Lord, Deliver Us From Incompetence!
Lord, Deliver Us From Incompetence!
What would happen if competence, excellence, wisdom, and integrity returned to Washington again? Could this ever even happen? I want to encourage you today, because I believe it could happen — and that it will happen, if we pray specifically for these things!
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In the book of Daniel, we see a powerful biblical example of excellence in government.
In Daniel chapter 5, the wicked Belshazzar was hosting a banquet when suddenly the Lord interrupted him. The Lord caused the fingers of a man’s hand to appear, writing a message of warning on the wall of the banquet hall.
When the king became exceedingly fearful, his queen said this:
The queen, because of the words of the king and his lords, came to the banquet hall. The queen spoke, saying, “O king, live forever! Do not let your thoughts trouble you, nor let your countenance change.
There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God. And in the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him; and King Nebuchadnezzar your father—your father the king—made him chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers.
Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, now let Daniel be called, and he will give the interpretation” (Daniel 5:10–12 NKJV, emphasis mine).
Daniel was known to have the Spirit of the Holy God dwelling in Him.
He also had an “excellent spirit,” together with knowledge, understanding, and the ability to interpret dreams, solve riddles, and explain enigmas. The queen actually said that he was perceived to have wisdom “like the wisdom of the gods”! Of course, this was the wisdom of God’s Holy Spirit; but, the point is that Daniel’s reputation preceded him.
What would happen if we all prayed for people in every sphere and level of government to also have wisdom and this excellent spirit? Could we pray incompetence out of Washington, and out of government in general?
If we believe, we can. For Jesus said:
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:22–24 NKJV).
Will it be an uphill battle? Possibly. But it is a battle worth fighting! And if we can believe, all things are possible! Yes, God can even deliver us from incompetence in government if we believe.
Will you join me in praying for God to bestow an excellent spirit on all government employees who don’t already have it?
Let’s pray very simply as follows:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Thank You for hearing our prayers. Thank You for telling us that all things are possible for those who believe!
Lord, we see the transformations You have worked in rulers across the ages.
Even the mighty Nebuchadnezzar of Biblical times was humbled before You until he acknowledged that You are the only true God. And although we see errors and incompetence in government right now, we believe that You can pour our Your Spirit upon every government employee, filling them with wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You.
Therefore, Abba Father, we join together and ask today that You would pour out an excellent spirit upon every person in every level of government in America.
Give them wisdom, understanding, prudence, discretion, and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. Convict every person in government regarding any ways in which they have not walked in integrity.
Dethrone injustice, selfishness, and incompetence; topple them over like You toppled the idol of Dagon in the Bible before Your Ark of glory. Fill every person with Your Spirit of excellence, that they might administer their duties as pleasing to You — and that they would not pervert justice.
Thank You, Abba Father. We give You all the praise and glory. You are the Lord God of heaven and earth, and You and You alone reign over all the sons of men — even those who govern over us.
Thank You for Your transforming power by the blood of Jesus Christ. We plead that precious blood over the government of this nation, and over every person who works in it. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, amen.
Friend, all things are possible to those who believe.
Would you add this simple prayer—“Lord, deliver us from incompetence. Pour out a spirit of excellence in government”—to your prayer list each day? God will hear and answer our prayers if we will believe and petition Him in faith.
Do you believe that God can make wisdom and excellence the hallmarks of our government again? Are you willing to believe and pray in faith? If so, leave a comment below!
Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, and she seeks to equip you to carry His manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans and in Charisma magazine, as well as on The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can find free mentoring on her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, which is available through your favorite podcast streaming app. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Mayer Tawfik on Unsplash.
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God is always right and I pray that everyone we elect acts with wisdom rooted in your love. Thank you for all you do, Father. May we obey and follow.
In Jesus’s name Amen
I take agreement and what a powerful prayer. I am expecting the miraculous for this great nation and its leaders. I am also praying that our spiritual leaders will unite in prayer to tear down the high places in this nation which have opened the doors to idolatry.
I pray the Holy Spirit come upon America to all her political leaders to lead in a way worthy of our true God. We need His Holy Spirit to lead them. I pray for America to turn back to God and repent from our wicked was. Oh Jesus co.e save America in your precious name Amen
Lord, help us to push past extravagant claims by politicians as to what they have accomplished and cause us to check this against the reality of what they actually accomplished. Help us to discern when they are making unlikely claims about what they can accomplish in the future.
Thanks for addressing this issue.
I like what Dave Ramsey said: lets make “stupid” hard.
