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I Prayed have prayed
Father, bless Rep. Meadows in his new role--may he seek you more than ever before. Bless his marriage, his family, and his walk with You. Protect him.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Chances are if you watched any of the impeachment coverage, you saw Rep. Mark Meadows commenting on behalf of the House Republicans. As CBN describes, “Congressman Mark Meadows looks so unassuming: a mild-mannered evangelical congressman from North Carolina who’s been married to the same woman for nearly 40 years. But looks can be deceiving because Mark Meadows is a major power player in Washington.”

Meadows led the Freedom Caucus, a group of more than 30 conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives who can make or break a president’s agenda. They have brought conservatism into the mainstream of the GOP, and are the movers and shakers in Congress–even in the minority.

Now, Meadows has been tapped to replace Mick Mulvaney as the White House Chief of Staff and the President’s right-hand man. His role as Freedom Caucus strategist and leader just may have prepared him for a larger role in Washington.

When asked about the pressure of D.C. politics and dealing with the encompassing animosity, Meadows cites his Christian faith as an anchor.

“When you have faith in your Lord, when you have the backings of thousands of friends, it does your heart good,” Meadows tells those in his congressional district, where he enjoys a high favorable rating.

Meadows tries to draw closer to the Lord every day. “I have a quiet time every morning so I’m in the scriptures on a daily basis,” Meadows said.

At a time when he was dealing with a long negotiation on an issue in the House, he sought the Lord for patience. Coincidentally, that was the exact topic that popped up in Bible study at the time.

“Patience is not a virtue that comes easily to me, but it’s to be to able to wait upon the Lord,” Meadows told CBN News.  “As I see that it has been reminded over and over and over again and it’s been confirmed over a dozen different places whether it’s in scripture or by other people sharing encouraging thoughts that’s where it’s been,” he continued.

Meadows has a desire not only to be effective in his role, and to withstand the media pressure that comes with the job,  but also to represent Christ and his character as well.

“What I hope that I’ve been able to portray is a real humble spirit in everything that I do because this is not about me; it’s not about the Freedom Caucus. It’s about the people of this great country that God has blessed,” Meadows says.

Join us in praying for Rep. Mark Meadows, who is currently voluntarily quarantined, and will be starting his new role in the West Wing. May God use him as an encouragement to the President, a voice for biblical values, and a faithful servant of Christ in the Oval Office.

(Kris Kubal is IFA Director of Strategic Resources and Engagement.)

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Krista Hilley
March 16, 2020

Praise God, we have another man of God who lives by the principles of the Word of God!!

Bless him abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine.

March 13, 2020

Please bring Psalm 56:1-13 to the President’s attention, it will be an encouragement to him and you too.

March 13, 2020

It is not actually about the people of this country either; It is all about being an Ambassador for the LORD Jesus Christ who took a towel and wrapped it around HIS waist and washed the feet of HIS disciples.” Do all to the Glory of GOD.

March 12, 2020

Father, I thank you so much for Mark Meadows. I pray for his and his family’s safety in this critically important role as Pres. Trump’s new Chief of Staff. I pray that he will continue his alone time with you, seeking your face and your wisdom, not matter what the pressures in that office. Guide him as he advises the President on who to trust, who to have in particular positions, who to listen to and who consider dangerous. Thank you for blessing us by putting Mark Meadows in this position. I pray that the enemy not succeed in anything he does to try to put a wedge in between President Trump and Mark Meadows. I also pray that Mark Meadows will be shown as great salt and light in the White House. May President Trump become deeper in his understanding of you as a result of this relationship. Help him hear you for himself/

March 12, 2020

Our mighty God, How good You are to us! We are so grateful to You for this President, Vice President, and for Mark Meadows. We are humbled that You are hearing and answering the prayers of Your people to put God-fearing and righteous men in positions in government. We see Your hand in this appointment. May You anoint our brother, Mark Meadows, will a full measure of Your Spirit for discernment. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Our eyes are on You, Father, as we see You working to restore the USA to You. May we be faithful and obedient to stand in the gap and intercede. May Your will be done in our country as it is in heaven. May our country bring You glory in turning to You wholeheartedly.

Patricia lloyd
March 12, 2020

Let us not forget to pray for a godly person, Spirit empowered person to fill this critical void in Congress, as Mark moves into his next Kingdom of Heaven place of service.

    March 14, 2020

    Dear Father. I too thank You for putting Mark Meadows as White House Chief of Staff. I pray that you continue to use him mightily within our government to bring a conservative, Christian voice. Please speak to and through him as he seeks You and let him have a profound influence on our President. May You bless him with wisdom, favor, protection and good health as he continues to serve You in the capacity that You have called him.

