Since the November 3 election, many TV journalists have begun issuing ugly calls for vengeance and “accountability” against not just President Trump himself, but also his administration, and even his supporters.
Evidently some journalists found the last four years so intolerable that a looming Biden Presidency has made them bitter, sore winners. . . .
That same week, media commentator and former Navy Officer Malcolm Nance had this to say on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher about the Americans who voted for Trump: “These people have revealed themselves for the racists for the racists that they are, for the tribalists that they are.” . . .
Just five days later, Cuomo offered this rebuttal to those who had accused him of “targeting” political opponents: “Yeah. You are being targeted. But not because you’re victims — because you’re victimizing the rest of us.”
On November 27, former ESPN and MSNBC host Keith Olbermann wished for enough Trump administration people in prison “that they can hold reunions, and birthday parties.” He continued:
“We want the prisons so filled with Trumps, and Trump flunkies, and Trump apologists, and Trump enablers, that we have to convert Trump buildings into new God-damned Trump prisons.”. . .
Click here to see some of the media’s most venomous calls for retribution against Trump supporters in the video at the end of the article.
(Excerpt from Newsbusters. Article by Bill D’Agostino. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)
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Lord God, WE come to you through the blood of Jesus Christ who suffered and died for ALL. You said in your word, where two or three and gathered in your name, you will be in their midst. I come to you with the prayer warriers, We pray for pulling down of strong Holds in high places especially in our Media that is constantly trying to divide us and not report the truth. We pray for wickedness coming through our media which is being removed in Jesus name!
We pray for social media, TV and radio waves to relay information that is according to your will and truth & to submit to your authority by the power of your son Jesus. You have made everything visible and invisible. Everything here on earth and in heaven must submit to your authority. We thank you for righteous people in Media, and in the entertainment & music industry. Thank you holy spirit that is being poured out and convicting and removing Media that do not report Truth and our people to turn off from wickedness and abominations that is promoted in movies and social media. We pray all this in your Mighty name Jesus! AMEN!
To all the Trump supporters out there, support Trump now even more. But also stand up for justice against the man that the left is trying to eliminate. God called him to be president not Joe Biden.
Get ready for a fight like there never was before.If action is not taken, then I will bring about the end of everything in this planet. Not a threat, but a promise. That promise is this, the wicked will be caught in their own trap. Trump will be a victor one way or another. Well since I can control disasters and storms, it will be a bumpy ride for the wicked and the righteous will see the end time prophecies fulfilled right in front of them.
Pray for Trump, send encouraging notes, openly support him-do what it takes to get out the message that he is not alone.
I do not see anywhere in the Bible that God says we should have unity with godless people. I see just the opposite. We are to be a holy people set apart to follow Him. We are commanded to love and forgive, but certainly not be in unity.
The church in Germany trying to be in unity with their evil government through tolerance and cheap grace before and during WW II is exactly what enabled the atrocities carried out by Hitler and others.
I do not believe that the Lord wants me to be in unity with people who want to take religious freedoms away and persecute believers. I can not be in unity with people who agree with murder of an abortion survivor as the Democrat Party does.
Not standing up, not speaking out, going along to try to get along is exactly what has allowed the evil to grow and get so bad that I hardly recognize the nation that I will pass on to my children and grandchildren.
We do not need unity with the position of the CCP and the Democratic Party. We need conviction and courage! We must defend truth, righteousness, and justice. May God in his mercy forgive us for allowing the evil to infiltrate and grow; for not being the salt and light that He told us to be. May He in His compassion help us get out of this mess.
Where we need unity is with like minded, praying believers who are strong and courageous, and who realize that God works through people who pray AND act. People like David who will face the giants while they also depend on the Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Saboath. Acts 4:23-29. Give us boldness while You stretch out Your hand. O God, behold the threat.
Thank you IFA for giving us information that we need and giving us a place to connect in unity with other praying believers. Everlasting Father, Almighty God, Our Shepherd, protect us, give us wisdom, and show us what we must do along with our prayers.
I know we have to pray for those who persecute us, but I defiantly do not have to listen to them, I believe it is time to turn any type of media off, boycott them, stand for what is right according to God’s commandments. One day when they have no one listening to their garbage, maybe they will become less aggressive towards their fellow man, even learn to like our President, there is nothing impossible with God, Amen.
The aversion to unity that these people have is they have bought into the lie that hatred is better than love. They have allowed into their hearts, souls and minds the “fish hook barb” to firmly grab hold of just about everything they do. When God, through His people or anyone tries to take the hook out, it buries itself deeper. That is hatred. A hatred that has been released the “the hater” Satan. He has hated God since he was kicked out of heaven. So he decided he would work on the people of the earth. Anything and everything that represents God’s way, his precepts, His commandments, His rules for living — will be under attack. That most certainly includes unity.
