How do we grow in this season as “truth tellers” and not “offense takers”? We are presently living in a very combative, volatile society. Ten years ago, we never would have imagined that this is where we would be standing, the battles we would be fighting, the words we would be speaking… We never would have imagined that we would sit in a school board meeting and hear pornographic material read aloud or that we would need to fight against race being stringently defined and people being shamed for the color of their skin OR shamed for not speaking the right narrative or argument. We never imagined where the us vs. them would be so magnified and yet at the same time the lines would be so blurred. We never imagined the day where the ”gold star” (“I got the stab”) would be celebrated, encouraged and mandated (strongly encouraged…).
Which camp do you walk in? Which camp do you embrace? Who is your commander-in-chief?
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Mt 12:30)
The lines are blurred. The argument is misunderstood.
The mandate of heaven is clear and yet too often we set our eyes on present circumstances which skews our perceptions. Our citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20) and yet we live in “Babylon.” How do we live in the reality that “we have been bought and paid for” (1 Cor 7:23)?
Have you forgotten that your body is now the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who lives in you? You don’t belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary. You were God’s expensive purchase, paid for with tears of blood, so by all means, then, use your body to bring glory to God! (1 Cor 1:19-20 TPT)
It is so easy to lock into the chaos of this world and lose sight of who we are, of who HE is. It is so easy to become consumed with our present world and circumstances and lose hopeful expectancy.
And yet… I know who my God is. Do you? If you have become weary, fill yourself with a good dose of stories/testimonies that REMIND you that our faith and our God are not boxed in by reality. We tap into another kingdom – one in which Jesus taught us to pray “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Impossible does not define our God.
- He SPOKE the world into being.
- He parted the Red Sea and made a way for His people to walk across DRY ground. He made a way for their deliverance in spite of a controlling, tyrannical leader.
- Three men were thrown into a fiery furnace to die. In fact, the heat was so hot that those throwing the three men in died. When called their by their king, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego emerged and “(t)hey saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them” (Dn 3).
- God called a man named Saul – a man known for his deep contempt for the Jewish people and a zeal for persecuting and destroying the early Church. Jesus appeared to this man and called him to be a witness to those who were perishing. This man, renamed Paul, gave up everything he once knew and went on to write much of the New Testament, leading multitudes to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
- And Jesus! The WORD became flesh when Jesus entered our world as a baby. He lived an earthly life to set the stage for the world’s greatest victory known by man. He willingly gave up His own life so that we might LIVE! He was condemned to death by the hands of mere men, died upon a cross and three days later HE CONQUERED DEATH when He rose from the dead. His resurrection set the stage for the Church and our lives today!
Salvation is the greatest miracle – where the “old man” dies so that “the new” may come alive – a new birth! And yet our God does not stop there. The Word is alive and active, has the power to throw mountains into the sea, break every chain and set captives free! Our God is incredibly involved and invested in our lives today. The WORD come alive didn’t end when the last word in Revelation was penned. We are called to be revealers of His Truth today! Our lives bear witness to the Gospel and the God that we serve – the God who calls us sons and daughters!
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). I never tire of rehearsing the stories of where God has moved today:
- Imagine the child struggling with their sexual identity…
“My mom refused to call me Jake and her stubborn insistence on calling me Laura was a tether to reality for me. At the time I hated it, but it became a lifeline.” And then one day, God spoke so directly and tenderly, “If you stood before me tonight, what name would I call?” That question stopped me in my tracks. I had hoped so desperately that God accepted me as Jake. But then in the most loving voice I have ever heard, the Creator of the Universe whispered to me, “Let me tell you who you are.”
- Imagine the man addicted to crack/cocaine and in a moment of surrender set free completely from that addiction…
“I think God was chasing me throughout my life.” In fact, it was the drug dealers who set up to do an intervention! “You’ve been telling us for years that this pillow company is just a platform for God and you’re going to come back and help us all someday and we’re not going to let you die on us.”
- Imagine the mom who left her career in order to care her son with a debilitating illness – constantly calling out to the Lord to heal him…
She came across the verse that calls on us to call the elders to pray and anoint with oil (Js 5:14). “To my shock, they worsened…so severe he couldn’t function.” The sudden intensity caused the doctor to order a test, which in turn became a catalyst to a dramatic turnaround.
- Imagine the grandma who asks God why she’s still here, wondering for what purpose she could still be here for…
- Imagine the prodigal – the daughter who each time she was rescued turn back again and again to addiction, a lost cause by the world’s standards…
Today, she and her husband serve alongside her father at their church. “God’s hand was always with me through everything. I had parents who were praying for me. I always tell parents to never give up praying for their kids. If you have kids still living in your home, make sure they attend church with you. Everything I learned from my parents and church came back to me in my darkest hour. Like it says in Isaiah 55:11 “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”
IN THIS WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE, BUT TAKE COURAGE… We are not guaranteed a simple life when we make Jesus Lord and Savior of our lives.
