I Prayed have prayed
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:13).
Reading Time: 5 minutes

On Monday, the Republican delegates voted to adopt a new party platform. We covered this on Tuesday, and you can read the full, 16-page platform by clicking here.

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3 days have passed, filled with lively debate between Christians, conservatives, and everyone in between. As the dust has settled, several prominent Christian and conservative leaders and organizations have released statements on the contentious platform, aiming to calm discourse and ease confusion. But what exactly have these leaders and groups been saying? We have included some of their statements below.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, one of the leading voices in the pro-life movement, offered the following statement on Monday, fully endorsing and approving of the platform:

In response to draft Republican Party platform language approved today, SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser made the following statement:

“It is important that the GOP reaffirmed its commitment to protect unborn life today through the 14th Amendment. Under this amendment, it is Congress that enacts and enforces its provisions. The Republican Party remains strongly pro-life at the national level.

“The mission of the pro-life movement, for the next four months, must be to defeat the Biden-Harris extreme abortion agenda.

“The platform allows us to provide the winning message to 10 million voters, with four million visits at the door in key battleground states. We are educating voters on the Biden-Harris promotion of abortion for any reason even in the seventh, eighth, or ninth month. We contrast that with protecting the states’ ability to create consensus pro-life laws and provide compassionate options for women and children.”

This election cycle, SBA Pro-Life America and its affiliated entities plan to spend $92 million to protect life across America. The groups’ largest-ever voter contact program includes reaching 10 million voters—with four million visits directly at their homes—across eight key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio.

David Barton, founder of WallBuilders, offered his own take on the platform on Tuesday, criticizing parts and praising others:

The 2024 Republican Platform is a strong statement of President Trump’s campaign beliefs. It differs from most Republicans platforms, however, in that this one is written by the campaign rather than the grassroots and elected platform members. It has many excellent provisions and is strong in areas related to protecting gender distinctions, border security, combatting crime, and de-federalizing education. The area of greatest criticism for most people of faith is that it takes the weakest position on protecting unborn life of any Republican platform since 48 years ago in 1976. No longer seeking to protect the unalienable right to life as articulated in our founding documents. (Current polling shows that 2/3rds of Republicans want to keep pro-life protections in the platform.) Notwithstanding this weakening, the difference between the two parties and the two candidates remains vast. People of faith still have a clear choice in this election cycle.

Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council and Chairman of FRCAction, shared a much more critical take on the new Republican platform Monday evening:

The 2024 platform is a concise statement of campaign priorities, but not a declaration of enduring principles for a political party. Unfortunately, the choreographed process — which allowed no amendments to be discussed or voted upon — was unbecoming of a party that champions free speech and due process. Delegates were given the platform this morning when they entered the convention hall with no time to review, much less the 72 hours that Republican lawmakers call for in the House of Representatives.

Delegates were only given a few minutes of discussion before ‘debate’ was ended and a vote was taken. Ironically, the document calls for a vigorous defense of free speech and the end of government censorship. Deprived of the opportunity to discuss amendments to the ‘draft’ platform document, we have submitted a minority report to supplement that campaign’s platform.

The submission of a minority report is further evidence that the pro-life movement will continue to advance pro-life principles and policies at every level of government.

The right to life transcends other political debates and the interests of any and all political parties and candidates. It is truly the right without which no other right has any meaning.

Finally, the Platform Integrity Project released its own statement, presented as a Minority Report. We prayed over the Platform Integrity Project on First Friday, and IFA is listed on its website as a coalition partner. The project’s statement is well-written and worded very well. We encourage intercessors to prayerfully read through it.

You can read the Minority Report below:

The undersigned, a minority of the committee, elected to the 2024 National Republican Platform Committee, not agreeing in totality with the majority, desire to express our views as follows:

Not having an opportunity to entertain amendments to the “draft” platform document, we submit the following expression for the continued protection of the unborn through support of a human life amendment.

Less than one week ago, our nation celebrated the 248th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. That founding document proved a watershed moment in world history. It planted and reinforced in the minds of men and women everywhere the conviction that each of us is endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them the “right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

The Declaration is the heritage of all Americans, always true but likewise always straining to be realized, for the slave as well as for the free, for women as well as for men, for the poor as well as the rich. For Republicans, from the very inception of our party, the words of the Declaration took form in two overarching moral propositions, that is, the rejection and elimination of what our very first platform in 1856 called “the twin relics of barbarism,” slavery and polygamy. We note with sober reflection how vast a cost the people of the United States paid for the achievement of that platform’s commitments, and how long a period passed before those goals could be achieved.

Today we observe the vitality of a more recent but analogous set of commitments, embodied most prominently in the promise of the Republican Party to preserve the right to life of every human being from conception to natural death. That commitment made its way into the platform of 1976, twelve decades after that original session in Philadelphia. That commitment to a human life amendment and a call for the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection application to children before birth has been repeated in every platform since and, by this declaration of principle, we extend it now.

In no season, under no rationale spurred by the exigencies of a political moment, can or should we abandon the high principles that have created and sustained this party, with God’s grace, into a third century.

In the coming years, we pledge ourselves to continue to work for the good of every child, every parent, and every family. We rededicate ourselves to the core policy positions endorsed through deliberation and transparency with ever-increasing clarity in previous platforms, with respect to the funding of abortion domestically and internationally, the expansion of alternatives to abortion, support for credits for adoption and all children, ending the exploitation of embryonic human beings, and above all recognizing the application of 14th amendment protections to our developing offspring. These are issues for the ages and not for any single cycle in our national life.

With heaviness of heart but fullness of optimism that the defense of life will inevitably prevail, we resubmit these ideals to our fellow Americans. As before, we do fondly hope and fervently pray that the scourge of abortion will speedily pass away, and to that end we renew our perpetual devotion and ceaseless labor to the cause of life.

What do you think of the new Republican party platform? Share your own prayers in response.

(Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)

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Mike McClure
July 14, 2024

Lord, I pray the Republican party stand behind and support the pro life platform at every opportunity possible.

Laura Cassel
July 14, 2024

I believe the constitution includes protection for the babies in the womb & out of the womb with promoting the pursuit of happiness to all citizen’s!

Kathleen L Rinck
July 14, 2024

I am confused by this quote from SBA Pro-Life America president: “It is important that the GOP reaffirmed its commitment to protect unborn life today through the 14th Amendment. Under this amendment, it is Congress that enacts and enforces its provisions. The Republican Party remains strongly pro-life at the national level.” After reading through the 20 points of the 2024 GOP Platform twice, I find nothing about protecting unborn life through the 14 Amendment. Where is it, then?

Tina Richards
July 13, 2024

The bottom line seems in plain English seems to be votes if I am understanding correctly. The driving force behind these changes is to broaden the republican voter base.
We can’t win a moral battle with compromise. Compromise is what edged us into this post modern Marxist era like a frog in hot what has only lead to degradation of society to the point that the basic fabric of society being family by definition (no long between one man and one women) is sterile and unable to procreate. In this case we can no longer fulfill GOD FIRST COMMAND TO GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY. We have set ourselves up as a people without a future.

July 13, 2024

Am I missing something? I didn’t see anything in the RNC platform about pro Life or abortion. How can a national platform say anything about a state only issue? These upset people maybe should pray to GOD and call or write their state legislators! In JESUS NAME! Amen!

Susan Kleine
July 13, 2024

The pregnancy crisis centers, funded by churches, have been ministering to scared young women, supporting them during their pregnancy, and providing practical help afterwards, with material supports for children up to 5 years old as long as Roe was made the ‘guiding judgement’ for our country. Perhaps better communication is required especially by those who have this lived this experience.

Patty Gurecki
July 12, 2024

Lots of discussion about the RNC, but no discussion of how the churches, since 1973, have utterly failed to turn hearts to Jesus and dissuade people from abortions in a one-on one effort.. I am old enough to recall Bible toting anti -abortionists screaming into the faces of scared young women in front of the Planned Parenthood facilities in the 80s, 90s but being unwilling to adopt the crack babies of that time. Jesus would never scream at people in such a way and then just go home full of hubris. This change in RNC platform is nothing compared to the hypocrisy and unwillingness of Christians to make a personal sacrifice to change perceptions in our society, help a young women in trouble, adopt a less than perfect baby, etc. Roe was passed when I was a senior in high school. I live in NYS where the most sickening laws are in effect, even lighting up public buildings in pink (or was it red) when Cuomo signed the sick legislation. Nonetheless, abortion is a matter between each person and God, and the church has been negligent in my opinion. It comes back on anyone who considers him/herself to be a true follower of Jesus. I have never belonged to either major party, because I do not want to be pigeonholed by their labels. If you look to any political group to legislate morality, you will always be disappointed. God gave us free will, and it is up to Christians to lovingly enlighten individuals on the issue of abortion. It is a violent, sickening, dismemberment of tiny babies. It is violence against women. Meanwhile, our borders are wide open, sex trafficking is rampant, we are being invaded, the Communist leaders are laughing at our senile President. If you don’t , or vote for old Joe, then we get more of the same. Each voter can vote his/her conscience.

