I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that lies that have been spoken and circulated would be exposed and destroyed in Your name, Jesus.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is truly stunning and disappointing how fast the American Church is rolling over and playing dead. It is impossible to imagine a worse time for them to both believe lies and tell lies.

So, I beseech youā€”if at all possibleā€”to take this somewhere quiet and read it all the way through without stopping.

Editor’s Note: Here are a few examples of lies below:

The first big fat lie: The Christian thing to do is concede and accept Joe Biden as president. That is not just a lie, it is the absolute worst thing we could do. Hereā€™s why: The Democrat Party, from root to leaf, is now a criminal enterprise. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that the presidential election was hijacked. Satan wants to have a strategic foothold in America, and if he gets it, his first target will be the church. . . .

From the jump, Biden would destroy everything Trump has done to protect the Church, having vowed to silence anyone who preaches Biblical morality. How strange will that be for all the pastors who voted for him? . . .

Everything we as Christians value is at stake. We must resist this falsehood to our very last breath or we shall bear the shame of the lasting ridicule of future generations.

Canā€™t you understand? We must expose the rampant fraud that took place during this election or we will never have another free election again.

Big fat lie number two: Biden will never do all of those things because he canā€™t get away with it.Ā How can anyone believe that after what has just happened?

The same corrupt political machine that tried to steal this election will protect and enforce his anti-Christian reign of terror. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube protect them. NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN refuse to report their crimes and they will continue to go after anyone who does.

The villains who run the media are about to silence the church and close doors for soul winning events. I have been winning souls for over 52 years, but I have never seen a threat like this. This is life and death for our ministry, and for every evangelist in America.

This vile machine kept the lie of Russian collusion going strong when they had zero evidence that it was true. CIA director John Brennan even emailed Obama and told him that Hillary had made it all up. Did that stop them? . . .

Big fat lie number three: Sure. There may be a few isolated voting irregularities, but nothing that would overturn the results of the election.Ā That lie is extremely shameful. How dare anyone say that, when hundreds and maybe thousands of people are risking their livesā€”yes, their livesā€”by giving sworn testimony of fraud under penalty of perjury. Many of them are not even Christians, some are Democrats, and yet they are braving a tsunami of hatred by coming forward to tell the most horrific accounts of fraud we have ever heard.

All they have gotten for their trouble is ridicule and threats. That should enrage us. It should break our hearts. They are moved by two simple thingsā€”something that seems to be lost on so many so-called Christiansā€”these heroes love their country.

These are just a small sample of what they have said in sworn affidavits:

-They were hired to drive hundreds of thousands of prefinished ballots for Joe Biden across state lines.

-They were verbally abused and threatened when they questioned why ballots were run through ballot counters over and over again, just to pad Bidenā€™s lead.

-They witnessed vast bins of ballots that had not one vote for Trump in them. . . .

Perhaps the fattest lie of all is the lie that says, God doesnā€™t want you to do anything about this heinous theft of our childrenā€™s freedom and that you can sit idly by as evil leftists destroy the integrity of our system of free and honest elections.

Remember the words of President Ronald Reagan:

ā€œYou and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our childrenā€™s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.ā€

For the sake of our nation and Christianity, rise up and speak out!

(Excerpt from Mario Murillo Ministries. Article by Mario Murillo. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayers that truth would prevail over this election process. . .

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December 8, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we love our complacency, our apathy, our creature comforts and the status quo more than we love sacrificial prayer and giving of time and money to further God’s kingdom. Why did Jesus tell us to pray that God’s will should be done on earth as it is in heaven, if he didn’t mean that? Yes he meant it! And praying for godly leadership and government and standing up to be counted even when we are mocked and unpopular is God’s will for us. I think that many people who say they belong to God and love him really love the acceptance of the world more…..it is not acceptable in many so-called Christian churches to say the election was stolen and team Biden are NOT the legitimate winners of this process. I attend a conservative Bible church and even there I sense a giving up and acquiescence to what people think is inevitable. Where is our faith? Do we really and truly think the LORD wants us to just go silently into the night of darkness, despair, drugs, child murdering and satanic craziness? To name just a very few things? I believe with all my heart that God gives us the desires of our heart and as it says in James, the fervent, effectual prayers of a righteous man or woman avail much. He WANTS us to ask! We have not because we ask not! This website has been a huge blessing to me as it guides me how to pray and I read prayers and comments from brothers and sisters and I’m encouraged by them. I love you all and I say, let’s keep the faith and trust Christ to perform his work. May God in his mercy bless us all and may his protection and guidance, forgiveness and discernment be upon President Donald John Trump, his family and all who love him and believe the promises of God Almighty. Amen.

