Vice President Mike Pence, on “Fox & Friends,” had harsh words for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s speech-ripping State of the Union moment that went like this: It was disrespectful. It was a new low. It was a moment that will probably go down as the time she killed any chance for a Democrat to sit in the leadership seat for years to come.
How right he is.
Among his remarks about Pelosi’s performance: “I just have a strong feeling she’s going to be the last [Democratic] speaker of the House to sit in that chair for a long time.”
And this: “I think it was a new low. I wasn’t sure if she was ripping up the speech or ripping up the Constitution.”
And this: “Nancy Pelosi, in the final moments [of the State of the Union], tried to make it about her.”
That she did.
Pelosi’s ripping of the State of the Union wasn’t just petty. It wasn’t just 2-year-old tantrum silly. It was a face-slap to all of America, to even the America that didn’t vote for President Donald Trump. It’s the office, the White House office, that should be honored, no matter who holds the role, after all.
“To have her stand up and rip up that speech really dishonored the moment,” Pence said. “It was beneath the dignity of a joint session of Congress.”
Quite right.
But on the bright side: It did reveal truths.
It showed the American people — the whole watching world, in fact — just how disgustingly partisan the Democrats can be, even and especially the Democratic Party leadership. And heading into 2020 elections, having that truth at hand is certainly a benefit for voters. It tells them in no uncertain terms that a vote for Democrats is a vote for disdain, disrespect, pettiness and personal hatred. It tells them that for Democrats, it’s all about hating Trump and tearing down the MAGA message, at all costs.
What of America the great, America the future? Those are secondary considerations, at best.
Voters should be thanking Pelosi for making the political choices, political lines, so clear.
(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Cheryl K. Chumley.)
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The President is seen on the video handing the speech to Pelosi and quickly turning his body. What you see is that he did not see her extending her hand for a handshake while he was turning. My take on her actions. Her pride was hurt because everyone was watching. She got even by ripping up his speech while his back was turned. Sorry but the Bible states that pride goes before a fall.
Lord God Almighty, I pray You thwart the efforts of the Democrats and their partners in crime to overthrow the government. Amen!
At the beginning of the presidential election 2016, I was confused as who to vote for. I did my homework and prayed. I voted for Donald Trump because he was a business man; he was not a career politician, he was not Hilary Clinton and her policies; he clearly said what he meant and meant what he said; while it is true Mr. Trump was not one that ” repeated the same lines, and promises”, the other politicians quoted, his vocabulary was a down to earth. Mr Trump was up front on those who lied and did wrong while serving the American People; such as everything that has been unveiled with Obama, Clinton, and others who have misused their powers. The power of those politician that have been in Washington for years, earning their $300+ yearly wages, getting “fat” of the American People, are now coming out with their hatred, and malice, and aiming to destroy the President. God uses ordinary people in powerful ways: God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, not to say that Mr Trump is weak, he was according to ” my Christianity”, not a christian person. I believe God allowed for Mr Trump to be in this position, to break the almighty in Washington to be seen for what they are, and brought millions of prayer warriors out of their slumber to pray for our Country, and awaken His people. There are no coincidence with God. We have a Spiritual War, and God’s people are winning the battle. Pray for Mr. Trump, Pence, his administration and their family.