    Kary Hopkins
    July 13, 2024

    What you said about abortion, absolutely touched my heart…I was one on the “scared young women outside of Planned Parenthood back in the 90s.” Unfortunately I still see the pro life lobby hurting women instead of ministering to them. Hearts and minds is the only way to truly win this battle. At the moment this issue may even hurt us at the polls, as it sadly is dividing the young folks at our church as well. Are others experiencing this? Let’s pray for wisdom!

July 12, 2024

Please consider that President Trump did not write legislation on abortion which was ruled on by the SCOTUS that this decision is given to the individual states to decide by vote. Previous abortion laws were dictated by a few in Washington. President Trump made it possible by appointing constitutional conservative Supreme Court Justices. Let’s not throw away our best chance to keep our Constitutional Republic and our very way of life and liberty.

Tina Auclair
July 12, 2024

Forgive us, Father, as we stood by watching the GOP abandon its platform. This official “draft” confirms the changes they are willing to adopt to conform to voting trends. Lord, You put leaders in place and bring them down in your time. A party platform is not the leader. May You grant Mercy to the US and send Your Holy Spirit to open the eyes of those who are looking to the world’s ways and not Your ways.
Praying this in the might name of Christ Jesus

July 12, 2024

As it concerns and applies to abortion this platform compromises its principle to protect innocent life, life that cannot protect itself and has no voice. It grieves my heart that there is such a cavalier attitude about life in the womb and I know it grieves the heart of God. People run to the cause of animal life, marine life, wetlands, the environment and yet will murder life in the womb. Shame on Americans who support such evil. 😱😱😭😭

Jeff McD
July 12, 2024

Jeff McD
July 12, 2024
If it is only about the numbers, if the decision is really about how many votes and how much is donated, then perhaps focus grouping each issue and counting how many votes you would gain or lose is the way to go rather than basing your position on core convictions.
This view however ignores the idea of seeking God’s blessing in prayer because ultimately it is God who “puts down one and exalts another”; it ignores “if my people will humble themselves and pray, turn from there wicked ways and seek my face, THEN …” (you know the rest); and it ignores “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”.
If we win or lose elections because of our political savviness instead of Gods sovereignty then it may be right and we should spend less time in prayer and more time in activism and educating folks. But if it depends on 2 Chronicles 7:14, I fear a misstep in the platform might have been taken here and the blessing of God may have been put in jeopardy.

Njideka Anyadike
July 12, 2024

The question is: what would God have us do?
Let’s look at it this way: whenever there’s pressure to compromise on truth so that we can continue on our path in ‘peace’, it’s a trap for the enemy to continue his control over us. But if we adopt instead the ‘if I perish, I perish’ attitude (being ready to be matryed if it comes to that), God will come through for us and we move to a higher level. Condoning evil for convenience sake is a sin before God. The church should put their foot down on this issue and insist with the Republicans that that’s the right thing to do before God. Then we go into serious Intercession to ask the Lord to give them and the electorate understanding of His will, and to open their eyes to understand that abortion is not about pro-choice but about an element of sacrifice that feeds evil altars. Every altar needs blood to operate. God’s altar needs blood too, hence Jesus came to shed His. Because it’s not easy to do human sacrifice here without being caught, evil priesthood falls back on abortions, etc to get the blood required. The laws of this land compel people to bear the consequences of their actions. So why should people indulge in a pleasurable act and now want to abort the consequences/fruit therefrom? And the church wants to sugarcoat it🤔 This is a season to know who’s on God’s side. God is watching! RNC should better fully stand behind God otherwise they can’t win, even if all Americans vote for them. The score and election outcomes are settled in the spirit! You’re doomed to fail if you’re not with God fully. Hear! Hear!!
God bless us with His wisdom in this matter.

Drosella Ham
July 12, 2024

Let us hold fast to our faith. That which God has said and given. We will not be denied of what God wants if we continue that which we have done. The Lord will bring to pass if we stand for our rights as His people. The rights of the unborn.

July 12, 2024

If we talk with people on both sides, we will find out that abortion is an overly sensitive topic now. Overturning Roe v. Wade by SCOTUS marked the ability of self-correction on this matter. But unfortunately, many people have not followed up yet. The GOP as a political party cannot push too hard now. Government is for all people. The USA is not a theocracy county. We cannot force everyone to believe what we believe. We must admit the reality. But churches have a responsibility to teach their congregations to fight for Biblical values by turning society to pro-life. If churches failed to provide enough voters to support an “aggressive” pro-life agenda and pressure politicians to do what we cannot do, it is not Biblical teaching either. I appreciate those prominent Christian and conservative leaders and organizations taking this issue seriously and releasing their faithful statements, particularly a thumb up to Pro-Life America for their wisdom of distinguishing principle and strategy, and for their active action to defeat the Biden-Harris extreme abortion agenda. Action is always much more difficult than talking. We must act to win this election. There is a time for everything, I believe this is a critical time to reclaim the power of the country. May God bless the USA!
PS: PS: Will anyone help me to understand in the following verses, what is the original Hebrew mean of “she gives birth prematurely”? “Now if people struggle with each other and strike a pregnant woman so that she gives birth prematurely, but there is no injury, the guilty person shall certainly be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.” Exodus 21:22-24

    Mary Beth
    July 12, 2024

    Zheng, I am not a Hebrew scholar but I can share what I’ve been taught, and believe. I’ve also looked up the Hebrew words for “her fruit depart” and it simply means “baby is birthed” – premature is assumed because it was a result of the woman being hurt in the fight. So, if a pregnant woman is hurt during a fight and it results in her giving birth before the baby is full-term, or gives birth prematurely, then if the baby lives (no injury) there is a fine exacted by the husband and confirmed by the judge. If the baby dies (further injury), then there is to be severe punishment. “Life for life, eye for eye”, etc. is not talking about death or mutilation, but it does indicate severe punishment – ie. let the punishment fit the crime. A life was taken, even if accidentally and that is serious.

July 12, 2024

What difference does the Republican platform statement make? Roe was kicked, rightfully so, from the federal government to the States! State laws are made by ELECTED State officials that we all vote for! Some feel exactly that life begins at conception, and others feel more lenient towards abortion! NO MATTER WHAT THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM SAYS, VOTE ONLY FOR THOSE CANDIDATES THAT SUPPORT YOUR POSITION! Stop letting our enemies see the division about something we should all be praying about rather that running our mouths publicly about!
If the RNC platform causes weak minded and whiney Christians and Conservatives to not vote, or vote for anyone other than who we know will win; it will allow the demonic democrats back in office! Then the RNC platform won’t matter! The Constitution won’t matter! The States anti-abortion laws won’t matter because you whiners will have allowed the party that Really wants to become dictators and destroy our country back in power! I’ve never seen so many imperfect people demand perfection from the RNC committee, or from candidates! Go learn about when Hitler took over Germany and you will see just how close we are to losing our country! Divided we fall, together we stand! If our GOD can use a speaking donkey in the story of Balaam; then HE can change and use imperfect people that has a heart for HIM! FATHER GOD please speak to YOUR people and direct our steps! Stop up our eyes and ears so we only see and hear YOUR desire! Shut up the mouths of all of the self-appointed so-called leaders that no one has elected, and let us be directed 100% in this election in November by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT ONLY in the Mighty NAME of JESUS! Amen!

    Njideka Anyadike
    July 12, 2024

    With all due respect, this is an intellectual argument based on the wisdom of the world. It sounds good and logical but it’s not Truth. Is that what God is saying?
    Let’s look at it this way: whenever there’s pressure to compromise on truth so that we can continue on our path in ‘peace’, it’s a trap for the enemy to continue his control over us. But if we adopt instead the ‘if I perish, I perish’ attitude (being ready to be matryed if it comes to that), God will come through for us and we move to a higher level. Condoning evil for convenience sake is a sin before God. The church should put their foot down on this issue and insist with the Republicans that that’s the right thing to do before God. Then we go into serious Intercession to ask the Lord to give them and the electorate understanding of His will, and to open their eyes to understand that abortion is not about pro-choice but about an element of sacrifice that feeds evil altars. Every altar needs blood to operate. God’s altar needs blood too, hence Jesus came to shed His. Because it’s not easy to do human sacrifice here without being caught, evil priesthood falls back on abortions, etc to get the blood required. The laws of this land compel people to bear the consequences of their actions. So why should people indulge in a pleasurable act and now want to abort the consequences/fruit therefrom? And the church wants to sugarcoat it🤔 This is a season to know who’s on God’s side. God is watching! RNC should better fully stand behind God otherwise they can’t win, even if all Americans vote for them. The score and election outcomes are settled in the spirit! You’re doomed to fail if you’re not with God fully. Hear! Hear!!
    God bless us with His wisdom in this matter.

