I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we are so thankful we live in a country where we can express our views even if they are not popular. May this privilege continue.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We here at IFA make mistakes from time to time and inadvertently ran an article about a CBS blocked super bowl ad that was from 2019. We have pulled that article but it seems Fox is trying to do the same thing with a pro-life ad. Please pray that censorship regarding moral issues would cease and messages like this one would be allowed to run.

For months, Fox TV and Fox Sports have been blocking an ad from being played during Super Bowl Sunday. The compelling ad tells the stories of abortion survivors.

There are thousands of survivors of abortion in the United States, and we must not stand by as the mainstream media tries to silence their voices.

Faces of Choice, a national advocacy organization that shares the stories of abortion survivors, was told by Fox executives there weren’t any more slots available for a 30-second ad during Super Bowl Sunday, but we discovered thatā€™s not true. There are ads spots still available.

We ask for your immediate help. The only way to ensure the pro-life message isnā€™t censored is to speak up right now.

Fox Sports needs to hear from thousands of pro-life Americans, TODAY! Thereā€™s no time to wait. Watch the ad and sign the petition. It will take less than one minute.

Sign your name and tell Fox TV and Fox Sports to air the Faces of Choice 30-second ad and let the voices of abortion survivors be heard


(Excerpt from My Faith Votes.)

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barbara ashdown
February 2, 2020

Thank you for such a courageous ad!

    Ram Meadors
    February 6, 2020

    me didnt watch any illuminutti sponsered ads Id flipped to see western movie for few minutes -coz was sad 49ers defense ran outta steam/power- did Fox show that ad ?

Gennie Hohlfelder
February 2, 2020

There is nothing kind about DEATH, no matter how is occurs, but it can be beautiful of GOD is involved!!!

    Randie Ray
    February 4, 2020

    I’m so glad that God defends the lives of the unborn.

January 31, 2020

Everyone needs to see the ad and hear the voices of those who survived an attempted murder. Please run the ad and let their voices be heard so we can stop abortion from ever happening again.

Pam Kennard
January 30, 2020

This is a wonderful, clear communication of truth. I pray FOX will the voice of truth.

    Terry Mcdermott
    January 30, 2020

    The absolute TRUTH that makes all of the Democratic candidates become unhinged are the following 10 words:

    Every abortion kills a living child. JESUS is pro life.

      January 30, 2020

      Oh please spare me! There are people of all political parties as well as religions who believe this is a right of choice! You have the right to make whatever choice you wish as does every other woman!

        February 1, 2020

        Why are you afraid of showing this ad if your so sure what you believe is right?

        Suzanne Hestermann
        February 6, 2020

        Please take the Amen back to zero. I accidentally hit it! God is the only one who gives life and no human being has the right to take the life of the unborn! I 100% disagree with this person!

        Reply Report comment moderated
    Beverly Gadbois
    January 30, 2020

    Please share these awesome testimonies.

January 29, 2020

Lose a child as we did and you will never consider aborting one.
Air the ad. Let people see the alternative.

Mark Lawrence
January 29, 2020

This ad needs to be played in order to give an alternative narrative to the views of the abortion industry and to truly show what the majority of Americans believe in!!

Bruce E. Riffle
January 29, 2020

God Hates hands that shead Innocent Blood.

    Gail Hartman
    January 29, 2020

    Please air this story on the Super Bowl. If only one person sees it and it changes their mind on killing their unborn child, then it’s worth every penny.

January 28, 2020

I think there is a kinder, gentler, simpler way to tell this absolutely shocking truth!

JESUS is the master communicator–Let HIM show you how HE would present this truth.

One little child lisping this truth would be more effective.

sandra merritt
January 28, 2020

This is the voice of the attempted abortion. The unborn has no voice. Abortion IS murder any way you look at it. I believe this ad should run. It MAY save a life.