A lot of people, even to some that say that they know the Lord as their personal Savior, is dwelling on who was right and who was wrong concerning the hand shake between our president, Trump , and the house majority leader, Pelosi. I hear a lot from people saying that they both were at fault. I do not intend to judge with a malice heart, but the Bible says that God’s children need to “judge” between good and evil. If you think that I am wrong, biblically, concerning what I am about to say, please pray for me, I always stand in the need for prayer. I feel that Satan has a plan to destroy America and its God’s people that the devil attempts to use. I will pray for those that are working and living for the devil, but I will not associate with them. I know we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. I also lived in the world and was worldly, so I do not try to judge people, but God has given me a spirit of fear and dedication to Him. The old man in me is dead and I try to die to Christ daily. I believe the Lord places discernment within us, especially, when we have made the truthful decision to follow Him. His Word says that one spirit will discern another. In other words, as a child of God, I am to pray for those in the world and minister to them, with guidance from the Holy Spirit, to lead them into the Kingdom of God. With that said, I believe in my spirit that Pelosi is doing the devil’s work and that our president is attempting through the guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring our nation back to God. I feel I have more freedom in my religious belief today than I have had in years. The Bible says that in the endtime there will be seven (7) trumpets to sound. (Revelation). Something to think about. Our president’s last name is “Trump” and the VP last name is “Pence”. Seven trumpets is plural. Put the last name of our president and vice president together and you have (Trump-Pence – Trumpets). What are the odds. God said that He would send us signs and wonders in the last days. But just as in the day of Noah, people will be doing other things and not paying attention. (1 John 4:1 2 Cor 6:14 1 Cor 5:11 Ps 119:115 Ps 26:4-5 Prov 22:24-25 1 Cor 5:11-13
The reason President Trump did not shake Nancy Pelosi’s hand was because she for the first time in history deliberately, callously, and in the most disrespectful manner, deviated from how a President is introduced for the State of the Union address, and did so in an attempt to minimize, embarrass, and shame him before the entire world. Nancy Pelosi deserved no handshake from the President. In fact, the Sargent At Arms should have removed Nancy Pelosi for that act.
Hey Debra…thank the Lord for you. You have spoken from the heart and I feel you are exactly right in your comments.
Father God both President Trump ( Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (1 Thessalonians 5:15 See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. ) BOTH have acted unprofessionally and displayed conduct unbecoming of their office/position during this whole process along with other leaders. Lord you said in Mark 3:24 If a Kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. We decree that President Trump and House Speaker Pelosi display Matthew 5:16 (The Passion Translation) 16 So don’t hide your light![u] Let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.”
Father God we lift them all up before you: The Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens and Constitution Parties and others that have less influence. We decree your grace and mercy towards ALL as we stand in the gap for each and decree your divine will for the United States of American.
God we decree each one shall fulfill his or her God given purpose and destiny for such a time as this just as Judas had to do his part for your son Jesus Christ to go to the cross.
We don’t find this strange we know your word MUST come to pass and YOUR WILL SHALL BE DONE in earth as it is in heaven for your GLORY. We seek your loving GRACE AND MERCY for all those who have to FULFILL their role like Judas did. We stand in the gap and pray for their soul’s.
Father God your intercessors hearts are turn towards you and we humble ourselves before YOU God. We decree we shall align with your compassion, truth, righteousness and we bring Honor and Glory unto you. In Jesus name. Amen
We are seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. Joint-seating with Christ is “far above” all principalities and powers of darkness. Evil spirits can’t influence believers who are seated with Christ in heavenly places! Our seating and reigning with Christ is a position of authority, honor and triumph! Because we are believers, our seating with Christ is part of our inheritance NOW. this is where we are already seated and we will exercise our rightful authority in Jesus name. Amen
We are your Ekklesia God and moving forward in your Love! Oneness! and Righteousness!
So are we to overlook the President refusing to shake her hand before his speech? To me both actions were petty and beneath the dignity of their respective offices.
The reason President Trump did not shake Nancy Pelosi’s hand was because she for the first time in history deliberately, callously, and in the most disrespectful manner, deviated from how a President is introduced for the State of the Union address, and did so in an attempt to minimize, embarrass, and shame him before the entire world. Nancy Pelosi deserved no handshake from the President. In fact, the Sargent At Arms should have removed Nancy Pelosi for that act.