December 8, 2020


Bonnie Bartley
December 8, 2020

Father God, You’re our only hope! It seems that everything everyone who loves this country and sees through the fraud and cheating are getting knocked down and Lord I’m trying to understand that because nothing happens unless You allow it to happen. You know all things Lord and You know how difficult this prayer is for me because I’m so conflicted and confused. We all know President Trump won in a landslide, but yet his re-election was stolen from him and “that’s okay” with some Officials _ Governors, Judges, and others in Official capacity and especially those on the Left. Father, we need you! Please let justice and President Trump prevail. We ask it in Jesus’ Name, Amen

    December 8, 2020

    I will pray for you Bonnie, remember the Emmanuel is with us, he never leave us nor forsake us. He has not given the spirit of fear or confusion, by love,power,and a sound mind. He will fill your heart with peace, love for those people,and and joy.He knows your heart.yes keep praying like I do. We have power over the principalities, powers of darkness and rulers of wickedness. When we pray there is a battle of good with evil, to stop the evil and his minions.

December 7, 2020

Father God, please help us–we who are American Christians–to stand for the blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in these dark times. Help us not to be “good Germans” lest we repeat the mistakes of the past. Help us to remember some of the songs of the sixties, like Sly and the Family Stone’s “Stand” and help us to stand. Help us to be strong like WW2 American soldiers were–help us be the WW2 American soldiers of our time. Give us strength of mind. Give us the kind of faith that moves mountains. Amen.

December 7, 2020

Covid was good for the church, it woke many of us up. I believe Church lockdown was from God too; in his mercy he has tried to get our attention, so we could learn how to seek him for ourselves, without all the distractions of corporate church gatherings. Judgment is our heavenly Father’s strange act, and for those who believe the democratic nominee will be good for the church, I beg to differ. Why would God wake us up just to bring judgement on his people? I believe He woke us up so we could earnestly pray, repent and seek his face, so he should stave off the evil that is sweeping over the whole world, from coming to his covenant nation. The strategic and swift move to implement the new one world government order, covid played right into their plans, but God is saying not so fast, if my church will do what they have been called to do. Some may not realize this, but christians all over the world are praying for America; from India, to Africa, to China, christians in these countries believe, more than most christian Americans do, that this is not the time for the democratic ticket to be in the white house, and THEY are fasting and seeking God’s face for America. It will be very strategic for the evil that is being planned by world governments to move us even closer to a one world government. Things are happening in the spiritual realm, serious warfare for the soul of this country. Let us humble ourselves, turn and seek God’s face. Pray with all of your heart, and if you are in doubt, ask him to show you what is spiritually going on in the heavenlies, not based on feelings and emotions

December 7, 2020

God is able. He is in control. His will WILL be done for His purposes. Only through Him do we have hope for our country.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

December 7, 2020

May the fear of GOD grip the hearts of those who were involved in these heinous fraudulent actions and cause them to come out from the shadows and admit their wrongdoing and provide the names of those who beguiled them into committing these wicked crimes.

And to those who are wolves among the sheep–GOD is watching!

In Jesus Name,

December 7, 2020

Praying for the church, the Christians to be awaken from sleep, I think the church is now awakening,as JEsus said in Mark 5, “Talita Cumi!” “Arise”, and to the deaf and mute man in Mark 7, “Ephphatha, be opened!” May the church, the Bride of Christ arise from sleep, may ears be open and not be silent anymore.Praying for a Great Awakening in the Church/Ekklesia! In Jesus name!

December 7, 2020

Too many Christians have relied on preachers and pastors to feed them. Instead they need to spend much time daily (now more than ever) listening to the voice of the Lord being guided through His Word and Holy Spirit to know the times and the seasons and to know how to pray. They are deceived and fall under the foreboding spirit by listening to the false news/propaganda. Protection comes by remaining in HIS presence.
The Lord did not give us a spirit of fear or intimidation.
Lord guide us and lead us to do you will on earth in this tumultuous season. Awaken us O God !!! Give us wisdom to speak a word in due season daily to those we encounter! Let Your righteousness and truth prevail and take down our enemies!
We praise Your mighty Name and walk humbly with You Lord!

