I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would stop this bill dead in its tracks. Prevent our government from stealing away our religious liberty, God.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This bill will have drastic repercussions on religious liberty in our nation. Let’s pray that God strikes it down.

From The Washington Stand. If youā€™re waiting for the Georgia runoff to decide what the Republicansā€™ margins are, donā€™t bother. Thanks to Wednesdayā€™s marriage vote, we know exactly where the lines are drawn. Heading into this week, a lot of people said that America was about to find out what the Senate GOP is made of. Now we know. Republicans may be down one seat in the Senate, but theyā€™re 12 short where it matters ā€” on principle. …

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To the grassroots, marriage, like life, should be non-negotiable. And for 37 brave men and women, it was. For 12 others, it was a clear sign that this new chapter of GOP fearlessness does not include them.

Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) couldnā€™t believe the timing. ā€œTwenty-nine years ago today,ā€ heĀ reminded his colleagues, ā€œPresident Bill Clinton signed into law a bill sponsored by then-Representative Chuck Schumer [that] aided in the defense of one of the most fundamental freedoms that we have in our nation ā€” the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.ā€ … Now, 29 years later, ā€œCongress is saying ā€˜nevermind.ā€™ā€

Like other Republicans, the Oklahoman pressed the billā€™s sponsors about the holes in their supposed religious freedom ā€œfix.ā€ … They told Lankford what they wonā€™t tell the American people, which is, they donā€™t want individuals to be protected. They donā€™t want religious beliefs to influence how people carry out their business or their personal lives.

Thatā€™s a problem, multiple members have argued. ā€œEveryone seems to nod their head [and agree],ā€ Lankford said, but when Republicans like Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) bring amendments to correct it, Democrats (and their Republican enablers) say, ā€œā€˜Weā€™re not going to fix it.ā€ ā€œYou know what that tells me?ā€ Lankford asked. ā€œThese are not mistakesā€¦ This was purposeful.ā€

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Lee, whoā€™s led the charge to put the brakes on this disaster, was stumped as to how either side of the aisle could defend a vote to terrorize people for their personal beliefs. ā€œThis sets in motion a [dangerous] sequence of events,ā€Ā he told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins soberly after the vote. ā€œItā€™s likely to culminate in the removal of tax exempt status from religious institutions ā€¦ that harbor or share a religious belief about the definition of marriage and whether they accept same-sex marriage.ā€ Why? Because the bipartisan ā€œfixā€ was a farce. ā€œThis is a shell game that ends in the ā€¦ destruction of religious liberty in America.ā€

Others were just as candid about the crisis in store for millions of faithful Americans. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) wondered why the bill was even necessary since it would add no new protections for same-sex marriage butĀ doesĀ ā€œcreate great uncertainty about religious liberty.ā€ Frankly, GrahamĀ posted, ā€œThe refusal to adopt Senator Leeā€™s amendment, which clearly protects religious institutions ā€¦ says all I need to know about the potential risks of this bill ā€¦ā€

Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) took aim at the Democratsā€™ justifications for the law, insistingĀ on Perkinsā€™s program that the proposal ā€œgoes well beyond Obergefell,ā€ exposing ā€œpeople of faith in the private sector, people of faith who are in government, people of faith who are in the education sectorā€ to ā€œcoercion.ā€ …


Senator Ron Johnson also issued the following statement regarding the Respect for Marriage Act:

ā€œThe Respect for Marriage Act is unnecessaryĀ as the Obergefell decision is settled law and has no chance of being overturned. The Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization made clear no other right would be affected by its ruling. The Democrats have used this to create a state of fear over a settled issue in order to further divide Americans for their political benefit. The substitute amendment did not provide sufficient protection for those with strongly held religious beliefs and leaves a lane open for discrimination by activist groups, state governments and the IRS. Senator Lee proposed an amendment that would have prohibited the government from taking such action, and even offered to vote for the bill if they accepted it. I would have also supported the bill with his language.Ā The fact that the billā€™s sponsors rejected his offer speaks volumes. Religious liberty should be upheld for all and those with sincerely held religious beliefs should not be discriminated against for their views on marriage.ā€

Additionally, the following video from Senator Lankford expertly lays out the threats to religious liberty posed by this bill.


