers have been corporately releasing the decree that Robert Hunt released on April 29, 1607, which can be read here. They have also been releasing decrees regarding the blood of Jesus, as well as seeking to live in His presence and turn from sins they’ve allowed to separate them from God and from one another. The fallow ground has been prepared!
Lou and Peter concluded their Instagram post by praying and declaring that this 50th year since Roe v. Wade would be a Jubilee year, as Leviticus 25:10 is released on the Philadelphia Mall during this Communion event. Their desire is that the renewing of the covenant through repentance, the taking of Communion, and the declaring of John 20:23 will release an explosion of joy and praise (see Nehemiah 8).
Though set in Philadelphia, this event has a national impact, and so it requires the participation of intercessors nationwide. State prayer groups are invited to participate and to encourage their members to sign up locally.
Let’s pray and prepare our hearts with anticipation:
Father, we repent of having allowed our hearts to grow cold toward the sanctifying blood of our Lord Jesus. Thank You for reaching into those places within us that have grown numb. Soften our hearts tonight — our hearts toward You, toward one another, and toward our nation. Grant us deep understanding of the authority You have given us to forgive others. Amen.
For more information and to sign up to host at home or at your local church, visit
Begin now preparing your heart for this Communion event. And share this news with others.
Lori Nicole Meed (Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Education, Special Education) is a wife, mother, and grandmother who home-schooled her now adult children. In 2004, God moved her family from Canada to the U.S., imparting His heart for the U.S. and for revival. Having walked out her own journey of freedom after being radically born again in 1992, Lori has a heart to see others set free to walk fully in their destiny. She is a leader of an inner-healing and deliverance ministry at her home church in Pennsylvania. She also gathers and equips prayer groups for the U.S. and Israel. Lori has a passion for teaching on aliyah (“going up,” the return of the Jews to the land of Israel), the feasts of the Lord, and the rich connections of the gentile churches to Israel. She is a prayer leader on IFA’s Headline Prayer, as well as being a contributing writer. Photo by Carlynn Alarid on Unsplash.
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I don’t always understand God’s timing on events… like having such an important event in the middle of the day on a weekday when most Americans who might be inclined to participate will be at work and can’t, instead of in the evening.
But I know He is Sovereign and has a purpose for everything under heaven. So I Trust His timing even when I don’t understand it.
Father, we ask for Your forgiveness for our sins as a nation, and we forgive those who have used positions in politics to put themselves and our nation into situations we should never have been involved with.
We claim The Blood of Yeshua over this nation’s leaders, over our churches and pastors, and over families, that it all be restored to Your Will.
In Yeshua’s Holy name, Yes and Amen!
Thank you so much for this article I will be praying and having communion with my husband in our home together with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, forgive us of all of our sins and bring reconciliation of the family of God and for prodigals to come home in our family, and in the world in Jesus name I pray amen