March 12, 2020

Father God,
I pray for Mark Meadows during this self-quarantine that he will use it as a time of seeking Your face to prepare for his new role as White House chief of staff. In quietness and solitude may he hear clearly from You concerning the road that lies ahead. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

March 12, 2020

Thank you Father for placing a man of God who has faith and wisdom to help the president with the agenda you have placed before him. I thank you for the strength you give Mark Meadows, that he does not stand in his own strength but in yours. I thank you that he seeks your face every day before starting his day, that he may know your will in his life. I pray a hedge of protection around him and his family that the fiery darts of the enemy cannot penetrate. I pray you anointing on him to do the job he has been placed in. God Bless him and his family and our government for having Godly men like him. I plead the blood of Jesus over him and all who work with him and his family that no harm will come to them.

Michelle Andres
March 12, 2020

Lord, we thank You for each person who has served at the White House, May the handoff be seemless from Mulvany to Meadows and may Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven through the seasons and dispensations of each laborer in this capacity.

Lord I pray that You will continue to reveal the plots of those who oppose You and alert this White House through Mr. Meadows as the unique filter of vast information and priorities. Lord, send the right messsengers and footmen to Mark and because he has dedicated his time to You first may he fruitful even to the unusual or the silent surging of all enemies and put them Father under the feet of Your Soj through their faithfulness such as Servant Lesder Mark Meadows- keep him in Your grip Fsther – return the heart of this Nation to Your heart Father through our prayers and the feet of those who bring Good News – in Jesus Name Anen and Amen

Jack Sheffield
March 12, 2020

“When the righteous rule; there is peace in the land. Grant it Lord!

T. Childers
March 12, 2020

May God bless you, Mark Meadows, and give NC more representatives like you!

March 12, 2020

Father God we praise you for GODLY appointments all across this nation. We declare and decree that You Alone sit on the Throne of the USA. We bind up and remove in Jesus Blood all those who are not your anointed to be removed from any and all offices. We declare that only your anointed will be appointed all across the USA. We declare and decree President Trump will be re-elected in this 2020 election in the Blood of Jesus !!! Greater is HE who is in Us than he who is in the world. VICTORY in JESUS for President Trump and ALL of GODS anointed! Amen. We plead the Blood of Jesus to silence all accusations of the enemy and bind up this Corona virus from the USA and the world in the Blood of Jesus. We declare this fear mongering by media will stop in Blood of Jesus and we declare joy, peace, health and wealth will return to this nation in Blood of Jesus.

Carole Ann Neve
March 12, 2020

Dear God I am so happy to see you advance Mark Meadows to the rank of White House New Chief of Staff. I think he is a great pick to help President Donald J. Trump. I am grateful for his willingness to have daily devotions and listening, seeking you Father God for patience through your Word, Spirit, godliness, and having perseverance to do all you want him to do, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Bless Mark Meadows with the favor of God and man.

M. J. McFalls
March 12, 2020

Heavenly Father , thank you that YOU WIN when we pray. Thank you God, that your people that have been called by your name are seeing good and godly people being placed into positions near our President DJT! It’s no wander that Satan is pulling out all his dirty tricks to thwart and deceive the populous! Lord God Almighty clear from the American people’s eyes the scales that hinder seeing the truth of your power and your hand of answered prayers and goodness Please Father, protect Representative Mark Meadows from Satan’s plans and murderous addenda. Let ALL the American people see the truth. AmenAmenAmen!

Lois Taritas
March 12, 2020

Father god
Thankyou for a godly man as chief of staff! Psalm 91 protection over him and the staff and their families! Give him great wisdom as he seeks you every day. I pray the presence of god would be powerful in the whitehouse, and the wind of the spirit move in mark powerfully! In jesus name.

Carla Roberts
March 12, 2020

Rep Meadows,
As a North Carolinian, I could not be more thankful for you and your presence that exudes Christ. You are chosen for this particular time in our history to be the Chief of Staff and a person who not only has the President’s ear but also a voice of calm and an godly example to the nation. I pray for you, your family and for a speedy release from this latest challenge from the self quarantine. What a blessing to have you! May God cover you with both protection and His wisdom.

Malachi 4:2-3 Amplified Bible

2 But for you who fear My name [with awe-filled reverence] the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves [released] from the stall. 3 You will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” says the Lord of hosts.

Doris Saltis
March 12, 2020

Holy Father, it is with a heart filled with thanksgiving to You for hand picking Rep. Mark Meadows for this position as Chief of staff to our President. May You use his humble spirit mightily as a true example of Christ and His Love in this assignment from Heaven to surround our President with encouragement and strength that only comes from You Holy Spirit.
May Your Kingdom come and Will be done in this joining together of kindred hearts. May the fear of God and His Presence surround all these You our Faithful God have placed and continue to bring together in President Trump’s inner circle, holding each other accountable and supported through Holy Spirit Power and Wisdom, Discernment and Understanding in these perilous and exciting times in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.


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