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God, we lift up Robert Hur before You. Guide him as he investigates these documents, and help him to clearly ascertain the truth and what needs to be done.
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As Robert Hur investigates Biden and these documents, we must pray that he be wise and impartial. Let justice be done, Lord!

From The Daily Wire. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed attorney Robert Hur to take over a Department of Justice inquiry into the handling of batches of classified documents found at President Joe Biden’s private D.C. office and Wilmington, Delaware, home.

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Garland announced his decision to appoint Hur at a press conference on Thursday, one day after news broke of a second batch of classified documents found stashed in the garage and an adjoining room of Biden’s Wilmington home. …

Garland tapped Hur on the recommendation of John Lausch, the U.S. attorney for Chicago. …

Hur last served in government as the U.S. attorney for the District of Maryland, a post for which he was nominated by former President Donald Trump. He received unanimous approval from the Senate. …

Prior to serving as U.S. attorney for Maryland, Hur worked in the DOJ as then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s right hand, helping Rosenstein manage the day-to-day activity of the Justice Department and acting as Rosenstein’s “point person” overseeing then-special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Russian collusion hoax of the 2016 election, Rosenstein told CNN. …

How are you praying for Hur as he investigates Biden? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Keith Knapp
January 19, 2023

Father put your angels around Robert Hur during his investigation so that the truth is proclaimed. Father we pray that Mr. Hur is not just a corrupt politician for the left as is John Lausch and Merrick Garland. Never-the-less, thy will be done. In Jesus name, Amen

Bridget Bonczyk
January 16, 2023

Father, You are worthy to be exalted and glorified. You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. You are Adonai, “The Lord.” Before Your throne of grace, I come with a humble heart and am mindful of Your Word from James 3:16, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” Holy Spirit thank you for Robert Hur. Thank you, he has a call on his life to be a servant to the American people and to those who are a part of the Ekklesia of God. Am believing you have given Attorney Hur the mind of Christ. He will not allow the enemy to blind his mind with mind-blinding spirits as he investigates President Biden. God, am asking & believing for wisdom in his daily work as he investigates the documents that were found at President Biden’s Delaware home in Wilmington. God cause good to come forth. I bind evil and lose the righteousness of Jesus Christ to be sprinkled on Attorney Robert Hur. May your will be done. For such a time as this. Cover Attorney Hur with the blood of Christ, with wisdom from heaven and with protection for his family, health and mind. Thank you, Father God, for Your mercy and grace endures forever. Holy Spirit have a free hand in this man’s life. Amen and amen.

Deanna Hanson
January 16, 2023

Papa may your wisdom and understanding surround and encourage our brother. We pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and understanding to cover him as he journeys this up battle. But we rejoice that nothing is impossible in you. You who begins a good thing will complete it!!! We appeal to Heaven and declare: America will be saved!!!

Laura Nolan
January 15, 2023

Lord, I pray that Hur would take seriously his job and look through the evidence including documents to best represent our national security. I pray that if President Biden has broken laws when he was Vice President or in his current role, let him be held accountable for his wrong doing. Lord, do not let this be brushed under the rug. Let truth and justice prevail. May Hur do what is right according to the law. In Jesus Name. Amen.

January 14, 2023

God can direct the heart of any person. I firmly believe that. We see that by the examples in God’s word. That is my hope & prayer with Hur. But I will add this. There’s something very unsettling & suspicious about Biden appointee A G. Garland, who I remind people…was refused a spot on the S. Court. He immediately appointed Hur upon these “found documents”, which I may add were found by Biden legal teams (all teams are made up of staunch Democratic lawyers or assistants). And finding these docs so soon “after” the new Congress took over? Not trying to be a Debbie Downer but something smells really off here. Sadly, it looks like more Biden deflection / deception tactics for various reasons… trying to negate what “illegally happened” to real Pres. Trump & pathetically trying to “balance the books” by more DC tradeoffs. I honestly don’t know but it smells like that. And just for the record, finding a cache of official docs next to Biden’s Vette in his garage that was “locked” -well, I can tell you this…I’m just an everyday person but the best locked garage I can break into in about 30 seconds. So as far as it being “secure”, that really doesn’t cut it. Like all of you, I pray for God’s perfect will & justice come forth in this situation. The vast myriad of lies & dishonesty that we see is beyond comprehension at times. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it in my life span, which is in it’s 6th decade.
I don’t trust Garland because he’s a Biden appointee & has made no qualms about his hatred for Trump & prolife advocates, etc. Hur is somewhat of a puzzle but his background record is purely 50/50 as far as being objective. That thing that we know is real justice has taken a very distant backseat to agendas.
So yes, we need to pray for God’s perfect will to be exercised & carried out on earth – and for real justice backed by truth to be completed. No matter what it costs or who goes down because of it. We don’t have “broken people” in DC anymore and we need that type of heart because truly broken people are willing to look to God for help & forgiveness. Broken people can be shaped into true servants and we need that again in our gov’t.

