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Lord Jesus, as our children's schools are becoming a more and more oppressed, we ask you for protection. We know now more than ever, students who are feeling shamed and teachers that are being coerced need Your peace.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Fairfax County Public Schools made a show of defying Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s order that schools respect parental rights on masking on Tuesday, with an assistant principal standing in front of the school to suspend students without masks, and a public relations staffer who said the media was not allowed to watch the conflict between state and local governments play out.

At one classroom exterior door, a teacher in a dark mask and a full-face plastic shield resembled Darth Vader as she peered through the glass and, after seeing a masked child out front, opened the door a crack to let him in.

Providing muscle was a large security guard who inadvertently illustrated parents’ concerns by removing his mask to lecture a parent because “I can’t speak with this thing.” At another point, the security guard lashed out at a former school board member after his own mask caused his glasses to fog up to the point that he could not see who he was talking to…

In Loudoun County on Monday, parents said students have been trained to wear masks nonstop by teachers who bully them and express fear.

A parent said one child has become reluctant to take off his mask, saying “I wouldn’t want anyone to see my expression.”

Most Loudoun students interviewed by The Daily Wire on Monday said they disagreed with the mask mandate, but would comply anyway for fear of punishment from teachers. Loudoun students who were not masked were moved to a separate room, where one parent said they were not allowed to speak all day.

Clint Thomas wrote to Loudoun Superintendent Scott Zeigler on Tuesday to say “We have just learned our girls and other maskless students in confinement are now being denied the ability to get water? … We’re told an admin is now guarding the door to the aux gym in case any else tries to leave. Is this now a prison or a school building?”

What do you think? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Karen Secrest
January 28, 2022

To me shame is the wrong idea. Forceful, coercive action described would frihhten me.
Im praying for children, parents and others who are involved in this illegal, communist k8nd of acyion.
May God intervene with a blast that conbinces HE does not gainstay the shedding of innocent blood in whatever form

Rose Rocha
January 28, 2022

I pray that the people who are spreading fear would wake up and see the truth of God’s. May we have a revival of souls and healing in this land and throughout the world. Glory to God.

January 28, 2022

CHILD ABUSE!!! Most asinine thing in the free world. Needs to stop NOW


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