December 7, 2020

GOOD GOVERNMENT EQUALS GOD’S WILL! It is the will of God for America and other nations to have a good government. It is His will for government to be trustworthy and have moral integrity. It is the will of God for government political parties to be trustworthy and held to His Standards. The Democrat party has long, egregious history of corruption. They have become a criminal enterprise and their party is fully responsible for the greatest voter fraud in U.S. history. They have been aided in their efforts by a corrupt Fake News Media, Facebook, Twitter and leftist billionaires that will stop at nothing to destroy America. These groups have suppressed the truth,
either by falsely
reporting or ignoring the truth altogether. These organizations have falsely mislead millions of people,
including some Christians and some Pastors. In the article above “Lies Christians and Pastors are Telling About the Election”:, The first big lie that is being told: The Christian thing to do is concede and accept Joe Biden as president. I would ask any Christians and Pastors that feel this way, to consider what the Bible has to say about the Democrat party’s postion on many issues that are clearly against God’s standards. To accept Joe Biden and the Democrat party, would be to accept and agree with all the sin that is tied to this party. It would basically be saying that I’m ok with lying and stealing, because that is exactly what the Democrats have done in massive, widespread voter fraud in our 2020 elections. God’s Commandments tell us, thou shalt not bear false witness, and thou shalt not steal. To accept Joe Biden as president is to accept all the sin that goes with this Democrat party. It is definitely not the Christian thing to do. It is sinful in God’s eyes. The Democrat Party stands for some issues that are sinful in God’s eyes. For example Abortion, God hates hands that shed innocent blood. Proverbs 6:16-19. How more innocent than a living, breathing baby that is murdered. God is very clear on homosexuality, (Romans 1:26-27) and Leviticus 18:22. I would say to anyone who claims to be a Christian, but is suportive and acceptive of Democrat values, that you need to sincerely ask God to lead and guide you in His Truth. God established government to provide earthly justice and protection. His plan and will, is for goverment to be morally good and not corrupt. Romans 13:4,Ā KJV: “For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” … For it is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong.” Daniel 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

    Perry Donaldeson
    December 7, 2020

    Is it possible that God did answer all the prayers of God’s people that stood on 2Chr.7,14 for such a long time that . Remember this, that if Biden is President, people will see that because all this wickedness that even persecution, that the masses will repent calling on the Lord. History tells us when persecution raises it head, then awakening yes revival, China is perfect example, Acts 4 with the church, then Acts 8 Phillip’s revival in Samaria. whenever persecution raises it’s head God brings revival. Don’t for a minute think if Biden takes over in January God didn’t answer our prayer

    December 8, 2020

    Daniel 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding. Thank you for this reminder!!

    I agree with Mario’s assessment. And I also continue to pray, be open to God’s will that is operating in a way I can not see or understand. Gets tricky to prayer for truth and justice and yet to not get too attached to the “my” will. Lord, thank You for clarifying this and sharpening the sword so I can be what You want and need from me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Karen & Larry Ziebro
December 7, 2020

yes i agree

Carole D Gabrielson
December 7, 2020

Lord, show us what to do or say and give us the BOLDNESS to be obedient. Forgive us for our fear and intimidaty. Open the spiritual eyes of Your followers..who are stubbornly disobeying you. We ALL need You, Lord.

December 7, 2020

What a DEPLORABLE bunch of American churches we have. The pastors have NO FAITH. God is able and we will prove that fraud was used to TRY to defeat Donald Trump, but it will not work. We will not tolerate fraudulent voting in this country. Continue to pray for a victorious outcome for that which is right. God bless America.

December 7, 2020


Brother Amartey
December 7, 2020

You named only NBC, CNN, etc., but what about Fox? Are you also deceived, and do you not know that Fox is just as corrupt and deceitful as the other media, though they pretend to be “conservative” ? Who called out Arizona before anyone else did?

Brother Amartey
December 7, 2020

This is pathetic, but these are not ministers of God, but of Satan, deceiving themselves and their stupid and gullible sheep! It would be helpful to name these pastors, but if you can’t do it, please send me their names and I’d expose them all over social media. The sheep have got to know these blind and false shepherds!

    December 7, 2020

    John Piper, Max Lucas, Beth Moore for starters.

      December 7, 2020

      Max Lucado

      Brother Amartey
      December 7, 2020

      Thank you, Anna, and please send me more!

      Perry Donaldson
      December 7, 2020

      The worst thing christian’s can do is trash other ministry’s that they think are false in teaching I think piper has good solid teaching on cetain area’s and Beth Moore has God given insight into the word. REMEMBER: Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Stop listening to John MaCarthur who is blind to certain truths in God’s word

Gerald Schork
December 7, 2020


I praise you that you are STILL in control, but somethings you bring your believers to a crossroads of decision with the consequences already built in.
Wake up your church to have a discerning heart and have the courage to face, pray, and stand for the truth.

December 7, 2020


Context: MANY HAVE BEEN BLINDED TO THE TRUTH BY LIES AND FEAR MONGERING REPEATED OVER AND OVER. GASLIGHTING! Remember seeing images of 9-11 planes striking the towers for weeks on end? Think Psyop! JFK we were told over and over Oswald was the assassin. BRAINWASHING. Psychological warfare. Massive Psyop exercise in play!

Because of the resulting widespread mass delusion yesterday a friend and I were led to pray for the church to shake free from the SPELL that has been cast. I pray for all people but especially the church. If church members watch TV news they are exposing themselves to very sophisticated propaganda. There is also evidence of high definition TV having imbedded occult subliminal millisecond images flashed in the black background. TV news is now provides one perspective not multiple perspectives! The TV news is spiritual warfare. It is now akin to one party state media in a communist country!