    Abina Haffner
    January 29, 2020

    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
    If our babies or sick and elderly are murdered how are we different from the 1940s
    murders in europe.
    So we must not upset those who are for murder

Terry McDermott
January 28, 2020

I Am an American

I am an American just like you,
You can call me baby blue.
Never allowed to carry the weight,
My life stolen in the starting gate.
The right to life the big lie,
All I ever did was die.
God is real, see the sigh,
Look closely at the tear in His eye.
Stop the abortion holocaust,
Before another child is lost.
End the current American civil war,
Americans killing Americans like never before.

Terry McDermott
January 28, 2020

Never Said Goodbye

You never even said hello,
You just simply let me go.
Sadder than a sea of tears,
Could have taken away all your fears.
Never blessed with a name,
Discarded in a bucket of shame.
Not even a tiny coffin for my broken heart,
A place for every little body part.
You will always be my mother,
Would have loved you like no other.
Before my play got off the ground,
You brought the curtain down.
As I was asking why.
A tear fell from my eye.
All I ever did was die,
You never even said goodbye.

January 28, 2020

This commercial is great. Why wouldnā€™t you CBS, Show this? You are in American land of freedom. This commercial is what freedom is about.

    Brian Howe
    January 29, 2020

    God bless your souls. I hope this ad is aired during the super bowl. I was blessed not be a victim of abortion.

Sherry Higdon
January 28, 2020

What’s wrong with CBS they host the show ‘Seal Team’ where there is not much greater display of patriotism than that. I LOVE that show and the representation of the men and women who serve. SHAME on ANY network for NOT promoting loyalty to your own nation. How sick, how sad, how great a ‘sign of the time.’

    January 28, 2020

    Nine Line, just focus on the word ā€œloyalā€ rather than ā€œcrazyā€.
    CBS will then accept your commercial.
    We the People are ā€œloyalā€ to that which We love.

Jimmie Henry
January 28, 2020

This United States Navy veteran says Just Stand! Stand strong my fellow Patriots! Where can I get a Stand Strong shirt? I will proudly wear it.

Debi Oakes
January 28, 2020

I think we should pray first. However I also think we need to let our voice be heard and flood CBS email box with complaints about this outrageous act censorship and not patriotic act. It’s shameful!!!!!
We still have the freedom of speech and need to speak out regarding companies like CBS that want to take that away.

    Judy McDonough
    January 28, 2020

    This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

    Judy McDonough
    Communications Director

January 28, 2020

Maybe itā€™s time to remove this prayer request. You have incorrectly posted something that isnā€™t even correct. We protested this last year and I’ve seen nothing to indicate it was attempted this year,
Maybe everyone should just stop watching football. You whine ans cry about kneeling yet you give them your time like sick voyeurs.

    January 28, 2020

    Thank you for a great ad. Many donā€™t realize the opportunities that are for them to enjoy while others are fighting for them as well as others who need our help. Stand for the flag. Knee for the cross

    Judy McDonough
    January 28, 2020

    This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

    Judy McDonough
    Communications Director

      January 28, 2020

      Thank you for all the good you do! This just shows that none of us is perfect, just forgiven!

January 28, 2020

Unfortunately, this is flawed. CBS isnā€™t televising the Super Bowl this yearā€”Fox is. Whatā€™s up???

    Paul Cirillo
    January 28, 2020

    Good question; I just looked it up and what I saw is that Fox is televising it. Where does CBS come in?

      January 28, 2020

      I think this is from last year. The link to the article in the Washington Examiner is dated for January 2019. Nevertheless, I still stand.

        Paul Cirillo
        January 28, 2020

        Thanks, Tim. I see that now.

        Judy McDonough
        January 28, 2020

        This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

        Judy McDonough
        Communications Director

          January 28, 2020

          Thank you for your attention to excellence in word and deed. It can be disheartening when you see those with which you stand embellishing and/or twisting truth. I know that was not your intention. We all make mistakes and yes; we all need forgiveness.

          Keep us the great work!

      Paul Cirillo
      January 28, 2020

      To IFA, should you not note that this happened one year ago? Articles like this make Christians look uninformed.

