The US city of Paterson, New Jersey, has backed an ordinance to allow the adhan, the Muslim call to prayer, to be broadcast over loudspeakers.
Under the new measure, which still has to go through two public hearings before being implemented, the adhan would be exempt from the city’s noise control ordinance and allowed to be broadcast outside every day between 6am and 10pm.
Pray about the influence of Islam in our nation.
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The resolution was approved by council members on Tuesday by a vote of 7-0, with two members abstaining.
“We applaud Paterson officials for taking this admirable step toward inclusion, and encourage them to pass the proposed ordinance,” said Salaedin Maksut, executive director of the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). . . .
“Their open-mindedness to such laws is a concrete demonstration of respect and mutual understanding between the residents of our rich and diverse communities.”
Paterson has approximately 30,000 Muslim residents, along with more than 15 mosques scattered across the area.
Maksut compared the sounds made from the Muslim call to prayer to church bells, which are allowed to be broadcast in communities all across the United States.
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No church bells chime at 6 AM to demand prayers. This is invasive and annoying. I hope everyone protests loudly and with perseverance,it’s the only thing the counsel understands, other than money, and land grabbing.
We rarely hear church bells anywhere anymore. That’s a poor example of why the Muslim call to prayer should be broadcast over the cities of this country. It is a HORRID noise, a whiny, wailing cry that permeates the atmosphere! I pray that these town councils and state legislatures disallow this penetration of a religion unfamiliar to most Americans to broadcast its outcry across the sound waves!
Is it any wonder that GOD is shaking this country?
Heavenly Father you alone are God and besides you there is no other God. We lift up the name of Jesus! knowing that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Touch hearts Lord, open up blind eyes, cause the deaf to hear and set the captives free. We destroy the works of the devil, we render him powerless, we strip him of all territorial grounds that he is attempting to gain in Patterson, New Jersey and all around the world! Forgive us Father for sleeping, we repent for walking around in a stupor while the enemy was running rampant upon the earth. Lord we pray for the lost, both young and old, male and female, great and small, rich or poor, that they may be saved….in the mighty name of Jesus I pray!….Amen
An earlier article ln in this same edition reads “Silent Prayer in Public School loses AGAIN”; whereas Islam prayed here 6am__10pm, immune from the city’s noise ordinance.
This is a convoluted idea of religious freedom and tolerance.
Lord, we are heartily sorry for these, our misdoings. Please don’t take your hands off us or our country. Father, return us to you. Help us to turn from our wicked ways and revive us again!!! By the blood; in the Name and the power of and the authority of Jesus, THY kingdom come and THY will be done on earth (as in heaven) Amen
Islam is the judgment of GOD upon all nations that forget GOD……
Mosques open up in America because too many people from other nations entering this country too fast with their false gods.
The Bible says,
“Now the mixed multitude who were among them [a]yielded to intense craving;…” Numbers 11:4
The mixed multitudes ( people of other nations) in America that have come from other countries who do not know our GOD are yielding to the cravings of their idolatries and their own false gods and influencing the citizens of this nation just like the mixed multitudes influenced ISRAEL in the wilderness.
Father, we thank you that you are with us due to the reconciliation work Jesus did on the cross.
We lift up this NJ situation along with any other city in our nation that may be encountering the same scenario at whatever stage they may find themselves in, and we exercise our authority in you. We speak to the unclean realms that would try to supplant the work of the blood of Jesus and declare in the name of Jesus, you are rendered harmless and ineffective. Your efforts will come to nothing, you will flee with no one pursuing. The prayers of the righteous have come upon you. Tremble and fear His presence and be cast into the pit from where you came, in the name of Jesus. We speak fear down and speak freedom in place to the law makers once again, that they may hear the heart of God, and walk and act accordingly. Father let your peace, the peace that surpasses our understanding, be the fruit the law makers didn’t even know they were seeking, let your peace be with them as they discuss and vote. Let those who know the name of Jesus be empowered and emboldened to take their rightful place in these situations. Let them speak a timely and powerful word to these situations and all those involved know the word of the Lord and resolve has come to the situation(s). We claim the victory, in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen! I agree with God and His Word. Defeat this measure in Jesus name!
