I Prayed have prayed
LORD, You are altogether wonderful. We praise You for being. Change our hearts and cause praises from our mouth, no matter the circumstance.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17). Intercessors are built for this. It is not easy, but it often comes naturally.

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In my experience, what follows is the challenge: In everything give thanks, for this is the will of GOD (1 Thes. 5:18). When the loss is a loved one, our own health, or family member, the call to praise and worship Him in all things is much more difficult.

I have been pressing in to give thanks in what are relatively easy personal circumstances, and I started meditating on Naomi and Ruth in the Bible. Something about their journey reminded me of our call to worship. There is inherent power in returning and persisting on the path of praise and worship, especially when all else appears lost. Persistent worship preceded every redemptive outcome in their story.

After Naomi’s husband and sons died, famine spread in Moab. Naomi heard about GOD’s provision in Judah (Y’ehuda). She could have chosen to wallow in her grief or to give in to wrong thoughts that it was GOD’s will for her to suffer.

In the midst of feeling bitterness, grief, and turmoil, Naomi took the steps necessary to return to Y’ehuda (Judah).  Let’s look at Ruth 1:7. So she set out from the place where she was — a place marked with death, grief, and bitterness — and her two daughters-in-law with her, and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah. Judah, which is Y’ehuda in Hebrew, means “to praise.” Naomi and Ruth set out, and persisted, on what would have been an arduous one-hundred plus mile journey toward the place of praise and worship to the LORD!

A mature widow without sons to provide her covering, protection, and provision, Naomi desperately needed redemption. Ruth similarly needed redemption. She was a Moabite, one of the people the LORD had forbid to enter His House for ten generations (see Deuteronomy 23:2–3). In fact, Naomi’s sons should never have intermarried with Moabites, according to Deuteronomy 7:3. Both women faced a lifetime of a cursed existence.

All of this changed when Naomi determined to return to the road toward her GOD; the road toward Judah (Y’ehuda). By walking the road toward Judah; that is toward praise and worship, she and Ruth were redeemed and were chosen to be members of Yeshua’s lineage.

For our part, the story of Naomi and Ruth shows us the way to overcome.

While awaiting the return of your prodigal spouse, parent, child, or friend…return to praise and worship.

While interceding for people groups and nations experiencing unimaginable persecution…return to praise and worship.

When a loved one leaves their earthly body…return to praise and worship.

When answers to your prayers and intercession always only appear on the horizon…return to praise and worship.

When you feel like your wilderness will never end, and you’re certain that the marker you have just passed is the same marker you passed last year…return to praise and worship.

When GOD answers your prayers in the way He knows best, despite your expectations…return to praise and worship.

For this is the will of GOD, and His plans are exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ever hope, ask or imagine.

Share this article to remind others to praise and worship.

Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools Board of Education in 2017/18 and the Maryland Senate in 2022. Mavourene is called to contend for the faith everywhere the LORD directs. She releases prophetic words and insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: jgroup/Getty Images via Canva Pro.

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Grant Windholz
July 6, 2024

That’s right! Stand for Jesus Christ on our knees through endless prayers 🙏! “It’s finished!!” You did it all on the cross against Satan. Thank you sweet Jesus!

July 6, 2024

Thanks for Sharing the GOSPEL!
Love & Prayers in the name of JESUS Daily!

July 6, 2024

Beautiful insight into God’s word to reveal the message we all need. Than you and God Bless you.

Brian Lynch
July 6, 2024

There is a popular Contemporary song that says to praise even when it doesn’t make sense. Praise is a powerful thing to do. It gets us outside of ourselves. Thank you and praise you for what you have done, and are about to do, Lord Jesus.