Julia Anderson
July 11, 2024

Heart is heavy and sad that we don’t stand for full life from the word. God help us because we wouldn’t be here without him to do what he has told us to do that is to protect what from conception to the end🙏❤️

Mary Lou Calderone
July 11, 2024

To my knowledge, the Republican Party Platform has always been ProLife. I am very disappointed to see that has changed.

July 11, 2024

I’m sorry, but we cannot compromise on life. It is the first God-given right mentioned in the Declaration. If we compromise on this issue just to get votes, we are hypocrites. We say that life begins at conception, but we won’t take a stand for that principle. We are unwilling to stand up and fight for it. In fact, the so-called Republican platform states the following: Chapter Nine – “4. Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life.”
They are saying that a state can pass any law sanctioning the murder of the preborn and they are not only ok with that, but they will protect and defend that! That is not prolife! That isn’t following the 14th amendment! The 14th amendment is a Federal issue. It always has been. And this so-called platform just said it wasn’t. That is crazy. We just let the camel’s nose under the tent. Actually, I think the camel is in the tent stinking it up now! The next so-called Republican platform will be weaker yet on life, and so on. The left never compromises! They will continue to get conservatives to back off our principles for as long as we allow.
Not only has the new so-called Republican platform watered down protections for the unborn, but it has also watered down marriage. No mention is made of marriage being between a man and a woman. In Chapter Nine – number 5, nothing is mentioned about banning sex change and mutilation surgeries of minors.
There is more about this document that is not good. The wording in many cases is so vague that a politician can twist it for his own purposes.
Apart from Allen West, Tony Perkins, and the Platform Integrity Project, I am very disappointed with our prolife leaders. They don’t seem to want to go against DJT on any issue and are willing to accept anything he requires, even when it compromises their principles. I simply don’t get it. Do we really believe that somehow, if DJT gets elected, he will magically become prolife again?
Have we forgotten that before he ran for president, he was prochoice? DJT is a man of expediency. When he was hobnobbing with the New York and Hollywood elites, he was prochoice. When he decided to run for president, he became prolife. I actually believed that his heart had changed, now I’m not so sure. It seems his consultants are telling him that to gain some democrat votes, he must water down his prolife stance. And most elected Republicans are falling in line like good little sheep. JD Vance has even indicated he is for the abortion pill.
What I’m hearing and reading from most people is that we must accept this because allowing the Democrats to win this election will lead to worse outcomes. In the short term that is likely true. But I believe in the long term the continued compromising by conservatives and evangelicals will lead this Nation to the same place.
I believe that evangelical leaders should gather and pray over the so-call platform and how to respond with unity. Then compose a document to be sent to DJT, Republican delegates, and congressmen letting them know that this a betrayal of prolife Christians, this betrayal is likely to cause suppressed voter turnout by Christians and may offset any gain DJT expects from running away from life.
It is difficult to trust someone who has stabbed you in the back. Let’s stop treating DJT like he is God’s answer to this country’s woes. He isn’t, Jesus is! I know God has a plan for this Nation but the outcome may depend on how we Christians react when we are asked to compromise principle for political gain.

    Mark Struble
    July 11, 2024

    So what is your solution? Not vote for Trump and allow a puppet of a man to be “elected” and have a COMPLETELY unaccountable ungodly elite rule over us?
    Or perhaps it is to actually vote for a puppet of a man and have a COMPLETELY unaccountable ungodly elite rule over us?

    Are we as Christians so ignorant as to not know when we are “winning” on an issue?
    The question isn’t what does a platform say, the question is where is the battleground for the fight actually taking place.

    The battleground has moved on, but too many of us still want to solve a spiritual issue politically.
    We are to be wise as serpents and yet most of us are not.
    Donald Trump and too many conservative leaders have too much on the line to give the talking heads fodder to rile up their base. Actions always speak louder than words. And for all the naysayers out there, Donald Trump did more to secure not only the life of the unborn, but champion and defend many other Christian values.
    I do not pass judgement on the man because that is not my role. I do assess his actions and as a flawed sinful man in need of Jesus, just like the rest of us, and he has done the best of ANY of the previous republican presidents that ran on the “pro-life platform”.
    Let me restate that so it doesn’t get lost. Donal Trump did more for the pro-life movement than ANY republican president that ran on a “Republican pro-life platform”.
    Do we want a platform, or action? While it doesn’t have to be an either-or situation, if we are to be wise as serpents, we also need to be able to read the room. And right now, it looks like too many Christians are not able to do that.
    Right now the Democratic party has nothing to run on. Their candidate is not fully functioning. Their track record is DEPLORABLE.
    The only thing that could rile up their base is the base’s hatred of Christians and their hatred of Donald Trump.
    Taking away their talking points is not the same thing as inaction or changing one’s mind. It is called – being able to read the room.

      July 12, 2024

      Mark I 100% agree with you! Thank you for common sense! And you are correct that Donald Trump’s actions while President was way more pro-life than any other of the Republican presidents! What is really going on spiritually is that the same demonic lying jealousy and hatred of Donald Trump that the democrats has, have infiltrated many so-called Christians and Conservatives! Instead of standing strong behind the candidate(s) GOD has obviously chosen, they bicker about a platform! Pray hard because only GOD will save our country! In JESUS NAME! Amen!

    July 11, 2024

    I agree with all you wrote, Except: the Christian leaders getting together and writing a letter in response part. The Christian leaders who are advising DJT may actually be part of the problem.

    Donald Cordell
    July 11, 2024

    Although DJT Isn’t the Most Moral Candidate , He Is Miles Ahead in the Present Competition with a Real Chance of winning the POTUS Race.. I Do Believe that God Allowed DJT to spend 4years in the White House and then Be Removed, to show the our nation , the difference in society’s Spiritual Division, ( Good and Evil) and the War that is up against Christians , to Re-Gain Morals against The Evil Forces of Satan..
    2 Chronicles 7 v. 14 … When My People, Who are called by My Name, (Christians) Shall Humble Themselves and Pray and Seek My Face, and Turn From Their Wicked Ways, the I Will Hear from Heaven, and Hear their Prayers , And Heal Their Land..

    I Truly Do Believe that We are in the End Times and We Must Stand Stronger against the Devil and his minions of evil.. …..
    God’s Word is Eternal and Powerful Against Any and All Enemies… Let Us Put on the Whole Armor of God, Trust and Pray for the Battle to Be Won By God Almighty! Remember, The BATTLE is The Lords ! Prayers for The Saints !

    July 12, 2024

    Boy we see the battle for good against evil right here on this site! First, Donald Trump is a candidate; he is NOT the RNC! Half of the RNC have the same hatred of President Trump as the democrats! The RNC is following their own desire so do not blame Trump for this platform! The RNC is loaded with Rhinos. Just hope that the rhetoric hasn’t turned off voters! Folks, get into your Bible and on your knees! Pray, pray, pray and watch GOD move as HE fights for our country! Amen!

    July 14, 2024

    So well said. I couldn’t agree with you more.

Mark Struble
July 11, 2024

I am saddened by Christians who say they won’t vote because of this or that flaw in a candidate or the Republican party. They need to support and encourage the best of what is available, and yet, not placing their faith and hope in that candidate or party or government.
1 Timothy 1:8-11 should be a guide to us
“But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, 9 knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane”
Do we really understand the import of this? Christians keep nitpicking about laws, when in reality, a Christian should not need a law to desire to do the right thing, and thus, “laws” are for the ungodly and the rebellious. These people must be reached not through laws, but through us and our lives. In fact, they CANNOT be reached through coercion and force. Most people cannot. WE must be willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. We must be creators of a life-giving culture. Politics is downstream from culture. The reason we have had the recent success that we have had, is because we were winning the culture war for life. To turn away from that and to turn back to the brute force of laws and coercion would be not only disastrous, but in my opinion, FOOLISH!

For all of you that are screaming for a law or a platform to compel obedience, please go reread your Old Testament about how Israel was clamoring for a king and God was trying to tell them that He was sufficient. Israel would not listen and instead demanded that someone (or platform) should RULE OVER THEM. How did that turn out?
There is no comparison between the Trump’s candidacy and Biden’s (or any Democratic candidate at this point). You should feel compelled to vote for the candidate that is the closest to Biblical principles. Abstaining, or causing division at this point is being a tool of the enemy. God never tells us to refrain from redeeming the time.
Remember that everything can be viewed from multiple angles. While some may complain about choosing between the lesser of two evils, another viewpoint could be choosing the closer of the two to Biblical principles. It is not mere semantics or word game-playing, and here is how –

Couple of last thoughts.
While the life of the unborn is sacred,

What about the lives of millions of young people who are being twisted through woke ideology that is not only being encouraged, but legally compelled by our current government?

