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Massachusetts Commits Anew to the Lord
A recent gathering of intercessors under the IFA Massachusetts banner proved to be a celebration of the true roots of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts — and of the nation. It was fitting to meet in Plymouth, where the spiritual roots of America were first planted. Throughout the day, the Lord wove together themes of the vital importance of obedience and boldness.
Have you taken your place on the wall?
The day began with a trumpet sound — the blowing of a shofar. This was followed by prayers for protection, and by the hundred-plus participants taking communion together.
The first speaker was Dr. Paul Jehle, executive director of the Plymouth Rock Foundation. Jehle assured his listeners that prayer is the lifeblood of New England. The very first act of the Pilgrims from England who disembarked on our shores and established their church plant, Plymouth, was to fall to their knees and pray. Their story is profoundly important to us today, Jehle made clear, and we can learn much from them.
The Pilgrims did not take their cues from the culture around them, but rather from the Word of God. In England in 1606, this group of believers had made a covenant with God. In the words of William Bradford, who became governor of Plymouth Colony:
“And as ye Lord’s free people joined themselves by a covenant of the Lord into a church estate, in ye fellowship of ye gospel, to walk in all his ways, made known or to be made known to them according to their best endeavor, whatsoever it should cost them, the Lord assisting them.”
And it did cost them. Half of those Pilgrims who came to these shores aboard the Mayflower died during the first year.
Jehle outlined the commitment to prayer that marked the Pilgrims, and which speaks to intercessors today, based on a few principles:
- The Bible is the heart of prayer.
- A renewed church will eventually be the center of community.
- Prayer first changes us: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD — because of God’s people. The Pilgrim’s primary goal was to be an example.
- The more significant the decision, the greater must be the intensity of prayer.
- Prayer must have a kingdom focus, with a concern for the generations after us.
- The Church should influence the culture. The Pilgrim’s church covenant influenced the Mayflower Compact, which in turn influenced the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
- Internal religious liberty determines the quality of external civil liberty. Jehle noted that the Church and Christians often suffer as discipline from the Lord because we are not properly functioning as salt in the culture.
- The proclamation of fasts and days of humiliation and prayer was key to the Pilgrims’ prosperity.
Jehle concluded by recounting some of the key spiritual moments in the history of Massachusetts, and being thus reminded of the godly roots of the commonwealth inspired hope in everyone in attendance.
Rabbi Henry Morse, of Sha’ar Hashamayin, in Stoughton, Massachusetts, led prayer for Israel. Michael King, CEO of the Massachusetts Family Institute, shared news of recent legislative victories and challenges. “You are not alone, and you are not crazy because of your biblical views,” King encouragingly told his listeners.
Janis Taylor, a longtime IFA intercessor, reminded the participants that there is “a time to keep silence, and a time to speak,” as Ecclesiastes 3:7 says. “And this is a time to speak,” she exhorted. She told of how she had overcome her natural reticence to call legislators, speak at school board meetings, and even testify at the State House. Deciding to speak was harder than actually doing it, Taylor noted. She also urged intercessors to remember that our words do have power (see Jeremiah 1), recalling ruefully that only a few hardy souls spoke up for what is right at some of the public meetings she had attended.
Belinda Brewster gave a riveting talk titled “Hey Mom, I’m Trans!” Drawing on her personal experience, years of research, and earnest seeking after God, Brewster shared wisdom and clear direction for intercessors. IFA will be featuring a detailed article with her findings at a later date. Perhaps the most important point Brewster made was this: “It’s not kindness to support this delusion.” She added: “I’m never giving up on my son.” Meanwhile, she said, she continues to pray for what she calls the true “trans”: transformation in Christ. Together, the attendees prayed “7 Scriptural Prayers” to defeat the trans ideology.
Michele Charles shared testimonies about the many prayer victories over witchcraft within the state in recent years. Charles emphasized the need for love to indwell any intercessor who undertakes to pray about these things. She also stressed that the only way to do spiritual warfare safely is to deal with your fear.
Barbara Bell recounted stories about her 45 imprisonments as part of Operation Rescue. Her obvious courage to stand up for unborn babies and her boldness to share the gospel with everyone she meets was a great encouragement to the audience of intercessors.
The day’s event closed with a teaching by Pastor Susan Thornton, of Chiltonville Congregational Church, in Plymouth. Thornton spoke on how intercessors today should consider living up to the covenant of the Pilgrims to follow the Lord “whatsoever it may cost us,” now that they’d heard from so many speakers who are doing just that.
Said Thornton:
“On the 300th anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact, President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed it as ‘the first constitution in modern times.’ And he also said that the compact ‘was not the most wonderful thing about the Mayflower; the most wonderful of all was that those who drew it up had the power, the determination, and the strength of character to live up to it from that day.’ It is our duty and the duty of every true American to reassemble in spirit in the cabin of the Mayflower, rededicate ourselves to the Pilgrims’ great work by re-signing and reaffirming the document that has made mankind of all the earth more glorious.”
Every attendee was invited to sign a new covenant statement, and as they did, they each received a commissioning prayer from IFA.
Throughout the day, participants were heard saying: “We’re not the frozen chosen,” referring to the old joke about New England Christians. Truly, worshipping with them, praying with them, and seeing their response to God, it stirred us to believe that God’s blessings could again spring forth from Christians in Plymouth and Massachusetts.
Did this article stir something within you? Share your own hopes and prayers with us in the comments below.
Judy McDonough is IFA’s editor-in-chief. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America.
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I’m glad I got my foundations in Christianity and Revival from living in Plymouth in the 80s as a new Believers in Christ, and my prayer walks on where the Pilgrims landed in 1620.
I was so humbled to be part of this gathering. Praying for more physical gatherings with people that have a burden for this nation. * the spirit of America*** will come alive and Massachusetts shall shine in revival once again
Thank you Judy.
Thank you Judy for the encouragement your article brought! Our God is a covenant-keeping God, may we as His people keep the covenants our forefathers made with Him in the founding of our nation.
What an inspiring encouragement for all of us to take a stand and be bold and courageous for God.
Absolutely! This country was built on Christ from our Founding Fathers. For at least 50 years Americans have been avoiding Christian morals and values. What do you think was going to happen 🤔 after all this time???!!! It’s never too late to humble ourselves and come to Jesus! Stand for a clean slate of truth and faith for our Savior!
Thank you Judy for this report on a wonderful, historical gathering. It’s so encouraging to be reminded of the taithfulness of the founders and to see the faithfulness of today’s interessors who shared their insights and experiences. Thank you Lord for all you did and are doing through your faithful servants in this country.
Thank you for sharing. It really blessed and encouraged me. We shall not forget
This truly blessed my heart and gave me a new commitment to pray more and more. BLESSINGS TO ALL OF THEM.
This is an inspiring article, worthy of distribution and imitation!!! Thank you!!!
Along with every other message shared in this article, the event and its reporting are a wonderful reminder how the earliest acts of new settlers to our shores were steeped in Christian Faith and gave thanks and committed dedication to its spread and the movement of the Holy Spirit among them…. at Plymouth in 1620 and at Cape Henry Virginia in 1607…. The “1619 Project” is so false and perverted