Thank you for your reply. My understanding of our Messiah’s teaching is that we are to demonstrate our Christ likeness by loving our enemies, and doing good to those who do not deserve it, and not only to those who do good to us. GOD bless
I am 72 years of age. God has used me in many ways to minister and be a friend to the youth. I believe that morals and respect for God and one another has deteriorated in our nation. For the sake of getting into a long testimony about what God has used me for in His Kingdom, I will just say this. When the Father, our heavenly father, figure breaks down in our lives spiritually, it most definitely has disastrous effects in our natural and physical lives. The Lord has presented to me, in my walk with Him, that some people in our nation has been deceived and placed in bondage by the devil and his agenda. I have gone to some homes to witness and talk with families and in most cases there is no natural father figure or moral teaching. Some young people that I have encountered has experienced more than one parent figure that has been in their lives on different occasions that would be the only thing close to a family figure for them. Over the years I have seen moral values and respect for one another decline. These young people are seeking what we all have a desire for, that God Himself has created in us, a need for LOVE. I think what Nancy Pelosi has done in front of all America, and her comrades, has been a destructive evil act upon our nation and our people. I need prayer as I am being tested to remember what the Words of our Heavenly Father has commanded, to pray for and love our enemy. I believe that there is a movement to destroy our God given rights of worship. Please pray for me! But, I feel that there is something that can be done about this movement that is motivated by the devil. Christians need to stand up for “In God We Trust” again! We as Christians and children of God need to stay in prayer and action. There needs to be restitution and justice to others for not only breaking the laws of the land but for all the things that has been done by them to silence the voice of the Lord in America. But this movement of evil will not prosper, according to whom I have my faith in, the Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
GOD BLESS YOU! You are correct in noticing how are country has been going downhill and we need the LORD our savior to restore us . Yes we need to pray for our country and for GOD to expose the TRUTH. May GOD help us.🙏🙏🙏💕💕
Thank you very much for your comment. I believe and have studied this, that we in America who proclaims the Word of God and live the life that He has set before us; as we walk with Him and His guidance, that we as Christians need to have courage and stand up for what the Word of God says. The Lord Jesus Christ has set before us a path to follow for our lives. We have been in our nation as Christians, and I speak for myself also, silent about things that are right too long. I can tell you are a person seeking the Lord and what He has for you. I will keep you in my prayers and please keep me in yours.
Yes, I will pray for you. GOD is in control of everything. He is an AWESOME GOD!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you very much. Its not only in America where evil is making the last stance. But because we live here, and can see and feel the opposition, we need to stay in constant prayer and support the Lord’s work that we know as His children is all for our benefit and His purpose. I’m a typical man, I need to develop more patience and God works at His pace and not mine, keep praying for me. Thank you again, I know that I know that the Lord is moving in our nation.
Nancy Pelosi needs to publicly apologize to President Trump and to the people of the United States for the public display of her appalling and total disrespect in tearing up, in full view of the watching world, her copy of the President’s speech.
She should also apologize to the President and the nation for the way she introduced the President that night, which is what caused the President to not shake her hand at the start.
Nancy Pelosi’s for the first time in history deliberately, callously, and in the most disrespectful manner, deviated from how a President is introduced for the State of the Union address, and did so in an attempt to minimize, embarrass, and shame him before the entire world. Nancy Pelosi deserved no handshake from the President. In fact, the Sargent At Arms should have removed Nancy Pelosi for that act.
“Pride cometh before a fall, and arrogance before disaster.” Nothing is hid from GOD’s eyes. What a comfort to know that His eyes are always on us; HE is the GOD who sees. Praise His Holy Name. “What the enemy meant for harm, GOD will turn it for good.” It is so wonderful to see GOD’s hand at work in the nation. May HE grant us all to pray the prayers HE longs to answer. In Jesus Name, Amen.
In addition to the Spirit of Jezebel being displayed, how about the Spirit of Athaliah in II Kings 11:14KJV? Although she rent her clothes, not papers, her charge was treason, same as this situation.
While we continue to pray for the Government to get their house in order, let us also not neglect to pray that GOD would help each of us to get our own house in order; and build our lives on HIS Word, and teach our children HIS ways. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Democrats have given new meaning to the phrase, “Sore Losers” and it is not decent.
I recall in scripture when King Saul tore the robe of the prophet Samuel and Samuel told him that God would rip his kingdom from him. Lord I pray that you will purify the House and Senate and this government by sanctifying them in your truth. Teach them how to honor and respect the authority you have put in place in Jesus name I pray.
Pastor Regina
The Democrats are not just sore losers, they have been, and will continue, trying to overthrow the government.
I pray that they are not n a position to do so for very much longer.
God is merciful to those who seek Him, and to those who dishonor Him. He is cleaning up America which is a blessing to those on both sides of the law. For those who are on the wrong side, facing the penalties of what their crimes deserve may be the only way they will confess, repent, and turn to the LORD. I pray they do so.
