This year is the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower. What were the pilgrims hoping for? As they sailed across the Atlantic in search of religious freedom, my guess is that their hearts were hungry to build a culture and government that rested on Kingdom principles, that kept God at the helm, and that gave them freedom to worship as they felt led.
…And the government shall be upon His shoulder,
And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
There shall be no end to the increase of His government and of peace,
[He shall rule] on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
From that time forward and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this. Is 9:6-7 AMP
The Hebrew definition of government, “misrah,” is to rule, have power and dominion, to prevail. I believe the pilgrims had God’s heart for a ruling establishment – one which is in vast opposition to the general view of government today. This is evident in the aversion many churches have to even in engage in political conversation and in the prevalent consensus of a “silent majority.”
In the same passage, the word peace is the Hebrew word “shalom” – which translates as whole/entire peace, health, welfare, and safety. Think about how this “peace” translates to today – and how this understanding of Scripture can influence our prayers.
God’s heart for government, regardless of whether you are considering today’s political culture and climate or the government of His Kingdom, denotes influence. And I would argue that our “influence” should be prevalent in every place we touch and are involved with here in our nation. Our influence, as believers in Christ, should create ripples in culture. And without hesitation, the voice of the believer, and thus the Church, should have influence in government and the present tensions that plague our nation today.
The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.” The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.” (Ps 110:1-3 NASB)
In this passage, David uses the Hebrew word “radah” (rule),which means to rule, have dominion, subdue, and to cause to dominate. I believe the time is now. With our current elections less than two months away, with the many tensions magnifying the divide in opinions, I believe our prayers, our efforts, and our voices are more important than ever before!
We sit at a crossroads, a convergence of days and times, festivals and elections, culture, agendas and God… How do we, the ekklesia, move forward?
I don’t believe the Lord EVER intended for His people to live passively and silently. The pilgrims sailed to the Americas in hope of retaining their voice, to prevent it being extinguished by the prevailing culture in England and later Holland. Are we not in a similar place and time – four hundred years later?
And while we may not be hopping on a boat to escape our nation’s present-day struggles, we do have the opportunity of blazing a new path.
Let’s step back from political platforms and let’s look at the establishment of THE Kingdom – of which we are citizens (Phil 3:20). It’s from THIS government that we need to look for our guiding principles.
As we are stepping into the last weeks before the elections, I have a few suggestions of what to pray into:
- Pray for supernatural discernment. Pray for eyes to see clearly and ears to hear clearly. FEAR is not the Lord’s language – so when you read or hear things that stir up in you a heart of fear, stop and ask the Lord to help you to sift through the details such that you can hear HIS heart on the matter. Much of what should be guiding us is a “fear of the Lord” and allowing that to be our starting place for wisdom and instruction (Prv 1:7).
- Pray for what we carry. Pray for our voice; pray for your voice. As carriers of His presence (1 Co 3:16, 6:20-21), and as a royal priesthood (1 Pt 2:9), the atmosphere should shift simply because we have stepped onto the scene. We are called a temple of the Holy Spirit – holiness, boldness, and courage should emanate from this place.
- Pray against fear and for empowerment to walk confidently where He asks us to go. We need to constantly lay fear at His feet and pick up His armor – to be ever prepared to take back what the enemy has stolen. We belong to Him and carry the authority that comes with The NAME – Jesus! “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]” (2 Ti 1:7 AMP). Pray for courage like that of the pilgrims.
- Pray for the light of the Church to become the prominent influence in culture. Pray for a move and revival such as we have never seen in our lifetime. Pray for a culture of repentance, fasting, and prayer. I believe we are in a time where “this” can only come about through prayer and fasting.
Author Suni Piper is a prophetic intercessor who blogs at A Surrendered Life. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
Will you join me in prayer and fasting? Share in the comments!
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In the words of Robert Burns, “God grant us the grace to see ourselves as others see us.”
We can be so blind to our own faults, and the failings that hinder our prayers, and then wonder why our prayers are not being answered.
Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
The context of Ps 110:1-3 has to do with the then coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. He rules and has dominion, not us. We will have influence by the way we live our lives and stand up for the Truth of God, but we aren’t told anywhere in scripture to take dominion. Gen 1 was a pre-fall command. We are to submit to the Ruler King Jesus and HE will make HIS enemies his footstool. Jesus could have taken over Jerusalem and Ruled as a king over Rome and the entire world, which is what the Jews expected. But instead He came as a humble servant and suffered a criminals death for us on the cross. We will rule and reign with Him, just not yet. Rev 22 says we will, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Peace I give you,but not as the world gives; may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you until He returns with glory in the clouds. AMEN
He has made us Priests & Kings.
Priests for
Kings to rule over our(His) enemies.
His justice is a 2 edged sword.
Mercy and justice! What a great God we serve!
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Going to bookmark it for further meditation, rumination.
Such a solid stand for the importance of praying for this national election! I will continue to pray for God’s direction of our election!
We as a prayer group are praying for the church of God open their eyes and see what going on around us that God In The Mighty Name Of Jesus the scales are removed from our eyes and we pray in Ernest that we tend our hearts not our garments
Thank you. Yes, if we want to see lasting change we must be praying!
Father God, your word is a lamp unto our feet. Help us to always live behind the lamp. To always be following you and not striking out on our own. Your ways are not our ways, Lord. Things that seem frivolous or useless to us can be of great use to you. Help us trust you. Thank you for this word to encourage us as we journey in your footsteps on this earth.
The Word of God: ( Romans 3:23) “all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. (John 8:7). “If any one of you be without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Since we know these words to be True, then all of us should examine ourselves before God and repent as the Holy Spirit directs us? God will then hear us, forgive our sin, and heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Will I join you in prayer and fasting? Yes, I am one who is fasting and praying over America and for revival. With all my heart.
Father, keep our eyes on you. Filter our thoughts through the Holy Spirit. May we be faithful to you and your leadership in this battle.
Very important words to the church, thank you for sharing and motivating us to be the light in this time of darkness.
Praying, repenting and preparing for ‘The Return‘ on September 26th. Praising God for all of it. Praying for His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.