If the American church was strong and healthy there would be no way that the enemy (or disease) could take over the body of Christ or the United States of America. Do you think that God is allowing this to give the American church another chance to wake up and come together and pray and seek His face and TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS. I believe that Americans (myself included) are just like the frog in the pot of water and now it’s getting too hot and we are getting very uncomfortable. Where have we been for the last couple of decades? America is caught up in so many things that do not reflect our walk with God. THE CHURCH NEEDS TO WAKE UP AND BE SEEN. The enemy is being seen. After four years of a small group praying in our community, we now have a community prayer meeting with members from our various churches coming together. We meet at a different church each month and the pastors are coming together at these meetings. We are in Oregon, a very liberal state, but I know God is watching over us and blessing us. God bless all our brothers and sisters across this nation. My dream is that one day, every Christian in America would ALL hold outstretched hands from the east coast to the west coast and we would all sing at the the same time, God of our Fathers. I love you all and am so grateful to IFA for all they are doing to bring our voices together.
This makes me wonder what is the health of the Church of Jesus Christ in this New Jersey location? Why are they not being more forceful in impacting these kind of decisions? This is a spiritual battle and they are giving away territory to demonic spirits. This will open a floodgate.
I did missions work in Paterson years ago, the churches, like many in this country are powerless.
Yes! It sure is an where is the voice of the blood bought Christians? If it was Christians wanting to pray I bet the law makers would flat say no!
This is how the insidious and denying of the God of the Bible starts. Their plan is to take over this nation. Religious freedom to worship is one thing, but since their QURAN TELLS THEM TO KILL THOSE THAT DENY THEIR TEACHINGS, this is a form of tyranny. We allow Hindus, Sics and others to WORSHIP WITHOUT ANY INTERFERRENCE BECASUE but they do not try to take over any area, city, county, state or national beliefs.
The Muslims have an agenda to take over this nation. Stop this at all costs.
God is a jealous God. From Wikipedia it said that Tulsi Gabbard is Hindu. How did that happen? If it’s true, did you know that? Please don’t let the enemy sneak in unawares. Muslims want it their way or the highway. Our Almighty God has it His way with no worship to other gods! We have to pray it so and act on it.
Don’t lose sight of the command to ‘love one another.’ It’s a hard thing to do in this Muslim situation because we know their ultimate goal. Maybe that’s why God put it 12 times in the Bible to get it through our heads! Asking the city to play Christian music on the other hours could work, but remember that Muslims are not ‘equal time’ people. Stores could place their own speakers outside, but they know that their stores will be attacked.
So, let’s pray to God that HE handles the situation and we be obedient “Gideons.”
Charles, we can love Muslims but hate Islam. If anyone wants to know why we should hate Islam, just check out the countries where it has gained a foothold. England is a prime example. They let this happen by being passive and not practicing their faith. Churches closed and mosques opened. We can wait for God to handle the situation or be used by God right now and speak up before we become like England. NJ must demand they obey the noise control ordinance. No exemptions!
Your response is to let them do what they want?? In the name of loving them? Toleration is not love. Jesus said “no man comes to the Father except through me”. Loving Muslims is graciously sharing the gospel truth, not tolerating an aggressive religion that ultimately brings them to hell while polluting the community with anti-Christian sentiment
Well, what is next, sharia law? We can already anticipate Muslims will try that soon enough and this is just their first step, perhaps those officials do not see any harm in this first approval but there is. I pray the Lord would reveal the real scope of Islam while giving us the opportunity to reach out to many of them with the truth of the One true God
As Christians our call to prayer is a 24/7 relationship with our Lord Jesus/Yeshua and our heavenly Father, the Great I AM. We are called to pray unceasingly as situations arise and people’s needs come to our attention. If we’re obedient, the Holy Spirit of God leads us as we pray.
Our gracious heavenly Father, in the precious Name of Your Son Jesus, I ask You to continue to reveal Yourself to Muslims, that they might know the Truth and be set free by Your love. Amen.
I stand with Vicki
I am taking the other road. I am jealous of all their praying, even praying in public. I think we should be out prayying them. Attend a public meeting where a prayer is given at the beginning. I am the only one who makes the sign of the cross. I don’t criticize the football player who knelt. I did nad would again just make the sign of the cross. Why don’t we just work to make that the trend, at all prayers being given, make the sign of the cross.
I personally do not believe Islam is an acceptable religion. Unless you consider worshiping Satan is a religion! This so called religion is forced onto people at gun point! This is proof enough for me to say it is not a religion, how about you? All muslims that believe in shiria law should be removed from the country. Also, it is national security necessity to remove all muslims from any govenment position.