Since we see military competence a factor in the IRS and a backlog of monumental proportions in Medicare/Medicade we can pray for people who know the difference between a plumbing pipe elbow and a human one!!
This deliberate misconception of benefits Can be resolved by prayer and fasting. Jeremiah16.. our God reigns..
Yes, Amen 🙏
It is written…
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.”
John 10:10
“These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
“Who is the one who overcomes the world?… but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
1 John 5:5
Thank you, Jesus for Your work on the cross and for all You’ve done and are doing for us. Strengthen our ability to hear Your voice and to have courage to be Your warriors who do Your will.
Such a simply word like belief is what it will take. We have to trust God and believe He will do it.. not that He can!! In Jesus name I pray.. for all to believe that He will turn this nation and us back to what God intended!!🇺🇸🙏🟦
Dear Father God we pray your hand upon our government Deliver Us from incompetence in Jesus name
Donald Trump had (and still has) competence, excellence, wisdom, and integrity in the White House and our country for 4 years as President until he was cheated out of his 2nd term by bidenites! Truths: a) biden did not win over Donald Trump in 2020, and b) jealousy is why Trump was and is still so persecuted! Donald Trump loves 💘 America and Americans and honors JESUS in all that he does! He has had TRUE intercessors interceding for him from the moment he announced his intent to run,v through today; and we will continue praying for him! Prayer was going forth in the Capital and the White House as well as having HOLY GHOST filled advisors around him constantly from 2015 on! Even so-called Christians complained about him because he fell short of perfection. Remember it was the “religious leaders” that persecuted the disciples! JESUS said if we follow HIM, we will suffer persecution! So people (Christians, Conservatives?) are wanting integrity back in the White House but when we had Trump there in the White House, jealousy hindered people (Christians) from praying for him and fighting with him over the stolen election! A lesser man would have said, forget you fickle pharisees, and went back to his private life, but Donald has a call from GOD on his life and he will fulfill GOD’S purpose in spite of fake, jealous Christians and conservatives! FATHER GOD YOUR WORD talks about fickle, lukewarm Christians, and they are alive and well today and just as fickle as the pharisses and sadduccees were in JESUS time! YOU called Israel “a stiff-necked people”; well LORD, their⁶ ancestors are still here today persecuting and gossiping about President Trump! A lot of them are on this website! Please reveal each one of us our hearts so we can examine ourselves to make sure “we are still in the faith!” Please send YOUR angels to bless and to continue to surround and protect President Trump and his family from all harm and danger and the wiles if the devil and his demons today and always! Please strengthen him and his family; and fill them and those of us that are fighting for him, and interceding for him with Power and Might in our inner man in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
Pro God, pro Christian, pro life, pro military, pro freedom, pro American Donald Trump! Amen!
I believe and know only our precious God can save us from the corruption , incompetence and insanity that is going on in our government.
When you consider that much of today’s headlines are documenting an internal overthrow of our Constitution (which I believe was inspired by God) by government officials in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship, I pray for LESS competence in those who are engaged in that effort. We can get away with more (including sharing the Gospel) under the rule of an incompetent tyrant than we could under the more efficient rule of a competent one.
Yes I believe this prayer we lifted to The Almighty God of the universe can cause excellence to reign again in America. Amen. So be it.
Dana Canary
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your Word tells us in First Corinthians 1; 10:31
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
We need to address the root of the problem . . . . And inefficiency and shoddy service has many roots . . . Principally, ignorance of what GOD requires of us, poor training at home, selfishness, laziness, greed, and being put into a job without essential training resulting in incompetence. The problem begins in the home and in the schools where a good education is lacking due to The Bible being taken out of the schools all those years ago and GOD’s teaching being replaced by heaven knows what now that children are being told that they can choose to be a boy or a girl. We need a massive revival to restore America’s original values, but it will take years for people to learn GOD’s ways and begin to offer a good days work for a good days pay after all these years of dwelling in the darkness. May GOD send revival to this world that people would know what it’s like to have GOD in every area of our lives.
Absolutely 100% right
Lord, in the last days you said that there will be widespread deception among the masses–.and among your people. You have, thus, already warned us that religious spirits, who are controlling, will be operating among large numbers of Christians. Many will sincerely believe things which are lies. Therefore, give us the ability to see through political leaders who use what appears to be ‘religious words’ but who are manipulative. Help us to discern egoistical behavior. Help us to discern the true nature of our political leaders.
