Give thanks to the Lord for the good report that prayers are being delivered, received, and acknowledged by the White House. You can send one too. Click HERE. Watch the video by Tracy Bost, wife of Congressman Mike Bost.
Pray with Tracy Bost on our First Friday Prayer Conference Call at 1215 ET, June 1, 2018. (Recording will be posted on our website after the call.)
“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven.” (Ps 107:28-30)
The Bible calls for people to pray for our leaders, so one congressman went to the people of his district to make that happen. It was meant to be a positive gesture, but not everyone on the internet saw it that way.
Congressman Mike Bost, R-IL, didn’t like what he was seeing in our country at the beginning of 2017. Protests were happening everywhere and many well-known people made it clear they did not support the new administration. So his wife had an idea: They should collect thoughts and prayers to encourage President Donald Trump.
“We thought maybe we’d get 30, whatever,” Rep. Bost told CBN News. “It came back – there were hundreds.”…
“There was a 90-year-old woman that on it said, ‘I have never written to a president, but I’m depending on you, and I pray into you every day that you’ll straighten this country out – it needs it so bad,’ ” recalled Bost.
Bost had the letters delivered to the White House and had no idea if they’d be read or not. Then, a few months later, he was invited to the White House with about 20 other congressmen to see the president sign a bill into a law. While they were in the Oval Office, Trump wondered aloud why Rep. Bost’s name sounded so familiar.
“He all of the sudden turns at me and goes, ‘Bost, Bost, prayer cards!’ “recounted Bost. “And I said, ‘Wow, yeah we sent you some prayer cards over.’ ”
A White House aide then pulled the bag of prayer cards off a shelf in the Oval Office and brought them over.
“He said, ‘You know we use these every day.’ And I said, ‘What?’ And he said, ‘Yeah, that’s why they’re here. We use them every day,’ ” continued Bost….
Bost says he knows firsthand the impact thoughts and prayers can have on lawmakers.
“Scripture is pretty clear that we need to pray for our leaders,” says Bost. “You know what? You never go wrong when you pray for somebody.”
Praying for leaders is something the Illinois lawmaker has put into practice his whole life, no matter what side of the aisle the president was on.
“I served with Barack Obama in the state of Illinois. Know him quite well. Don’t agree with him – didn’t agree with him on quite a few things – but I never didn’t not pray for him,” said Bost.
Despite the negative press, Bost tells CBN News they already have a fresh bag of thoughts and prayers ready to go, and his wife hopes to soon set up a web page to collect submissions from around the country. (Excerpt from Abigail Robertson’s article on CBN News. Watch the video of Tracy Bost about how we can pray for Congress.)
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May The Lord Bless you and Keep you and cause His face to shine on you and be gracious to you and Lift his countenance on you and give you peace. I pray this for you and all the leaders of our nation.
Dear Mr.President we pray for you daily ,be encouraged today you have warring Angels all around you, God is moving on your behalf, you are loved by your Sisters and brothers,they will hold your hands up as you drain the swamp.please protect our children from this sex training there trying to do in public schools ,to kindergarden children and up, under transgender identy training ,also please balance our justice system,it seems many are above the law.
This is what the Lord says I the Lord strong anc mighty have placed warring angels about you and your family. I says the Lord will see to it that Barron is healed from asl the fiery darts the enemy hurls at him. Hold your head up for it is I the Lord who sustains you and gives you the wisdom to handle the enemy on every front. This is what the Lord says.
I thank you President Trump for being the strong man God has made you keep fighting the hood fight against the criminals who are in this world GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. WANDA DICKSON from TEXAS.
I pray every day for wisdom, discernment and protection for President Trump and Vice President Pence and I thank God that they are are bold to acknowledge the nations and the worlds need of His intervention.
I have been praying for our President every nite since before the election. I only wish he would just “ RISE ABOVE THE PETTY CRITICISM “ and turn his thoughts toward the love of his family and all of us who strongly support him! I really hope he reads this! Love, Maryhelen in Oklahoma City think .”rise above them” they can only hurt you if you allow them to.
Dear Mr.President, I thank you for what you’ve done for America.I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has His Hand on uou! He has chosen you for a time such as this! I’ve been praying for you since you became a candidate for office, for the Lord to keep you safe and protect you from the evil doers we have in Congress and in America in general. I believe the God fearing, God loving ,hard working,honest Americans,stand behind and support you no matter what the evil fake media says. We love and support you and again thank you and may God continue to hold you in the palm of His Hand. My husband is retired Army of 23 years a d .y children and I have traveled with him and it was a Blessing to be a LET to serve our country ! God Bless you and you will stay in our prayers !
Dear President..
Health Blessings and Prosperity to You and family.
Now that the Fear of the LORD IS back in our GOD given land..
Could you please gather all the Christian Believers and –those willing to hear– for a Devine National Day of Revival Prayer…
For for these You Have been Called..
To make America great..
We must help people see GOD as our Great Provider..
Thank you..
I pray for you to Look to the Lord for direction and to bless you for what you have done for our country . Thank you
I pray that God will soon did us of the idiot piece of shit we now have in the White House.
It is encouraging to see and know that many are praying. I pray now, oh God for a hedge and a wall against the influence and power of evil in our nation, in our government. WE KNOW and we BELIEVE, Oh God, that your power, the power of the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit are greater than the power that is in the World (paraphrase). Lord God, we ask for greater working of your power, that you grant it in our President, Vice President, the Cabinet, Congress, SCOTUS, all advisors and administrators, as they seek you oh God, as they see you working in others. Thank you, Father God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all living things there in for your mercies, your grace, for granting wisdom and knowledge. Praise your name, oh Lord; thank you for the gift of your son and his atonement for all.
I love reading these prayers. What a blessing to me to know many join me in prayer daily for our president. God has placed him in the white house as Commander in Chief for such a time as this.
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” This is how I pray for you, Sir, and for all who are in authority.
Thank you for your service and your obedience to Him!
I pray for you and vise president Pence every day to help our country to put God back and to become United Thank you for all you do
I pray this in Jesus Name Amen
I pray that you and Pope Francis will be instrumental in bringing peace to the world.
Mr. President, we have been praying for you! Thank you for all you are doing for this country and the world. You and your administration are all doing such an awesome job. I know you never hear this on the news but we common people think you are amazing and keep up the good work for us Christians.
Dear Mr. President, I pray for you several times every day when I think of the large tasks you have. I pray for you and your family to be protected physically and mentally from this crazy world, and that you might hear the voice of the Lord Jesus in all your decisions.
Father God, Your love and passion went to the cross for the souls of this world to be restored to You! I declare that the wind of the breath of God invade Washington DC and fill the hearts of men w/love for the hearts of mankind & Righteousness arise from that love of Christ. Peace on earth as it is in heaven from sea to shining sea! Love never fails!
Dear President Trump,
There is hope for America because God has put His hand on your life, and you are listening and responding to Him and trusting His Word. You are covered in prayer by a host of God-fearing people all over the world. I’m praying over you Psalm 18:25-27 this morning from NC….”Lord you are faithful to those who are faithful. You are good to those who are good. You never do wrong to those who have done no wrong. But you outsmart the wicked, no matter how clever they are. You help those who are humble, but you humiliate the proud.” ….then Psalm 18:29…”With your help I can defeat an army. If My God is with me, I can climb over enemy walls.”
May your confidence rest in the power of God to help you in all decision, in every meeting…..every day. God bless you with wisdom and discernment.
mister president
you are and have been in our family prayers. our prayer is that you will turn this country back to the GOD fearing nation it was meant to be.
Max Huggins family