Mississippi Literacy Miracle Sparks Hope for Education in America
Mississippi Literacy Miracle Sparks Hope for Education in America
Mississippi recently made headlines, and for all the right reasons. In 2014, Mississippi’s fourth graders lagged an entire grade level behind the rest of the nation. In 2023, the percentage of Mississippi fourth-grade students who passed the reading assessment test soared to 85 percent! News outlets praised the tremendous success, calling it the Mississippi Child Literacy Miracle. The teachers in the Magnolia state know the tremendous amount of work that went behind their success. Kristen Wells-Wynn, the literacy director for the Mississippi Department of Education, refers to the miracle as a marathon.
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How they did it is no mystery. Besides the hard work the teachers put into their students, the educators used a phonics-based reading program known as The Science of Reading, a curriculum that focuses on the use of phonics, allowing students to understand how the words look and sound as they acquire vocabulary and then use it to understand the meaning of paragraphs and reading passages. The Science of Reading is the converging evidence of what matters and works in literacy instruction, organized around models describing how and why. Rather than guessing and experimenting with what might work, teachers use a structured learning approach that has proven successful. One literary director says, “Learning by memorization is right-brained, while the Science of Reading is left-brained.”
Mississippi’s miracle exceeded their wildest dreams, not just because of their outstanding accomplishment in raising reading scores but also because they did it at a fraction of the cost of other states. According to the latest data in 2022, Mississippi ranked near the bottom in the amount of money spent per pupil, at $10,983.
Early schools in this nation used a robust phonics approach to teaching reading. Although some early educators felt phonics was too rigorous for children, no major change occurred until John Dewey entered the education scene in the late 1800s.
John Dewey, the Father of Progressive Education, was a socialist who wanted students to evolve socially and academically. In his 1916 book School and Society, Dewey argued that high literacy would hinder socialism. Mr. Dewey felt that a primarily phonics-based system promoted self-thinking individuals who would not benefit a socialist society. Dewey once complained, “It is absolutely impossible to cultivate habits of social change when schools devote themselves to the formal side of language.” Dewey promoted a reading program based on the look-say or the balanced literacy method that abandoned the phonics approach and focused on teaching children to read through contextual clues, like pictures. His ideas paved the way for the Dick and Jane picture book primers. It didn’t take long before America’s literacy rate started a downward trend.
A few people tried to reverse the literacy decline. In 1955, Rudolf Flesch sounded the alarm on non-phonics-based reading programs in his best-selling book, Why Johnny Can’t Read: And What You Can Do About It. Our nation’s declining literacy scores revealed the Dewey look-say method of teaching children to read was a failed experiment. Flesch critiqued the method and pled for a return to phonics-based reading programs. His pleas were ignored, so in 1982, Rudolf Flesch wrote another book, Why Johnny Still Can’t Read: A New Look At the Scandal of Our Schools. Once again, Mr. Flesch gave evidence of the faulty system of the look-say method of teaching literacy and pled again for a return to a phonics-based program.
The Mississippi Literacy Miracle success story could well signal a miracle in the making for all students and, ultimately, for our nation. We could witness a miracle as educators abandon their socialist-based teaching methods of look-say and balanced literacy and embrace a successful reading program that produces a literate and independent society that can think for itself.
The path may not be easy, but Mississippi led the way and proved that literacy in America can be reversed and even eradicated. Educators can do it with less money than the cost of illiteracy. When Mississippi began the Science of Reading curriculum, it ranked 49th in the United States for elementary school literacy. Today, it ranks 21st and is climbing.
The Science of Reading is gaining bipartisan support and reshaping reading instruction across the United States. So far, 38 states have adopted measures to place The Science of Reading instruction in their public schools, and multiple other states are looking into adopting the program. Thank God for Mississippi and its literacy miracle. Because they led the way with their program and hard work, American education stands on the brink of a major breakthrough that could change our nation.
Share your prayers for other states to follow in Mississippi’s footsteps!
Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools, Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School, and Decrees for Your School. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. For additional information go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash. Photo Credit: National Cancer Institute on Unsplash.
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Thank You God for those who see what is happening and receive Your remedy. Open the heavens over our schools, open the minds of school boards and bind departments of education that serve our enemy and loose freedom for real solutions in our schools, purity and innocence to be paramount. Bind the operation of witchcraft over our schools and release the sound of heaven touching earth into EVERY home, school and especially churches by the washing of the Blood of Jesus, the Lamb, sacrificed who said IT IS FINISHED!!!
“The path may not be easy, but Mississippi led the way and proved that LITERACY in America can be reversed and even eradicated.” Surely you mean ILLITERACY? I didn’t want to share this article, given it is about reading and has such a blatant error in language.
Thank you
Father, I praise your name for what you are doing in my state. I thank you for prompting the Barksdale Reading Institute years ago to step in for the primary students in Mississippi. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of an awakening that reading instruction had to change for younger students. Yahweh, restore our classrooms to what you intended them to be in our country. Restore patriotism and a fear of the Lord. Father, call forth righteous teachers to fill our classrooms to instruct students to fear the Lord and trust in You.