I have witnessed many forms of incompetence-including my own-in this life, some manifestations of
it which stemmed from ignorance or lack of knowledge and others from a will that is obstinately and
perversely opposed to the Lord’s decrees. In Matthew’s gospel, our Blessed Lord says on two occasions,
“if any person should lead one of these little ones astray, it would be better to for him to have a millstone
tied around his neck and hurled into the sea” and “ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock
and the door shall be opened for you.” It takes both humility and spiritual fortitude to open one’s heart and
mind to God’s almighty power and wisdom and consequently to acquire that holy reverence for him, out of pure
regret for having so defied and crucified the Author of love itself-perfect contrition-and out of fear of his just
punishments-imperfect contrition. These men and women who pretend to govern us are, first and foremost,
unphased and utterly indifferent to the evils which they have perpetrated upon us and their own souls and
secondly, laugh and scorn at the very reality that there will be that most terrible day of judgment upon us all.
Our prayer should be this: “Dearest Jesus, Lord and Savior, cast out these men and women who abort children,
euthanize the elderly, destroy families, corrupt children and use the authority which you have given them
to impose the will of Satan upon the United States of America and replace them with true servants of your
holy will along with an acknowledgement and true repentance of our grotesque sin of having put them in
office in the first place.” Amen!!!
Vincent – The Lord has won the victory for us on the cross and we shall all persevere to the end
Jamie, although I love your post and heart for change in our government through faithful prayer, for I too wish this could be so. However, in my spirit I believe God has shown me that Abba who holds the timeclock for all things to be fulfilled has already begun the countdown to the end of the ages, which is and must happen before the 2cd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,,, ie; the last 7 years, the time of Jacob’s Trouble, and not one jot or tittle shall be delayed till all things be accomplished. No amount of prayer from all the saints in the world will alter His final plan, and therefore it is no longer about praying for change in the governments of this world, but prayers for lost souls to come to Christ before the Rapture, Tribulation and Return of our Lord that must be our priorities. Souls, not governments are Abba’s #1 priority, and it has been that way since the dawn of time. Therefore, I cannot join you & others in this endeavor for I feel in my spirit that it is already too late for America and the rest of this world to make those changes that would cause God’s mercy to turn this world around. His coming judgement and wrath has already begun, and we are now seeing the birthing pangs of all prophecy being revealed. I truly wish it was different, but it is all now right before our eyes. Let us all get ready and pray for the Lord to use us to win as many souls as possible…. amen.
Why would it be wrong to pray for our leaders to return to the flock? Some claim to be “good Catholics” like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden while others claim other brands of Christianity. I pray that they turn and repent from their journey through wicked worldly ways, abortion support to name just one. I pray that they return to our heavenly Father as did the prodigal son. Let us, not be angry like the second son, but rejoice when the lost/dead sons come home to serve the Father once again. I pray that we can pry the souls our leaders from the clutches of the evil one and win them back into God’s grace.
In Jesus name. Amen
I disagree with you Wendell. America isn’t over! With all of the saints in America and all of the saints to be, it is important to still pray for America. The Government is on JESUS shoulders and we must continue praying for the righteous in our Government! Until the last moment Abraham prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah and GOD listened because Lot and his family was still there; and GOD stayed the destruction until Lot and family were out of there! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect us all from the wrath to come as we continue to go into all the world to tell of JESUS! Order our steps and direct out path and tongues to do all of YOUR Will in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
With all due respect, Wendell, Christ has fulfilled all that you speak of. The End of the Age happened with the destruction of the temple. Jesus IS building His church on earth.
“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:18-19
He is now waiting for His church to rise up in His name.
“But this One offered one sacrifice for sins, and took His seat forever at the right hand of God; now He waits until His enemies are made His footstool.”
Hebrews 10:12-13
May His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Yes, I would even replace the word “incompetence” with “abomination!” Father pour our your spirit, give us godly leaders, prayer warriors, and black robe regiment!!🔥🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Lord, I pray for emotionally mature leaders who do not manipulate and deceive people and who are knowledgeable about our laws, can discern what is ethical and can take a stand even when it is not popular, understands the cultures of other countries, knows and understands our history of diplomacy and has some understanding of banking and business and military strategy.
Lord, I know you foresaw our need and have been preparing leaders that are being overlooked at the moment. Move in the lives of these men and women drawing them closer to you and bring them forward into the light and cause favor to fall on them. Help the American people to recognize those you have been preparing. Cause your people to be able to look past deceiving words and to discern the true nature of political leaders.
I would add “if those currently in political office will not submit to Your Spirit, that you would remove them and replace them with people who will yield to You.”
Thank you, Father God, for faith in you, and in your Word, and in your Son Jesus .