The spirit of anti-christ is rampant. We are in a battle that words mean nothing, and knowledge puffs up. But where is the Power that Tears Down Strongholds?
The church can no longer tolerate sin in the camp. We need ruthless repentance at all levels. Our only hope to enter the secret place and put on the Armour of Light & Love.
The Bride of Christ is to be an Army, fighting powers unseen, bringing the captives to freedom, in the name of Jesus our King!
How is it that the Moral Majority moved to find a voice in the Republican Party to Counter the New Radicals that flooded the Democratic Party in the 70’s & 80’s? Now Republicans support Judeo/Christian values and Israel while Democrats have fully embraced and defend Islam?
Jesus Save Us! Rob hell to populate Heaven! The only Kingdom Government that Matters!
From the comments a false belief is again revealed. Islam is a false religion created in 622AD by the Vatican to use as an army. That backfired on Catholicism! But, every culture and language has a name for the Supreme God. English-God or LORD; Hebrew-Yhovah; Greek-Jupiter or Jove, and so on. In the Arabic language it is Allah. They have the right God but a false prophet who threw out the Law of God and created a false gospel! Pay attention to what Lord Immanuel is doing in Islamic countries. He is appearing to these deceived people and restoring them by the thousands. All that being said, I remember about 50 years ago when the little Baptist church in my neighborhood had to stop ringing their bell on SUNday mornings.
Allah is a false God who never had a Son! And when the true God appears to these people they do not remain Muslims because they recognize the true God in Jesus Christ and become Believers in Jesus. As such, they are persecuted and killed by adherents to Allah.
Oh Lord, you love all people in a manner we can not come close to comprehending. It is not your will for any to perish. Please God lift the veil off the eyes of those of are entrenched in Islam. They are being deceived precious Father. We pray that we would be of a righteous witness to them through your grace Lord, and that they would not influence us to accept their ways but rather we would be an influence on them to investigate who you truly are Jesus. Not by might nor by power, but by your spirit O God. I pray that those who have sponsored this law and advocated it come to a wisdom of the things of your kingdom, my Lord. That they lean not on their own understanding, or on the wicked cliches of this culture but know the truth, that the truth would set them free.
Lastly, protect us Jesus for the schemes and plans of the enemy and may we not retreat but rather we ask that through the authority you have given us that we take back lost ground and advance your kingdom that your will would be done here on earth. In your name Jesus we come against the demonic activity in Patterson NJ, and rebuke the adversary. We pray Lord that the Mosque will be a place where you slay many in the spirit and they will come to know you. May the churches in that area see in the spirit what you want to show them. Amen.
I don’t agree with your comment about how Islam was created. Check out: – Origin of Islam.
I also disagree with Mikah’s reasoning here and historical information. They do not have the right god, there is only Our God. The nature of Allah is vastly different from the merciful nature of our Heavenly Father who desires relationship with His children.
Our Father talks to us and wants His nature to be our nature. He is loving, forgiving, and longsuffering. We know I could go on and on! To know our God is delightful.This is not the case with Allah. He is not the same, he is a false god whose worshipers can’t know personally and can never please.
It is an affront to our Heavenly Father to say they are one in the same. It is the epitome of blindness and ignorance to not know the difference between Allah and Yaweh. Be provoked to go to scripture and to study His nature. Contrast it with that of Allah. Come back to us with a renewed love and appreciation for the personality of God. He is like a multi-faceted diamond, with new dimensions you may have never seen before that are even more beautiful than when you first saw Him!
Islam is a government that does not coexist peacefully with any form of government other than itself. It is full of deception, hate, lies and every form of evil and masks itself as a peaceful religion. It is opposite of God’s heart and should be viewed by ALL as a hostile force against ALL religious belief systems, And against all forms of government except that of its own kind.
One only need to look at the current state of affairs in the Middle East and Europe to see the truth about Islam. Just look at NY City where Muslims have 30 patrol cars in their neighborhoods enforcing their belief systems on others outside of their religion. Everyone needs to be aware of Islam’s intent to form a Caliphate government enforcing Sharia law on everyone. Islam will not stop their advancement even if it takes 1000 years.
I pray that ALL people will open their eyes to see the truth that there is only one God, and that He may be known by ALL through the sacrifice of Jesus, even the most dedicated Muslim.
