I Prayed have prayed
Father, you know the hearts of all men. Bring the truth of these accusations to light, God, and select the candidate who will glorify You best.
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While the media has tried to assassinate the character of Herschel Walker, Raphael Warnock’s has been called into question. Let’s pray.

From Breitbart. The Georgia Senate race is heating up following the establishment media airing accusations against Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker. All the while, that same establishment media conveniently continue to ignore the domestic controversies swirling around Herschel’s opponent, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA).

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Walker appeared on Hannity Monday night reacting to a report from the Daily Beast, which talked to an anonymous woman who claimed that Walker not only encouraged her to abort their child in 2009 but paid for it.

When questioned on the show about whether he know who the woman was, he said, “I have no idea, but it is a flat-out lie. And now you know how important this seat is — this seat is very important – that they’ll do anything to win this seat, lie, because they want to make it about everything else except what the true problems that we have in this country – inflation, the border wide open, crime.” …

Warnock, however, is no stranger to family controversy, despite the corporate media’s framing otherwise. Perhaps most famously, Warnock found himself in the middle of a domestic dispute in 2020 after his now ex-wife Ouleye Ndoye accused him of running over her foot with his car. Body cam footage of the authorities’ visit features Ndoye telling police that her husband is a “great actor.” …

According to reports, the dispute started over divorce paperwork amid his Senate bid against former Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA). Warnock was not charged in that particular incident and could be heard saying, “I barely move, and all of the sudden she’s screaming that I ran over her foot. I don’t believe it.”

His family disputes do not end there, as his ex-wife also took legal action over child custody, accusing her ex of being in “willful contempt” of their arrangement. …

Specifically, the filing stated that Warnock “failed to reimburse (Ndoye) has left (Ndoye) financially strapped, leaving the children in her care when she should be concentrating on work-related and school-related responsibilities.” It added that any reimbursements she did receive were “often … accompanied with an extended questioning regarding the value of and need for the services provided.”

It remains unclear what impact the allegations against Walker will have on the race, but national Republicans are sticking by him, and his fundraising is reportedly surging. …

What do you think of the allegations against these two candidates? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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