I am a retired teacher of 40 years in Indiana. I taught math 26 years and physical education for 14 years. I am glad that there are teachers that are willing to go against the socialists who want our children dummied down for their takeover. The socialists have also forgotten that God is in charge and His plan will be done. Trust in God. 🙏😇🙏
I would love to receive your emails!!
How wonderful for these children who have learned to read and the hope it gives to others!
If you can read, you can teach yourself how todo many things and manage life skills.
God bless the Science of Reading and may it spread far and wide.
The Science of reading makes total sense. Isn’t it about time American educators try a program that is known for sucess? You have my total support!!!!!!!
I was astounded to learn a few years ago about the incredibly ineffective way children were being taught to read and how it was yet another academic theory popular among the left. Phonics methods have clear advantages in helping children succeed. You can’t speak if you can’t pronounce, and you can’t start to read until you turn printed words into spoken ones. The Spalding Method and the Writing Road to Reading were the primary tools my teachers used to teach at my school.
A literate and highly educated citizenry is anathema to a marxist-leaning government. The advent of the Internet has brought about an explosion of horizons but a near-eradication of understanding and even the desire to comprehend.
The new educational concept is “I can’t be bothered !” This is supported by the concept of “Hurt Feelings over-rules Commonsense and Decency !”
Perhaps sanity will be permitted re-entry to the world of education before the last human departs, and AI dictates both History and Future.
It is amazing how much can be done if (1) we all work together and (2) we focus our attention on the right things.
[email protected]
I grew up in MS in public schools and my mother was a teacher for many years. So thankful Mississippi has Mede such wonderful progress. Will be praying🙏
[email protected]
Christian school educators (such as I – 15+ years preschool, 9 years K) and home school educators have used primarily phonics based reading programs for decades. Apparently some people did listen to Flesch!! Why would anyone ever think it was logical to use the look-say method of teaching reading!? It assumes that the only possible way to know what a word is, is to memorize it. And every word you encounter is a unique word that must be memorized. When in reality our language is based on an alphabet, and those letters are linked to certain sounds. There are relatively few words which must be memorized, because they don’t obey phonics rules – I always called those words ‘outlaw’ words. No wonder many students gave up on reading when taught the look-say approach. Some kids can make that intuitive leap of connecting letters and sounds, and in essence teach themselves to read – but not all are able without direct instruction. I grieve for them, because illiteracy can be a life-long obstacle.
Nancy, thank you also for the info on Dewey. I was unaware of his motive for ditching phonics. He was already a villain in my book, but this provided extra ammunition for destroying his legacy as a ‘hero of modern education’. Any area of study should recognize and operate with an understanding that the God who gave us Torah also imbedded laws within this natural world in which we function. Torah-less is lawless.
Well, I grew up in an Eastern European country that was under heavy Socialism and communism. In the 70s and 80s….
we had a very good study systems and form of depth schooling however, what I’m worried about now when I used to substitute teach years ago, they would want me to read to them books that they’re very new AG and witch crafty ungodly ideas.
I met this woman from church and she was praising Harry Potter books that helped her to teach her children to read so we have a much deeper problem right now. I’m sorry to say.🙏🥲
Let’s not kid ourselves now they want them to read because they want them to read things that they’re all over the place corrupt we need to pray about that as well unless the Yah works a big revival the schools going to continue to be very brainwashing and breaks my heart, because I like education🙏😔✝️
Lord Yah,
have mercy on the school system, and on this new generations of Pray about this issues, you’re perfect will be done you can still use evil for good in Christ name I pray amen
I’m so thankful for this good report from my state of Mississippi! I and many others have been praying for the statistics on MS education and other issues to rise to a good and higher level. Education is at the top of the list. So we praise God for revealing answers to our educational leaders, thereby bringing our students to a higher level of reading and understanding. May the rest of the states consider this method and turn their students lives around. Being able to read opens up doors of learning and much more!
Amen Prayer is why I am saved today.
Did home schooling with our kids and Phonics was used.
Dear Lord please speak to the teachers here in Indiana. They have gone way too far to the woke system and forgot to teach what’s important for success for our young children.
Let them hear your voice to educate them as those In Mississippi!! I pray for a change in our entire education system and to rid the evil being taught that involved sex education and trans rights!!
Thank You, LORD Jesus, for each student experiencing reading success in Mississippi. May their early learning success preclude success in every area of their lives, and may they be inspired to read the world’s most bestselling book, The Holy Bible. I pray that alongside this revival of reading, Mississippi experiences a spiritual revival as well, and I fervently pray that both of these trends expand beyond state borders all across the United States and around the world. Jesus, Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. To You be the glory, power and honor forever. Amen.
precede – and all will be well 😉
What a joy to read of this miracle and to see Socialism exposed, uprooted and replaced in the Mountain of Education! I pray “thinking” individuals who care about 🇺🇸 will spread this message widely and successfully institute this effective reading program nationwide.