It is not just incompetence that needs to be eradicated, it is the designed destruction of Gods people primarily and our republic (not a democracy) that Satan is accelerating in this nation and others. I pray that God would use these times to show us our idols and that we would continue to repent and turn back to Him so that He might heal us and turn His enemies into sons & daughters and bring destruction and defeat to all that Satan has planned. May He continue to bring His kingdom into its fullness in all the earth. Praise His name forever.
Our government is doing the things they do on purpose and therefore, are purely evil. This is not incompetence. Right now, they are very competent in hearing and following satan and his minions’ lies.
Joshua you are soooooooo on point. All of this evil/corruption is by design.
I believe that evil intent which leads to incompetence by selecting people who will do the bidding of those who hate God and all that is good is more to the point. I believe that God can and will deal with all this evil in His time. But in the meantime, we must pray with earnestness, with pure hearts and total faith in our Lord and Savior for a victorious outcome and then just watch the return of America to the God fearing nation we once were. Hallelujah.
I truly think America is under God’s judgement. Prayer out of schools, no bible reading in school, abortion in demand, transgender crap. And the past 50 yrs the church sat silent. Voting wrong. How can Christian’s vote DEMONCrat? Explain that! Sadly for the past 50yrs. the democrats has the “Christian’s” to thank for keeping them in office. So you say what’s wrong with demoncrat Trump is racist! Glad you asked. The democratic party are race baiters, their platform is strictly against God’s word. Abortion, lbgtq-lmnop, same-sex marriage, pedophiles, transing our BABIES. Not saying Trump was perfect but he did defund plan murderhood, he stood by Israel. So I say God said Romans 1. I turn your over to your lusts and entice. I do not believe a revival is coming. Lord help us all!
Heavenly Father remove every pagan leaders from all form of government and replace them with God fearing Holy Spirit men and women that will walk with your power, might and wisdom to rule with truth and righteousness in Jesus namre Amen!
I did pray the part of your prayer for a spirit of excellence in government. I replaced the word “incompetence” with “malevolence” however, because the destruction of our society and our government’s foundation is clearly intentional. It is proceeding according to plan. They intend to “tear it all down” and remake it in their image.
Well said, Steve, and I agree with you brother!
This is why it is essential for us, as God-fearing Christians, to ernestly pray for Godly leaders with morals, truth, and justice, who will follow the will of God. Lord God, heal our land and return us to a Country UNDER GOD, the way we were formed! AMEN!!
Thank you for this wonderful prayer. You have helped me have hope that there is going to be a move of God for the United States.
Is. 35:3-4 Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. 4 Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.”
Yes, I believe that with God, all things are possible. If it is within Your will, Lord, please restore honesty, transparency, and integrity to ALL offices of our government- federal, state, and local. May serving You become priority one for each elected, or appointed, government official in our land. Thank You, Jesus.
The only way hearts can and will change is through the working of the Holy Spirit. What amazing things happen when the power of the Holy Spirit is unleashed in the hearts and minds of men/women!
Father, in the MIGHTY Name of Jesus, we lift up all of those in leadership of any capacity in the U.S. government and first, would You forgive us for our prayerlessness for them? We pray for many things, but it’s not often this, so forgive us for this sin, Lord. We repent. I repent. We need You and we say that we know that we need to pray for them. Jesus, would You come again to our government with WHO You are! Bring the fear of the Lord that this country was originally founded on! After living in a country that worships Buddha and so many other demons, I can still feel Your presence here, even amongst the debauchery, so I know You’re still here! Do it again, God! Pour out Your Holy Spirit fire and remove everything that hinders love in our government. From abortion, to human trafficking, to fatherlessness, to homelessness, to violence, to deception, to confusion, to manipulation, to control, to witchcraft, pour out Your fire and burn it all up! We love You, Jesus and we BELIEVE that You are who You say You are, You can do what You say You can do! We are who You say we are as Your Sons and Daughters in The Church! Remind us again of our authority to speak LIFE over America, to speak TRUTH over America! Remind us to BELIEVE that You are sending that Ephesians 1:17 spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, Lord Jesus, in the knowledge of WHO You are, that we would know You and see You rightly! We just want Your presence in our government, Raise up the Daniels in the White House! Raise up the Esthers in the White House! Raise up the Pauls, the Davids, the Moses’, the Dwborahs, and the Marys of Bethany throughout our government and make America a sign and a wonder! We need You, Lord! Help us to pray without ceasing as we WATCH You move and thank You for IFA, who is MIGHTY in God to call us to pray BELIEVING You at Your word! You can save a nation in a day! May it start here and then sweep across the entire world! We ask for this, in the beautiful Name, the Holy Name, the Name above every other name, Jesus, amen!