What about the parents who are having their children taken from them because they don’t agree with this?

What about the millions of lives lost to a heavy-handed government and the way it lied about our recent pandemic?

What about the millions of lives of Christians around the world who are being slaughtered, or tortured because our current government does not care?

What about the millions of lives of women and children that are being trafficked in our country and around the world because our current government doesn’t care?

Sadly, this list could go on for quite a while. If you do not vote for the candidates and party that is closer to biblical principles, then YOU are an accomplice to all of the above, period.


    July 11, 2024

    Because Chrisitians were digressing over the semantics – blinded to what was going on. This administration has steam rolled all over us; the VP is on the trail citing for ALL women, “it’s my body – I have total autonomy over my body” (sounds like abortion on demand at ANY stage of pregnancy. Guess what, if she and Pres Biden remain in office for another term, what is the going to be the next level of humanity to fall (the elderly, the disable with death bed assisted suicides). Do you really want to continue with the beltway bandits who enrich themselves and their tight little group/enclave? Are you ready to send your daughters to the front lines of wars raging across the globe? Are you ready to continue to have your savings and 401Ks gutted to pay for 20 million illegal aliens. The issues are bigger and much more pervasive than a 9 page RNC platform document. Let’s think about. A very saintly man once told me that God will forgive us for any sins in our thoughts, words, or deed; except blasphamy of the Holy Spirit (Triune God). The LORD already knows out delimma and how we have twisted ourselves in a pretzel. The war is spiritual and we need spritual weapons of warfare to fight. That’s why I am happy to see that IFA encourages us to pray for all leaders in this failing culture. Never give up – do not surrender. There is LIGHT for us.

    July 11, 2024

    Well said Mark….

    I echo, Wake Up!

    Thank you for posting..

July 11, 2024

With all due respect; whether you are Christian (Republic, Independent, Libertarian, etc), if you are a citizen of this sovereign Nation, voting is a responsibility (we are to obey the ordinances of man – that’s why we have a constitution). It has been widely reported that President Biden is in office because the “Christians” or people of faith sat on their couches, complained and didn’t vote in this last election cycle. If this happens again, you can be assured that the Democrats will win and their agenda will be more radical that you are now experiencing. There are other issues that we need to look at (the border, immigration, our monetary system, collasping economy. Pray for a revival and true salvation. Each person has to give an account of their life before God. If you look at all the characters in the Bible that Jesus chose as his team – there were none that were righteous, they came to faith after their experience with the LORD and were saved to the uttermost. Christians, let’s not be the ones who is responsible for losing this country. We have to start from somewhere to achieve the goals (godly) and ask God for forgiveness, repentance, salvation, divine wisdom, guidance, directions and protection for all who serve hime

July 11, 2024

Heavenly Father, I am very thankful for people who are dedicated to the right of life for unborn babies. We all know your laws on having intercourse before marriage.

I pray for our churches across this nation to teach our children about your laws. I pray everyone will use your laws in their everyday lives to prevent ever having to make a decision like abortion.
I pray for the men/women who fight for the right to life!
I pray for women everywhere to consider and preserve their decision on matters before marriage. Help us, your children, to be your voice in preaching the words of Your Love and laws!
In your name I pray, Lord Jesus! Amen

Candace Cade
July 11, 2024

I am very grateful for the minority comments on the right to life for every American. However I would liked to have seen also comments against same-sex ideologies. I am thinking seriously of becoming Independent.

July 11, 2024

I Choose this day to serve You, Lord.. Joshua 24:15
I. cannot serve two masters…Matt. 6:24.
Without You , I can do nothing. John 15:5
I Trust in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding. In ALL my ways, I acknowledge You, Lord and You will direct my paths. Prov. 3:5-7.
Your Word has all the wisdom, understanding, and answers I need. May Your Word transform my innermost parts; be a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. May I walk in obedience to Your Word.

Jessica Renshaw
July 11, 2024

AMEN, Tony Perkins!

From the platform >”4. Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life
“We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”

What a dilemma! Before Almighty God I CANNOT and NEVER WILL support any candidate who is not more pro-life than that! Oppose only Late-Term Abortion (that is, premature babies) and let political entities (states) choose the point during pregnancy when the 14th Amendment goes into effect–rather than acknowledging that Constitutionally-protected life starts at conception? (There is even a visible flash of light at the moment sperm fertilizes ovum, marking the existence of a brand new human being!) How can any Christian in good conscience vote for someone who endorses what is an abomination to God, one of the seven things He hates, that is, “HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD!” (Proverbs 6:16-22)

Even if it is President Trump!

President Trump, do not make us have to choose between you and God–because I, for one, must choose GOD! Either you come into alignment with the will of God on this issue or many of us will have to choose another godly, qualified Republican candidate. I’m sure Tony Perkins would make a good one!

Jessica Renshaw, Author, GIANNA: ABORTED AND LIVED TO TELL ABOUT IT and COMPELLING INTERESTS, a novel about abortion from the hearts of people on both sides.

    Mark Struble
    July 11, 2024

    I am not sure that you read that statement correctly. You focused in on late term abortion, and completely missed an ENTIRE paragraph before it.
    “We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that NO PERSON can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights.”

    I capitalized the words NO PERSON for emphasis.

    There is no dilemma, you will always be able to find fault in any candidate, because ALL of us are fallen, sinful people. Trust in God.

    July 11, 2024

    Not voting for Trump is a vote for Biden and for unlimited abortion rights. DJT appointed conservative judges who helped to overturn Roe V Wade thus moving the abortion debates out of the federal arena and into state jurisdictions. This was a massive win on the road to protect all lives. He has been the most pro-life pro-American candidate since I started paying attention in the late 80s.

Ms Mary
July 11, 2024

What it doesn’t say is that it’s pro-choice. Trump knows that the recent decision by SCOTUS returned the responsibility to the states. That has been accomplished. Although it would be good for the platform to include a pro life stand, it is very clear on what Trump plans to accomplish in his second term.
He appointed pro life judges, they got the job done. On to the next.

July 11, 2024

The U. S. Constitution, this this Republic (if we can keep it), was created by means of compromise. Abortion is only one issue, and for some pro-abortionists it’s the only issue. That a national abortion prohibition law is “off the table” does not take pro-life “off the table,” but leaves abortion laws to the States as the Dobbs decision ruled. That puts the Republican platform in compliance with the Supreme Court decision and the 10th Amendment.
Unless pro-life candidates are elected at all levels of government, we will never get rid of abortion. To continue with a platform that contains the big NO for some people is to continue loosing elections. Many people who vote for pro-abortion Candidates may find other issues Democrats support unpalpable but say “where else you gonna go.” If we want them to come to the pro-life side, compromise is necessary, but comprise does not necessarily mean you’ve become pro-abortion. Click the link in the article and read the platform to see how the new language supports life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is a strong pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom stance.

The abortion statement is in Chapter 9 item #4.
It’s not necessarily “what” you say that turns people off but “how” you say it. Dictators yell and demand. In our Republic we are tasked to convince others not demand them to accept our stand on any issue including abortion.

The U. S. and its Constitution would never have come to pass without compromise on serious issues like slavery and slave trade (the Great Compromise) as well as the strength of the executive branch. The Bill of Rights was a compromise to get skeptics to ratify the Constitution. The Civil War amendments (13, 14, 15) ended slavery after the country was established, and the 25th Amendment limited the president to two four-year terms plus 2 years if he or she, as V.P., assumed the office following death or disability of the President.

It’s the politics of the possible, a.k.a. incrementalism, that will get us out of the mess we are in.

Vote! Vote GOP unless you want more abortion!

    July 11, 2024

    Triple AMEN – thank you DJ for chiming in with true wisdom!

      Mike M
      July 12, 2024

      You serve Trump, not God.

    Ms Mary
    July 11, 2024

    Very good analysis.

    Burton Hunter
    July 11, 2024

    I agree, DJ, that what you have given us is a really good view of “what it’s going to take” to win people over. Your statements are detailed enough to drive home your reasonable points, yet concise enough to get people (us) to read and pay attention to the over-all goal. Thanks for stating facts within a non-partisan framework – with points that can make good sense “on both sides of the aisle”. Doing what we do with a “long-game” perspective on what it will take to reach our goals, is a sensible approach that aims to re-open the “gates” that have come to be closed, which once allowed sensible dialogue and debate to ensue before a decision. Thank You.
    “Lord, help us to move ahead boldly, but with Godly wisdom guiding us. Lord, we are prone to rely on our own, limited intellect to guide us. That is not sufficient nor is it wise. Lord, lead us in good stewardship and being mindful Your wise ways to accomplish Your greater purposes.”