How are you praying against the Respect for Marriage Act? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Washington Stand. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Marsha Bashor
November 23, 2022

Dear Lord I pray against this Respect for Marriage Act, please let it be defeated for good! We your people see how terribly detrimental it is , being that it is against your principles, and we rebuke it in Jesusā€™ name!!! Help Lord, help us!!! Come to our aid!!! Stop the evil coming down upon us Christians who believe in you!!!

November 22, 2022

I am praying and sending this out to others thank you

Sue Tracy
November 21, 2022

Lord we thank you for giving us our religious freedoms; protect these freedoms and stop them from being altered or changed for the benefit of a few., Thank you Lord we place our hope and trust in you, You have the final say. Amen

Mary Schmidt
November 21, 2022

Oh Jesus protect Your Church and our freedom. Stop this amendment and grant our churches and congregations the right to say no to homosexuality, transgender agenda, and the rights of pastors to say NO to weddings between homosexuals. Protect us from Gov. taking our tax exempt status and our freedom to worship God according to the Bible!
Please bring Revival to our Nation. Pour out your Holy Spirit and protect us from Satan. Amen

Elizabeth Griessel
November 20, 2022

God must be so ashamed of us. He has given us so much and we only throw it away and do our way anyway. The Bible predicts this in so many books. Those of us who read and study God’s word know where we are going. I am waiting for Him to call me home.

November 20, 2022

Our GOD has addressed everything that pertains to “life and GODLINESS” for us in HIS WORD:

Romans 16:17-18

17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

First, we obey GOD! Period! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect YOUR children, us, from the plans of the devil! Let us continue to stand for righteousness and trust YOU, just as the disciples in the Bible did! Let us mark those betrayers in Congress and remove them from office ASAP! There are more of us that serve YOU than them that serve satan! FATHER GOD please remind these ignorant congresspeople of our Constitutional right to disibey unconstitutional laws and let us join together to do just that! In JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Maria Fillyaw
November 20, 2022

Dear Father God you are powerful and Your will will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. We pray for Your hand in this situation may we all get on our knees before You and repent of our sins and fight for our freedom of religion in this country. May your name be exalted always in Jesus amen

Deborah R
November 19, 2022

Yes Lord quicken your voice in dreams or visions to those voting on this legislation may holyvfear come over them to do your will for pure justice and expose all lies as votes turn to please you, in Jesus’name.

Deborah Ryder
November 19, 2022

May your power be revealed in dreams & visions to those who will be voting on this legislation that hy fear will come upon then to vote your convictions without affects of intimidation, in Jesus’ name

Victoria Z
November 19, 2022

1 John 5:15,
And if we know that He (God)hears us, whatever we might ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked from Him.
FATHER, we know you hear us and we want our prayers to align with your will regarding the 501c. If it has in fact put the church under bondage to the baal system then by all means expose it and do whatever necessary to free your church, even if it looks financially bad outwardly at first, but might in the long run be most spiritually healthy. I honestly do not have an opinion but am asking you to help us pray according to YOUR will not ours or the government’s, or church leadership. FATHER let YOUR will be done regarding this and other issues your church is facing from the government and even the media backlash and the communist goal to wipe out religion altogether…you laugh, so help us laugh with you knowing that although we are told we have the mind of Christ, sometimes it takes time for us to line up with you and your ways and thoughts are not always our first choice of ways and thoughts until you teach us your wisdom, and give us revelation and understanding. WE PRAY YOUR WILL, we know the psalmist says you delivered him from ALL his fears…some churches and Christians are fearful about these issues, have mercy on them and deliver them from all their fears…your word says fear of man brings a snare, so we look to YOU alone as our provider and protector, not to government programs and protection knowing only YOU and YOU alone can be fully and implicitly trusted to protect us in every way as far as our health, weath, and spirituality., as well as our environment and weather. And we thank you knowing we can full well trust you to keep your word, YOU are faithful even when we are faithless. THANK YOU, yet help our unbelief. THANK YOU AGAIN.

