I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for exposing the vulnerabilities in Dominion's software. Change the hearts of Georgia's leaders, Father, and encourage them to use this information to protect their elections!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Georgia is refusing to address their election security issues until after 2024. What will this mean for the upcoming presidential election?

From CNN. Georgia election officials have been aware of existing vulnerabilities in the state’s voting software for more than two years but continue to insist the system is safe and won’t be updated until after 2024, according to a report that was unsealed this week as part of a controversial court case in Georgia.

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The report’s findings focus on weaknesses in software for certain Dominion Voting machines. Those weaknesses were previously verified by federal cybersecurity officials, who urged election officials across the country to update their systems.

A lawyer for Georgia’s top election official, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, recently told a federal court that officials would forgo installing Dominion’s security patches until after the 2024 presidential election. …

While state and federal officials have suggested it is unlikely that these vulnerabilities could be exploited, the newly released report points out that Georgia is far more dependent on this particular Dominion software than any other state, potentially undermining confidence in its ability to conduct a secure election. …

Dominion Voting Systems last year updated its software in response to the attack scenarios described by the report’s author, a University of Michigan computer scientist named J. Alex Halderman.

But Georgia has not implemented the recommended security patch and state officials said they are waiting to do so until after 2024.

Delaying the security patches until 2025 is “worse than doing nothing,” warned Halderman, “since it puts world-be adversaries on notice that the state will conduct the presidential election with this particular version of software with known vulnerabilities, giving them nearly 18 months to prepare and deploy attacks.” …

How are you praying for election security, especially in Georgia? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from CNN. Photo Credit: Megan Varner/Getty Images)

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July 8, 2023

Why, why why is Georgia delaying updating election security until after the 2024 election? Come on Georgia leaders, get it together!

Ann Shaw
July 2, 2023

God, you are able to thwart any attacks. Help us to pray and vote and pray for your truth to be clear

Victoria Z
June 24, 2023

Father intervene and send your angels to reverse every fraudulent vote. You aline are able to overcome this fradulent software and we applaud you for that and seek you earnestly to perform it in every state who insists on using it or who has devise other evil plans for election and voter interference. Overcome them all and let a constitution loving America loving God Fearing president be elected for 2024 and beyond. We thank you and receive it in Jesus name.

June 21, 2023

I pray alongside Matt. Lord we ask You to guard and overcome any evil in regards to 2024 elections in Georgia

June 21, 2023

So Georgia can attempt to CHEAT once again!

June 20, 2023

That God will execute His will in this situation. And in the 2024 election.

June 20, 2023

I think that someone should tackle the “Goliath” of kickbacks to Raffensberger & other political officials in the state. I’m not a computer tech but even with my limited experience, I can tell you that “patches”, of any sort, to computerized equipment – ISN’T hard or time consuming….. meaning that there is full well “someone (or more) being paid off NOT to patch the system. Whatever excuse they are using not to patch is, most certainly, an arrogant stack of lies. They are “daring” citizens to confront them!!! Let us pray for this knowledge to “leak forth” & that courageous warriors would lead the fight. I’m beginning to think we need thousands of Buford Pusser’s to come forward & start wreaking havoc on this corruption. But no doubt it starts with prayer. And I pray for the removal of “ever waffling Raffensberger” – he continues to let the citizens of GA down.

Stephanie Noble
June 20, 2023

Dear Lord, I have been praying since I found out about the fraud in my State’s Elections (my residential city, Savannah, GA) – for full exposure and for justice in this regard. We have a very corrupt Mayer, Governor & SOS and I pray that their is more exposure and that Justice is served in these regards, in YOUR Name which is above all other names Jesus I pray, Amen.

Barbara Surprenant
June 20, 2023

There is no other good reason for not updating election software machines except to allow fraudulent voting. May the Holy Spirit reach down into the hearts and conscience of those leaders and the good people of GA to demand the improvement needed for fair elections to take place. On the Holy Blood of Jesus and power of the Holy Spririt Amen.

June 20, 2023

catch them—hang them quick–courts are a joke as well–most politicians are lawyers–or put them in a work camp

Mari Williams
June 20, 2023

Our Father GOD, LORD, we have to have YOUR choice of President. We HAVE to have a secure voting system. Overrule, LORD GOD, all those who insist on retaining a voting system that is not secure. Father GOD, Your promise is that no weapon formed against your children will prosper. We claim your promise right now in Jesus Name and for your glory. Expose every evil scheme Our Father, that your children may not be mislead. Make America great again, LORD, for THY NAMES SAKE!

    Stephen Edwards
    June 20, 2023

    I am agreeing with you in this prayer 🙏! Thank you and God Bless You richly!

    Barbara Surprenant
    June 20, 2023

    Agree Mari – great powerful prayer!!!!

Patrick Quirk
June 20, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray with all humility, that Your Holy Spirit will move Raffensperger, and all Georgia officials responsible, to correct the voting software that needs updating. I pray , just as David did in Psalm 68, that YOU will break these Georgia officials from their refusal to do what is right in YOUR sight Dear LORD GOD! Do not let all the Georgia election officials not have any peace of mind, until they insure that all voting machines and processes will be fair in all elections in Georgia
In JESUS Name, Amen

Patrick Quirk
June 20, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray with all humility, that Your Holy Spirit will move Raffensperger, and all Georgia officials responsible, to correct the voting software that needs updating. I pray , just as David did in Psalm 68, that YOU will break Raffensperger and these Georgia officials from their refusal to do what is right in YOUR sight Dear LORD GOD! Do not let Raffensperger and all the Georgia election officials not have any peace of mind, until they insure that all voting machines and processes will be fair in all elections in Georgia
In JESUS Name, Amen

Linda Trott Dickman
June 20, 2023

Almighty God, help the legislators, the voting officials, the League of Women Voters, to be as persistent at the widow of the gospels. Let the persistent, increasing sounds of justice and righteousness be a driving force in their lives until voting in Georgia is made safe, and they have implemented the security patch.
We will give you all the glory and honor and praise! In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lori Lee
June 20, 2023

Father, wake up your Ekklasia to pray and war against this apathetic response from the State of Georgia. I come against the enemies’ plan to subvert fair election in this nation. I bind up the spirit of deceit over the State of Georgia, and ask you to loose your spirit of righteous truth in it’s place.
Holy Spirit prick the consciousness of Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, to begin implementing the recommended security patches
before the 2024 elections.
Thank you for hearing my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Allena Jordan
June 20, 2023

Father, just as You gave dreams to Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, and others, give disturbing dreams to the people who are making the decision not to update the software. Change their minds, Lord. Knock some sense into their heads. May they humble themselves and decide to do what is right and good for all the people. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Stephen Edwards
    June 20, 2023

    Thank you Allena!! Agreeing with you in your prayer!!! 200%!!!

Frank J Adcock, MD
June 20, 2023

What we are witnessing is Satan using America as his playground without opposition from the people of the only country in history founded on Judeo-Christian principles. This does not bode well for the world.


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