Miracles from Israel’s Six-Day War
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Miracles from Israel’s Six-Day War
As Israel faces bloodthirsty foes, let’s remember how God has saved and protected them in previous conflicts.
From CBN Israel. Fifty-five years ago—June 5, 1967—marked the beginning of the Six-Day War (June 5-10). During that time, God fulfilled His ancient promises as recorded in 1 Kings 11:36, where He proclaimed Jerusalem as “the city where I have chosen for Myself to put My name.” …
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However, the prologue for the Six-Day War reached back to Jordan’s annexation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1950. Over the next 20 years, frequent confrontations contributed to the buildup of war. Among them Egypt, armed with Soviet weapons, closed the Suez Canal to Israeli shipping. In 1959, Yassar Arafat founded the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) with the goal of “destroying Israel.” Three Arab summits were held to plan Israel’s annihilation. From the Golan Heights, Syria shelled Israeli civilians in the Galilee below. Clashes escalated during 1966–’67.
Then in May 1967, Egypt declared war on Israel. Radio Cairo broadcast an ominous message: “The existence of Israel has continued too long. … The battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel.” Such menacing talk from Egypt—joined by Syria, Jordan, and Iraq and supported by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and Sudan—put the small Jewish nation’s military on high alert. …
Realizing they would be vastly outmanned in battle, the Israelis put into effect a gutsy pre-emptive strategy that relied on speed and secrecy. It was named Operation Focus (Moked).
Israel’s military leaders determined that the only way to defeat Egypt’s vastly superior air force—the largest in the Middle East—was to make a pre-emptive strike and neutralize all the planes while they were still sitting on the ground. Their pilots had trained long and well for just such a mission. And on June 5, they set it in motion.
Operation Focus remains one of the most successful air campaigns in military history. During the Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force destroyed 452 enemy planes, while losing just 46 of their own. After their stunning performance in Egypt, the Israeli Air Force finished the day in Jerusalem bombing the Jordanian tanks that raced toward the city and providing air cover for Israeli ground forces. …
But those who fought in that war agree that it was more than military genius and bravery that led to victory. There were numerous miracles, as well.
Although outmanned and outnumbered, the Israeli fighter pilots realized that God’s supernatural intervention secured their victory. Pilot and IDF Major General Ezer Weizmann was asked to explain how for three hours, Israel Air Force planes destroyed aircraft at one Egyptian airstrip after another—yet the Egyptians did not radio ahead to let their forces know about the imminent air attacks. Weizmann, who later served as President of Israel, said simply: “The finger of God.”
Many eyewitness accounts, which have been well documented, emerged in the following months. Older airplanes that had been plagued with problems behaved surprisingly well that day. Squadron members who flew the aging Vautor bombers said that on June 5th, the aging aircraft operated without a single malfunction. An enemy shell that made a direct hit on a munitions pile miraculously failed to explode.
One Israeli infantry recruit, on patrol with one other soldier, reported an encounter with a truck loaded with 18 well-armed Egyptian soldiers. The two Israelis, equipped with inadequate weapons, believed they faced certain death. However, the Arabs, looking panic-stricken, did not fire on them, and complied immediately when the Israeli soldier then shouted, “Hands up!” Later, he asked an Egyptian sergeant why they hadn’t shot at the Israeli soldiers. The reply: “My arms froze—they became paralyzed. My whole body was paralyzed, and I don’t know why.” …
Thus, it should be no surprise that the secular newspaper Haaretz carried this comment by one of its military correspondents: “Even a non-religious person must admit this war was fought with help from heaven.” …
Were you encouraged by these miracles? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!
(Excerpt from CBN Israel. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
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For love of G-D and His Eretz Yisrael.
“Israel, Could You Forget?”
by Eva
Israel, could you forget the many years
When time seemed at a stop,
When yellow stars in chambers went
Where fires licked them up?
Could you forget the woeful cries
Within the deepest nights,
Cold prison gates, bones tossed in graves,
Heart wrenching smells in sight?
Could you forget the bloodied path
Of human atrocities,
Where hope, though faint, held a flickering flame,
Where men’s hearts yearned to be free?
Could you forget the martyrs,
Whose silent voices cry?
Could you forget, could you forget,
The ones whom for your freedom had died?
Could you forget your journey
To Israel’s welcoming shore
As nation after nation
Unto you had closed their doors?
Could you forget the settlers,
Israel’s blood, sweat, and tears,
Who’ve built, prayed and died there
Throughout the many years?
Could you forget the joy you shared,
As you watched each blossoming rose
Blooming in dry, desert land
Where cool nightly breezes blow?
Could you forget God’s promises
To you and to your seed?
Could you forget, could you forget
He holds the master deed?
Could you forget your Patriarchs
Buried throughout your land,
Planted as a constant reminder
God’s promises forever will stand?
Could you forget the mothers of Israel,
Who on their knees have fought
For love of their precious children,
As the enemies of Israel still plot?
Could you forget, Oh Israel,
The very blood within your veins?
Your Jewishness, Jerusalem,
God’s dew, the summer rain?
Could you forget God’s promise
That you would be restored?
Could you forget, could you forget
He awaits you by Jerusalem’s door!
Whether Jew or Gentile, we are not called to live in fear. Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I trust in thee”. Fear is a choice, so choose courage. America will one day see terrorism here in mass. John 8:36, fight as you are called 2 b courageous for HIM.
May the miracles happen again in this war! The God of Israel is the God of the Impossible, and the God of endless Possibilities. May His Almighty Power and Arm of Justice confound the enemy and destroy their entire militia. May the entity of Hamas be obliterated, and may the head of the snake be cut off. May praises be shouted to the One True God who is NOT allah, and may HE be glorified. In Jesus’ name I pray.
“Against All Odds” is a video series that we watched many years ago, purchased, and watch off and on still to remind ourselves of the miraculous intervention of God on behalf of His chosen people, not just in the 6-day war, but throughout her troubled history. He has done miracle upon miracle to assure their continued existence, and to assure His ability to completely fulfill His covenant promises to her.
But I want to make sure we understand why He intervenes on their behalf, and on behalf of the ekklesia, because we can use it in our intercession. The Hebrew people were not chosen because of any inherent superiority or greatness, and neither are we as the ekklesia. We come to Him in desperate need. And we as the ekklesia have been as guilty as the Hebrew people of what God speaks in Ezekiel 36, which I recommend reading at this strategic time. He says, “But I am concerned about My Holy Name, which the house of Israel is profaning among the nations where they have gone. Therefore tell the house of Israel that Adonai ELOHIM says this: ‘I am not going to do this for your sake, house of Israel, but for the sake of My Holy Name, which you have been profaning among the nations where you went. I will set apart My Great Name to be regarded as holy, since it has been profaned in the nations – you profaned it among them. The nations will know that I am ADONAI,’ says Adonai ELOHIM, ‘when before their eyes, I am set apart through you to be regarded as holy.’ Ezekiel 36:21-23 Past acts against the Jewish people in the name of the religion of Christianity have profaned the precious name of our Savior, Yeshua, among the Jewish people. We need to repent personally and on behalf of the ekklesia, for any anti-Semitic thoughts and actions that profaned His name among His chosen people. I have, and I do!
Yes and Amen! He did it before and He will do it again!
Praying continually!
Hallelujah, praise God! Let this miracle from God happen again for Israel!
We pray in Jesus’ holy name, AMEN