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.] (Jn 16:33 AMP)
When we accept Christ, our lives don’t suddenly become untouchable; in fact, in fact, there is often a battle for our lives, for our children’s’ lives. When one decides to live for Jesus – he/she must count the cost.
Too often it is presented as this sweet salvation gift, tied up in a pretty package – a “get out of jail card”… Yes, you will live freer, “richer”, a victor… But there is a cost to walking with Jesus – a daily struggle to take every thought captive (2 Cor 10:5). Think about the disciples; if you have watched any of “The Chosen”, you have seen the battle, the arguments with the world and with family on WHY “the Way” is the right path, the best path, the ONLY way to the Father!
HE is the only way! If you are like me, you have experienced your own set of miracles, those stories that are impossible by the world’s standards, but a revelation to Our Father’s true nature. Press in, invite others to join you in praying those “impossible prayers”. Pray for our government officials who are ensnared by darkness. Like Paul, like the prodigal, like those in our own lives who have been set free, our God is in the saving business and it is not over until He says it is over!
A teacher reinstated, Critical Race Theory banned, protections for unborn children, sanctuary cities, ballot audits – do you see it? These are answers to prayers in just the last couple of weeks, and the list is by no means exhaustive. Your prayers matter, they are working – impossibilities are becoming reality!
This is what God says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves, the God who summons horses and chariots and armies—they lie down and then can’t get up; they’re snuffed out like so many candles: “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. Wild animals will say ‘Thank you!’—the coyotes and the buzzards—Because I provided water in the desert, rivers through the sunbaked earth, Drinking water for the people I chose, the people I made especially for myself, a people custom-made to praise me. (Is 43:16-21 MSG)
He is at work! Do you not perceive it? He is making ways where there were no ways.
What are you pressing in and believing for? Where have you seen God move mountains? Share below so we can join in with hopeful expectancy!
(Written by Suni Piper. Photo by Alicia Quan/UnSplash)
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Thank you for this encouraging article. Our 21 year old son developed a mental illness in 2019 exasebated by the pandemic and loss of services but your reminder that impossible isn’t in our Gods vocabulary reminds me to have hope. He also stopped having a relationship with God which breaks my heart. If God can make a path in a river for the Israelites to cross he can provide a path for wellness for my son B.
Wow. This article has encouraged me greatly to persevere and continue interceding for our country. To not give up when feeling tired of hearing all the bad news. To look for the good news, a lot of which comes through IFA. Dave and all you folks at IFA have given me hope and encouragement with the various articles printed in the newsletter and phone calls to listen to people on the front lines and enlightened with ways and “how to’s” for praying. Sometimes it is hard to locate all the good news, God news, because of the censorship of big tech and certain individuals behind big tech, as well as MSM. But God makes a way. IFA is one of those ways. Thanks you and may God pour out abundant blessings and protection on this ministry and the people involved in and connected to it who are the staying informed.
As God’s people repent, I am believing Him to bring an incredible revival to this nation, the likes of which we haven’t seen before. We have had many revivals over our history: Azusa Street, Cane Ridge and others. I believe God wants to do something big, not only for our country but the world, saving so many people. I had the privilege of living at the time of the Jesus movement in the early 70’s and am so thankful that I was saved at that time and able to experience the Spirit of God at work. It’s my heart’s desire that our children and grandchildren see God move in our country, bringing us back to Him. May we see God rule over our nation once again and be a country that exports the gospel, rather than pornography and other evil.
Thank you for your encouraging article.
Beautiful Suni! Thank you so much for this encouraging message.
Thank you Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit for touching my family, I see you at work. Hearts are being healed.
Please continue to soften hearts and take all the blinders from their eyes. Give my family the power to serve and follow you! Thank you Jesus for your movement in my family. Please continue in Jesus name.
Thank you for these powerful words of encouragement in this time of great need to hear and be reminded.
Prayer for a few week old baby, who has a whole in heart. Mother, also has two year old. Very stressful time.
Please lift Shannon and her baby up in prayer. Healed heart, the Lord sees.
Father, You love children. I thank You for these 2 who are so innocent and in need of so much time and attention. I pray such a mantle of peace on Shannon as You lead her toward a total healing of her baby’s heart. I pray You would attend to her every need and as You do, she is built up into the woman you created her to be. I pray this and so much more in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Healer. Amen
Thank you for the payer.
It’s a little boy, a month old. They cracked his chest. . Not sure of all the details.
Our Father in Heaven is the author of Mercy. I pray mercy on this little boy, mercy on his mom and dad, mercy on his older sibling. And to the doctors, may they have the mind of Christ as they strive to heal and repair. Lord God please show Your mercy and favor on each and every one. Are
I’m saying some prayers right now.