Christians must be alert to deception and there is evidence now of massive deception taking placing through witchcraft and black magic. Many I know are numbed and hypnotized by high definition TV overt and subliminal psychological assault. Not only do they believe what they are told but they cannot even consider an alternative view! We are slowly learning to be obedient and believe what we are told. Why? They want us to do what we are told! Turn off the TV! This is a massive assault of the ability of individuals to think independently and critically!

Lord many of our people are under psychological and emotional occult spells. In the name of Jesus we bind these psychological and emotional strongholds and declare that it is demolished in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Return to listening to God and his word!

Vicky Breed
December 7, 2020

Lord, we plead the blood of Jesus over the state legislatures where some of this will be decided. We ask, in Jesusā€™ name, that Rudy, Sidney, Jenna and the other attorneys be protected and empowered. Please have grace and mercy upon us and bind Satan in this hour. May Your truth prevail and what is wrong in Georgia, AZ, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania elections BE MADE RIGHT SOON!!!

Bethany Mead
December 7, 2020

Thank you, Lord Jesus for protecting all those who have come forward and the President, his family, team and all legal advisors. I think you Lord Jesus that more and more democrats will come to tell the truth about what really happened and that we have the favor of the legislatures and judges at all levels. Lord, we know you gave multiple prophets YOUR word that President Trump will have a 2nd term so we stand in agreement with the WORD OF THE LORD through his people, the prophets. IN Jesus Mighty name I pray, Amen

December 7, 2020

Lord, we believe. Help our unbelief. Help us to keep our eyes on Jesus. You are our advocate, defender, victorious over evil and death. You have given us armor, your Word, and prayer. You have given us your righteousness in exchange for our filthy rags. You have given us your decrees, statutes, commandments and Holy Spirit power to guide us, direct our footsteps and order our thinking according to Your Holy ways, Your truth, and Your wisdom. The battle is heating up. Help us to stand firm, to be encouraged, to pray specifically for the church, to reject the lies, to push back against the evil that has such sway over the media, certain people in leadership, and the deceived people who believe the lies. Give us ears to hear only You, eyes to see only You, and courage to stand firm in truth, wisdom, and faith, such as the faith of Abraham. We need You, Lord. Only You. Thank you, Jesus, for making a way where there is no way. All glory and honor to You, Father God, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. Amen

Judith Knight
December 7, 2020

Father, I praise you for exposing hidden corruption to us far beyond my imagination. We have witnessed chaos and destruction rising up in our streets in spite of lock downs from the plaque. You have also raised up the Church with baptisms all across our land. You are answering our prayers for Truth to be revealed in this special nation you established.

Please continue to guide us now as we approach America’s 250 year. Stir our hearts to fight the battle and now concede to the easy way out. Will you not only grant us truth and justice in our political arena but let the Truth of Jesus Christ also be known across this country and this planet. May we be like Joshua and Caleb as we look out across our chaos in America today. You have given us the peaceful tools to pursue truth justice; please give us the hearts to endure these new challenges.

Thank you, Father, for your guidance throughout America’s history. Forgive my generation for straying from the Word and failing to seek wisdom from your Holy Spirit or even acknowledging your Trinity. Oh, that you would move–not just in the political arena but the halls of our three branches of government and the hearts of unbelievers. Strengthen your flock of believers, Father God. Thank you for the many times you have intervened in America’s history and answered prayers.

We are a nation in need of revival today. Thank you for bringing people to us who do not know Jesus. Revive us today, we pray. Clean us up. Thank you for all the baptisms this year! Give us wisdom and endurance, Lord, to serve you.

Thank you for truth as you reveal the enemy in our government corruption; we need you to convict our nation anew as we seek your will to direct us in this battle. Please continue to protect your soldiers. Amen

Andrew Harris
December 7, 2020

YIKES! Shouting in all Capital letters; repeating a lie often enough doesn’t make it a truth.
God despises arrogance(haughty eyes), Lying lips, Hands that shed innocent blood(abortion) Proverbs 6.16-19
Be in agreement with God. We agree, that Lies, deceit, shedding of innocent blood, hearts that devise wicked schemes are enough to AGREE with God. I agree that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I agree, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It’s not fun when we are not in agreement with God. See the story of Balem being hired to curse Israel. It didn’t go well for him.

December 7, 2020

What will it take, if not this, to WAKE CHRISTIANS UP??? I cannot bear the disappointment our Savior is feeling, in us, for not taking a strong stand, and setting an example for the rest of the country!!! When did we become so weak, so afraid??? We are commanded to BE BOLD!!! I, for one, do not accept, and will never allow the lies to permeate my mind!! In Jesus name, I ask that the enemy be rebuked and we stand strong for America, and for Jesus!!