HS Pelosi had planned the tearing up of her copy of President Trump’’s speech long before entering the Chambers. The camera view of her prepping the pages under her desk is obvious, along with the shot of the partially ripped pages. Interestingly, she just had to decide which pages to prep first: the pages honoring the different Presidential guests. Check out ‘western journalism.com’ for those two camera shots. This turns her ‘sudden rant’ into are-planned event..much like most of the Democrats’ maneuvers. Praying God continues to use their divisive intent against themselves..much like OT Balam being paid to curse Israel.
I am reminded daily of Romans 8:28 that God will use all things for good.
God is using Donald J Trump for good for this nation and for the world. No human person could withstand the constant abuse, lies, attacks, coups and distrespect that Pres Trump has received 24/7 for 4 years. It is only through God’s annointing and with God’s blessing and wisdom, that Pres Trump is able to go through this and do God’s work to combat many evils. God will make a path for Pres Trump. That will include dealing with obstacles like Speaker Pelosi.
Throughout the Bible, our God uses unlikely and often reluctant people to fulfill his purposes. He is doing that in front of our eyes, revealing terrible corruption, immoral behavior, illegal behavior, and UNGODLY behavior.
Let us continue without ceasing our prayers for Pres Trump and thank our merciful God for the work He is doing through His servant. Let us remember that His ways are not our ways.
Praise our God. Pray, Pray, Pray. Amen and Amen.
You are right. GOD uses the most unusual, and flawed people to accomplish his tasks including David, Moses, Abraham, and even President Donald J Trump! Amazing isn’t it.i will continue to pray for our President and his family.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
It is amazing and it is incredible that we are living in such a time as this and we get to witness first hand our gracious and loving God at work in our president. Praise God. pray pray pray for Pres Trump.
Holy Lord, King of kings, You are revealing Truth, You will be worshipped in the beauty of Holiness And I give Glory to Your name Yeshua.
Nancy claims to pray for our nation but holds hatred and unforgiveness in her heart and so it is for many. Your word says when we stand praying to forgive. Jesus Christ, Savior, I ask You to sent Holy Spirit to teach Nancy Pelosi Truth, may Holy Spirit comfort her and bring her to a personal relationship with her loving Heavenly Father. Gift her with a Spirit of Repentance. Open the eyes of Your church to see The spiritual realm we are battling. Open eyes of voters to see and hear you.
Lord, thank You for placing Donald John Trump as President of USA. You use imperfect vessels for Your purposes. You can do anything and You do all things well. Bless him, his family, his staff and all the work of his hands.
Lord, I stand in judgment of no one for one of Your most amazing miracles was saving me. You never gave up, You never let go and You will complete the work You have begun in me. You loved me before I loved You. You deserve all praise and adoration and glory for You are El Olam, Amen
I was upset about Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech. It culminates what many of the democrats have been trying to do to tear down the President. What is even worse is that she did it when President Trump was asking God to bless America. It was not just disrespecting to President Trump, it was disrespect to God.
A such negative action is a form of a curse. There are consequences to cursing. Psalm 109:17 (KJV) states “As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.” This is a solemn warning about cursing.
What should our reaction be? We should be praying for Nancy Pelosi and the democrats. God loves them and knows how to reach their hearts. Somehow, we also need to forgive her. Our unforgiveness could be a hindrance to seeing people come to know Jesus Christ.
God is the ultimate Judge and we need to hold to the truth, in a humble manner, following God’s Word which says to forgive and follow the scripture in Luke 6:27-28 (KJV) 27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. Matthew 6:12 (WEYMOUTH NEW TESTAMENT) 12 and forgive us our shortcomings, as we also have forgiven those who have failed in their duty towards us;
Christians, the Church better see what is happening in the Spiritual realm. Our battles are not Republican against Democrats or flesh & blood, but Spiritual. This is about good vs. evil, righteousness vs. wickedness, truth vs. lies. Praying for certain situations is great, but is is time for the Church to stand up and say “no more” and take ACTION. The Church has remained mostly silent and did nothing over the last 50 years while the first Sodomy law was overturned in 1962 and other states followed suite in 2003 making it legal now for same sex marriage. The church stood silent in 1973 when America legalized murder of the unborn. The Church stood silent when prayers and bibles and the Ten Commandments were being removed from our schools. And now a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman. Faith without works is dead. It is time to add ACTION to our prayers and be the CHURCH of Righteousness and ACTIONS our Lord has commanded us to be. James 1:19-25
David, you are exactly right. We as Christians need to stop living in fear, put on the Armor of God and get busy! It is now time to get Roe v Wade overturned and get the LGBTQ out of our schools and lead them to Christ! This is a spiritual battle and the Lord is lining us up to wage the war for His glory. Jesus is coming friends, and He’s coming soon. Let’s prepare the way for Him and make Him proud of us!🙏🏻💜🇺🇸
It is time for every Christian to go out to the polls and vote for someone that hold their values and will protect them. What Nancy Pelosi did was a disgrace to the President, Congress and the American people. This temper tantrum was another embarrassment to our country. She needs to apologize to the President, Congress and the American people and then be removed from her position as Speaker of the House. Hopefully, when the American people go to the polls they will vote her out.
