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Father, as the trial of Michael Sussmann continues, we pray that You would expose all of the evils and lies from the 2016 election. Bring justice to this situation where it is needed, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Russian collusion allegations against Trump, thought to have been brought to the FBI by the DOJ, were actually from Michael Sussmann. We must pray that the lies continue to unravel and the the truth continues to be exposed.

From New York Post. FBI agents probing since-debunked claims of a secret back channel between Donald Trump and a Russian bank believed that the allegations had originated with the Department of Justice — when in fact they came from Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann, who had shopped them to the bureau’s then-general counsel days earlier.

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In the latest revelation to emerge from Sussmann’s trial in DC federal court on a count of lying to the FBI, special counsel John Durham’s prosecutors revealed that investigators had received an electronic communication citing a referral from the DOJ “on or about” Sept. 19, 2016, the same day Sussmann met with James Baker, then the FBI’s top lawyer….

“In that referral, the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE provided the FBI with a white paper that was produced by an anonymous third party,” the communication said, before adding: “According to the white paper, a U.S.-based server that is owned by the TRUMP ORGANIZATION has been communicating with the Russian-based ALFA BANK organization in Moscow, Russia….”

Testifying for the prosecution Monday, FBI agent Ryan Gaynor revealed that bureau honchos shielded Sussmann’s identity from field agents who investigated the claims of a link between Trump and Alfa-Bank as part of a longstanding practice known as a “close hold….”

After the information was handed over to the Chicago squad, a more senior FBI agent at headquarters asked Gaynor, who had volunteered to “track” the investigation, to determine if the hold was affecting or hindering the investigation, he testified.

Gaynor determined he could “not make an argument that we needed to pull the hold [reveal Sussmann as the source] at the time” because they were waiting for information from the spam email company that was actually behind the supposed secret back channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa-Bank, he testified.

Prosecutors then introduced a series of emails from agents in the Chicago field office who were investigating or overseeing the matter and requesting they be given access to the source….

On Monday, he said he might have come to a different conclusion about the hold hindering the investigation if he had known Sussmann was acting as an attorney for the Clinton campaign when he turned over the information….

Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI when he met with Baker in September 2016 and turned over a “white paper” that showed the purported tie between the Trump Organization and Alfa-Bank.

Sussmann said he was providing the information on his own when, according to prosecutors, he was working on behalf of the Clinton campaign…

How are you praying about the Sussmann trial? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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David Henne
May 27, 2022

From the beginning of the Russia charges, the matter that concerned me was not direct collusion between Trump and Russia, but the favorable way that Trump talked about Putin, praising him for being such a strong-armed leader. This only fed into concerns about Trump’s own autocratic tendencies.

May 26, 2022

Father God, LORD Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit,
I thank You and give You praise and honor and glory for the mighty work You are doing to re-establish truth and justice in the United States of America. Amen.

Jo Ann Angeles
May 26, 2022

Pls Lord let the truth be known and the ones that were harmed be justified, please restore our faith in law enforcement and our “In God we Trust” total belief. Amen

Darlene Estlow
May 26, 2022

Father, we pray that truth would continue to be revealed and justice would be served. I pray each juror would be touched by your Spirit to honor an honest verdict and not be tied to the fact the gave to the Hillary Clinton campaign. May their desire for truth outweigh their political directives

Carol Burnaman
May 26, 2022

Father God, I pray that Truth will be revealed and that the jury realize truth and be compelled to bring forth a righteous verdict. I pray this in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

Mary Ann Mertz
May 26, 2022

Lord, we pray over John Durham and his team as they continue to prosecute this case and more cases to come. We pray for their continued strength, courage and protection. We pray that the Holy Spirit fills them with all knowledge and words to say in the courtroom. We Praise you Lord Father God for bringing this exposure and justice to these people, that have betrayed our country. We give you all the Glory and Thanksgiving, in Jesus’ Mighty and Blessed Name. AMEN

Malcolm Kinsinger
May 26, 2022

Psalm 98 says Let ther rivers clap their hands and the mountains sing together for joy before the Lord for He is coming to judge the earth, to judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with equity. This Psalm is the basis for Isaac Watts writing the words to “Joy to the World”. I am praying Jesus is coming to judge the corruption in our government.

May 26, 2022

We need to be careful requiring prayer in school

We need our own children prepared to bow their own heads to pray silently as they face situations where they need help or for others who are in need

Putting prayer into school routines could include Muslim, Hindi, or cult prayers.
Our children are sent to school to learn. Their minds are ripe for many new ideas.


    Darlene Estlow
    May 26, 2022

    Thank you, Jeanne. My thoughts exactly! It would be nice if they wouldn’t punish children for praying in school!

Florence Bohner
May 26, 2022

I am praying in tongues.

May 26, 2022

Hillary Clinton is one of the most evil individuals in the world. She reeks of hate and malice and America has suffered because of her hatefulness.

May 26, 2022

God has HIS ways…..HE will reveal things as HE sees necessary and relevant!!! HE reigns SOVEREIGN……….!!!! We msst TRUST and BELIEVE and ask for PATIENCE in ALL things of this world….REMEMBER…JESUS was NOT of this world…..We must remember we
too are NOT of THIS world…..OUR WORLD and our sites should be FOCUSED on LIFE with GOD for ETERNITY when he
brings us HOME …..OUR JOB here on EARTH is to earn the RIGHT to be with HIM there FOREVER and EVER. KEEP your eyes on the PRIZE!!!!!
HE will ask us what we did with the GIFTS he gave us to earn eternal salvation. WE better have a good answer for HIM…
“WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE GIFTS I GAVE TO YOU”? OUR work should be earning that honor with GOD!!!!!!!!!

    May 26, 2022

    Heresy… the only thing we can bring to the salvation process is our sin. We can’t earn eternal life through works. Jesus’ work on the cross was sufficient to secure salvation to all who believe. Yes, our works as Christians will be evaluated but we don’t “ earn the right”to be with Him.


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