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God, we pray for our border in this time of crisis. We ask You to keep us and the nation safe and to supernaturally secure the border.
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Large floodgates, opened to prevent monsoon-related damage, are allowing over a thousand illegal immigrants to enter our nation every day.

From New York Post. The door to America is wide open.

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Thousands of migrants are flowing across the US border in Arizona every day — literally through open floodgates that have made the Tucson post the busiest point of illegal entry into the country, The Post has learned.

US officials have inexplicably welded open 114 massive gates along the Arizona border to allow water to flow freely during the annual monsoon season and for the migration of an endangered species of antelope, officials said.

But the move is also letting an average of 1,400 migrants from as far away as China casually walk into the country daily — with overwhelmed and outnumbered border agents practically helpless to stop them.

“We thought the agents were going to tell us something,” one Ecuadorean migrant said. “But we just walked in.” …

Video taken by The Post shows a group of around 50 migrants strolling through the opened gates and into the US in a matter of seconds, with nobody stopping or questioning them.

Smugglers are capitalizing on the floodgate blunder, driving migrants by the busload to the border and dropping them off as if they were casual tourists. Once across, they turn themselves in to border agents and say they are seeking asylum.

Border Patrol agents call them “give-ups.”

Last month, 42,561 migrants were encountered at the Tuscon border post, a huge jump over the June number of 27,294. Tuscon now tops traditionally busier border spots at El Paso and Laredo in Texas, where 24,352 and 26,627 border crossings, respectively, were reported in July. …

Each of the 114 gates in Arizona, which have been open for nearly two months, has 12-foot doors wide enough for a motorcycle to drive through. Smugglers drive busloads of migrants to the Mexican side of the border, where they get off and simply walk into the US.

Border Patrol sources said the call to open the gates came from several federal agencies, including the National Park Service.

But because the monsoon season started late this year, they remained open for weeks before there was any rain — allowing migrants a dry path into the US.

“We tried to shut the gates but the order came down that we had to leave them open,” one source said. “You wouldn’t leave the front door of your house open in a bad neighborhood.” …

Unlike the largely South American migrants who have been nabbed crossing into Texas, the immigrants coming to Arizona are from throughout the globe, including India, Egypt and China.

And unlike many South American migrants, who are typically disheveled, exhausted and weary from a long and treacherous trek across the barren land, the migrants at Tuscon look more like vacation travelers.

Understaffed border agents can do little to stop the flood. …

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(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Peg B
September 14, 2023

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are the God who hears and sees. I bring before You Governor Katie Hobbs whom took an oath to discharge the duties of the office of Governor, for the people of the state of Arizona. I ask LORD, that You bring to her mind what oath she agreed to when she placed her hand on Your Word of Truth, and I ask that You hold her to it. Your Word says our yes should be yes and our no should be no. If she is a woman truly after Your heart, then let actions honor You and those she said she would serve. Any abdication of duties, please bring swiftly into alignment under Your authority and place in her patch counsel that understands wisdom from above. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.


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