December 7, 2020

god child, Itā€™s not about a person, but rather about choosing what God says is either a path of life or death (Deuteronomy)
Take a look at the differing platforms of the 2 major parties. Itā€™s clear that one despises the True God and Savior Jesus, rejects His Truths and Laws of Nature and Creation, sheds innocent blood through abortion, and is causing His ā€œlittle onesā€ to stumble (with a warning in the Gospels)
42Jesus said to them, ā€œIf God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me.
43ā€œWhy do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word.
44ā€œYou are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8

Lori Mahaffey
December 7, 2020

I continue to pray for our President to claim victory through many advisors that will lead our Nation into victory over this crises as in Proverb 11:14: and plead that the Lord will deliver us from our enemies; and release the angles of God to go forth and establish this prayer becfause You watch over Your Word and perform it. Psalm 31:14-16

December 7, 2020

As we are truly in a spiritual war, we have to have a war mentality. I believe I heard God’s voice direct me to go deeper in prayer and led me to Derek’s Prince’s book, “Praying for the Government,” which states that we are to pray for the invisible rulership that controls specific regions. On p. 23, he states, “There is never a breakthrough in the kingdom of God until these spiritual powers have been brought into subjection by prayer.”

I am asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the exact spirit that is influencing Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Wisconsin. So far the Spirit has downloaded that in Georgia especially Atlanta, there is a spirit of sexual perversion; in Michigan, especially in Detroit, there is a spirit of deep-seated political corruption; in Nevada, especially in Las Vegas, there is a spirit of greed and lasciviousness. In Pennsylvania, especially Philadelphia, there is a spirit of distortion of truth. I am still seeking what spirits are prevalent in Wisconsin and Arizona.

Let us take authority over these kingdoms of darkness, spiritual wickedness as the Ambassadors of God’s Kingdom. We can also decree and declare that in each of these territories, these spirits would be replaced with a spirit of righteousness. (Ps. 19:9, Ps. 119:172; Is. 32:17; Ps. 129:4; Proverb 21:21; Job 33:26; Proverbs 11:28.)

    December 7, 2020

    This very booklet, Praying for the Govt, appeared in my mailbox a few weeks ago. I never ordered it. It is so informative and I’m ordering some from DerekPrince.org to send to my committed Christian friends who have no clue what is going on in America right now. They think I’m over-reacting and don’t understand my despair. May God remove the scales from their eyes. May God heal our broken country. I agree and am praying your words here. Thank you and God bless.

      December 7, 2020

      Funny you should mention how you surprisingly received the Praying for Government booklet by Derek Price. Surprisingly, I can’t recall ordering the booklet but suddenly found the booklet laying on my des. God certainly works in mysterious ways and will supply us with the spiritual weapons needed to victoriously engage in warfare with the enemy.

Gram Tam
December 7, 2020

This is absolute truth!!! The time is now, to keep praying in earnest, write, call, email and stand up for our freedom and rights.

Mary Banks
December 7, 2020

Thank you Mario forKeeping on keeping on.

December 7, 2020

Father God, we know that YOU ALONE are the WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. We praise YOU for YOUR LIGHT shining in the darkness to reveal YOUR TRUTH.

Thank you for your servant, Mario Murillo, who speaks truth. I stand in agreement with him.
This is not a time to fold and follow the enemies deceit. This is not who we are.
God called our forefathers to come to this country for religious freedom. Against all odds, except the Grace of God, the pilgrims claimed a new life in a new country. The 400th anniversary of the Mayflower compact was just celebrated in November 2020!
This is our heritage. It is from God.
Let us remember it proudly and with praise for Lord God Adonai. We must not allow the enemy to take it from us!

Surely with God’s Blessing, Truth and Light, we can fight against this evil from within!
We must NOT allow the enemy to steal our election, our President, our heritage, our freedom, and our right to worship our Almighty God. We must not allow the enemy to steal our future. We must not allow the enemy to extinguish our Light to the world.

Brothers and sisters, God has raised us up for such a time as this! We MUST continue to fight as the army of God. We repent for our weakness and that we grow weary. Forgive us Abba, Father. Let us pray for the blood of Jesus to wash us clean and give us the strength, courage, and wisdom to bring the victory. We can and we must!
For if God is with us, who can stand against us?
All glory be to our amazing God, Elohim, supreme God of power and might who is and was and reigns forever.

Ps…continue to prayer for speedy recovery for Rudy Giuliani.

December 7, 2020

It does make me upset when people say that because it is not widespread we should not pursue it. I do believe it is widespread (and it was done right in front of everyone’s eyes) but even if I did not, isn’t it still a crime? Should those who stole and lie get away with it simply because it is not widespread? Why would there not be an automatic audit on a county that has more votes than registered voters??

I believe we are living in the time described in 2 Timothy 4: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears from the truth and be turned aside to fables”. We choose the news media over the bible and the church has decided to dilute the bible in order to please non-believers.