Thank you Lord for your word.
Keep us focused on you. Thank you for ALL the prayers you have answered.
You are so good to us.
Thank you, thank you
Thank you, Jesus! You ARE at work in our society today. This is where our focus needs to be- not on the negative that we see in “Babylon”, but, rather, on how we can serve You. The best thing that I have done in the last year is fasting from TV news. That way, I can put my focus on where it needs to be. Since my citizenship is in heaven, it is impossible to be too concerned about the world and what goes on in it. I am grateful for this revelation of where my priorities need to be. Thank you, Jesus.
Wow. I’m impressed you have been able to fast from the news. I am watching way less of it as I was so discouraged. But fast from it? I’m not there yet but I commend you for your self-control.
It is very do-able, Susan. It gives me a better perspective on life. All that the news is about, is negativity. Holy Spirit just impressed upon me that it was no longer worth watching.
Amen and thank you, Suni ❤️ God is hearing us and answering our prayers 🙏
Please join me to pray for the families and children who are pressured right now to take the jab.
Heavenly Father, we cry out to You for our medical freedoms over our bodies. Lord, please save us from harm, save us from blame, save us from shame. We boldly ask that all who are dealing in harm through pharmaceutical companies right now be swept away from the land, Lord. We boldly ask for Your protection over our lives and for all truth to be revealed. Thank You, Lord ❤️🙏✝️ Amen
Dear Father,
Thank You for these wonderful reminders of Your faithfulness and love for us! We praise You for You alone are worthy of all praise. We worship the God who sees, hears and moves in our deepest desperation. You are an awesome God. Thank You for the gift of prayer, for sisters and brothers that faithfully intercede for us and for the lost. Thank You for Jesus and His perfect righteousness that makes us acceptable in Your sight. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and His relentless pursuit of us. Our hearts are grateful! We know this world is dying and we can’t look to governments or kings for peace and security. These only come from our personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Lord, let Your glory reign over us. Let the light of Christ shine brighter as the days grow darker. Remind our hearts and minds of Your promises that You, Lord Jesus are preparing a place for us and that You are coming to take us (John 14:3) out of this present darkness and into Your presence! Praise be to God for You are ALWAYS FAITHFUL and never surprised! You are sovereign over all things (Job 42:2, Prov 16:33) and nothing is impossible for You! (Luke 1:37). We pray encouraged and motivated to continue by Your grace and mercy, In Jesus Name we pray!
Amen Denise, Amen!
Thank you Suni! Your message reminded me of 1 Corinthians 1:25-30. I am believing that He is loving us and the entirety of His creation is compelling us on. I am weak but HE is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me…and you.
“God’s “nonsense” is wiser than humanity’s “wisdom.” God’s “weakness” is stronger than humanity’s “strength.” Just look at yourselves— look at those whom God has called! Not many of you are wise by the world’s standards, not many wield power or boast noble birth. But God chose what the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise; God chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the strong; and God chose what the world looks down on as common or regards as nothing in order to bring to nothing what the world considers important; so that no one should boast before God. It is his doing that you are united with the Messiah Yeshua. He has become wisdom for us from God, and righteousness and holiness and redemption as well!”
Suni, the writer of this article, didn’t miss a beat. Well said-I agree 100%.
Holy Father, I’m lifting up a friend’s daughter, Liz, whom I believe has been sexually assaulted–I’m praying that the perpetrator would become visible (if there was one). I’m praying for the parents who have been deceived by her lying and defensive barriers. I’m praying for miracles of redemption at the Christian school she attends. I’m lifting up churches and ministries to children, asking that you purify ministries geared towards children, and reveal where deception and abuse are part of the ministers’ motivations. Thank You for these testimonies! Thank you for You encouraging us that You will make all things new. Your love follows us until we surrender to You. Revive Your people; revive denominations that have wandered from Your Truth; revive those who have left Your holy ways; revive Your people all around the world. Make the light shine purely for You in Your church! We ask in Jesus’ Name.
“It would be to his advantage that he have a millstone hung around his neck and he be thrown into the sea, rather than that he ensnare one of these little ones.” Luke 17:2.
“The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Amen, I agree J Kingma. Abba Father, I too pray that You will purify ministries geared towards children, and reveal where deception and abuse are part of the ministers’ motivations. In Proverbs we can read the 7 things God hates, one is a heart that devises wicked schemes. If this girl has been abused, I pray Your perfect revelation and an even more perfect resolution. I pray Your hounds of Heaven are set out against those who would hurt little ones. I pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen
Hallelujah! Thank You God! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Holy Spirit!
Your faithfulness is unmatched. Teach us to intercede in prayer for the lost souls and situations surrounding us. Let us remember the battles are Yours, and the power and victory are Yours!
We love You, Lord!