Seek the Lord as to how you might bless the Lord with your own words today!
“Where the righteous rule the people rejoice; when the wicked are in power the people groan.” (Prov 29:2)
One year ago, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated into office and took his position as the 45th President of the United States. In a previous article I explained how Trump was a type of a King Cyrus who was called by God to lead the people of Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, though he was not himself a believer. It has always been in God’s nature to select the most unlikely people to advance His purposes, as He did throughout the Bible and throughout American history.
For the past 60 years America has been slowly moving away from her dependency upon God. As a result we have seen a steady decline in the well-being of our society. The Scriptures are true when they tell us, “Blessed is the nation whose god is the Lord.”—Psalm 33:12. The opposite would then follow: “Cursed is the nation whose god is not the Lord. That is the path we were on until Donald J. Trump took office and declared boldly, “In this nation we don’t worship government; we worship God!” This reminds us of another “unlikely” fellow who became one of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln who told us,
“It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependency upon the overruling power of God… and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.”
God was looking for a man who would boldly declare this truth once again, and he found it in a brash and politically incorrect Donald J. Trump. With his election the nation began a turnaround from the godless direction we were on to one that, once again, will establish that God is the One in whom we place our trust, and it will be His rules for love and order that we will pursue in order to continue to receive His grace and favor for a peaceful and prosperous nation.
However, the powers of Satan will not surrender without a fight, and they have been working overtime to bring down this leader who would dare to proclaim God’s sovereignty over our land. In recent days, it’s become more apparent of the evil we’ve been spared from as news reports are revealing the widespread corruption that was operating at the very top of our federal government agencies intent on preserving their grip of control over our nation. It’s now clear that had Hillary Clinton won the election America would have been under the control of what would have resembled a Soviet style criminal syndicate regime, rather than a government “of the people.” Thank God for His mercy!
Lance Wallnau, a Christian leader and prophetic voice has likened Trump to a “wrecking ball” that was sent to demolish the works of Satan being established in government, what we now know as “The Deep State.”
Though God raised up a man he could use, our salvation will never be determined by the one in the White House. It will be up to the Church to determine whether this President will be successful in bringing this nation back to God. There is no assurance. If the Church is not praying like it all depends on God and working like it all depends on us, we may simply be delaying the Day of America’s judgment for yet a little while longer. If the Church rises up out of its complacency we will see the revival and reformation we are all longing for. The promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still true:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
The Spiritual state of the Union is good, as we have been loosed from the grip of Satan in our national leadership, and have begun on a road back to becoming once again, One Nation Under God. It will now be up to the people of God to fulfill their duty to their nation as part of their duty to God to be bold and courageous in proclaiming in every area of American life that God is the One in whom we place our trust. This is no time for “summer soldiers or sunshine patriots.” This is the time to be in prayer for our leaders, to express our faith publicly and to pursue a life of love and holiness as an example to others who need to know the love of God.
We have been singing “God Bless America” long enough. It’s time we turn it around and begin singing—and living a life that says, “America Bless God!” – Rev. Bill Banuchi, Sr.
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I am concerned that to many American’s ‘making America great again’ is equated with a good economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. What made us great was God and He did it to give to his children a place where we could worship Him in freedom. Lord i pray that you would make us holy as you are holy. I pray that we would lay down at Your feet the idol of wealth. I pray you would make us singleminded again, seeking your face, for you are the ‘Pearl of great price’. May those who are of Your Kingdom work for Your Kingdom here. President Trump has also been likened to Jehu the Warrior who God brought forth to rule Israel and dethrone Jezabel. Praise you Lord for your Mercy towards us. Raise up your children to be the salt and light you have called us to be. For Your glory Lord, In Jesus name, Amen
I am in total agreement with this prayer as well and decree and declare it out loud. I thank you Lord God that You and You alone are who we seek to rule this land with justice and mercy. Grant President Trump and his entire Whitehouse staff supernatural insight, wisdom, knowledge and strategies to persevere and overcome in every situation. May the Whitehouse administration seek You First, in all matters no matter the size or gravity. In the mighty matchless name of Jesus I pray psalm 91 over President Trump, his family and staff and stand believing in our Lord God that ” no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” psalm 91:10-11 Thank you for invoking blessing over America with words of life. You are a miracle working God- All things are possible to those who believe and are called according to His purpose. Thank you Jesus for your great LOVE poured out. May our nation experience your great Love corporately and individually.
Amen!!! I felt led last night and this morning to pray Psalm 91 over the President too…Protection! he is proclaiming God in front of the whole Nation, I’m sure this is stirring up the evil forces of darkness, but we know Our God reigns…no weapon formed against him will prevail. In Jesus Name!
Father God, we thank You that You search the earth to find righteous God loving ,God fearing,God honoring men like our faithful,diligent, fearless, bold ,tenacious President Trump. We thank You for working mightily thru him to expose the sin and falsehood in the White House and to drain the swamp of corruption lest it affect everyone in the camp and we all suffer judgment from God for the sin in the camp as we see in the history of the Children of Israel. Thank You for giving him and the First Lady kindness and compassion for the hurting, honor and respect for the military ,integrity for keeping his word, strength,might and conviction for doing what he knows is right and honor to honor those who honor You,Your Word and Your Ways. I would ask that somehow, Lord, You would help him to realize he is not in a popularity contest with man. All he needs do is please You and expect to hear from You, alone,Well done, My Good and Faithful Servant. That way the Spirit of Rejection which I bind now in the name of Jesus, can no longer torment him. And I pray You will fill him with Your perfect love that casts out fear and that your Stedfast love and acceptance will put his loveless,neglected,abandoned,orphaned self finally to rest.And he won’t need to defend himself any more, he will know You are his defense and all he has to do is stand still and see Your salvation in his and his loved ones lives. In Jesus’name, I pray these things for His honor. Amen.
That is a beautiful prayer. .. thank you for sharing it. I will join you in praying this over our President, his wife, marriage, family and the burdens and responsibilities he shoulders for our nation.