Journalists, reporters, so-called leaders, government officials, heads of business & regular citizens who are all clamoring at the seat of recognition have allowed hatred, bitterness & vengeance to crowd out any room for unity. They live in an abyss, yet think they are free. They live with the poison of hate in their souls and it blinds them to receiving true and satisfying love from the Savior – the only one that can see them free from the poison of ever consuming hatred.
Those who have a public forum have polished their exteriors with smiles & slick words in order to share that disdain for unity with millions – believing they have earned the right to do so by the fact that they get to sit behind a camera or cubicle or podium and vomit their poison with a quick smile or perhaps some canned laughter in the background. It is the ultimate charade and they play it well. They think they live in reality but God-driven reality has no part of their life.
These people are consumed by their hatred and will make sure that everyone who disagrees pays. There is no room for others on the playground of hate. Want to share the ball with me – nope, it’s my ball. And I’m not going to share. That is how they think. Got to crush those in our way becomes a way of life and a mindset. There is no room for unity – our way or NO WAY. That is what hate does.
Pray for these people. Keep praying relentlessly. Their walk on earth is truly in danger of the loss of eternal salvation. The part of them that once was receptive to a moral compass has been lost. Many have no idea of eternity – none. Many simply do not care – they are robots on the carousel of Satan’s merry-go-round. Numb to the promptings of God, they have abandoned their conscience. A moral compass is only where they point it.
It’s so hard to believe what is happening with our country. The Democrats are wanting to take God out of schools and everywhere else they can. God has helped our country in almost every major conflict and I pray he can help those blinded by Satan to see what they are doing and open their hearts and souls to Jesus to do the right thing. I pray for Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani to stay steadfast and pray for the strength they need to make things right.
I am so concerned for our young people to grow up in a world driven for greed and so many submissive things that have taken place. Transgenders, same sex marriages and losing the values I grew up with. Respect for all, being brought up with having God in your life, if people lose or never have the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ I fear we are doomed!
I pray every day for God to open more eyes to the danger of a Democratic President with the warped ideas of his staff and many of his followers.
Before this article, I had shuddered to read about aborted fetal cells immortalized in vaccine work. These video excerpts remind me how hard it is for our nation to accept opposite views and to acknowledge that abortion is a sin on our nation. Nothing but the Holy Spirit will change these minds and heal our land. It’s their agenda or ‘else’. I know because I was once a more restrained example of the ‘Know-it-all’.
The more bizarre our media becomes, the more convinced I am that there is an intense grand scale spiritual warfare going on for control of our country. It is so much larger than this one election. Does this media scene reminds you prayer warriors of the story in Daniel 10? God hears our prayers; we must not grow weary! He is faithful!
In the name of Jesus we command the demons and evil spirits to come out of those calling for venomous retribution. We plead the blood of Jesus over all these evil spirits and pray that those harboring such spirits be healed by the power of Jesus blood and mercy.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen!
Brothers and sisters in Christ, if only I could succinctly and poetically articulate what I sense in the Spirit right now. It would encourage you, like it is encouraging me. God does not give me dreams like some of you, but He gives me songs. Throughout the past 9 months, He has led me to so many beautiful and encouraging songs, written
by the talented lovers and worshippers of our One True God. Many I have shared with friends via text and until recently, via FB. Note that I am fasting from specific social media, and I declare that it has helped tremendously. Because I have non-Christian friends and associates, I was using social media to reach out to them with the power and truth of the Gospel. However, when it became apparent that it was negatively impacting my attitude and walk with the Lord, I had to repent and make other healthy choices, which is to spend as much time as needed each day in worship and prayer. On Friday morning while reading my Bible a song came to mind that I hadn’t thought of in years. I enjoy Southern Gospel music, but typically it is not something I regularly listen to. The name of that song is “Watch Watch What My God Can Do”. I was prompted to look it up online, and I found it, listened to it, and saved the link to share with friends.
This song was performed by the Palmetto State Quartet, at least 11 years ago. Although the audio is a bit muffled in places, I pray that all who follow the below link will listen to this song and will be encouraged, uplifted, blessed and motivated to trust in the Lord at such a deep level that absolutely nothing will steal your joy. With the Lord at our right hand we will NOT be shaken. Pray without ceasing. And all God’s people said AMEN!
Love the song!!! Thanks 😄
I truly enjoyed that song. I remember my dad playing Southern Gospel in our home and so many songs come to my memory. I really enjoyed listening to the Happy Good-man’s. Good memories.
Dear Heavenly Father, there was once a time when we had journalists like Walter Cronkite who were upright and objective men, but now so many of our journalists in the mainstream media are proud, arrogant, and deceitful men and women in the employment of shadowy behind-the-scenes forces who use them against us. Dear Lord, protect and deliver us from their evil intentions. Expose them and their masters, and confound their wicked plans. Save the deceived from their wicked grasp, and empower those who fight for us with courage, wisdom, clarity, and bold decisiveness. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.
The anger is shocking. Dear god please open the eyes of all those filled with hate. Let them walk in your ways to love God and all mankind. In Jesus name,
This is truth: The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That is what he does.
