I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for President Biden as he seeks to run our country. We ask that You would give him strength and wisdom, and that You would show him clearly whether he is to stay in the race for reelection or not.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

For years, many Americans have viewed the legacy media as the official press of the Democratic party, especially as they refused to report on the mounting evidence of the President’s decline.

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In recent weeks, however, even the once unflappable mainstream media has begun to waver in its once-unwavering support of President Biden. On Wednesday, the New York Times, proven to be strongly biased for the left and the Democratic Party, published a critique of the president titled “Biden Circle Shrinks as Democrats Fear Election Wipeout.”

Chaos abounds in the White House, and you don’t have to be a Republican to see it. As the Times notes, prominent Democrats nationwide, including Rep. Adam Schiff and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, are calling on Biden to give up on reelection. The president, however, doesn’t seem to be listening. The Times reports he’s been reclusive, only speaking with his trusted advisors and family. When asked about who he consults on critical issues like whether to continue his reelection campaign, Biden reportedly responded with “me.”

This is only a small look at the chaos facing the president. In its article, the Times also reports that Biden recently appeared to read a note handed to him by a staff member during a call with Representatives, saying, “Stay positive; you are sounding defensive.” While lawmakers on the call tried to spin the comment as the president “poking fun at his aides,” that same lawmaker also admitted that the incident spoke to how stage-managed Biden has been. Yet it also reflects reports like this from The Hill,  “Those on calls with Biden, since his dismal debate performance last month, have described him as defensive and angry.”

In the midst of this, President Biden was also recently diagnosed with COVID, choosing to cancel events and isolate in Delaware. While the Times article predates the diagnosis, Biden’s decision to isolate even after doctors have stopped recommending that the infected do so adds to the article’s portrayal of the president as angry and isolated, hiding from a world that has lost confidence in him and his campaign.

Shockingly, so many Democrats are calling on the sitting president of the United States to stop running for reelection. It is also shocking that the President refuses to listen to them, abruptly leaving calls whenever calls to drop out are raised, according to the Times. However, it is perhaps most shocking that the mainstream media, like the New York Times, once stalwart defenders of the Biden administration, are turning on the president. As supporters abandon him one by one, Biden faces a difficult choice: will he gracefully step down, or will he continue to run a race in which all the odds seem to be stacked against him?

As intercessors, we must remember that we are called to support Biden. While the Lord does not tell us how to vote, He does ask us to intercede for “kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:2). Therefore, we pray that God would strengthen him, give him wisdom, and open his eyes to the one true God and King.

Has the Lord revealed anything about President Biden to you at this time? If so, please share it with your fellow intercessors in the comments.

(Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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July 19, 2024

No, we as intercessors Are Not called to support biden! We are called to pray the WORD of GOD over and for him! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect and heal joe biden. Please deliver him from all evil and give him a repentant heart! Let him receive JESUS as LORD and turn towards HIM with all of his heart in JESUS NAME! Amen!

July 19, 2024

Dearest Savior: It has been very difficult for me as well to pray for those I SO disagree with. Who I know are against you and like David I find myself hating those who hate you (Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
Psalms 139:21 & 22). I struggle with this Father because I know you also tell us to pray for our enemies. The best prayer I can offer right now is to ask you My Savior to work in and on Mr. Biden and those close to him to bring them into alignment with YOUR will. If, since you lone can read hearts and know what I cannot, that is never going to happen and they continue to refuse your leading, deal righteously with them so that YOUR WILL can and will be done on Earth. I love you My Lord and Savior and trust you. I want so badly to follow you and to do it right, please help your daughter to make sure that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. (Psalms19:14) You alone are worthy to be praised. To you be all Honor, Glory and PRAISE. Amen

Marcy Moisio
July 19, 2024

It is very difficult for me to pray for Biden as he has made a mockery of God and damaged this nation through his seemingly indifference to the plight of the people. His corruption and greed are endless. I truly wonder if God will honor these prayers.


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