Please forgive us for turning a blind eye to truth and choosing to believe the secular world. We pray that truth will be so undisputed that even the media outlets will be forced to report on it. I pray for the church to wake up and see the harm that the compromise we have made with the secular world has done. I pray for parents to teach their children truth. I pray for the true winner of this election to be able to run the country. I pray for lawyers, whistleblowers, poll workers and all of the saints that are working tirelessly on exposing truth. I pray for protection over their families and the strength to continue the fight. I thank You for them. I pray for the church to have eyes to see and ears to hear. I pray we do not turn our back on evil but will pray and fight against it. Thank you for all of the truth that has already come out.

In Jesus name,


    Linda Fisher
    December 7, 2020

    Christina: Thanks for what you shared. Does it concern you at all that the scriptures nowhere tell us to fight back against the forces of evil except by tearing down strongholds through prayer? This is the reason many Christians give for not resisting.

      December 7, 2020

      Jesus set a very tangible example of fighting corruption when he threw the money changers out of the temple.
      They were corrupt.
      He was filled with righteous anger.
      He didn’t pretend he didn’t see it not did he walk away. He fought it straight on.

      Matthew 21:12-13
      New International Version
      Jesus at the Temple

      12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 ā€œIt is written,ā€ he said to them, ā€œā€˜My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.ā€™

      Fight this evil that is trying to steal God’s nation.

December 7, 2020

Oh Father God we asking you boldly before your throne of Grace and mercy for your divine intervention to do Justice into this election and your deliverance from the evil leftist that has been trying to destroy this nation that our founder Fathers present to you. Awake your church oh Lord, May your Spirit bring them to real understanding of the words ā€œOne nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for allā€ May every believer stand stand in your righteousness for our country and their families. May your Spirit awake every official, representative and senator to do what is right! May they Fear you oh God!! We crying out in Jesus mighty name. Amen šŸ™

Sharon Williams
December 7, 2020

It never ceases to amaze me that what is so blatantly obvious is ignored, discounted, or denied on so many platforms. The mainstream media, social media, and cultural elite have no moral compass–they will do whatever it takes to dominate and have their way…it’s incredible. What’s even more egregious is the role of those who claim to know Christ in this farce. If the congregation at Ebenezer knew and esteemed the word of God, they would vacate the church and Raphael G. Warnock would have no flock to mislead and his candidacy would not have gone any further than a pipe dream. The fact that he has standing validates Scripture:
“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own
desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to
hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3
Please consider participating in the Jericho March in DC or at your state capitol bldg this Saturday at noon. Pray and encourage others to do the same. This election and our God-given freedoms are being stolen. Doing nothing is not an option for us Believers. We must not be condemned by God, as were the Edomites who “stood aloof(NIV)” and did nothing as the Babylonians ransacked Jerusalem. (Obadiah 11)
Liberals are ransacking our Constitution and freedoms.
Lord, we thank you for the civil freedoms, and, more importantly, the eternal freedom you have so graciously bestowed upon us. In the name of Jesus, we ask that you intervene, as only you can do, to continue to validate Donald Trump and his Biblical initiatives for this country and “We the people” who are citizens here.
May Your righteousness dominate and prevail in this, our earthy “home sweet home.”
Let’s give God reasons to bless America

December 7, 2020

If they truly belong to You Lord, deeply convict their hearts and correct them today .. otherwise, please lessen their impact and remove their platform. In Jesus Name.

chrissy Martin
December 7, 2020

Here is https://youtu.be/T9zoI4dZwv4how we got here regarding this election.

Cynthia Reid
December 7, 2020

I agree with this article. Iā€™ve been saddened by the lack of integrity and faith of my fellow Christians. Truthfully, I wondered if they are True Christian Believers because of the way they want to put the ā€œelephantā€ in the obvious fraudulent election under the rug! It angers me! The lack of Justice angers me! The lack of backbone angers me! I think itā€™s a natural response to be angry at this time! To deny the wrongs, to want to believe the lies is a sin! God didnā€™t say He will make our life easy if we are His children. He said; Be of good courage and go fight for your place! ( I paraphrased that) He is on the side that stands within His laws, His ways, His will for us is to prosper in Him. Stand therefore and go where He leads, to reach the nations with His Gospel, bring Light into darkness and do not fear what man can do to you! Oh, you of little faith…Ask and He will give you abundantly what you need to WIN! He is with us, yes, goes before us to help us and prepares our way, stay on the path and allow Him the Glory, He desires the results of walking in faith with Him!!! Praise be to God our Almighty One! As we feel weak, ask for His help and we will gain strength to stand and fight and go as He leads us to be in His Light and ways for us, stand UNITED because we need each other to be strong! He loves it when we stand United under His Authority!!! Yes, PRAY. Yes! With Christ Jesus ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE because He lives in and through us, we can tackle this giant and be Victorious!! Do not fear for the Lord, our Almighty God reins far and wide and above all and because He is mightier than all the evil of the evil one (satan) and his emissaries. Ask Jesus Blood to cover us and PRAY that He will help each of us do our part, give strength to those giving testimony of the corruption they saw and protect them, turn the hearts and minds of Legislators, Judges and anyone else needed in this process to His Truth and give way for Victory in His Holy Name, we thank You, Jesus!