Lord you are a just and mighty God. You have ordered our lives and numbered our days. May we seek you first in all things and stand in your power. May your spirit of truth always lead us to your path and plan. For you alone do we praise and give our lives for your service. Amen and Amen
I prayed integrity and competence return to our government!! God topple the evil, wash our government with your righteousness!
The word says where 2 or more gather together in his name whatever we pray believing in agreement whatever we ask in Jesus Name he will do it! So I decree and declare the words spoken will be done according to it is written , Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Yes, Lord- Amen heal our country and give wisdom to all leaders in State and Federal governments.
We have been praying to move the 7 mountains of influence in culture based on this verse. Religion, family, government, media, entertainment, business and education.
This is not biblical. Is this based on NAR???
No as far as I know, it’s based on groups in our country to just organize your prayers and not miss praying for anyone. I would add our military. FATHER GOD please send YOUR laborers to every group mentioned above for salvation. Let us begin seeing our schools, and our businesses, and this crooked government, and all families, and our military, and all churches that name the name of CHRIST, and the crooked, lying media, and all areas of arts and entertainment receive JESUS as LORD and come out from among the demonic and be born-again in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! Amen!
I believe wholeheartedly that God can change the hearts of everyone in Washington as well as all governments across this land. I’m so thankful for this organization and the work that it is doing. God bless you all.
Thank you for this critically important post!
The Biden Administration is composed of incompetent people from the Oval Office on down.
For some time I have been praying that God would blast out incompetence from our government, and replace incompetent people with God-fearing, wise, historically and constitutionally knowledgeable, patriots, who know truth and will lead accordingly.
Heavenly Father, I come to You asking for forgiveness for not praying for our leaders as I should have in the past. I was expecting our leaders to do their job and run our government with righteousness and integrity. I believed they loved our nation and believed our motto “In God We Trust”. I was wrong. Forgive me for being so deceived. Many of our leaders are serving their best interests and many do not trust in You.
I will join with others praying, “Lord deliver us from incompetence, and Lord pour out a spirit of wisdom, and excellence on our government.” I pray for our leaders who do not know You to come to know the TRUTH of the gospel and Jesus’ saving grace. I pray that those who refuse to serve You be voted out of office and replaced with those who will serve You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Thank you for this timely article. We’ve been praying daily for our government and sometimes it gets discouraging but your words encourage us to fight on. To God be the glory
I’d like to encourage everyone on here to join together with others like minded prayer warriors. It will hold you accountable to daily prayer, lift your spirit, and build your faith to believe the impossible. ‘One can set a thousand to flight, two can set ten thousand.’ You have to live the Lord’s exponential math! This is impossible for man, but with God ALL things are possible.
But God!
Lord, heed our prayers as we pray that every evil plan spoken and carried out by our government be stopped. We speak this in the holy name of our Savior Jesus Christ and we believe whatever is spoken to you and what we know is true will be done. Thank you Jesus for looking over us and we pray in your precious name. Amen
Lord deliver us from incompetence, and Lord pour out a spirit of wisdom, and excellence on in government in Jesus name.
I was awakened at 2:45 AM and went to my cell phone and found these prayers and then this is where I was to be spending my time in prayer asking God to pour out his spirit on our government and every employee. I to believe the Holy Spirit can pour out wisdom and discretion and honor and justice And have our government employees wake up and come to their senses and perform their duties in the way pleasing to God. Thank you for your prayers that assist me in my praying. I am making a copy and will continue to pray for our government leaders and all the employees to be renewed in their thinking by the Holy Spirit outpouring and leading, and take actions that are pleasing to God.
Lord please help every government employee to earn their money. May they work to serve well the American taxpaying citizens. Lord give them wisdom, courage, strength, guidance and whatever else they need to do their jobs as best as they can. Amen.
At 2:30 this morning, to read and then pray that honor and integrity can return to this country was a wonderful way to start my day! All glory to the most high God, our Father!
This prayer is so important for our nation and all nations of the earth! Competent leaders of all nations need God’s direction, guidance, and wisdom every single day!
We as citizens have failed in being diligent in praying continuously for them!
We too can move mountains, if only we would believe it so!
I agree in faith with the above prayer request in Jesus’s name
Yes Lord, with all power and authority reign over our nation again!
I pray this type of prayer often and will carry on doing so for the UK where I live.