Lord, thank you for this very good news this morning. Bless each child and teacher and administrator and janitors and meal helpers to know your Presence in their schools. May the name of Jesus be exalted throughout the schools in our country and throughout the world. Thank you for the seed that these educators have sown, and now we all get to hear about the wonderful fruit.
Thank you for your everlasting love.
Thank You Lord. May this be but a beginning of greater things in education in America.
I am 92 years of age and will never forget walking into Miss Georgia Fox room as a senior. I think one of the first things I remember her saying was (I understand you have not been taught a lot in this class so we have a lot to learn this year and she meant every word of it.) When I got home and told mother who my English teacher was she said she taught me when I was in school . I could not believe it even though I knew she was an elder person. She was
one of the best teachers I ever had.
This article was eye opening. Socialist!! Who would have thought?!!!
I am a product of the phonics method but not because my school taught it – their readers were the See Jane readers (which I hated!) – but because my parents and grandmother taught me to read. When I began First grade, I was reading Fourth grade level.
Another dumb-down my school used was FAT pencils. I was forced to use them in class though I had learned to write with a regular number 2 pencil. Finally, seeing my struggle and trying to grasp my polite request to use a regular pencil, the teacher reluctantly agreed to let me try it. Bam!! I was off and running with writing. She was amazed. No more fat, awkward pencils for me! Did they REALLY believe first graders didn’t have finger dexterity/motor skills to write with a regular pencil???
By the way, I do not even remember learning to read or write – but I knew how when I started attending Kindergarten. My teacher said I was disobedient and didn’t follow orders because I wrote my name on the back of pictures I drew/colored when she had told us she would come around and write our name on the back for us. She HIGHLY disapproved and let it be known!! She just could not handle it that I already knew how to write! My parents pulled me out of that Kindergarten!
As a child, I had no idea why school was so dumb and why they wouldn’t let me read, write, or learn! I pretty much hated school.
My idea of entertainment was reading – and our set of World Book Encyclopedias were some of my favorite books to read – and playing dress-up!
And – wonders never cease!! – we did NOT have a television in our home!!! My Dad said it was an unacceptable way to spend time! Smart man!! Thank you, Dad!!! (I STILL don’t have one – never have – and I’m in my mid-sixties!!)
I homeschooled my children, and when they attended college, they were Honors/Technical Honors students! They knew how to read, study, and research – and they were computer literate!. When grade schools had media centers with one or two computers, we had one at home! My girls learned to type correctly (and fast!), and they learned beginner computer programing (MS Dos) on our Apple IIgs. (My eldest is now a Senior Software Engineer!)
Thank you for this excellent article!! I praise God for the Socialist agenda finally being exposed. Truth sets us free!
And learning CAN be fun!!
The recount of your younger years is uplifting and speaks to the importance of the family unit. Thank you for taking the time to post. It is a great addition to Nancy’s article.
Erwin Lutzer’s, “When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons we must Learn from Nazi Germany”, a chapter entitled, “Parents—Not the State—Are Responsible for a Child’s Training” states several tenets of Hitler’s Reich relating to children:
– “The state, not the family or church had first dibs regarding the child’s education. “
– “To patents, Hitler calmly said, “Your child belongs to us already….what about you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in a new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”
-“In effect, what Hitler said was that the parents hand of responsibility of raising the child’s body, but the Reich would educate the child’s soul. “
“What makes Nazi Germany unique is the way in which facts were deliberately distorted to promote an agenda. lies were taught: lies about Jews, lies about Germany’s history, and lies about Hitler’s intentions. “
The tip of the iceberg. And we all know what followed. Does the indoctrination sound familiar?
Holy One of Israel, There is none above You. You are the Master of Miracles, You speak Your commands and it happens. You caused Gabriel to fly swiftly to Daniel to meet him where he was at.
I ask for Your divine intervention, interruption and investigation into the maligning of the minds of our children.
Free the children from the wiles of the evil which abounds in this present day. Open up the eyes of those “who go along to get along.” Raise up whistleblowers and people with sound mind and judgment so we can take back what the enemy stole and is stealing.
Charge your angel armies to protect the eyes, ears and minds of the children while they are in school. Apply Your healing salve to their minds, hearts, souls and personalities to those who have been educated in that which goes against Your Word.
Holy Spirit hover and shift the atmosphere over each and every classroom in this Nation.
In Jesus Name. Amen
Excellent points.
What a beautiful story of giving God the glory for this miracle. God will do his part but we must do our part to get the desired outcome. A well read citizenry will not be easily fooled by false ungodly propaganda.
YES!! Amen!! “A well read citizenry will not be easily fooled by false ungodly propaganda.”
AMEN!! WELL said, Lindell A. Colman!!