    December 7, 2020

    Cynthia, I totally agree.
    This is a good time for all of us to be filled with righteous anger! PRAISE God.
    The arrogance in the face of such obvious corruption is shocking.
    We are God’s remnant. Our voices are getting louder. God heard our anger, cries, pleas. The battle is won in the spiritual. We need to continue to fight On bended knees. Pray pray pray the victory into the natural. Thank you Abba Father for hearing our prayers.

December 7, 2020

Jesus, forgive us for our laziness and arrogance.
Why do we lay down and cave so quickly without a fight when our fathers and brothers/sisters have fought and given their lives for our freedoms here in this country? Why are so many churches silent? Many non-Christians understand whatā€™s going on and ask ā€œwhere are the Christians?ā€ Help us Jesus. Forgive us Jesus.

Chrissy Martin
December 7, 2020

This has been my cry for years ” wake up church ” Marxism has been inserted into the government and church. Trevor Loudon explains the progression. https://youtu.be/eyn4gX0MnZM The pastors are not aware that they have been frogs placed in a pot of cool water where the heat has been raised gradually for years. Indoctrinated in universities. etc To understand how we got here is very helpful.
Thank you for your steadfast intervention through intercession. Please listen if you have not heard this before.

December 7, 2020

Thank you for your courage Brother Murillo!
Throughout history God has raised up armies to fight evil, and yet the church in the United States seems to think if it gets hard we should just fold our hands and have another pot luck supper. They even go so far as to say that God’s will is for us to do nothing. That is how got where we are; have we learned nothing?! Thank God for men like Mario Murillo. Forgive us Lord for allowing evil to thrive while we did nothing. Father guide us and strengthen us to continue to stand for You and trust YOU! Thank You Lord for all YOU are doing in this election and for all those that You are using to bring justice and healing to our land. I pray that You would protect them and their families, strengthen them, give them grace, wisdom and discernment, guide them into all truth and let Your favor surround them like a shield Lord, in Jesus’ name. Father turn the hearts and heads of all those who will decide the outcome of these lawsuits regarding the election to do YOUR will. I pray that YOU would arise and Your enemies would be scattered. I thank You that where the enemy has come in like a flood, You are lifting up a standard against him. Thank You Lord! In the holy and powerful name of Jesus I pray, AMEN!

Laura Dominick
December 7, 2020

I believe that a large part of the rooting out of wickedness and evil in America that Jesus is doing in response to our prayers is exposing preachers and churches who are NOT of His flock! Watching all of this, it becomes glaringly apparent who is in the camp of God (truth/righteousness) and who is in the camp of Satan (evil/wickedness). I would not want to be those “pastors” when they stand before the King as He holds them to a higher standard because of their position. Woe to them!!! There is a large remnant of us who are holding steady in faith that the Judge of the universe has heard our prayers for truth and righteousness and that He has granted us our plea! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord of Heaven and earth!

December 7, 2020

I agree, in the sense I have never seen a threat like this but Jesus has.
Oh Father,
Keep our focus on the Lord of all Lords and Our King of all kings. Your Kingdom is not of this world. It is You who rules over the ā€œdeath for our ministry, and over the work every evangelist in America.ā€
Our warfare is spiritual
And we look to YOU to perfect that which concerns us and YOUR Church. Lord, awaken us to fix our eyes ears and hearts on You and may Your kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We look to YOU Jesus our Redeemer, You are our King. Nothing will thwart Your will. Father, You have set Your King to reign over all the earth. May we fear Him alone and follow Him
wholeheartedly. Help us Holy Spirit to love Him and serve Him. I humbly ask You knowing how weak, how incapable I am…without Your intercession. Bring us and Keep us in Jesus…in Jesus Name.
Thank YOU for YOUR Word. We are hopeful to Learn more from YOU and YOUR Word from these things we suffer. Make us endure and victorious for Your Names sake. Help us to understand Your plan and not lose heart when things look on earth look dim and not as we expected. Keep us in Your Spirit and in Your Word,YOUR Word is Truth, YOU are Light expose the lies and the darkness and keep us in YOUR Light, dearest Faithful Lord we look to YOU Merciful God.

