McCarthy Ousted From Speakership
McCarthy Ousted From Speakership
For the first time in our nation’s history, the House of Representatives has voted to vacate the office of Speaker.
From Fox News. Lawmakers have voted to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., from his leadership role, the first time in the history of the House of Representatives that the chamber voted to boot a member from the top job.
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Eight Republicans voted with every present Democrat to vacate the speaker’s chair. The final vote was 216 to 210 in favor of McCarthy’s ouster.
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., introduced a measure against McCarthy known as a motion to vacate on Monday night, accusing him of breaking promises he made to win the speaker’s gavel in January.
Tensions flared during an hour of debate before the actual motion to vacate, after 11 Republicans voted with every Democrat to advance the measure. …
“Chaos is Speaker McCarthy. Chaos is somebody who we cannot trust with their word,” Gaetz said as McCarthy looked down at his lap.
At one point an outraged McCarthy ally Rep. Garret Graves, R-La., accused Gaetz and his cohorts of sending fundraising efforts on their motion to vacate. He fumed while pointing to his phone, “Using official actions to make money, it’s disgusting.” …
In January, it took 15 rounds of voting until McCarthy was elected.
McCarthy angered hardliners over the weekend when he passed a short-term spending bill known as a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government open for 45 days, in order to avert a government shutdown and give lawmakers more time to cobble together 12 individual spending bills. …
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(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
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We need restoration not back biting to have the Democrats overrule was a play of power not unity Iam grieved over what we have become pray that the Lord will intervene on the behalf of his remnant and restore the years that the locust have eating amen!
This is what Jesus said in Matthew 12:25: “A kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” I don’t see what was accomplished by ousting Speaker McCarthy except that it created more chaos and further divided the Republicans. This action just made them weaker. They are never going to be a force to be reckoned with as long as they bicker amongst themselves. Kevin McCarthy is not the problem. The Republicans are their own problem. Now everything has been put on hold again.
Thank you, Lord God of heaven and earth that we have a man, Matt Gaetz, who is willing to stand in the breach and bring change!!! May the Lord bring other warriors alongside of him to do what is righteous in the eyes of God! I pray father, that Congress and senate would start listening to read the people! And put an end to all of the corruption returned to the constitution! Which is based upon Your holy written scriptures!! The Bible!!! May return from our present evil ways, and be restored to righteousness!! I pray your hand of protection upon Matt Gaetz, and those who voted with him! To put it into the same old madness that has put us in this position to start with!!! I thank you, Lord Jesus, for exposing these men and women who say one thing and do another! Yeshua calls it a lie, and we know that Satan is the father of lies! Need we say more? And all that lie are of the evil one!!! Lord, we ask you to raise up men and women that live for you and not just talk! Placed them in the highest offices of our land to the least office in our city and towns! Help your people Lord not to be deceived, give us wisdom that we would know who to vote for! And we are totally dependent upon you, as our Lord and we give you praise, holy Father, in the name of Jesus! Mark, Molinero, representative of New York republican party! Voted against removal of the speaker ship! Thank you Lord for exposing him also!! Holy one change transformers into the image of Yeshua! May we uphold righteousness, wherever we go and walk in the ways of the Lord? Thank you Jesus May we be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who leads & guides us and reveals all truths to those who love God, and are called according to His purpose!! Bless The Lord ole my soul & all that is within me! Praise His Holy Name!!
AMEN Sharon!
Father God, as Jesus taught His disciples to pray, so we pray today, “Kingdom of God, come! Will of God, be done! On earth (in congress) as it is in heaven.” We cannot see from Your vantage point, we do not know Your overall plan. So regardless of our political views, right now we come into agreement with You! We pray for our congress. First of all for their eternal salvation, secondly that as the Apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ would give EACH of them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation!
We set aside our desires, opinions and differences and ask You to give us the unity of Holy Spirit.
Jesus said in Mark 3:25 “A family splintered by feuding will fall apart.” NLT
So family of God, do not allow the forever loser (Satan) to splinter us because of political views. Remember the goal is for the saving of America and other nations through revival!!
Thank You Lord!
So, Republican Matt Gaetz and his cronies sided with democrats; the people that support killing babies on demand up to birth!
Democrats, the people that support biden’s inflation!
Democrats, the people that support open borders! Democrats, that support the trans debacle! Democrats, that stole an election from us! Democrats, that brought covid and locked down Americans, causing many to lose jobs, homes, savings, and many friends and family that died!
Democrats that lie daily to Americans! Kevin McCarthy kept Ukraine funding out of the spending bill; fighting for more of our own tax dollars to be spent on us Americans, rather than Ukraine and illegals, most of whom ARE NOT ASYLUM SEEKERS! Kevin was poised to insist that the borders must be closed! Matt did this with a month to go before our next election? Were they secretly mad that Kevin cut monies from Ukraine from the budget? FATHER GOD please remove Kevin Buck of Colorado; Tim Burchett of Tennessee; Eli Crane of Arizona; Matt Gaetz of Florida; Bob Good of Virginia; Nancy Mace of South Carolina; Matt Rosendale of Montana; and Andy Biggs of Arizona from office when their terms are up! Please replace them with men and women after YOUR Heart that will listen and do all YOUR Will! Please remind all of congress, senate and house, that they are there at our pleasure, to represent Americans and not themselves! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to Kevin McCarthy to protect and keep him and his family from hurt and harm! FATHER GOD I watched Kevin McCarthy and listened to him and I believe he was doing good fighting for us! Bless him and if he doesn’t know YOU as LORD, send laborers to him today in JESUS NAME! Amen!
No. Matt Gaetz did not stand with Democrats. The Democrats voted for Hakeem Jeffries. Therefore Kevin needed all the Republican votes to stay in power. These faithful, courageous 8 said no to Kevin because he has lied everyday for the last 9 months and broke his promises. The Continuing Resolution was the last straw. We MUST return to governing instead of just voting for all the spending bills when we don’t have the money to pay for them. Please be informed by honest media.
I agree with Diana. All the issues mentioned by Carol have not been addressed by the Republican Lead House of Representatives. What have they accomplished in the past 9 months? They knew about the budget deadline a year ago, yet they did not address it until a few days before the deadline.
I applaud Matt Gaetz and the other seven for taking a stand and demanding better Republican leadership for our nation.
Carol R,
Please keep your focus on what God is doing, not on the political views. This website is for the purpose of praying for America, not expressing your displeasure with individual people. Keep praying for God to have HIS WAY.
My prayer for you today is that “you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard Your heart and mind as you live in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:7 (NLT)
I would encourage you to find a new news source! The ones you are allowing to influence you are Fake news.
When ungodly government servants who violate the Constitution and elect another ungodly servant that violates the Constitution to lead them then the obvious outcome is necessity is to REMOVE that person from Leadership.
Citizen Statesmen who are educated in the originalism of the Constitution with Faith in God, and who desire to serve and accurately reflect their Constituents – not just the Lobbyists .
Pray for the unborn, pray for Leadership, pray to God for guidance and serve the Lord as you serve your American Citizen in our Constitutional Republic!! The USA is NOT a Demoncracy!!
That also goes for President Biden, his administration, and all those on the left who have violated the Constitution, lied to the American people and are trying to destroy our country.