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Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes. Isaiah 56:1
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Most Don’t Watch Senate “Trial,” Say It’s Divisive

According to Mike Huckabee, “Die-hard Democrat leaders and other political enemies of former President Trump might want to put him on trial, but most Americans do not. . . .

According to a new Rasmussen poll, just 15 percent of likely voters –- repeat, likely voters –- planned to watch the whole impeachment “trial.” Most did say they would check in from time to time. But 32 percent said they would not watch ANY of it.

Only 31 percent thought that Trump would likely be convicted. Another 64 percent said a conviction was unlikely or definitely would not happen.

Even a majority of the “politically unaffiliated” (independents), 54 percent, said Trump SHOULD not be convicted. Among Republicans, that number is 81 percent. . . .

According to an earlier Rasmussen poll, 57 percent of likely voters said that just having the “trial” –- yes, we’re still using quotation marks around that word here, as it’s not really a trial –- will lead to more division.  . . .

Among Republicans, that number is 83 percent, which is even bigger than Trump’s current base of support, according to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER.

This is in spite of the frenzy from the media, who are completely off their collective rocker. They’re trying desperately to whip up the Capitol Hill incident into a manifestation of widespread domestic terrorism within the Trump ranks. . . .

Tucker Carlson mentioned this as well in the opening to his Wednesday show, also explaining how wrong the media are getting the real story of how the Capitol riot got started. They’ve lied about how the casualties occurred, too. Major unanswered questions remain, even as the Senate “tries” Trump for “inciting” it. . . .

Yesterday, I mentioned that Trump’s attorneys, who have gotten some bad reviews for their arguments on Tuesday, are actually last-minute fill-ins for his previous attorneys whose law firm was bullied into dropping Trump’s case. Recall that Jonathan Turley has expressed dismay at others in his profession who try to prevent the former President from exercising his right to legal representation. It’s become difficult for Trump to hire the caliber of attorneys he needs. John Hinderaker, president of the Center of the American Experiment, spoke with Mark Steyn on FOX NEWS Wednesday evening about this.

“That was the worst opening statement I have ever heard, yesterday,” Steyn said, “and I tell you, I would’ve fired that guy [Bruce Castor] in the corridor ten minutes afterwards.” . . .

They were trying to put this huge, prestigious law firm out of business because one of the partners had committed a mortal sin. She decided that, for the sake of her partners, she had no choice but to leave the firm!

He added that the governor of Michigan, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, has tried to get the lawyers who represented Trump in that state disbarred.

So, according to Hinderaker, the “two or three lawyers” who are representing Trump now “have been on the case for a week or less.” He thought the brief that they’d prepared “was not bad…perfectly adequate.” . . .

Obviously, Hinderaker is with the majority of those polled who believe Trump will not be convicted. He called it “an exercise in futility.” Of course, he said, that’s because “45 senators have already voted that they don’t think they have jurisdiction.”

He said Democrats don’t want to focus now on their own administration.  . . .

Among Republicans, the split was 49 percent likely to 40 percent unlikely. Among Democrats, the split was 45 percent likely to 44 percent unlikely. Among independents, it was 42 percent likely and 44 percent unlikely. So all groups were split somewhat similarly.

Perhaps surprisingly, whites were less likely to see civil war ahead than Hispanics and blacks. Among Hispanics, the split was 53 percent likely vs. 43 percent unlikely. Among blacks, it was 49 to 39 percent. For whites, 43 percent vs. 44 percent. Given that the margin of error is plus-or-minus 3.3 percentage points, this is essentially an even split.

There were regional differences as well. Respondents in the East were much less likely to anticipate civil war (39 percent yes, 44 percent no) than, say, those in the South (49 percent yes, 39 percent no).

People who live in large cities were much more likely to think we’ll have one than those in the suburbs.  . . .

Trump Impeachment ‘Political Theater,’ Ignores US History: Constitutional Lawyer

According to The EpochTimes, ”

The impeachment effort against former President Donald Trump is “political theater” that goes against the history of the United States and the American Constitution itself, according to constitutional attorney Rick Green.

“When we have political actors involved, we get political theater. And that’s a lot of what we’re getting here. Is this the judiciary now? Is the Senate now the judiciary that will try any citizen? Because an impeachment is specifically for someone that is in office, according to the American Constitution,” Green, a former Texas state representative and co-founder of the Patriot Academy, told “American Thought Leaders.”

Trump’s attorneys have stated that it goes against the Constitution to impeach or try a former office-holder. . . .

He said the concept being pushed currently in the impeachment trial—that if Trump isn’t convicted he will get away with doing “horrible things,” and future presidents will be able to “do whatever they want and get away with it”—is “a total red herring.” . . .

Democrats allege that the president incited violence at the Capitol in a speech he delivered near the White House on Jan 6. In his address, Trump used the words “fight like hell” in reference to his team’s legal efforts around election integrity. The Democrats allege that Trump used the words to incite his followers to commit violence.

However, Democratic House impeachment managers, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), in their arguments on Feb. 10, presented no new evidence to support the allegation that Trump incited an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last month. . . .

