I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to live in freedom. Break the yoke of slavery off our backs.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

It’s time we break the yoke off our necks. It’s time to leave Egypt. That what I keep sensing in the spirit.

But what yoke? How? It is a word from the Lord to His people… and it’s not the first time He’s said it.

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high. (Leviticus 26:13)

The image of a “yoke” on our neck is a visual brought to reality after George Floyd. It speaks of a spiritual message from past to present.

It is not what we see happening in Minneapolis and Portland as they seek to violently remove a yoke by creating another to put in its place. That is a fleshly response of lawlessness to a spiritual condition. Lawlessness will never establish truth or justice or bring about transformation. It is a reaction that will simply create more unrest.

Unrest occurs when people have their eyes on themselves and not on Him.

The people spoke against God and Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this miserable food.  (Numbers 21:5)

What we see in our nation is a heart condition and must be dealt with at the root. A spiritual issue requires a spiritual response.

Issues of division, injustice, racial discrimination, and hatred must be addressed, but not to be replaced with another form of domination. There is a bigger issue at the root and it requires His love and revival for transformation.

So it will be in that day, that his burden will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of fatness. (Isaiah 10:27)

The word “fatness” is a key word in that scripture but poorly translated. What the word in the Hebrew actually means is healing, anointing, and strength.

It actually should read, the yoke of bondage will be broken off when we rise up in strength and in healing. When we do so we will break off the yoke and walk out of Egypt.

God called His people out of Egypt.

Then the Lord spoke to Moses and to Aaron, and gave them a charge to the sons of Israel and to Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 6:13)

He called His Son, Jesus, out of Egypt.

And they stayed there until Herod’s death. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: “I called my Son out of Egypt.”  (Matthew 2:15)

God is calling us out of “Egypt.”

Egypt represents a land/place ruled by pride with rulers who exalt themselves above the Lord and shake their fist in defiance at God. Why were they in slavery in the first place? They put themselves there. Let us remember it was due to their own disobedience.

So it is in America. Our sins of disobedience, apathy, and sticking our heads in the sand has put us in this place.

We stood by as prayer was removed from schools, abortion legalized so women could have the “right” to murder their babies, homosexuality not only legalized but taught to our children and now they attempt to normalize and legalize pedophilia.

We stood by as they said church must be separated from government and remain silent. That was their mandate. But it was never God’s. And it has never been in our Constitution. But we bought the lie—at least for many years as we took the bribe of “no taxes” and non-profit status for compliance.

For years ungodly officials have kept their knees on our necks…and we let them.

So did the Jews when enslaved in Egypt. And when freedom finally came, there were many who wanted to return because to live free required they take charge of their own lives. It required thought and work. It required they return fully to the Lord.

Is it any different now? Christians are called the “silent majority.” But we allowed ourselves to be silenced by a “Pharaoh” intent on removing God from our schools, our land, and our government. Now as we have an opportunity to see that slavery removed and the yoke broken off our necks—some fight to remain in Egypt.

But it’s time to leave. It’s time to walk away and break their yoke off our necks.

Some will remain behind. But many see this for what it is and together we will walk free and remove the yoke…and the muzzle.

God is always the same. He called them out then and He calls us out now. It’s time to leave Egypt.

Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.destinybuilders.world. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)




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Dwelling Place Ministries
August 29, 2020