Iris Butler
July 11, 2024

I am very pro life. I believe the Trump campaign did this to REMOVE the power from the Democratic platform of ALWAYS running on fear tactics in their ads & winning! He has done more for the unborn & us pro lifers than any President in history. I also believe that the Republican party will continue on to save the unborn. If we don’t win this election this year, the Democratic platform of evil, barbaric abortions will not only proceed, but be even more barbaric selling more baby parts & totally disgusting evil & “shedding of innocent blood”!! So PLEASE do NOT discourage Evangelicals from voting Republican ❤️

    Lydia B. Miller
    July 11, 2024

    These are some very profound statements!
    I agree wholeheartly!

    Lydia B. Miller
    July 11, 2024

    agreeing to Iris ‘ Butler’s comment!
    President Trump was also very open to having people pray for him.
    Every where he went he he accepted people’s prayers and his team / cabinet gathered for prayer.
    He asked advisors for wisdom and he very much respected the Christian values.

      July 11, 2024

      I was on a 4 hour prayer call–with Lara and Eric Trump–the NIGHT BEFORE they CLOSED the door and prevented conservative
      pro-life Republicans from dissenting from being a part of this new pro-choice GOP. Trump handled all of this in a VERY VERY HIGH
      HANDED MANNER! He is NOT KING –nor should anyone make him an idol! They gave NO INDICATION–that they were changing
      things soooo drastically. NONE–jn a 4 hour call! During this 4 hour prayer call– we WERE WARNED by The LORD “DO NOT seize a
      man to make him king or your savior. DO NOT or I, THE LORD, will STAY MY HAND AGAIN from intervention ONCE AGAIN if you
      do so!”

      INTERGENERATIONALITY–the framework of the family and TAKE YOUR THOUGHTS CAPTIVE to GOD’s WORD–not the empty
      words of men who “pander to Christians–when they want–and then CLOSE THE DOOR, RUSH VOTES and SILENCE DISSENT of

      Please search all of YHWH’s COVENANTS–does HE COMPROMISE? Is He limited in POWER?
      Does HE say it is OKAY to sacrifice children… but just not “up to a certain point” (only late abortion)?

      AT THE HIGHEST COURT, after 50 years of the abomination of abortion running rampant in America, THE ANCIENT of DAYS,
      YHWH EL ELYON, OUR FATHER–ensured that Roe. vs. Wade was overturned. The CREDIT goes to GOD–not Trump.
      His HEART is for America to preserve LIFE…just as it is mentioned 10 times in Deut. 30–“CHOOSE LIFE” not death and destruction–
      and the VOWS God is looking at are BIBLICAL VOWS based on God’s Word (Deut. 30) America made in 1607, 1620 and `1630–
      YHWH changes not! (Malachi 3:6)

      This new TRUMP=GOP agenda makes it seem that we HAVE to VOTE for him so that we can have safety and economic prosperity–
      NO SOVEREIGN but YHWH EL ELYON, GOD MOST HIGH for His New Covenant Nation of America!
      NO KING but Jesus Christ!

      If you vote for the new pro-choice GOP Party–you have abortion, for the sake of prosperity
      and Pharmakeia-abortion–via that pill–which TRUMP SUPPORTS–on your record of “the work of your
      hands” in your Book of Life! THIS IS TEST of the hearts of AMERICAN CHRISTIANS…and GOD is

      DO NOT BE DECEIVED and think there are ONLY 2 choices–Pro Abortion Democrats or pro-choice Republicans
      (who have barely kept their word and fought against the O’Biden regime!).
      WE can have a “different spirit” like CALEB and SAY OUR GOD is WELL ABLE TO HELP US TAKE BACK
      the land–VIA PRAYER by APPEALING to the HIGHEST COURT in HEAVEN–and asking our Father to
      send the HOLY SPIRIT to WARN TRUMP–not to sacrifice babies for money. If a PRO-LIFE platform was
      good enough last time–it is STILL GOOD and will have GOD’s BLESSING–which is desperately what we

      Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder.”
      Deut 12:31 You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.
      Leviticus 18:21 You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the Lord.
      Exodus 22:29 “You shall not delay the offering from your harvest and your vintage. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to Me.
      Exodus 13:12-16 you shall devote to the Lord the first offspring of every womb, and the first offspring of every beast that you own; the males belong to the Lord. But every first offspring of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck; and every firstborn of man among your sons you shall redeem.
      Exodus 34:19 “The first offspring from every womb belongs to Me, and all your male livestock, the first offspring from cattle and sheep.
      Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer (pharmakeia-that abortion pill which TRUMP SUPPORTS!)
      2 Kings 3:27 Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering on the wall. And there came great wrath against Israel, and they departed from him and returned to their own land.
      2 Kings 16:3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and even made his son pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had driven out from before the sons of Israel.
      2 Chronicles 28:3 Moreover, he burned incense in the valley of Ben-hinnom and burned his sons in fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had driven out before the sons of Israel.
      2 Kings 17:17 Then they made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire, and practiced divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking Him.
      2 Kings 21:6 He made his son pass through the fire, practiced witchcraft and used divination, and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord provoking Him to anger.
      2 Chronicles 33:6 He made his sons pass through the fire in the valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination, practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking Him to anger.
      Isaiah 57:5 Who inflame yourselves among the oaks, under every luxuriant tree, who slaughter the children in the ravines, under the clefts of the crags?
      Jeremiah 7:31 They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, and it did not come into My mind.
      Deuteronomy 12:31 You shall not behave thus toward YHWH Your God, for every abominable act which the Lord hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.
      Leviticus 20:2-5 “You shall also say to the sons of Israel: ‘Any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones. I will also set My face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his offspring to Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary and to profane My Holy Name. If the people of the land, however, should ever disregard that man when he gives any of his offspring to Molech, so as not to put him to death,
      Psalm 106:35-38 But they mingled with the nations and learned their practices, And served their idols, Which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons…
      Jeremiah 32:35 They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I had not commanded them nor had it entered My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
      Ezekiel 20:26 and I pronounced them unclean because of their gifts, in that they caused all their firstborn to pass through the fire so that I might make them desolate, in order that they might know that I am the Lord.”’
      Ezekiel 20:31 When you offer your gifts, when you cause your sons to pass through the fire, you are defiling yourselves with all your idols to this day. And shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live,” declares the Lord God, “I will not be inquired of by you.
      Ezekiel 23:37 For they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands. Thus they have committed adultery with their idols and even caused their sons, whom they bore to Me, to pass through the fire to them as food.
      Jeremiah 19:4-5 Because they have forsaken Me and have made this an alien place and have burned sacrifices in it to other gods, that neither they nor their forefathers nor the kings of Judah had ever known, and because they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, a thing which I never commanded or spoke of, nor did it ever enter My mind;
      Ezekiel 16:20-21 “Moreover, you took your sons and daughters whom you had borne to Me and sacrificed them to idols to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter? You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire.

      Isaiah 55:10-11 For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it bud and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it.

      1 Samuel 15:22 But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

      Malachi 3:6 “I AM YHWH. I CHANGE NOT!”

        Ms Mary
        July 11, 2024

        No, Trump is NOT pro choice.

          July 11, 2024

          WAKE UP–that pro abortion pill IS ABORTION!

          Kasey Karter
          July 12, 2024

          Trump is by his OWN ADMISSION.. PRO CHOICE!
          In fact he offered to pay to have Tiffany Trump aborted, after he got Marla Maples pregnant whilst married to Ivana!

        Mark Struble
        July 11, 2024

        Whole lot of scripture, and a GIANT logical fallacy. Just because the platform does not contain the pro-life language YOU desire, does not make Trump pro-abortion. It does not mean that he will now encourage a more liberal stance either. My faith is in God not Trump. If you really consider the content of the Bible, you see GOD working through sinful people.
        I wonder what you would have said about Adam? Abraham? David? Peter? Mark? etc.

          Sarasota Smith
          July 12, 2024

          Your just trying to justify sin!!!

        July 12, 2024

        So with all of your many scriptures quoted, how much do you daily pray for President Trump? And if you cannot support him then prepare to be held 💯% accountable by GOD if this evil and wicked regime get back in power! The blood will be on your hands! Go look up that scripture!

          Beth Mason
          July 12, 2024

          You sound like another Trump cult member!