    Susan S.
    January 14, 2023

    I think that you are right to be cautious. However, he also clerked for Chief Justice Rehnquist who was definitely not a liberal. His parents came from South Korea. Moreover, he claims to be a Christian but I do not know whether he is born again and filled with the spirit. I pray that he is a strong believer and he will courageously stand up for truth and justice.

      Sharon Miller
      January 16, 2023

      He was involved in the Russia Hoax and help propagate that lie! Biden had no business having those documents as Vice President at the time did not have the authority to declassify the Those type of documents and should’ve never been out of a skiff. Without documentation and under protection of the Secret Service! This is still part of the deception!

        Susan S.
        January 16, 2023

        You are right. He has been involved in some bad things. He is a mixed bag as most of us are. Thank God for the gift of repentance. I pray that he has repented or will repent and conduct this investigation with integrity.

January 14, 2023

Robert Hur, FROM DEMOCRAT RUN IL, where they just took away all bail money for their criminals, LIKE NEW YORK, is going to be “fair and honest” with joe’s possession of confidential papers that most likely is the information that Hunter SOLD TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES? no Dear Lord, please bring forward good men and women to serve our country at its greatest time of need. Lead our nation back to IN GOD WE TRUST. amen

Donald Vader
January 14, 2023

The Lord has made the heavens His throne; from there he rules over everything… Psalm 103:19 I put my trust in you Lord to guide this investigation to the truth and that justice will prevail according to your word in the mighty name of Jesus…Amen

January 14, 2023

Father God you know the truth will be done

Brian lynch
January 14, 2023

I pray that this will be a thorough and honest investigation into what Biden has done. Nothing new here, but he isn’t a former president, as Donald Trump is. It shall be interesting, to say the least, as to how this whole situation plays out.

January 14, 2023

Same guy in charge of the cover up for Clinton’s 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Michelle Roberts
January 14, 2023

Lord God, has difficult as it is at times to pray for YOUR will to be done…..let us have faith in you and your process of protecting our country with exposing the truth. Thank you for being our Lord and Savior. Amen

January 14, 2023

I think it’s fitting that his last name is Hur. Just as Aaron and Hur lifted up Moses arms until the battle was won, may Mr. Hur be your instrument Lord in lifting up America until your victory has come. We speak strength of Lord within him. In Jesus name, amen.

Rebecca Vouros
January 14, 2023

Praying for wisdom…that truth and justice will prevail!
Jeremiah 4:2

Patricia Wade
January 14, 2023

I pray that you have clarity & God guides you as you take this on !!

January 14, 2023

Prayer of declaration: may Hur :not be able to sleep, eat,nor drink in peace: and be not lured by mamone: with out telling the truth. Just like Balaam: couldn’t speak with out the spirit of truth: thus be with this man. In Jesus name.

Hala Whitley
January 14, 2023

Dear Father God, you have all knowledge and know all truths. Please dear Lord, may the hidden things be brought to light that would harm us as a nation! Let justice be done if there be any incriminating evidence brought to light. Thank you, God for those who are bringing things into the light. Lord, we still have the greatest nation on earth and you are still sovereign. May we as Christians, bind together in prayer for intercessions of our nation. You alone Lord can give men the courage to come forth. And may those who are guilty in all branches of government be held accountable. We love you Lord and thank you for always hearing our cries. Amen.

Steven Morgan MD
January 14, 2023

May we pray he have Godly discernment and Truth with all the surrounding pressures and entities against him.

Mama gero
January 14, 2023



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