December 7, 2020

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ESV

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
Colossians 2:8 ESV

Here is a call for the endurance of the Saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.
Revelation 14:12 ESV

Father God,
We stand against those who believe the lies and tell the lies from the pulpit.
Against those who are leading their flock astray.
Just as we ask that You would raise righteous leaders in government, we pray for righteous pastors in Your church. Help church members to recognize false teaching. Grant us understanding as we read Your Word that we will know what is true.
May Your Word be the plum line of every true believer. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

December 7, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, please let the truth of these evil days be told. Lord, let the darkness give way to light, and let the wicked people orchestrating this vile push toward evil be exposed and punished. Lord, deliver this nation from evil, and give good men and women the courage, strength, and wisdom to act for good. Let Your power be shown, Your will be done. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

December 7, 2020

It’s time for the true Church to stay strong. We must have the same spirit Joshua and Caleb had for we can surely take the land! It’s not the time to cave in because of what our eyes see and our ears hear. Perhaps more than ever it’s a time for a media fast while we delve into the Word and into spirit-filled prayer. We can make ourselves continually available for God’s use moving things in the Spirit realm while naturally standing as the Lord leads. I’m disheartened by how many in the body are just caving in to the outcome the media and enemies of the Church have been pushing for a long time now.

    Laura Dominick
    December 7, 2020

    AMEN! Well said! We WILL take the land in Jesus’ name!!!

Jimmy B Shackle
December 7, 2020

I was going to post a prayer, but after reading the prayer from Linda, that was so beautifully framed I just decided to say AMEN! to that. I prayed your prayer.

Linda Lucas
December 7, 2020

My Father in heaven,
Please pour out Your Spirit on the entire state of Georgia and move on the hearts of Your people to vote in person on Jan. 3, 2021, according to Your will. Impress on their hearts how vitally important this election is. Please bring about total and complete victory for Donald J Trump, Father in Jesus’s Name, before the end of December 2020. Let Your will be done here in the United States, as it is in heaven. I praise You and worship You and thank You, Lord that we can have complete trust in You! AMEN

    December 7, 2020

    Thank you for praying for my state of Georgia and our president. Such a beautiful and heartfelt prayer! I know our God listens and delivers.

    December 7, 2020

    Lord Amen to this prayer. Lord stir up your people and the Georgians to see the danger of a blue Senate at this time. Lord you know the schemes being hatched to turn Georgia blue. You know the investment of George Soros in the run offs. When the enemies of your people unite in a common purpose we know what lies ahead for the gospel. You have them in derision. But deliver us and Israel from their hands. Lord have mercy on us. Your gospel will never be chained. Lord pour out your Holy Spirit and give a sense of that urgency and danger. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Linda Lucas
December 7, 2020

I was not able to access the map of Georgia or any resident’s names. The Vote Your Values banner covered most of my screen. Please advise.

    December 7, 2020

    Iā€™ve had technical difficulties too! I think satan doesnā€™t want us to follow through but God is bigger than this technology! Praying for us to stay the course! In Jesus Mighty Name!

      Linda Lucas
      December 7, 2020

      I WILL stay the course, honey! Thank you for your comment. If I cannot get those names & addresses, I will just continue to pray for the whole state of Georgia and the despicably corrupt Commonwealth of PA. (where I live, unfortunately) and those other pivotal states! God’s will be done, not those of the corrupt democrats! Amen!

Jeff Noncent
December 7, 2020

I couldn’t agree more in fact it is stunning to see how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has lost their power over the government.

    December 7, 2020

    We must stand together and take it back! In Jesus Name!

December 7, 2020

This is a spiritual war like nothing seen before. The church in the US and worldwide and Israel are at stake. Within the first week of Biden being announced as President Elect, we got a taste of things to come: Hamas and Iran rejoicing, no trade deal with the UK and siding with the demonic EU in Brexit. What next covid passport, restrictions of freedom of religion and movement? The enemy divided the church before elections saying do not vote. Now he is dividing further so the church sleepwalks into destruction. Do not fall for the lies of the enemy. Stop the Senate turning blue Georgia. Lord have mercy and wake up your people. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. Lord open the eyes of your people to pray without ceasing. Do not hand us over to this agenda at this time for the sake of the gospel and souls going to a Christless eternity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Jeff Noncent
    December 7, 2020


    Laura K
    December 7, 2020

    And I would add, Lord separate the sheep from the goats in all who say they are Christians yet do not say or do the things that You ask of us all. Convict those who are goats that they may become sheep.

    Linda Lucas
    December 8, 2020

    Biden’s status was announced by the main stream media, NOT by anyone in authority in the US government. Who our president will be going forward has yet to be determined. It will not be determined by Lucifer and the trash that follows him. I am still praying for 4 more years with President Trump. It is up to God and our Supreme Court. I can’t imagine that God, after seeing us suffer through 8 years of that imposter, Obama, would give us Biden unless He is so furious about our sins that He intends to abandon us to further destruction under Biden. There are too many of God’s people for Him to do that, in my opinion. Pray hard. It’s not over till it’s over.


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