        Maynard Beck Sr
        July 12, 2024

        Your comments as a delegate means that you still have the opportunity to vote against the weakened down platform. As an elderly registered Republican I remember when the Tea Party and Freedom caucus had bonafide conservative values. They would not have allowed a candidate who added 7.8 Trillion dollars to the National Debt to be nominated for President….
        The geniuses who crafted our representative government put many in safeguards that have stood the test of time. One of these is the electoral college. When unobstructed it allows the fabric (one might say the heartbeat) of the local community to have its voice heard in the national agenda of a political party.
        When the topic of abortion comes up I am reminded of Matthew 18:6 and Mark 9:42 “if you give one of these little ones a hard time you’ll soon wish you hadn’t. You’d be better off dropped in the middle of the sea with a millstone around your neck”. The 60 million “little ones” placed on the altar of Molech by demonic twisting the Constitution are certainly among those crying out in Revelation 6:10 “How long Lord until you avenge our blood?”
        Will you get together with like-minded delegates and enter a position statement in the official transcript of the Convention detailing the concerns of Pro-life Republicans?

        Sarasota Smith
        July 12, 2024

        You speak truth!

    Dominic Conti
    July 11, 2024

    Amen. 🙏🏼

Jean Moore
July 11, 2024

At this stage of the game, the Republican party nor Donald Trump, need to change its strategy or stance on any moral values. Why would you need to change anything when you are headed to the winner’s circle? If you take down on Godly values, you will risk losing the Christians’ and God’s support. If you stand for God, He will stand for you.

July 11, 2024

What an unwise notion for those who now discourage Christians from voting. In so doing, they promote the distinct possibility of our nation falling to a much more murderous and immoral mindset. Politics is about numbers – thus widening the voter potential is truly the will of God Almighty. Only if this election is won can conservative ideas be implemented – including ultimately, traditional marriage and the complete abolition of abortion (which the 14th amendment must include). Naysayers must stop already with their narrow minded views that the evil one would only use to further his agenda. Please recant such foolishness! 😣🙏

    Max M.
    July 11, 2024

    Please stop pushing your crazy agenda on everyone.
    You have very compromised values!
    Trump worshipping!

      July 11, 2024

      Encouraging citizens to vote for a candidate far and away more approved by God than the alternative is not worship of that candidate. May the Lord have mercy upon those bearing such a false witness!

        Lydia B. Miller
        July 11, 2024

        To Max and Truth4 Him,
        Please Let me clarify, it seems there is misconception of my comment! ( I am sorry for not clarifing
        I agree encouraging people to vote for a certain candidate is not worshipping them!
        Trump worshipping comment” was a way for me to define that, ” too many people enjoy making a spectacle of his faults and they fuss all day long about him….trying to find anything and everything wrong about him, with out saying one kind word about how he has delivered well for the American people in his prevoius administration!!!

        July 12, 2024

        Your obsessed with Trump! Cult 45. Alive and well!

      Ms Mary
      July 11, 2024

      If we are supposed to love our enemies, then surely it’s ok to love Trump, which I do! He has been chosen by God.

        Daniel D
        July 12, 2024

        God doesn’t pick Presidents.
        I see tho he is America’s enemy tho.

      July 12, 2024

      Max, you must be a democrat! You are on the wrong website! No one worships Donald Trump, but know from his example 4 years ago that people rejoiced when DJT was in office; while today we are all mourning! When the Righteous bear rule, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people mourn! Amen!

        Max M.
        July 12, 2024

        Is this a political website? I thought it was a Christian one.
        I am independent.
        And pushing political views is Christian Nationalism!

    July 11, 2024

    Truth4Him – You are so right. I am HORRIFIED by the comments on this post that discourage us from voting for the candidate who made the dismantling of Roe-V-Wade possible by appointing conservates to the SCOTUS. DJT 2024

    Lee Smith
    July 12, 2024

    You are an agent of satan!

    Sarasota Smith
    July 12, 2024

    Truth 4 him. You are an agent of satan

    J J
    July 12, 2024

    Thank you so much for your statements of logical thinking. We must first get a conservative president in office and then he will make inroads to start getting our country back on the right track when he took office in 2017- Yes, we must keep our eye on the ball and not let liberals continue to try and eradicate our way of living. Just look at President Trump’s past accomplishments!!!!! Look at the policies he made. Thank God for him! Pray God’s protection over him and his family. Pray Pray Pray for our Constitutional Republic. Never given in, never surrender. Thank you Lord God of the Universe.

July 11, 2024

Pretty sure God looked for a man of God to lead the United States, even in 2016. There were none to be found. Godly, professing Christian men used to run for office in this nation. Not anymore. Why? Because of the 1960s 501(c)(3) status of the church, so it can keep all its money. MONEY!
So God chose Donald Trump. Rough around the edges, but gets the job done.
And then all of us believers complain because he’s not Billy Graham.
All the men of God, whether qualified for the presidency or not, stay in their pulpits, safe within the four walls of their churches, quiet as mice (on issues that matter LIKE ABORTION) in order to hang onto the sheep’s money to build mega churches. SAD.

Robyn Balcom
July 11, 2024

Life begins at conception. Science confirms this. God’s Word makes this clear. As a Delegate to the RNC I will be praying and looking for every opportunity to defend LIFE. The enemy wants to divide us and watch us implode. The Republican Party needs are prayers… but we also need more VOICES of Truth, not hate, disgust and judgment. Let your walk do the talking! Let your truth be in love and sincerity.

Lydia B. Miller
July 11, 2024

Are some people worshippng Trump too much?
Then when he falls, they fall with him!!!???

I don t agree with everything he does and says either.
However we are not to follow men, we are to worship and serve first and foremost God himself.
When has a president lived up to all our expectations?
This isn t how it works, we are to humble ourselves and serve our elders and leaders in Humility and stop nit-picking at their faults.
The RNC just made a serious mistakes, calling them names and fussing about their mistakes isn t going to help one bit, in fact it stirrs up hatred and bitterness which 2 wrongs don t make it right!!
The enmey is having fun right now dividing the RNC and their party, are you going to be a part of the bickering and complaining?

God calls christians to a high standard than to become angry and bitter at Trump or the team. In fact The Bible says Jesus, our Lord is slow to anger and he gives us much more grace than we deserve. He calls us to unity !
Unity does not mean we agree on everything, far from it, it means we peacefully support each other, and we are willing to lovingly get behind the most qualified leader. This is unity and humility. Take the sins of others to the cross and leave them there, they are to heavy for you to carry!
Certainly you can be angry at sin and despies sin, but no ill feelings towards God’s creation.
God made man in his image, we are called to honor those in leadership positions!

Suzanne Bonne´
July 11, 2024

The church has done a very poor job of educating Christians (who should then be influencing others) that abortion is wrong. I never hear it spoken of in church and I’m sure many churches keep silent about it, as they keep silent about most hot-button issues. Until the church does its job to change the mind-set in America regarding abortion, I can’t fault politicians who want to straddle a fine line. They are trying to get elected and want to throw out as wide a net as possible. We can blame them all we want. but the fault lies with us. We have not been salt and light on this issue. We have allowed the left to dominate the narrative as we play defense. Always a losing strategy.

    July 11, 2024

    Great points Suzanne.

    If parents and the Church were engaged about sexuality, promiscuity, and chasity (staying pure until marriage), perhaps the need for abortion would be so minimal, there wouldn’t a national discussion and issue right now. For the religious in these Churches – step up (preach, teach and demonstrate the Gospel – the power of God unto salvation) and let our people know what it will be like to not be saved and living for Jesus Christ.

Mark Johnson
July 11, 2024

The most important part of the GOP platform..the right to life.Protecting the life of the unborn,has been watewred down and highly comprimised to the point of being nulified.I pray the God will in step in and stir up the hearts of those involved.Theremust be no comprimise with anborn childs life.Maybe the next election therev will be a third party running.One that does not comprimise anything,but always seek the truth.

Margaret Nezhadpour
July 11, 2024

Does the RNC really want to just be the lesser of two evils? I hoped and still hope for better. God is on His throne, and I am praying for change of hearts—not just in the RNC, but in the hearts of our citizens!

Donald E. Seaman
July 11, 2024

“No vote” is the wrong approach if you wish to change something. “ No vote” is what has gotten us into this situation.

Filicia Fertig
July 11, 2024

Trump and The RNC need to have more fear of the Lord than fear is loosing votes. If we have trust in God, God will give the votes. I am very disappointed with both Trump & the Party. I have not been 100% with actions taken lately by the RNC and when Trump announced why and that he would allow the murder of some innocent blood, I have been praying if I even vote for this coward.i am sorry, but if you can’t stand up for the innocent no matter what then what would you do to the strangers you don’t know that can, will, and have changed their vote because we pick God over man. Trump is still the best candidate, but we cannot go for the lesser evil, we must stand with the pure in heart. And since there is none, I probably will just no vote.

    Donald E. Seaman
    July 11, 2024

    “No vote” is what has gotten us into this mess. “No vote” will not change what we have to live with.

    Linda Vaughan
    July 11, 2024

    If you don’t vote, it is a vote for Biden.

    No platform or party, party platform or candidate is perfect & I don’t agree with the way it was done & wanted stronger pro life language.

    It’s not only a privilege to vote but I believe a God given responsibility.