Thief, murderer, destroyer.
Thank our Father that He sent Jesus that we may have Life and have it more abundantly. from John 10:10
Father, we earnestly and fervently pray for Your deliverance from this evil and may Your righteousness shine and lead the wayward to the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Father God, Your TRUTH and LIGHT, are eternal. You are all knowing and nothing can hide from You.I
Lord, we cry out for YOU to Shine your LIGHT on the darkness which has enveloped our media. Reveal the corruption, lies, censorship and propoganda that has become the norm. Bind all evil and demonic spirits, scramble the airwaves, disrupt their plans and send them off to the lake of fire.
Lord, let your TRUTH come forth from all the media…tv, radio, social media and the like. Fill their microphones, the sound waves, the digital words, all trumpets and horns, with praise for God’s TRUTH.
Father, God Almighty, everlasting Prince of Peace, YOU alone can accomplish this. We pray for YOUR miracle for all to witness so that only Elohim, our sovereign GOD, will receive the glory.
Praise God, to the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Amen and Amen
Repeating these unGodly comments only serves to promote them! We only need to remember the security in Jesus Christ our Savior!
Father God, may we NEVER sound that way when we speak to or about Biden, his supporters, those in media or anyone else. May the words of our mouths and the thoughts of our hearts be pleasing unto you. Forgive them, for they are deceived and led by your greatest enemy, the accuser of the brethren and father of lies.
Amen 🙏🏻
Lord Jesus, You are the only One who can provide true unity in our land. We pray, that You send us revival that we desperately need in our country. Give us the needed unity. Please override satan’s attempts to divide and conquer.
As King David prayed, I pray for our nation.
Psalm 35:22-28
22 Lord, you have seen this; do not be silent.
Do not be far from me, Lord.
23 Awake, and rise to my defense!
Contend for me, my God and Lord.
24 Vindicate me in your righteousness, Lord my God;
do not let them gloat over me.
25 Do not let them think, “Aha, just what we wanted!”
or say, “We have swallowed him up.”
26 May all who gloat over my distress
be put to shame and confusion;
may all who exalt themselves over me
be clothed with shame and disgrace.
27 May those who delight in my vindication
shout for joy and gladness;
may they always say, “The Lord be exalted,
who delights in the well-being of his servant.”
28 My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,
your praises all day long.
Father, I have prayed that you would demolish the world view, that it would not chip away at Your people. Again, this morning I remember Your warfare command of “herem.” I do not know Your response to the spirit of wickedness (that seems to surround us now) but I do know “the weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through You for the demolition of strongholds.” I simply ask for you to cover us in a blanket of protection and confidence as we pray for the total destruction of the plans and purposes of those who rebel against You. My heart is heavy, but You said you would give me rest…You are gentle and humble in heart…Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.” Thank you Jesus for reminding me that in You, nothing is impossible. Amen
The media as they claim to be, are the most wicked of souls, consumed with evils hated and they know not … only useful idiots for the enemy.
This is where its difficult to love your neighbor, but having pity for these people is how we can help. For their ignorance and filthy nature is so pathetic we must pray for their deliverance into the realm of fire to purify or extinguish their souls. It is God’s judgement, not ours.
Remember that as you turn away, and give thanks to the Lord, our highest praise for teaching us His way.
Because of the voice of the enemy,
Because of the pressure of the wicked;
For they bring down trouble upon me
And in anger they bear a grudge against me.
Psalm 55:3
God will hear, and afflict them, Even He who abides from of old. Selah Because they do not change, Therefore they do not fear God.
Psalms 55:19 NKJV
Father God,
When, in the flesh, it looks like all are against us, You are with us and with eyes of faith we see ourselves surrounded, as Elisha was, with angel armies.
LORD, Your wrath is enough to frighten them and make them tremble with no remedy; for they cannot ease themselves of their fears as we do, by faith in You. But in Your wrath, LORD, remember mercy.
Even in these most overwhelming situations may we, Your people, choose to give thanks to You, rejoice in You, knowing that Your love endures forever. We choose this day to praise You regardless of what we see with our earthly eyes and we rejoice that our names are written in heaven because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Thank You that the victory is sure!! In Jesus’ name. Amen
Amen, Hallelujah. Our merciful God reigns and we do not fear.
Thank you for praying these powerful truths.
Psalm 3 NLT
[1] O LORD, I have so many enemies; so many are against me.
[2] So many are saying, “God will never rescue him!” Interlude
[3] But you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.
[4] I cried out to the LORD, and he answered me from his holy mountain. Interlude
[5] I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me.
[6] I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side.
[7] Arise, O LORD! Rescue me, my God! Slap all my enemies in the face! Shatter the teeth of the wicked!
[8] Victory comes from you, O LORD. May you bless your people. Interlude
Amen. Thank you for this timely truth, God’s very own words for us to claim and believe.