The woman of Congress should also be ashamed of themselves when they continued to just sit there with frowns on their faces when President Trump awarded the Medal of Freedom to the last Tuskegee Airman, the surprise homecoming of a service man to his family, and the little girl who was born premature at 21 weeks. Rather we are Democrat or Republican, these were things to celebrate and thank God for.
AMEN! AMEN! David you are exactly right. We as Children of God need to start standing up with some action, spiritually. We as a church have sit back, as you said, and done nothing. Meek doesn’t mean for you to be weak, it means to move with courage, but to be humble as we go. Thank you again.
Thank you Ronnie, 2020 election will prove that righteousness will prevail over the wickedness.
Thank you for replying back, David. I really feel the same way. I believe the Lord is moving in America. I pray for a great revival to break out.
I say Amen to God save her from the evil one the lies and all deception. Only you can open her eyes and deaf ears. Tenderize her heart to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. We cry out to you for your mercy to set her free from the demons in her before it is to late. Thank you Jesus for you know the heart of man.
She is the Spirit of Jezebel who defiles all godliness with domination as she took the stage, with intimidation as she boldly defies the decision of the very laws she says she upholds, and with manipulation believing that with such an act would control the stage this night. Such disrespect comes for a deceitful heart which brings no good deed to this nation or to her party. May God forgive us and help us to fight against such Satanic moves. Forgive us Father and help us to focus on You, for the battle is Yours. Pray, Pray, Pray.
Just another reason this country needs Term Limits. It also needs to put an end to personal foundations, to easy for corruption.
It reminded me and other Intercessor s of the time rebellious king Saul ripped the mantel of Samuel. He lost his throne and his life. The God of justice will tear down the arrogance and power of Pelosi and expose the Real Motives behind their crusade against Trump
From your mouth to God’s ears amen and let that be true. Nancy Pelosi and her family have a death stranglehold on California. The voters can do nothing about this at this point. We will not take back this state through voting in this generation without God’s help. I believe and pray GOD intervenes somehow and helps California out of this death grip from these wickeds. She is wicked evil. The rest of the country saw this Wednesday night.
Dear Lord God,
Last night, Ms. Pelosi showed her bitter hatred towards our President Trump by her tearing her copy of the Presidents speech and disrespecting our President on National TV. Her disrespect showed tasteless and embarrassing actions inside the Capitol Hill arena towards all of Americans that were spoken of proudly by the President last night.
It was so shameful, my heart was broken for how deep her hatred goes and I believe her Democratic Party members today applauded her behavior all-over the televised and newspaper media audiences. I was embarrassed for her and the Democratic Party, for they are on the other side,.. dear Lord, please give them a revelation of your Wisdom and let them see how they are on the side of hatred.
It was really sad last night and today for she tried to elevate herself over the President that was elected by his supporters and then,changed her actions, by calling it “courteous,” when asked as to why she did it.
All I can think of is when in the Old Testament as to when Miriam and Aaron complained about Moses and how the Lord God had placed Moses as His High Priest and not them.
Lord God, please have Mercy and change her heart and Mr Romney’s heart towards our President.
Amen and if that doesn’t happen, and God knows, then I pray He removes her from office. She is a national embarrassment now instead of just California’s.
She is such a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi’s son sits on the board for a Ukrainian gas company.
Lord God I pray for your grace of strength to continue to grieve the disrespect of all the country by the Democratic Leadership! Until they show some fruits of repentance like removing Pelosi from the office of speaker of the house of Representatives!