    I hope you pray about it & decide to vote.

    Dianna G.
    July 11, 2024

    With all due respect, not voting is not an option. Not voting by Christians has led us to where we are today. Have faith and trust that God will lead Mr. Trump and the party in His will. May God bless them all!

    July 11, 2024

    Then sadly, you will deserve what you get in allowing literal servants of satan to consume your children and grandchildren. Please recant. Everyone, pray for discernment and do vote accordingly!

Mildred Wallace
July 11, 2024

I’m very concerned. Never have we had a standing President or hopeful future President write our platform.
It is supposed to be WRITTEN AND DECIDED ON,BY
WE THE PEOPLE. Voting November 5. GOP.
Very disappointing.

    July 11, 2024

    Exactly! 100! Correct!

    July 12, 2024

    You blame DJT for too much! He did not write the RNC platform and probably had no contribution to it! We had 4 years of him fighting every way he could for: life at conception, traditional marriage, school choice, GODLY public schools, conservative judges! How quickly fickle people forget! Now he is blamed for everything negative about the RNC! Pure and simply put that is a Lie! DJT is the ONLY candidate running that supports all freedom in America, especially the freedom of a baby in the womb to receive life!

      July 12, 2024

      I guess you didn’t read Tony Perkins’ message above. DJT most certainly had a hand in this platform and his consultants locked out prolife delegates, there was no debate, no amendments allowed. The delegates didn’t even know what was in the document before the meeting and had very little time to object.

Joseph John Keller
July 11, 2024

We cannot always have precisely what we want unless we are a hermit!

It is absolutely crucial that we as believers and patriots focus on our concord and hold fast our unity above all else. ALL entities outside of the GOP are essentially looking for opportunity to incite us to tear ourselves apart.

All you need to do is read any of the mainstream media and listen to any politician who is a Democrat to KNOW this GOP Platform is our best chance to save America from coordinated internal destruction.

Believe in God, hope in God, but support the GOP.

July 11, 2024

I just want to say a big THANKYOU and show of deep appreciation for Tony Perkins and all those who helped draft this statement
I’m personally disappointed that Trump and the Republicans are taking a weaker pro life stance, however, considering the alternative with Biden/harris promoting the killing of a fully developed child, my support still goes to Trump

July 11, 2024

We Ruth stand United in TOTAL FAITH in the Lord God Almighty or we are making deals with the devil.
Proverbs 3:9 declares…
“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not in your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your path straight”
Trump is NOT God.

    July 12, 2024

    Adele, neither are you GOD! Folks, GOD raised up Trump for such a time as this! Remember how he supported everything GOD supports when he was in office 4 years ago! Only the devil wants you to abandon Trump so his (the devil’s) crowd can stay in power and finish destroying America! Vote for Trump 2024! Amen!

Dr. Judith rolfs
July 11, 2024

Please focus on the health benefits to a woman who completes her pregnancy. they’re now documented by excellent research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 11, 2024

Fear and lack of trust in the Lord. God will bless those who stand for truth and righteousness. HS bring a conviction on the hearts of those who lead to lead in truth and righteousness, an act of worship in Spirit and in truth.

July 11, 2024

We either stand in TOTAL FAITH with the Lord God almighty on the abortion issue or we are compromising with the devil.
Trump is not God. Provers 3:9
“Trust in the lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways and acknowledge HIM and HE will make your path straight.”

    July 11, 2024

    Is Trump running for president or to head a religious convention? Politics is about numbers, thus widening the voter potential is wise and surely approved by God Almighty in this Constitutional Republic!

      Zack Keller
      July 12, 2024

      So you want more women to be force to die?
      Plus you worship Trump or are you a troll?

Lydia B. Miller
July 11, 2024

Please get out and vote!
If you get discouraged and don t vote, you will be forced to live under a terrible evil tyranny which you have chosen and brought on yourself!
Not voting means you are choosing a very evil regime, and this isnt pleasing to God either!!

Please consider that God knows the intentions of your heart. YOu are still free to live your values according to your own convictions. YOu are not responsible for the sins of others, you can t live out the convictions of other people.
I agree 100 % with a prolife policy!
At the same time though we need to think about which candiate can help protect our country from foreign adversaries, morally help us in many ways and turn around this country!!

Please don t judge harshly President Trump or His team , that is God’s business, yes in secret pray…but stop passing along your offense!! You may drenched in your own sin! better to repent of our own stench of arrogance!

Robert S Meybohm
July 11, 2024

Politics and faith do make for some strange scenarios. The question that must be posed is where does the real strength lie; is it within a political party engaged in political processes, or is it with God? As the kids used to say, no duh, the strength lies with God. With that said, what then do we say or do about the political process? I. like many Americans, am aghast at many actions of the Biden Administration. Vote, and encourage others to vote to cast away this regime. We will NEVER get a political party to agree completely with the “Christian” world view. Heck, I watch the battles that take place in our own house, and I wonder what the secular world must think. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord; Joshua’s sums it up perfectly. But also do not neglect to remember that Joseph and Daniel served pagan nations and pagan rulers all while being faithful to God. Who you serve? God or a political party or an issue? We have to be pro-life; that is non-negotiable is we want to call ourselves followers of the Way and of Jesus. How that plays out in the political arena is beyond me; though I am reminded of the reality that Jesus did not spend any time with Jewish politics but rather tended to other matters deemed to be more important. He did not overthrow Rome in His day, nor did he support this faction of that faction. He served God and did the Will of God. May we each figure out how to work out His will for our life

Mark Struble
July 11, 2024

I fully agree with the pursuit of right to life, but I feel like the battleground has changed. Politics is always downstream of culture. Politically our laws like this should be decided at the state level. From an election point of view highlighting pro-life messaging that would be interpreted as extreme, would only hurt the pro-life movement for it would be used as a bludgeon for those who are not really paying attention. The pro-life focus should be on culture at this stage I believe. We should be creating pro-life art, pro-life music, pro-life books, pro-life education, pro-life conversation among individuals.
We should keep up the good fight, but we should also know where and how to fight. We should be asking the Holly Spirit for guidance and wisdom. If we are not a pro-life culture, or we do not have faith that we can create a pro-life culture, then we have made government and idol, and we actually harm our form of government by insisting on a national law to substitute for a spiritual and cultural vacuum. Just because something has been done a certain way for almost 50 years does not mean that that is the only solution or even the best solution. God regularly changes the way that he works and how he moves in people’s lives. Why should we expect this situation to be any different? Our faith needs to be in God not in Republicans or a republican platform. I heard many of these same leaders saying that our faith should be in God and not in Donald Trump. Do they not believe the same thing about a republican platform? I believe in God. I trust the Holly Spirit is working. I believe God’s plans will not fail. Government, the Republican party, and the Republican platform are not my God.
I pray for wisdom and discernment for all of God’s people and for our nation and for our nation’s leaders, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Tom Budds
July 11, 2024

Is there a noise if a tree falls in the forest
Power to move the pro life agenda forward comes with winning elections
Make Biden and policies central to the election not abortion which is decisive like the mid terms

Jeff Johnson
July 11, 2024

Pray, Pray, Pray to Almighty God that our Nation turns to him and his word for guidance in ALL matters. Let the Person of Jesus intervene and the Power of the Holy Spirit overshadow our country. Keep praying for Israel! Amen 🙏🙌🏻🙏🙌🏻🇺🇸🇮🇱

July 11, 2024

Respectfully, the critics need to put on their big-boy and big-girl pants. Wise up and understand that sometimes to achieve your goal you must come in through a SIDE DOOR and not through the FRONT DOOR.
The dearly departed Charles Krauthammer used to say: “FIRST you must get the POLITICS right.” meaning that FIRST YOU HAVE TO *WIN* in order to make the POLICY.
You do not need a NATIONAL policy on LIFE.
The Right-to-life movement is an indomitable force with God on your side!
Marshall your forces to go STATE BY STATE to WIN this issue and do not LOSE THE POLITICS by demanding an UNCONSTITUTIONAL blanket policy AND undermining a national election.
PAY HEED to THE PHRASE in the Minority Report: “and how long a period passed before those goals could be achieved.”
Do not be impatient!
Work state-by-state to achieve your goal and you will prevail!!
Demanding a national position will FAIL and will LOSE Trump the election.
How does that help???

Cathy Townsend
July 11, 2024

I am upset. I will not be writing checks to the RNC. The fact that people could not discuss this upsets me the most. I will continue to pray and fast but I will make my feelings known to the Republican Party leaders.

    July 11, 2024

    Do we know for sure they were unable to discuss it before they voted on the proposal?

    July 11, 2024

    I agree. I have lost my trust for the RNC. I will fast and pray, and I will vote, but changing their stand against murder is more than disheartening. I believe God will fight for those who honor Him first.