Lord Jesus, please visit ALL Muslims to bring them out of the deception of Islam. Bless them and have mercy upon them to truly know You. Embolden ALL true believers in Jesus Christ to bring forth Your truth and to stand against the lies of Islam.
Bring Your bold ones to the public meetings in Patterson, NJ and other places to resist the forced imposition of Islam on their communities.
We decree and declare that Jesus is Lord over America and that Islam will vanish from our shores because of Your Great Name!
Also, when Muslims build a mosque (it only takes one) somewhere they are claiming that city as belonging to Islam. To them it is conquered.
And they don’t live
peaceably with those of other beliefs, they begin the takeover.
And yes, they believe lying is okay, it says so in the Quran.
Oh, fellow sister in Christ, you have done your homework. I love to hear from those that know what this false religion teaches. We need to be brave when it comes to telling others. Oh, and by the way, Islam is not really a religion. It’s an ideology disguised as one, as you know. Love to hear the stories from former Muslims turned Christian. Lots of them are out there.
Don, thank you for your comment and prayer. Love hearing from fellow Christians who really know what’s going on in our country. I’m sure you’ve be studying about Islam since 9-11 and are well educated about the subject. This is why they permanently silenced Philip Haney,a brother in Christ.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if the body Of Messiah Jesus will come together and pray at least it’s half as often as the Muslims are coming together to pray.
Father God i pray for the Muslim hearts to be changed to turn away from their false god. Jehovah is greater than any other! May their eyes be opened to jesus and the cross! God you reign in the united states! Amen
Jesus Christ is Lord of all and Mohammad is a false prophet.Islam is a totally false religion. Submit to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and save your soul from eternal death.
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty! You alone are Holy. Father we pray for truth, Your truth to prevail. Lord, we pray for our Brothers and Sisters in New Jersey to stand for Your righteousness. Lord, the deception that has overcome Your people is being spread through the lies of ‘religion’. This is about a relationship with You as our Father, with Christ as Lord over our lives. This battle is Yours Lord, for You alone will fight the battle and we as Your children must stand, must stand for Your righteousness and we must be watchman to the American Church that compromise is deception, that inclusion is of the evil one for we are to be separated, and this is an opportunity to go and pray to God to deliver muslims from the lies of their religion, and may You visit them in dreams as they seek their god, may You show them the love of the One True God, for their is only One, You sent Your Son Christ Jesus to this Earth, through obedience Christ died for the sins of the World, He was bodily resurrected 3 days later and is one day returning again. There is only One Truth, One God, One Way, One Life and in Jesus name may many submit their lives to Him alone for the day of the Lord draws nigh. Amen
AMEN and AMEN !!
ABBA you are our father and God no other gods will be proclaimed in our land! Yeshua is His name
Lord Jesus, you alone are the way, the truth, and the life, no other before thee comes. You alone are good and righteous in everything. We fast and pray for those that are being compromised and utterly deceived by Islam, in your name Jesus, amen.
Father , I agree with the prayer above an I pray that you would wake us , your Church up with a great spirit of prayer and supplication more than ever before . May we rise up even in the middle of the night crying to you
for our younger generation to be free from this deception !
I pray in the precious Name of JESUS ! Amen
Lord I believe that You are in control of this world and have always been and Your power is greater than any other power in it. When we pray and place issues into Your hands You take care of them causing all power to become subject to You. I believe this will be the out come of this situation in NJ, in the mighty name of God Jehovah, AMEN!
Lord Jesus, we thank you first Lord Jesus for saving us and grafting us into your vine and giving us eternal life. On the authority of the Holy name of Jesus, as your church we come against this plan and all deceptive plans and all assignments that exalt themselves above or against the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God.
We thank you dear Jesus, for the Precious Blood that was shed for all of our sins and allowed us to have access and peace to The Holy God, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the author and finisher of our faith. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Lord Jesus, let it be the prayers and the Ten Commandments that are sung and cried out from every housetop and every community instead, Lord Jesus!
Only problem with comparing the Muslim call to prayer with church bells is that Islam wants to dominate and will attempt to do this by planting mosques everywhere but Christianity doesn’t need a building to grow. People just need to hear the truth of the Gospel, and when they know the truth, the sound of the church bells ring out with a joyful sound and they come. Praying for all people to know the truth that will set them free from deception. Amen