“So it is in America. Our sins of disobedience, apathy, and sticking our heads in the sand has put us in this place.”
Sadly, we did and still do. Heavenly Father, we also stood by, consenting to wickedness and allowing a two-cast system develop in our nation by segregating a population of humanity, deeply abusing, wounding, and crippling them: physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, educationally, economically and spiritually. Our pride and love of mammon is destroying us all. Yes, even the world. “Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me (us) from this life that is dominated by sin and death?” (Rom. 7:24 NLT) Yes, I heard your voice, Holy One entreating us:
“Then, if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” (2 Chron. 7:14 NLT).
Gracious Father, You have been incredibly kind to us. You have patiently watched through the centuries, our unkindness to others, whom you have also made in your image. We have been a self-centered, arrogant, and greedy people. Our fruit testifies to this. O Father, hear from Your dwelling place and forgive us, individually and as a nation, for our sins. We have done wickedness in your sight and continually injure those we have oppressed. We have caused them great anguish of heart and ill health in spirit, soul, and body. We have done these hurtful things to them and to the undoing of and damage to, ourselves, whom You made in Your image. Now, we cannot heal ourselves and we cannot heal those we have repeatedly injured and hurt. LORD, we cannot heal our land because we have not loved our neighbor as You have loved and commanded us. O God, merciful Father, rend the heavens and come down and heal our aching hearts! We are Your people, made for Your glory and we need You! We need to hear from You! We need You to release Your ‘breath’ NOW and blow away the curse of our partnership with the worthless chaff we keep holding onto within our hearts. Pour out Your Spirit of Truth and grant us Your spirit of grace and supplication for the repentance of our sins, since this nation’s beginning. Grant us, Your people, Your penetrating Spirit that will convict and turn us away from our own wicked ways, our own excesses and excuses, and our own prejudices, neatly nestled under our own privileges for our own comforts. Rend the heavens, O LORD and come down_ and heal our hearts and our land, by releasing us ’out of Egypt.’ We welcome You in to be our Burning Bush for the harvest, yet unborn.

August 27, 2020

Excellent word! On 7/26/20, I wrote (to myself) some thoughts along the same lines. It seemed that God was impressing upon my heart at the time that too many Christians want to return to “normal”. Upon hearing this repeatedly, the song from the late Keith Green continued to pop into my head “so you want to go back to Egypt”. As Christians, returning to normal is understandable but not really an option. Normal before the last 7 months of pandemic, protests, riots, lawlessness, etc. means returning to unrestrained abortion on demand. It means pornography flows freely through the airwaves into homes. It means incredible substance addictions throughout our land. It means corruption in multiple areas of our government or banking areas. It means the continued onslaught of human trafficking at every age level.
You get the idea. That was “normal” before and God is saying to the body of Christ “the more you stay UNINVOLVED, then the more these things may or will increase”.
So returning to “normal” is an understandable thought but for Christians, that means we must change. We have to become salt and light. We have to pray with a renewed commitment unlike anything we have had before. And we have to quit being comfortable with status quo.
Lord, grant us new hearts. Help us to hunger for you and our lost world. Fill us with an urgency to become the people you have called us to be.
In your name we pray… amen.

Jacquelyn Y Miller
August 27, 2020

America has replaced God with our own idols: man, mammon, and pride. We are looking to the President to make a change. He cannot. No man can, because it is a heart matter. Everything else is window dressing. We are honoring God with our mouths, but our hearts are far from Him. We are using Scripture to fit what we want it to say. We are bringing God down to our level. No way does the Holy Anointing of God permit someone to curse, call people out of their names, mock the disabled, force human beings to live in unhealthy conditions, take medical care from those in need, refuse to feed the hungry and then say we are heading to a “socialist” nation. As far as I know, God is the very example of “giving”. Everything belongs to Him anyway. We are so into mammon that we don’t care whether the needy are helped or not. God has blessed America over and over. We have thrown away enough food in a week to feed the hungry. We have become so prideful that we no longer need Jesus. He died that horrible death on the Cross for the world and I am sure, yes, I know, He did it from love. What does God require of us but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God? (Micah 6:8) We are told not to turn to the left or to the right, but to stay on the straight and narrow path. To sum it all up: WE HAVE SINNED AGAINST GOD.

Monte Petersen
August 27, 2020

God’s people must also learn to tithe 10% to a legitimate ministry, and to bless Israel (especially messianic jews) In this way they “bear witness Jesus is alive” and has redeemed us from worldly systems (Egypt, Babylon and their demonic “gods”)See Hebrews 7.8, and Deuteronomy 26 and 28. Many of God’s children don’t tithe and remain in bondage to some degree, and the underlying problem in many of these rioting youngsters is their fear of financial problems and a future where they are facing a 26 trillion dollar debt, with no answers except communism or capitalism that is often greedy.Only people who operate in Judeo-Christian financial principles will be free and have the answers in these coming days.