July 11, 2024

It seems to me that this adjustment in the platform plank on abortion is in keeping with the de-federalizing of abortion. The abortion issue HAS been handed to the individual states to determine. So now the fight for the right to life of our pre-born children must be attended to on a state by state basis. We, the citizens of each state, must check into the status of this protection within our state and call our state legislatures to establish, maintain and enforce laws and precepts which are in keeping with this most sacred duty – protect the children!

July 11, 2024

I agree and have signed

Jamie Stormes
July 11, 2024

The minority report was extremely well written. We know that God never compromises, and it would seem that this is what the Republican Party has done. I understand the motive is to win the race in November and that should be our goal, but our success will totally rely on whether God is for us or against us. I pray President Trump has the courage to stand for the sanctity of life.

    July 11, 2024

    Respectfully, I believe that Trump does have the courage to stand for Life, which is why he pushed forward with appointing the Justices he appointed. However, please read my other post in this comment section. FIRST you must WIN the election.
    Sometimes you WIN by coming in the side door, not barging in the front door.

Susan Hubek
July 11, 2024

We do not only have a right to life, we have a DUTY to it. Do not think we are unaware of the left’s zeal for abortion to be addressed. Our position must be in step with our constitution and faith which was the foundation for our country. Do not be weak in our resolve. Be brave.

July 11, 2024

I agree and signed my name to the Minority Report.

July 11, 2024

This debate reminds me of Peter’s response to our Lord’s question:”Will you leave Me, too?”

“Lord, where would we go?” Peter replied..
Indeed. Where?

July 11, 2024

I vote for Speaker Mike Johnson for President, to bring our nation back to God and His standards on which this country was founded and has had God’s blessings and protection. America needs REVIVAL!

    C. R.
    July 12, 2024

    Elaine, Mike Johnson has agreed and compromised with the democrats way more than McCarthy did! I would never support such a weak man for President!

Tony Hodge
July 11, 2024

Strong in many points but weakened or not firm enough in others–sanctity of life. Politically motivated to appease those who do not affirm the importance of protecting the most vulnerable among us? If the platform is weakened now, what will the next one be if delegates have no voice.

    July 11, 2024

    East state needs to review the Republican platform in their own state to ensure the same is done in each state as well

Brian Lynch
July 11, 2024

I think that the Republican Party platform writers are doing the best that they can to walk a fine line politically, in light of the fact that the issue of abortion is now de-federalized, and the individual states are given the authority to declare that abortion is legal or illegal. That said, I will still support the Republican party, and their Presidential candidate, over the Dems and the New world Order which controls them. Lord Jesus, may Your will prevail in this , as You know what is best for our nation.

July 11, 2024

Ps.118:8 It is better to trust in God than put confidence in man.

Good Guy
July 11, 2024

Not only was the pro-life message watered down, protection of the Second Amendment was as well. The delegates should have shown some backbone and resisted this new process that did not allow for amendments and little debate. I pray this isn’t an ominous sign of things to come in the future.

    July 11, 2024

    The 2nd amendment has been overstated anyway – should only emphasize ‘a well-regulated militia’, not guns for all. Christians especially should oppose such obsession with killing offenders. Christ was so clear regarding His love for children and even enemies!

      July 12, 2024

      The 2nd Amendment supports guns for all adults that have no record to protect us against a Tyrannical government! Much like the one in power today!

Jeffery McDonald
July 11, 2024

Righteousness exalts a nation. Sin is a reproach to any people. In the 2024 Republican platform we take one step away from righteousness and one step toward codifying sin, one step toward expediency and one step away from free speech, one step away from protecting life and one step toward devaluing life. I fear that asking our sovereign Father, who puts down one and exalts another, to save our country and bless this campaign and this political party may cause our God to also take a step back from doing just that.

    July 11, 2024

    Politics is about numbers – therefore widening the potential for more voters is always wise for a candidate. God Almighty knows we live in a Constitutional Republic, and Christians must therefore vote for those who best honor Biblical principles. The GOP vs Dems platforms make that abundantly clear in this Presidential race!

      Jeff McD
      July 12, 2024

      Yours is a very pragmatic view. If it is only about the numbers, if the decision is really about how many votes and how much is donated, then perhaps focus grouping each issue and counting how many votes you would gain or lose is the way to go rather than basing your position on core convictions. This view however ignores the idea of seeking God’s blessing in prayer because ultimately it is God who “puts down one and exalts another”; it ignores “if my people will humble themselves and pray, turn from there wicked ways and seek my face, THEN …” (you know the rest); and it ignores “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”. If we win or lose elections because of our political savviness instead of Gods sovereignty then you may be right and we should spend less time in prayer and more time in activism and educating folks. But if it depends on 2 Chronicles 7:14, I fear a misstep might have been taken here and the blessing of God may have been put in jeopardy.

Debra Ward
July 11, 2024

More lukewarm pabulum on every side. God cannot possibly be pleased with this country.

Juanele Trusty
July 11, 2024

I am ashame of ANY “RIGHT” to KILL.. a “trapped, defenseless “HUMAN BEING”. i AM CONSIDERING LEAVING THE “REPUBLICAN PARTY! Many other will too, I’m sure! PLEASE reconsider!

    July 11, 2024

    Given the choice, where will you go? How effective will you be for the Kingdom if you remove yourself from the process

    Sarasota Smith
    July 11, 2024

    Already changed my registration!

    July 11, 2024

    By leaving the GOP, you will give the evil ones more potential to destroy America. The 14th amendment guarantees the right to life. God Almighty knows we live in a Constitutional Republic, and Christians must therefore vote for those who best honor Biblical principles. The GOP vs Dems platforms make that abundantly clear in this Presidential race!

      July 12, 2024

      Yes the 14th amendment guarantees the right to life, but the Republican platform guarantees the states the right to take away that life. The platform also states “Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life.” Does that mean that the GOP will defend a state that decides to murder the preborn up to the point the child is born? This is madness.

    July 12, 2024

    Juanele, where will you go? To the demonic democrats? Just sayin! Vote Trump 2024!

L David
July 11, 2024

I most strongly support the protection and cherish human life from the moment conception to natural death.

Virginia Roberson
July 11, 2024

“It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in princes.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭118‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬
As we prayed on Tuesday, we must repent of idolizing President Trump or the Republican Party. We cannot compromise on the value of life from conception to natural death. Only God can save us. We must pray for Him to turn the hearts of our leaders – to give us righteous leaders. God send The Revival and Awakening!

    Sarasota Smith
    July 11, 2024

    Wow! I am amazed at the strength & backbone of your comment!

    July 12, 2024

    Virginia ma’am, you repent for worshipping and idolizing Trump; I and many Christians and conservatives do not worship him! We remember his 4 years in office working hard for all Americans and him giving credit and glory to GOD for everything he did!! I still support him today! Trump 2024!

Lamarre Notargiacomo
July 11, 2024

I agree with the minority report in totality. This hastily passed platform should not come as a shock. We’ve known for a long time the talking heads and political operatives like Karl Rove have wanted to compromise on this issue. I suspect that Republicans and Democrats alike are benefiting financially from abortion providers – either directly or indirectly. Abortion is the intentional destruction of the lives of our most vulnerable citizens – and the sales of baby body parts will continue unabated. How can we call ourselves “civilized” when we are allowing the mutilation of little babies and experimenting on their tiny bodies like Dr. Mengele did during the Nazi occupation? When some lives are unprotected, all life is in jeopardy. Those individuals who approved the platform should be named publicly. We are a nation of barbarians and a nation in decline. May God have mercy on His precious little creations!

    July 11, 2024

    First you must WIN the NATIONAL election with Trump. (What other president could have gotten Roe v Wade OVERTURNED?)
    Next you must work state-by-state to achieve your Life goal!
    SUCCESS sometimes must come through the side door and will fail if insisted to come through the front door.
    Patience will find success.

Karen E.
July 11, 2024

I have written Pres. Trump and also J.D. Vance today letting them know my thoughts or God’s thoughts (from His word in Isa. 59:3) about abortion (murdering of innocent life). I also asked Vance to get in touch with The Justice Foundation to educate himself on mifepristone and how devastating it is to mother and baby. I believe if Vance (not sure where Trump stands on this) really ‘knew’ the facts, there is no way they would support this pill, no matter what the Supreme Court decided.

We pray that the general Christian population will NOT become negative and discouraged, stay home and not vote. It is important that we focus on the positive aspects of the Republican platform and stick together and vote for Trump. As David Barton said, ‘there is a vast difference between the two candidates and parties.’

    Ann Dillon
    July 11, 2024

    Amen. Such a great response. Thank you for your proactive outreach to the candidates. So much of the platform was good and necessary, but the also need to hear the oro-life position expressed directly and respectfully. I pray your letters will reach them, and I stand in agreement with your prayers, in the Name of Jesus.


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