Anonomous in NJ
November 19, 2022

actually I have read comments in other venues made by Pentecostal Christians stating that Churches who accept the tax exempt government stays are actually putting themselves under the arm of an obviously corrupt government instead of God, so maybe losing tax exemption won’t be so bad in the long run because apparently if the government gives you tax exemption tax rates it can impose on you to accept it’s mandates. I might not be quoting that correctly but the just of it was that the tax breaks were a tool of Satan to put churches under spiritual bandage to a government that supports abortion and secret societies who’s ultimate goal is communism and removing religion from our society completely…hence the watered down gospel and co.promising church…it has been said that once churches no longer accept the tax breaks they will free themselves from the secret bandage they are under and real revival will finally come Who knows, just saying.

    Anonomous in NJ
    November 19, 2022

    Bondage not bandage,,,typos! Stubby fingers on a cell phone keyboard

    Anonomous in NJ
    November 19, 2022

    OK yes. I found it, it was Mark Taylor who wrote the book the Trump Prophecies who said it. Apparently he believes: Donald Trump will abolish the 501 (c)3 tax exempt status for churches.
    Currently churches are tax exempt through the 501 c 3 non profit status.

    mark Taylor believes What has happened is the church leaders have compromised on Controversial Issues because of there fear of the IRS taking away their Tax exempt status.And how Donald Truimp is going to fix that problem so the church leaders has freedom to preach the truth as it is .

    They talk about the NWO and the Illuminati agendas of how they are controlling the churches in the USA . I keep middle ground position until I have 100 % of all the facts from both sides in plain view. Because you can have error on both sides of the this Issue. Because we need to aline our self with Truth not belief systems .

    There apparently is a recoding of a interview of Mark Taylor on the TRUNEWS Radio program about this topic.

November 19, 2022

Lord, I pray for those who will be voting in the House on this terrible bill. I ask that you will give them wisdom as to how this will play out for their conservative constituents. I pray that the American people will be in contact with their elected officials and cause many to change their vote.

Joan Lemoine
November 19, 2022

Lord please stop this bill in it’s tracks. We ask you Lord to show forth your power. Evil shall not take our country over! In Jesus Mighty Name I pray!

Michael Guidera
November 19, 2022

We know we are wrestling against rulers, authorities and powers in high places. We must understand that God initially placed these spiritual beings over nations for good, to lead people to the knowledge of the one true God. They were His confidants, but they rebelled, and led people away from God. I believe they can only function with permission from God. Since our nation has pulled away from God and removed Him from all our institutions, He has allowed these evil forces to bring a strong delusion over our nation and influence all those who are not in Christ. Hence we see these unjust and perverted laws being passed and all the chaos in our nation. The people of this world are but pawns, swept to and fro by the prince of this world and his cohorts to do his will of destruction.
What do the scriptures say about our interaction with these powers of darkness (principalities)? In Eph 3:9,10, Paul talks about this very subject. Are we to bind them, engage them in warfare? Paul says, ā€œto bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.ā€
Notice the purpose of the church, you an I, is to demonstrate this manifold wisdom of God to the principalities. My first thought when I found this scripture was ā€œthere is nothing in this purpose that has my earthly best interests in mind.ā€ It rocked me. I began to realize that my fervency for praying for the nation was for the benefit of myself, my kids, and grand children. I just assumed that God wanted the same thing that I did. As I searched the scriptures, I began to understand that God had a plan from the very beginning to redeem all of creation and eventually create a new Heaven and new earth where we, the Ekklesia, rule and reign with Him together. The destruction of the principalities is coming after Christā€™s return, not before. In 1Cor 15:23-24, ā€œBut each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.ā€
He wants us to be completely surrendered to Him. Is it possible that this time in our history is being orchestrated to show us that there is nothing in this world we are to hold on to? Is the scripture telling us that ā€œtrue warfareā€ is demonstrating the manifold wisdom of God to our enemies? Is it possible that this demonstration will be used by God to fulfill His ultimate purpose for His creation? Did Jesus come 2000 yrs ago to bring an earthly government? Is His purpose today to restore America or to establish His Kingdom? Is it possible that the trials we are encountering in our nation is necessary to mature the church to actually do what Eph 3-10 says to do?I think it is important to pray for our nation with the correct motive to those in governmental positions so that we can live peaceful lives. But we must understand that Gods has a bigger plan, one that will redeem and transform his entire creation, which is necessary to usher in His new Kingdom. Understanding this concept will set you free from anxiety concerning our nation and give you a deeper trust in our Savior and Lord. It will change the way you pray for our nation because your eyes will be on the ā€œprizeā€ that has been in the heart of God since the beginning of time.