Rene George
August 27, 2020

I hear you ! Last year I was asking God , ” How can you bring a message if people are not listening ?”
I had a dream about all of this going on 15 years ago and in my dream when I was warning people , no one was listening! He is waking and shaking people. His people ! We need to return to the Lord because we are His bride and He loves us so much that He sends people (prophets) to send out the warning. We need to have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying . The best is yet to come and He is purifying the land and getting it ready for the ‘Outpouring’ His presence, His plan for His people. No weapon formed against us will prosper! His plans for all generations! Ps 33
His government! The royal priesthood, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it !

Joan Bartruff
August 27, 2020

Heavenly Father, In Jesus’ Name, I understand how “leaving Egypt” can pose the question–What does “leaving Egypt” mean to us today in 2020? Would be so exciting to be able to sit down with a group of Christians and hear each one’s interpretation of this article. To me, Lord, it points to, “charity begins at home”. Personally, I must get myself as right with You as possible by giving daily attention to repenting of my sin(s), accepting Your forgiveness, praying for my family, others, country, etc. along with spending time in Your Word as it feeds my Spirit. Also,seeking Your guidance and the counsel of other dedicated Christians that involve decisions I need to make. Trusting and believing that the Holy Spirit will guide me throughout the day, and perhaps You, Lord, will use me to make a positive difference to someone else in my day.

To conclude, I would say, for me, “Leaving Egypt” is something I should do daily as outlined above. You are faithful, and will use my feeble process, prayers, and effort to “leave Egypt”, and go forth to be a witness daily for Your Kingdom. Since Israel “left Egypt” with Moses, Christians have been “leaving Egypt”.
I picture the Apostles “leaving Egypt” as they left their fishing boats when Jesus said, “Follow Me”. Lord, certainly St. Paul “left Egypt” in a dramatic way. Lord, thank you for enabling us through Your Son, Jesus, to “leave Egypt” and taste of the promises of a New Heaven and Earth where there will be no “leavings”, only eternal peace and joy. We will forever escape bondage. Thank You, a thousand times, Lord. Amen

August 27, 2020

Sorry… care to clarify what you mean by ‘walking away’? Leave the country?

I prefer to address the problem of having the pagan Left interpret our constitution by fighting back. The founders did. Are we any better than they? They had to risk life and limb and comfort to establish a Godly freedom here. Are we above doing that?!?

Explain yourself, please… unless I missed your point??

    August 27, 2020

    My thought is not to leave a natural place but a spiritual place of bondage, to walk freely in the Spirit in order to hear what the Spirit is saying to each of us personally. We each have an assignment from God, and it’s our responsibility to seek Him until we know what it is for us. In Micah 6:8 ‘He has shown thee Oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.’ Seek Him.

Linda Orf
August 27, 2020

I saw in the Spirit schools being bankrupted by lack of customers as God opens the eyes of the parents of schooled children to the indoctrination of our children and He is inspiring parents to seek out schools that will allow prayer in, schools that will refuse to indoctrinate our children.
I saw in the Spirit the bankrupting of the abortion industry for lack of customers as the Lord opens eyes of the people of the wonder He weaves and creates in the womb of a woman.
I saw in the Spirit the bankrupting of the gay marriage industry for lack of customers as God opens the eyes of the vexed, unvexes them and they see how God wonderfully created them in the womb of their mother, male and female, and is giving them a healthy desire for the opposite gender.

I prayed these 3 prayers every day for about the last 2-3 years and recently, I felt led to stop pleading and start decreeing.

    August 27, 2020

    I hope these transcend mere feelings and were genuinely from God. Been praying for change like this for some time now.

August 27, 2020

Abba, lead us out of the systems of this world, O God our Savior. Lead us out with your powerful right arm. Use these trying times to allow your people, who are called by your name, to worship you and to praise you. Bring us to a land filled with the milk and honey of your spirit – a good land where the fruit of your Spirit is huge and plentiful. Circumcise our flesh so we may walk in the spirit. Make us one with You and with one another. We humbly pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Susan Johnson
August 27, 2020



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