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Give thanks to the Lord for His mercies which are new every morning!

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam 3:22-23)

Do you think you live in a free country? How do you define ā€œfreeā€? To help answer these questions, the new ā€œHuman Freedom Indexā€ (HFI) has just been releasedā€¦.

The five freest countries are: Switzerland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia. The U.S. ranks number 17. In addition to economic freedoms, the authors have also included measures of safety and security, religion, expression and information, association and assembly, the rule of law and others. Countries or locales with high crime rates where the law abiding are afraid to walk the streets after dark clearly reduce freedom. Prohibitions on peaceful assembly and limitations on what may be communicated over the internet or published also rob people of their freedom.

The authors use the classic definition of freedom as expressed by the father of modern political philosophy, John Locke, that freedom implies that an individual not ā€œbe subject to the Will of another, but freely follow his own.ā€ In other words, freedom implies that individuals have the right to lead their lives as they wish as long as they respect the equal rights of othersā€¦.

One of the great advantages of being ā€œrichā€ is that usually you can move your property and person to a jurisdiction where they are well treated. There have been endless experiments where countries have imposed very high tax rates on the rich ā€” only to see the rich move. There is an interesting experiment taking place at the moment as a result of the Trump tax-rate reductions ā€” which, while benefitting most Americans, does make it more expensive for the very wealthy who live in places like New York, New Jersey and Connecticutā€¦.

Economists James Gwartney, Robert Lawson and Walter Block defined economic freedom as when individuals acquired property ā€œwithout the use of force, fraud, or theft, is protected from physical invasions by others and they are free to use, exchange, or give their property as long as their actions do not violate the identical rights of others.ā€

Economic freedom, including the protection of private property, cannot exist without the rule of law. As John Locke explained, a society ruled ā€œby law, not menā€ implies that laws apply to everybody, including the authorities; and that they be publicly known and understood, and that they limit the arbitrary decisions of rulers. The rule of law also embodies the concept of due process and protection of the rights of the accused.

The right to life and safety from physical aggression by others is fundamental to having liberty. The right to travel is a basic human freedom, and governments that try to restrict it deny their citizens the ability to maximize their opportunities and engage in peaceful activities of their choosingā€¦.

Few would argue that the top 10 ranked countries are much freer than those in the middle or at the bottom. Hong Kong comes in at number 2, yet it is not a democracy. It is still governed by the basic law ā€” which protects most civil and economic liberties ā€” until China regains full control.

The authors have provided a real service in fostering the debate about what it means to be free, and which jurisdictions provide the greatest and the least freedom. (Excerpts from Richard W. Rahn’s article in The Washington Times – Richard W. Rahn is chairman of Improbable Success Productions and on the board of the American Council for Capital Formation.)

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Sharon Buck
February 24, 2018

Jesus defines freedom as the ability to bless others instead of doing them harm….freedom to love, freedom to give, freedom to trust, freedom to speak truth; He also defines freedom as being able to choose right from wrong, good from evil, kindness from hurtfulness, forgiveness from offense, self-control from acting out. These are personal freedoms, given to us as we yield ourselves and our human propensities to God and put ourselves under His authority. From that vantage point, I would say I live in a free country. So far, I am not restrained from any of these freedoms, and He even has an antidote to restrictions: turn the other cheek, respect governmental authority, etc. We can live free in our heads even if what we define as freedoms (ie, our rights) are eroded or taken away. He says He came to set us “free indeed.” I choose His freedom and pray for the continuation of our human rights under the rule of law.

February 24, 2018

Of these countries, only the Swiss have the right & ability to defend themselves the rest are waiting for their destruction.

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