The constitutional attorney accused the Democratic House impeachment managers of stringing elements of the American Constitution together in order to argue that a former president can be impeached.

“I’ve said this throughout this whole process that what they’re doing and pulling together different parts of the Constitution and creating these new rules is more worthy of a banana republic than a constitutional republic,” he said.

Green said language from Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution was taken, “separated,” and mixed with some of the language in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, in a way that was both “masterful” and “deceptive.” . . .

The constitutional attorney accused the Democratic House impeachment managers of stringing elements of the American Constitution together in order to argue that a former president can be impeached.

“I’ve said this throughout this whole process that what they’re doing and pulling together different parts of the Constitution and creating these new rules is more worthy of a banana republic than a constitutional republic,” he said.

Green said language from Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution was taken, “separated,” and mixed with some of the language in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, in a way that was both “masterful” and “deceptive.” . . .

The attorney said that at this point, the United States is living “post-Constitution,” and urged Americans to read the text of the Constitution themselves.

“We’re literally ignoring the constitutional history and the plain text of the Constitution. I think it’s important for us to actually as citizens, to go look at the Constitution ourselves, and not just listen to the silver tongue rhetoric,” he said. . . .

The Democrats face an uphill battle in convincing enough Republican senators that Trump should be convicted. Forty-four Republicans voted on the first day of the trial that the Senate doesn’t have jurisdiction to try Trump because he’s now a private citizen. Several Republican senators said on Feb. 9 that the vote is an indicator of how the GOP members will ultimately vote on the question of whether the former president is guilty.

Democrats need the votes of at least 17 Republicans in order to secure the supermajority needed to convict Trump. If the vote from the first day of the trial is any indication, the impeachment managers need to change the minds of at least 11 Republicans, a task which even liberal media commentators concede is virtually impossible.

(Photo Credit: The White House Flickr.)

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February 14, 2021

The Senate acquitted our courageous Christian President, Donald Trump! Thank you, Jesus! (I’m posting this on Sunday, 2/14/2020.)

“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse…” ~ Genesis 12:3

I’m going to go now and email my thanks to my Senator who voted to acquit, and my complete dismay to my other Senator who voted to impeach.

And God bless all my wonderful fellow IFA intercessors here!

Blanca Holland
February 14, 2021

Through the process of the mock trial: I listen to the democrat-socialist party representative: I was praying for them : like JESUS YESHUA did at the cross: father forgive them for they do not know what they’re doing: (but I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,) I prayed for the attorneys who represented President Donald J Trump: that would have wisdom like a serpent but be gentle like a dove: that the senators who believe in America and the constitution of the United States our nation and her people: would come thru with an aquital: the LORD ALMIGHTY intervened: in the wee hours of the 13th as I was talking to the LORD laying down after praying: I heard the voice of angels singing victory, victory. I knew that the LION OF Judah had already made the declaring that President Donald J Trump was innocent of the charges : thrown at him by Congress and Senate leaders to global mandate chains of anti-American values and anti Semitic views. To GOD OF HEAVEN, HIS SON JESUS YESHUA and the HOLY SPIRIT KADOSH be the GLORY.

Virginia Blakeman
February 14, 2021

Father, I thank You for Your word that prevailed over this unrighteous impeachment trial. I ask Your blessing to rest on those Senators who voted against impeaching President Donald John Trump and I thank You for opening the eyes of their heart to see truth from the perspective of heaven’s borders, I believe the Spirit of the Lord God rests upon them and their families. I place before You, Father, those whose minds and hearts were closed to the truth – I forgive them and release them into Your righteous hands – I pray their eyes would be opened to the eternal realities You set before us – Life – and You would, by Your Holy Spirit, convict and convince each one of Your righteousness that they might turn and be healed and be a part of the healing You are redemptively bringing this nation’s people to – start with those people called by Your name, Father, humility, prayer, seeking Your face, Your presence, and turning from wicked ways define those with a pure heart who will see You. We ask for redemptive judgments in mercy over each one of them. You know the deception the enemy has caused in darkness in their lives and You know how to straighten out the most crooked thing and cause it to bring forth the purposefulness for which You created each one. I know someone prayed for me and I cry out to You, Father, bless those who curse us and I pray for their eternal welfare, happiness and well being. You are loving and patient with mankind or none of us would experience Your mercy. I pray each individual would “kiss the Son, pay homage to Him in purity less they displease You and perish in the way” – thank You for turning evil agendas for Your good, we love You and know we are called to Your purposes. Thank You for Your light dispelling all darkness – thank You for sharing Your light with us to glorify You in this evil. I believe Your redemptive work is sealed with Your precious blood and will resounded with Your heartbeat for this nation’s righteous purposes like never before. I pray total restoration of Former President Donald Trump’s life – spirit, soul and body as Your anointing continues to rest upon Him for the good You are accomplishing through him for the future of this nation. I bless You Father and submit to Your will on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for the atmosphere shift. I praise You.

Suzanne Gill
February 13, 2021

The most dastardly display of evil upon one man, in recent US history. It’s an affront to ALL true Americans not just Trump. God is not winking. We must pray AND let out representatives know how we feel.