    Joan Lemoine
    November 19, 2022


    November 20, 2022

    We are to “occupy” until HE comes! Occupy is an action word that means protect territory by any GODLY means necessary! FATHER GOD I bind these unrighteous decrees and command them to die! Let us obey YOU no matter what the government does! Let is keep on proclaiming the NAME of JESUS to all sinners and to keep on living our lives according to YOUR WORD in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Michael A Edwards
November 19, 2022

Lord, I pray that your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, in this matter and all things in this world. The battle is yours, and we trust you, Father. We know that no matter what happens all things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. We ask you to weigh the truth heavily on the hearts, minds and conscience of every member of congress so that your will is done.

November 19, 2022

The rulers of our nation began with God in their hearts. Our people running our present government should pray when voting. They need to remember how important their decisions are and how they affect everyone.

Mary Ann
November 19, 2022

2 Chronicles 15:1, ff., “And the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded: And he went out to meet Asa, and said unto him, Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you. Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law. But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them. And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries. And nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city: for God did vex them with all adversity. Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded. And when Asa heard these words, and the prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and put away the abominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities which he had taken from mount Ephraim, and renewed the altar of the LORD, that was before the porch of the Lord. And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and the strangers with them out of Ephraim and Manasseh, and out of Simeon: for they fell to him out of Israel in abundance, when they saw that the LORD his God was with him. . . . And they entered into a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul; That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. And they sware unto the LORD with a loud voice, and with shouting, and with trumpets, and with cornets. And all Judah rejoiced at the oath: for they had sworn with all their heart, and sought him with their whole desire: and he was found of them: and the LORD gave them rest round about.”

The Prayer Sentry
November 19, 2022

When the godless legislate the demise of the righteous, stand in faith.

Priscilla Meyenburg
November 19, 2022

Think about the assets ā€œ Jesus name representsā€ ā€œ He owns ALL resources in heaven and earthā€ in John 16ā€“23:24 ā€œ Whatever you ask the Father in my name HE will give it to youā€ in other words Jesus is saying ā€œ when you pray in my name I will endorse your prayerā€ as I read these words it spoke to my spirit what Jesus gave US is worth whatever God is worth!! God owns all! As believers we have been lax in the powers That was left for us to utilize. Matthew- 28- v. 18-Then Jesus came to them and said, ā€œAll authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. In John 16 – Jesus told us there is a time coming when he will no longer be with us : But I am leaving you a Giftā€” the Gift is the Holy Spirit! If Jesus had not died to pay for our sins where would we BE? But he rose to defeat death, then our Gift was given to us who Believe, Jesus on earth could only be in different places at one time. But we have the Holy Spirit that is present within us at all times. But we have not exercised the Gift Jesus left us ( The name of Jesus) there are miracles in that name, answers to prayer in the name of Jesus. ā€œYoke destroying power by claiming the name of Jesusā€ But IF!!! We do not press into Gods words and claim His Victory words we lose. John- 17: 13: 13 ā€œI am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. 14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17 Sanctify them by[a] the truth; your word is truth. ā€œ My prayer is for those who believe in me will request In MY name Jesus that this Bill of The Marriage Act will Fail I personally Ask in Jesus name that this Bill is Failed it will not destroy OUR Religious Liberty and freedoms that belongs to us through Christ Jesus. I claim victory in Jesus Name that we should not be discriminated against for our views on marriage.ā€ That God gave us. I bind the words of the Democrats that use fear as a tool that they are using to further divide us. In Jesus name the name above all names that that the Demonized Bill of removing Traditional Marriage and Jesus Faith Based teaching will stand on The Promises God gave us in his Covenant. 2 Corinthians -1-20 – For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ā€œYesā€ in Christ. And so through him the ā€œAmenā€ is spoken by us to the glory of God. 21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. God is faithful, His promises will be fulfilled in Him we Trust. Let us claim and decree in Jesus name that Victory will come if we believe and stand on Gods words. Be blessed by Gods presence. šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø

MaryJo Coleman
November 19, 2022

What a critical time in our Nation. Jesus, Awaken our desire to hear from you and serve You. Perhaps this has to happen to bring us to a place of full repentance. Itā€™s hard to understand the conservative reps that are throwing our nation under the bus. But You wonā€™t give up on Your people. Thank You LORD.

