I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask You to help us as we pray for America. We pray You would wake up the patriotic weepers!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional series Intercessors Win.

When I was a child, I wept over America. I couldn’t get through a radio airing of Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA with dry eyes. I had a copy of the Boston Pops’ Salute to Our Fighting Forces, and I played it incessantly on my little cassette recorder. I loved the red, white, and blue.

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Decades later, I still can’t get through “From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee” without weeping over this land that I love. I love her people, her history, her ideals, and her righteous mandate to be salt and light to the earth. My heart burns for God and our nation, and for the glory of God to be displayed in this land as the waters cover the sea.

Recently, the Lord showed me that there are many patriotic weepers who had similar experiences in their younger years, but who have forgotten their love for America.

He showed me that these patriotic weepers are actually patriotic reapers—intercessors who have been placed on the earth for such a time as this. These intercessors’ assignment is to reap souls for Christ, and to reap God’s answers to generations of prayers for this righteous land.

However, in order for this reaping of answered prayers to occur, the Lord is going to have to wake up the patriotic weepers.

The weepers have long been spiritually asleep, preferring to focus only on non-controversial things instead of taking part in the bigger picture of our nation. For years, they have abstained from participating much in politics. In many cases, they have not even voted. The patriotic weepers have been afraid to take a stand, knowing that pushback and abuses from friends, relatives, and even strangers could follow if they stand up publicly for what they know is right.

Dear God, have mercy. Wake up the patriotic reapers and bring them back to their weeping.

Like Jeremiah, the weeping prophet of old, we must all heed the word of the Lord. Right now, the Lord is saying to you, to me, and to all the patriotic weepers: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV).

He didn’t say:

  • “A prophet to your family.”
  • “A prophet to your small group.”
  • “A prophet to your house church.”
  • “A prophet to your local church or synagogue.”

No, the Lord took it much further than that. He said, “I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” And yet, too many soldiers are staying home from the battlefield of our nation’s survival because they hesitate to get involved in the controversial battle of right versus wrong.

If that’s you, my friend, know this:

You are important. We need your voice. We need you to contend for righteousness. We need you to stand up publicly and help us reap a harvest for Christ. We need you to publicly declare your loyalty to God’s Word. We need you to weep again.

More importantly, the Lord needs you to weep again.

Weep again:

  • Over the state of our nation.
  • Over our own sin in the church, and turn so the Lord can heal our land.
  • Over those who embrace sin and lawlessness, who care not that we are in the days of Noah.
  • Over the innocent babies whose are ripped apart by abortion every single day.
  • Weep over the land, over its sin, and over the righteous inheritance that God has promised to those who love Him.

Weep so you can reap.

My friend, if you are already awake and weeping over this great land, I invite you to join me in prayer as we ask the Lord to awaken the rest of His great army of patriotic weepers. And if you have not yet mobilized yourself into the army of the Lord’s intercessors for this nation, I invite you to pray with me over yourself today.

Pray this with me:

“Father God, in Jesus’ name, we lift our nation up to You. Thank You, Abba Father, that Your Word says You will heal our land when we repent and turn to You. Thank You for allowing us to boldly come before Your throne of grace, where we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. And thank You that You are right now seeking those who will stand in the gap before You for this land, so that You may send us Your mercy instead of Your judgment.

Abba Father, right now, we boldly ask You to awaken the prophetic weepers whom You have called to weep over this land.

Awaken Your intercessors, no matter where they are. Pull people off the sidelines, off the bench, and out of the ocean of political correctness. Empower every weeper with Your holy boldness, and bring them into the fray of contending before You for our land.

Father, we ask in Jesus’ name that You would call the patriotic weepers with Your effectual call—Your call that brings both the command, the desire, and the power to obey it.

Pour out Your Spirit of grace and supplication upon every one. Wake them up from their beds. Send them dreams and visions in the night watches, along with the correct interpretation thereof. Teach their hands to war and their fingers to fight. Fill their hearts with love for America again, and remind them of Your call on their lives to intercede for this nation.

Abba Father, in Jesus’ name, we ask that You would add to our ranks daily those who are being awakened.

Teach every one of us how to pray most effectively for America. Teach us how to contend the way You want us to. Let our intercession, our fasting, our declarations, and our prayers be a highway upon which You may ride into our nation as Victor, Conqueror, and King. Show us most clearly the difference between right and wrong, between holy and profane; and help us to cling ONLY to what is holy.

Lord, protect the patriotic weepers and reapers from the deception of political correctness, humanism, and relativism.

Let us see every issue only as it compares to Your Word. Let us hide Your Word in our hearts, that we might not sin against You. Let us never water down the truth of Your Word in our message.

Heighten our spiritual discernment, Lord. I pray that every patriotic weeper would have Isaiah 8:20 engrained on our hearts, which says, “To the Law and to the testimony! If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Let us be like the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily, so they might know what was true and what was false.

Abba Father, wake up the patriotic weepers.

Let them weep, and let them reap their inheritance. Let them not miss out on their part in Your promise of a healed and righteous America. Strengthen us all as we intercede before You, ministering to You and Your heart as intercessors for this land that You love. And let us receive the full and complete answers to our prayers.

Thank You, Father. We’ll give You all the glory. In Jesus’ holy, mighty, majestic, and matchless name we pray, amen.”

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Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a global discipleship ministry. She has written over 40 books, including The Way Forward: 10 Prayers for Your Journey Into the Promised LandAll Things NewFinding Deep Soul Healing 101, and Healing from Father Wounds. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Crosswalk, and various other ministry outlets. You can find free mentoring and encouragement on her website or YouTube channel. Download her free prayer tool, 25 Prayers That Will Build Your Life, here. Photo Credit: Pedro Lima on Unsplash.

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Cynthia Lawrence
March 9, 2025

I know that we are in spiritual warfare. I believe that now is the time for us to rise up and take our positions where the Lord has for us to do. Our Fore Father’s fought a physical battle for our freedom, and now we must fight the spiritual battle set before us. The battle is the Lord’s. All we have to do is be obedient, press in and continue to pray and act on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Calling on the Jeremiah prayer warriors; Jeremiah 1:10 See, I have this day set thee over the natios and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build and to plant. Amen Then comes the Joshua movement. The Lord commands us to be strong and to be courageous, amen!


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