February 13, 2021

Metaphorically, like, “don’t give up, don’t despair.”

February 13, 2021

Our Heavenly Father, You said to us that the keys to the kingdom of Heaven are that what we bind on earth is bound in Heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in Heaven. So we loose truth, we loose justice, we loose righteousness, we loose the Holy Spirit to convict and revive and restore America to be one nation under GOD. Under Your Lordship. And we bind the deceit, propaganda, evil intents, outright lies and twisting of the truth that the enemy is employing. We loose Your strategies, our Almighty, Omniscient Father. Regardless of the state our nation is in, we declare that America is YOUR nation. Though we have strayed far, we plead that You will return the USA to You for Your glory. We ask that You would break up the fallow ground of our hearts as Americans. With repentant hearts, we pray in the name of our Lord and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST. Amen

February 13, 2021

Lord please help us get past the nonsense happening in DC. We need to focus on the working taxpayers of this country and creating more jobs. Our politicians are too focused on things that don’t help anyone. God please help our nation and may we turn towards You Father. Amen.

Lou Ann Falls
February 13, 2021

Is it true Trump said “fight” 20 times in the Jan. 6 rally?

    February 13, 2021

    Metaphorically, like “don’t give up, don’t despair!”

On Eagle’s Wings
February 13, 2021

As an American citizen I am utterly disgusted, ashamed and appalled at the way this man, Donald J. Trump, was/is being mistreated by other citizens of our country because he thinks and speaks differently! Freedom of speech! And some people are offended by it and chose legal recourse. This is a perfect example of how low this country is willing to go to defame someone’s character, to benefit some dysfunctional few. It shows how far off the course we are. People need to learn to accept that others have different opinions, think differently than the myopic few. We must learn how to communicate with each other without freguli frivolous law actions which are costing US, u, me, lots of tax dollars, that, I don’t know about you, cannot afford. If people would just stop and learn how to think and speak instead of stepping on the autopilot we may get along better!

But you know what? We know how the story ends. This is not new information. Biblically these things happened throughout history with Jesus and in the OT. I pray Romans 8:28 over Mr. Trump. That God will work and use this for ultimate good for our country and its inhabitants. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, AMEN. Thank you Lord for listening.

    February 13, 2021

    Great article!I agree that the Dems have twisted the constitution for their own purposes ignoring the intent of the framers of that document and actual constitutional history.

    February 13, 2021

    I’d like to add what Joseph said to his brothers who sold him into slavery:
    Genesis 50:20 And as for you, you meant evil against me, but GOD meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.

    GOD is greater than any diabolical plans to harm. Our prayer is that the truth would be revealed and that the LORD use this to expose the enemy. Only our miracle-working, Almighty GOD can take what is meant for evil and turn it into good. How we adore HIM!!

Linda Madrigal
February 13, 2021

The government has gotten so bad. They are trying to convict an innocent man from running again. It isn’t constitutional, but they don’t care. They have tried too show video of the riots started over and over again. To show he’s the one causing it. I know he is innocent of all the charges. I pray for government and protection over Trump. Praying for a great revival to come and heal our land.

February 13, 2021

Our response is to vote out of office every person in congress that supports this foolishness; using our tax dollars for this travesty merely to try and stop President Trump from ever running again for President. He is innocent of these charges and they know it! Another trumped-up impeachment because of lies! WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE MUST NOT ALLOW THIS TO KEEP GOING ON! Write your congressmen and women! The media is attempting to influence people exactly like Nazi Germany, and Communist Russia did during WW2 and before! STOP WATCHING ALL NEWS EXCEPT CHRISTIAN NEWS! We have to pray without ceasing, work the polls, guard our votes, run for office, and VOTE OUT EVERY PERSON THAT IS NOT REPRESENTING US and OUR COUNTRY, which is Pelosi and her unholy alliance as well as scared Republicans! FATHER GOD please save these people’s souls, and remove these representatives of evil from our government en-mass once and for all with our next election. Satan we bind you and your demons and command that you shut-up in America. We loose TRUTH and command it to be heard in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!

February 13, 2021

Your word says that people who lay traps for others will be the ones who fall into them. Let us see Your word made manifest.

Twisting the truth comes from the evil spirit of Leviathan. May the blood of Jesus deliver those who are under its control.

I give You praise and honor because You are the Holy One who is mightier than any man or spirit. You rule from a throne which has righteousness and justice as its foundation. May the fear of the LORD overwhelm those who do evil in our government.

We pray Your blessings over President Trump and his lawyers. Give them divine wisdom and guidance.

I also ask Your Holy Spirit to convict Democrats who are Christians to have the courage to do what is right in Your eyes.

I bring all of these needs to You in the Name of Jesus, Your beloved Son. Amen.

February 13, 2021

Lord GOD I pray that you will intervene in this distraction that satan is causing! In JESUS name 🙏 Amen we pray for protection for President Trump and his family. We pray for our country lord GOD. We pray against all the evil at the capital right now, at the White House, at our Supreme Court. We bind the all the evil in JESUS name. We ask to bless them with the truth, wisdom and guidance from you father GOD in JESUS name amen 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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