I Prayed have prayed
LORD, we stand the authority given to us as co-heirs with Christ and decree that every enemy infiltrator, squatter, and interloper who has crossed America's borders must leave now or be removed by Your mighty hand. In Jesus's Name, Amen
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pew Research Statistics are revealing what many Americans have experienced first-hand. The border crisis is out of control, and this ongoing border crisis warfare has resulted in the rise in crime, caused unsustainable economic burdens and has undermined America’s job market.

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In addition to these burdens, sinister plans funded by organized syndicates, terror organizations and nations worldwide have also been exposed. And although even less discussed in mainstream than the social, economic and safety burdens, evidence of these plans to infiltrate America across soft borders is cause for alarm and response from the Church. The mantra of Americans who are complicit in the plans of soft invasion include the chaos stirring slogan, “no human is illegal.” As reported by the far-left Mashable, this slogan is “the rallying cry for allies” supporting open and no border policies.

This belief permeates Gen Z. Evidence suggest the Biden Administration agrees with the slogan. Upon hearing the words “illegal alien,” many immediately associate that phrase with images of various South and Central American peoples flooding the U.S.-Mexico border.  This association is now being increasingly shown as categorically naïve.

What has been overlooked by most Americans for decades is the reality that when given the opportunity, America’s enemies would seek to capitalize on the unchecked flood of illegal immigrants entering across our borders.  Currently, several reports indicate that many of these illegals are coming from nations on the other side of the Prime Meridian, using the crowds of South and Central American migrants as an opportunity for easier entrance. Some of the far-away nations that these furtive immigrants come from aren’t too friendly with the U.S.  According to the Daily Wire, “Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin published a video clip on Wednesday showing a large number of military-aged Middle Eastern males ‘illegally’ entering the U.S. southern border. Melugin noted in a post on X that many of the men were ‘special interest aliens,’ meaning they come from countries that are hotbeds for Islamic terrorism and that they were supposed to undergo intense vetting from the Department of Homeland Security. The illegal aliens Melugin encountered as they entered Southern California were from Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkey, India, and Bangladesh.” Melugin goes on to note that even though all of the immigrants he encountered were coming through Mexico, none of them were Mexican. As Melugin states, these “special interest aliens,” most of them military-aged men, have become increasingly common for several years.

The Washington Times reported recently about the dangers posed:

A worrying incident earlier this month in which two Jordanian migrants were caught trying to push their way onto a Marine Corps base has members of Congress demanding answers into whether the men had terrorism ties. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green said the incident reflects a ‘terrifying reality’ about the border, where an unprecedented number of people on the terrorism watchlist have been detected trying to sneak into the U.S. from Mexico. ‘This brazen attempt shows we are in an even more dire situation than many want to admit, and that eventually, the consequences of these potential national security threats running loose in our country will come back to haunt us,’ Mr. Green said in a letter obtained exclusively by The Washington Times.

Biblical Lessons for Leaders Today

In 2 Chronicles, King Solomon did something that America’s leaders at every level of government service would do well to learn.  Then Solomon counted all the resident aliens who were in the land of Israel, after the census of them that David his father had taken, and there were found 153,600.  Seventy thousand of them he assigned to bear burdens, 80,000 to quarry in the hill country, and 3,600 as overseers to make the people work.  The King who asked for wisdom to lead, before asking for riches, understood the importance of two things: knowing every alien/immigrant residing in the land, and the importance of putting them to work that was overseen by and strengthened Israel. Having done so, there were none who had opportunity to wage war against their host nation. How might we respond with the same wisdom?

  • Decree that as the Enemy comes in like a flood across our borders, GOD is raising His standard and will overcome the flood. Isaiah 59:15 – 19 (MSG) assures us that as the LORD hears our prayers of repentance and looks to see so much evil on the horizon, no justice in sight, He himself will take on the work of Salvation, fueled by His own Righteousness. All will fear the name of GOD.
  • Declare GOD’s Psalm 125:3 promise, by speaking that the scepters of the wicked will not rule over land that is allotted to the righteous, because GOD surrounds His people now and forevermore.
  • Decree that every interloper, foreign agent, squatter and otherwise illegal alien, who has not rightly aligned themselves to do good work in America must leave our land now in Yeshua’s name.

What wisdom do you see with King Solomon’s approach? How can intercessors apply Solomon’s wisdom in the 21st Century?

(Photo Credit: grandriver/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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Missy Dice
May 31, 2024

Father, help us to do what You have said to do!
In Jesus Name. Amen.

Karen Secrest
May 30, 2024

We have 70,000 American citizens that are homeless. 70% are special needs. They navigate in wheel chairs and prosthetics. They require insulin and transportation. Some PTSD and others learning disabilities. There are NO benefits. If it weren’t for church
.pitch your tent on our parking lot.
Food is daily concern
But now we have a government subsidizing illegals who seem to think they are entitled to all their daily needs before working.
The infrastructures of culture noted by media as. Little Saigon have crumbling streets.
The mayor said the city is Broke and cut 8 million from the police budget even as the governor r says we have fenayl crisis. You can buy 4 tablets for 1. Dollar and commit suicide.

I’m sure much of this is familiar to others. I keep praying that God the Father reverse this curse. HE has said it’s TIME. Deuteronomy 28:16 /65. If you aren’t for us then the rewards are before you..

Darlene Estlow
May 30, 2024

God gave Solomon wisdom in answer to his prayer. As the article pointed out, Solomon put them to work. This was wise. It is not wise to have open borders that anyone can walk through. No other nation opens their borders in this way. Father, give our leaders your wisdom to see the foolishness of not closing the border. When we do allow people in, may they be those who love and will help our nation, not those whose desire it is to destroy us.

May 30, 2024

Heavenly Father I pray that you read the hearts of all those being allowed to infiltrate our country and that you deal with them accordingly. I repent for America and for our leaders who continue to sin against you for personal gain and attention. I call upon your name Jesus and ask that you restore our land to what it should be. That we would all turn our faces and our hearts back to you in repentance and that you heal our land. I pray that we would lift you up and that you will protect us as you have promised to do for Israel. Help us to pray your will for Israel and America and let us band together under your guidance and realize the dangers of having people on our soil who only mean us harm and intend to do evil against us from the inside out. We thank you Dear Savior for all your protection and help. We love and honor you for you alone are Worthy to be praised.

Brian lynch
May 30, 2024

I agree with the concept that if the illegal aliens need to be deported, and it needs to happen as soon as possible. Allowing these people to come into our nation is just plain wrong. The fact that they have been allowed to do so is symptomatic of the mess that our nation has become in recent years during the Biden “administration”, which is really nothing more than allowing the New World Order to control the actions of the Executive branch of our government . Lord Jesus, I pray that You would intervene in this terrible mess, and that the pure evil of this situation be exposed, and each and every illegal alien be deported back to where they came from. Anything less than this is a recipe for disaster for our nation. Thank You, Jesus.

Mildred G. Hall
May 30, 2024

If the churches would be on fire for Jesus, those who come for evil could be born again, saved by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Maria F
May 30, 2024

Dear Jesus we thank you for IFA for the work that they do in informing us and in helping us with the information we need to pray. Bless them with power with wisdom and with strength and protection in Jesus name amen.

Maria F
May 30, 2024

Father God you are awesome you are good you are powerful you are our God may your people who are called by your name may we humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn from our Wicked ways that you will come and heal our land. And I pray in the name of Jesus that those that mean to do evil in our country , we pray, will leave our country in the name of Jesus Amen


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