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I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let us live in fear. Help us to make no provision for the enemy to attack and give our nation wisdom and discernment.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Former FBI Deputy Director (and CNN contributor) Andrew McCabe has long said that he was willing to answer questions under oath about his controversial actions in the Russian investigation. He was scheduled to do so on Tuesday, but he now has refused — citing the infection of three senators with Covid-19.  However, McCabe also refuses to testify remotely as did both former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.  He simply says that “fairness” dictates that he not testify at all. The basis for his refusal to appear remotely is utterly and almost comically absurd. . . .

The problem is that recent disclosures have magnified concerns of serious conduct in the Russian investigation and, in the last few months, Comey, Yates, and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said that they would not have signed off on the Page application if they knew then what they know today.  Rosenstein called for further investigation into FBI misconduct, including matters that would relate to McCabe.  Rosenstein expressly slammed McCabe in his testimony.

McCabe’s lawyer, Michael R. Bromwich McCabe is “willing, able, and eager to testify in person” about the FBI’s Russia investigation “when it is safe to do so.” However, his letter speaks more of evasion than eagerness.  He insists that he is “not willing to put his family’s health at risk to do so.”  He can of course do so with zero risk, as did his former bosses: remotely.

He recognizes the obvious logical disconnect and merely adds that for “reasons of fairness” McCabe would be unwilling to testify remotely. The Hill reported that Bromwich objected that “[a] fair and appropriate hearing of this kind — which is complex and contentious — simply cannot be conducted other than in person.” . . .

I have testified over 50 times in Congress over three decades. There is virtually no difference in the testimony because there is virtually no interaction between a witness and the members other than the questions once the hearing starts. Moreover, such interactions can still occur by text with counsel off screen who can pass notes to McCabe, just like a hearing. Indeed, remote hearings are better for witnesses because they can have an entire team giving you messages off-screen in a way that is not possible in a live hearing.

McCabe (who was a controversial addition to the CNN team) has been going on television to deny allegations and attack these hearings, including bizarre interviews spinning his own conduct. He will continue to do so but will refuse to give such answers under oath as he runs out the time for a possible Democratic takeover of the Senate.

McCabe’s position only magnifies concern over his veracity and transparency, two qualities that should be required for a CNN analyst. He has repeatedly used his CNN contract to spin stories that directly impact his legal and professional interests. He is now advancing a position that is absurd on its face but has received little press interest or criticism. He will continue to answer questions remotely at CNN of course — a hermetically sealed safe space for Andrew McCabe.

(Excerpt from Jonathan Turley. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your thoughts on FBI Director McCabe and his involvement in the Russia investigation . . .

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Jacque P.
October 8, 2020

What is done in the dark comes to the light. When all of this evil was being perpetrated he should’ve spoken up. Now he is continuing to lie. He wasn’t concerned about his family as they took this country through 3+ years of constant lies, so why now {all of a sudden} is he concerned about his “family”? See how lies has to be continued?

Reminds me of how Joseph’s brothers lived for years in fear because of the lie they told their father about how Joseph was killed by an animal. Lord do not let them rest until they face the music that they themselves orchestrated, with the assistance of the father of lies satan.

Mel Teoh
October 8, 2020

Father God,

Thank You that YOU’RE in control of all situation.

Please lead and give discernment to people whom You’ve assigned to get to the bottom of this scandal. Let justice be served. Please put in the heart of all these people that involved in the scandal to willingly come forward to give testimony. I pray that You’ll open way so that this matter can be resolved so that as a country we can move on to a better future with You and not get stuck in the past with this scandal.

Your will be done on this matter. In Jesus name. Amen.

October 8, 2020

McCabe isn’t really concerned about the virus. He has (probably his family too) evidently been threatened by the deep state of what D.C. has been referring to as “sudden comorbidity” if he tells the truth.
This is one of the many sad and wrong elements with those who work or have worked in many levels of government – they have “too many legal outs” they fall back on. Instead of the biblical principle of “greater responsibility brings greater accountability”, the opposite seems to continually hold true for many positions within government.
McCabe knows what he did was wrong. So do many millions of Americans. But our system of justice has been modified for D.C. elites that allow them to get away with things that the rest of us would be in jail for.
Lord we pray for equality in justice. Our system must change so that all are treated equally when it comes to breaking the law. Begin that work in our imperfect system. Bring forth lawmakers from all areas of life who will stand courageously for needed changes. Hear our cry for truth and justice Lord and allow your perfect light to expose any and all corruption Lord at any and all levels. It would be painful for many God but help us because you and you alone are a true, just and loving Father. In your name we pray amen.

Angela M Meek
October 7, 2020

Lord God we ask that you superintend all that is happening with the Russian investigation. Fear is in fact evident as McCabe stated but what is at the root of the fear Lord I do not believe is his health. You are the only one Lord now that can pluck all there is hidden in the darkness surrounding this investigation and expose it to the light of your Kingdom’s Government and justice. We do ask you Lord to place a hedge of protection around those who may in fact may even be fearing for their own life (and or their families) in this matter. Lord, do not allow the evil that surrounds this cover-up continue to rule. We pray that it would be put under your feet Jesus and crushed for once and for all that justice may rule once again in our Nation.

Karen Secrest
October 7, 2020

The comments now coming forth appear to indicate level of fear not disclosed for him and his family.
We will pray for their safety an peace of mind even as Truth pierces the darkness.

Judith Knight
October 7, 2020

Father God, thank you for continuing to bring forth the carefully hidden details in our government. The chaos and subterfuge has overwhelmed me at times but you have heard our prayers to let truth come forth. Touch the heart of Mr. McCabe to be fully honest even at his own peril. Only you know the full truth and are a forgiving God to those who repent.

I pray for our country. You founded our nation; it is you who will determine our future. Only you can heal our nation. Give us the wisdom and the hearts to seek and discern your truth and promises. Let my fellow citizens stay strong & not grow weary in battle. Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to every nook and cranny in this nation so that no one will ever again say we are not ‘just’ a Christian nation. Use us as missionaries in our communities. Strengthen each of us to be your witness for Jesus in our world. Thank you for truth, Lord!

    Angela M Meek
    October 7, 2020

    Lord God in Heaven I stand in total agreement with what my sister Judith has prayed. The Passion Translation of Matthew 18:20 For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name, I am right there with them! Father I know in my heart this does not mean that it can be only together physically. We are together in unity in Spirit and Lord that is all we need. May you hear the deep cries Father of all those who are crying out for our Nation for revelation of all the subterfuge that is taking place around our current Governmental administration. The enemy is indeed on a mission to kill, steel and destroy our Nation Lord, in and by any means he finds necessary to use without reservation. As Your Word states in Isaiah 59:19(b) When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives]. (AMP) We stand today on this truth and declare that you are raising the standard today. You are coming in as a rushing stream and are putting the enemy to flight in Jesus’ mighty and powerful name we pray!

October 7, 2020

Abba, glory glory Hallelujah! Your truth is marching on! Continue to expose the works of darkness. Shine your light on the evidence. May your truth be revealed and shouted from the mountaintops. Shut down the communications systems of the enemy. End the propaganda being spewed from the father of lies. Reign your righteousness and justice in America. May we be a city in a hill and shine the light of your glory to the world. Blow the trumpet in Zion for our God reigns! In Jesus name, Amen.


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