Karen Beeman
November 19, 2022

Our Constitution’s Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion.” Therefore, if this bill passes, I believe it can be struck down as unconstitutional.

Gertrude Nakazibwe
November 19, 2022

My God give your people the grace to understand your will always: Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. AMEN and AMEN.
(2 Corinthians 5:17)

Janet M Craig
November 19, 2022

LORD God You are our great and the provider. You created us all and gave us our life, and gave us our breath. You gave us our mind and our sex gender Male and Female, You through our prophets and the inspiration of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT wrote the WORD OF GOD THE BIBLE with instruction for our rights to serve You and be guided by YOUR laws. LORD GOD thank you for watching over us and protecting us.
Let the Blood of YOUR SON JESUS cover us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In Jesus Name

Lorraine Tetreault
November 19, 2022

I have sent messages to my representatives, senators, congressman and all I can reach. What I have noticed is Texas stands pretty good however we cannot reach the ones who are against religious rights. If you don’t live there you cannot email them, you cannot message the unbelieving ones who are voting for this. We have lost hope in the representatives and all in Washington. We voted for what we thought was a group that would protect us and what we got was people following evil for the most part. Not all. I understand there are people fighting just not the majority.

I pray in Jesus name and all of heaven to intervene and protect our rights here on earth. Turn this bill into a jumbled piece of nothing so that it is not put through. Send in the angel armies to protect us and turn their hearts to compassion and love for the Word and the law of God. I bind the evil one from the ability to put this forth. I loose the Word of God to protect and defend us in Jesus name.

David Esteban Ortiz
November 19, 2022

I have emailed my congressional representative and two senators, as IFA has requested. I have modified the prewritten text so that it will express what I want to say. I copy it here below. I add only this: I will speak out, but I hold no hope in officials. None. Ultimately, I’m crying out to Heaven and to the Holy One Who rules all things from there. Here is my message to my lawmakers:
There are no words to describe my disappointment and distress.ā€Ø What is happening in this country? What is happening in Washington? The deceitfully named ā€˜Respect for Marriage Actā€™ is subversive and destructive. Is that really not clear?
This will harm millions who hold to biblical teachings that marriage is between one man and one woman. It sets LGBTQ ideology over and ahead of religious freedom. Why? In fact, that ideology essentially replaces one ā€œreligiousā€ view with another: its own.
This will harm Christian adoption agencies and force churches to solemnize same-sex marriages ā€” among other ramifications you may not be considering. None of this has anything to do with “civil rights.”
In the name of the holy God, and for the sake of our national survival: Stop with the politics. FIX THIS.

Ralph and Marylyn Kuivinen
November 19, 2022

We pray against this bill.

November 19, 2022

I pray against this bill

November 19, 2022

The (dis-) respect for marriage act has the ability to open loopholes to more immoral aspects of marriage to all different kinds of partners. God defined marriage. That is sufficient.

David Esteban Ortiz
November 19, 2022

@”On Wednesday, the Senate passed the inaccurately named ‘Respect for Marriage Act.’ ”

If I may say so, that legislation is NOT “inaccurately” named. It is DECEITFULLY named.
That is a huge distinction — and reveals why we are in such great distress and peril.

David Esteban Ortiz
November 19, 2022

Hear our prayers. We need a very different government.

Betsy West
November 19, 2022

I thank God for the uncovering that is rapidly taking place and corruption being revealed. I thank God for men like Senator Lankford who speaks the truth clearly. I thank God for IFA who always informs the prayer warriors.

Shanna George
November 19, 2022

The US Constitution should not be stolen or the Bill of rights ! Certain politicians are trying to take our freedoms away donā€™t let them!!!


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