July 6, 2024

This really does work! Once we were out of town for a doctors appointment in another state for my grandchild (nearly 200 miles away from home) when we were in a traffic accident. We were not physically injured but our car was very damaged. An officer came and seemed to immediately take the older ladies side like we were in the wrong. Thank God we had a dash camera which would later be sent to the officer and prove we had the light. He was not very helpful at the time and told us we needed to move the vehicle (we were in the middle of a busy road) and our front passenger tire had been hit and was pushed inward and wobbly. We had to literally limp out of the middle of the street and were able to slowly pull about half a block down into a shopping center. We had been memorizing scriptures we repeat daily and had just recently added this scripture (Give thanks in EVERYTHING for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.) So instead of being upset and arguing with each other we decided to follow this scripture and start Thanking God. We thanked him that we were not injured as it could have been much worse. We thanked him that we had a place to pull over and were able to reach a good spot. We thanked him that we had Triple A for towing and that we had purchased the one that allows a 200 mile tow. We thanked him that my other daughter agreed to get off work and come pick us up even though that ended up taking hours as it was also during rush hour. Even though it was a bad situation, even looking back on it now, it didn’t feel as horrible as it might have had we been surly anxious and upset. Everything worked out well. The ladies insurance had to cover our expenses because she had ran a red light and that showed on our dash camera.

God is awesome and SO WORTHY to be praised! We took his word literally and know that by saying in EVERYTHING he meant in the good and the bad. When you are obedient to do that, it really does change things. Your outlook about whatever is happening and his response to it. We had hours to wait in a parking lot before and after the tow truck came to take our car and before my daughter could get there. We had taken the groceries we had gotten at Jungle Jim’s and our important belongings out of the car and we and our junk were sitting on a curb in a parking lot. Not one person stopped to help nor did anyone stop to rob or harm us. (which was a thought the devil tried to run through my mind – but we know the devil is a liar!) We used our waiting time to pray and to sing some of our gospel songs (we had a 9 year old with us who felt bad) and somehow it ended up not being entirely horrible. He tells us in the bible that in this world we will have tribulations but he has overcome the world. John 16:33 He also says to not be anxious for anything, but in prayer, supplication and with thanksgiving to make our requests known unto him. Philippians 4:6 So by taking a bad thing and telling yourself that it could have been much worse (we could have needed hospitalization or been killed) so praising him that it was not that bad, really helped us.

God you are AWESOME and so very WORTHY to be praised. I adore you. I thank you that you are always there. That I can call on you, that I can trust you. I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. I love your word and that you are a faithful wonderful father. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. His greatness is UNSEARCHABLE. I exalt you, My Savior.

July 6, 2024

Amen to Sheila and Maggie below!!
How we walk usually by what we see instead of by the faith we have been given that Jesus WILL get us to the other side!!

Heavenly Father we marvel at Your goodness. We marvel at Your power and the possibilities that are available in the supernatural each new day.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive of what GOD HAS IN STORE for those that love Him.”

How many answered prayers have we had in our years walking with You, being carried by You, and crying out to You!?!
Let today be the day of remembrance! Let today be the day of rejoicing!
May we raise the praise in our hearts, in our words, and in our actions today!
Fill us with the life, the love and the light You intended Lord… So when we tell our stories of great need, others will see our hope, and we can say… Some trust in horses, some trust in chariots, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God!!

“Praise God in His sanctuary, praise Him in His mighty heaven!
Praise Him for His mighty works, praise His unequaled greatness!
Praise Him with the blast of a ram’s horn, praise Him with the lyre and harp!
Praise Him with the tambourine and dancing, praise Him with flutes and stringed instruments!
Praise Him with the clash of symbols, praise Him with loud clanging cymbals!

Let everything that has breath sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

In Jesus name, amen

July 6, 2024

Whoa Boy !!! I definitely needed to reread and let the Holy Ghost grab me on this one !! My self-pity has become disgusting in the sight of our Lord I am sure. Thanks Mavourene for this word from our Redeemer!!
ABBA father we Thank you Love you Worship you and Praise you this day in the wonderful name of Jesus our savior !!! Amen and Hallelujah!!!

Maggie Williams
July 6, 2024

Lord of all creation,
We know that your love for us is always redemptive. Sometimes the very difficulties we dread are meant for our correction and redemption. Lord, we praise and thank you, that You will not allow us to take the easy and wide road that leads to condemnation without warning us and revealing the path to Life. Your ways are high above our ways, Lord. Give us your understanding as we praise and thank you, asking to know your Holy redemptive path we are to take. In the precious name of Yeshua, amen.

July 6, 2024

Given what is going on in my world, I needed this reminder. Thank you.


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