        Judy McDonough
        January 28, 2020

        This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

        Judy McDonough
        Communications Director

      Judy McDonough
      January 28, 2020

      This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

      Judy McDonough
      Communications Director

    Holly Phillips
    January 28, 2020

    I looked up the info, and FOX is televising this yearā€™s Superbowl. I get easily riled up on stuff like this, so I thought I would do my due diligence.

      Judy McDonough
      January 28, 2020

      This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

      Judy McDonough
      Communications Director

    Judy McDonough
    January 28, 2020

    This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

    Judy McDonough
    Communications Director

    January 28, 2020

    What’s up is that FOX is blocking the ad from being run during the super bowl. Hiding truth to protect ratings. Maybe they’ll trust their viewers to be free enough to decide forthemselves.

Michael Woelfel
January 28, 2020

I Love this ad concept. I will be boycotting the SB. Perhaps instead of building the ad around what the naysayers accuse as ā€œcrazyā€ -a form of insane, the theme could be ā€œpassionā€, ā€œselflessā€œ, or ā€œloveā€œ for America. Patriots know itā€™s not ā€œcrazyā€ to have so much love for this country we would give our life for it. Elevating their hatred and making an ad to spite their rhetoric, rather than simply extolling the vast pure and good virtues of America, gives way to much attention to their myopic views. Stay in the positive with the ad, then tip a hat to their ability to scream within Americaā€™s blood-bought freedoms. My views. God Bless America.

Kris Mouser
January 28, 2020

I stand with the message in this ad and against any attempts to suppress a love for this country. CBS, why is it okay to air controversial Nike commercials and not one that honors those who protect us. Shame on you

Gail P Timmons
January 28, 2020

I stand with Mark Geist and his ad. We have enemies living free in the greatest country on earth but these men and women that have defended our constitution fought died, bled, for even these enemies. God help them and send your mighty angels to deal with the hearts of these men, women etc that benefit from trying to tear down what you established in America the beautiful. My prayer is all those who go to the superbowl will stand anyway for our constitution on Sunday. In God we trust.

Belinda Whiddon
January 28, 2020

I stand as an American Citizen and wife of a military officer! You cannot silence the people who love this country. Those who are in opposition need to rethink why they live here. Someone died for their Freedom to speak!
Lord change their perspective !
Push back on the evil of this world view!
May the world see us as a God fearing Nation again!

Lloyd King
January 28, 2020

Even if I had never served in the military I would still say “amen” to this ad and to the beliefs of Nine Line Apparelā€™s CEO. How pathetic it is that America has become so unpatriotic. As a former Marine, I find it appalling that so few Americans are willing to STAND for freedom.

    G W walters
    January 28, 2020

    I am not a better an, nor a first responder but I am so thankful for what they do. I am a proud American. I have prayed for this company that they prosper and that CBS does not. I plan on boycotting CBC for this stance. I donā€™t need them. I pray that others who believe will do the same. Those who agree, take a stand

January 28, 2020

Letā€™s go online, place an order, and support Nine Line Apparel. Never again Nike. Lord bless Nine Line Apparel with prosperity and abundance.

Michelle Craven
January 28, 2020

I am praying for them to change their mind. I would love to know how to request them to reconsider.

Today is the Day
January 28, 2020

Thank you for this ad. God has given you and given us this message to just stand. Lord we thank you for the strength and the appointed time to just stand. Embolden our resolve and unity in you to be courageous.

Dorothy Kraemer
January 28, 2020

This is a much needed powerful message that is very well done…..shame on them for not accepting this ad

January 28, 2020

Are we not “One Nation, under God with liberty and justice for all?”
The enemy of our Christianity is going all out to destroy whatever and whoever he can before
Jesus Christ returns in glory. As for the Christians in this nation it is time to take a stand
against stuff like this. As we wait in joyful hope for the coming again of our Savior let us
do all we can for His glory.

Doris Saltis
January 28, 2020

I wanted to share this on Facebook and it didnā€™t allow me to.
Iā€™ve also tried to text articles that also wonā€™t allow me to.
Email does work.
Not sure if something can be done to fix this. Please someone give me an answer. Thanks.

    January 28, 2020

    Facebook didn’t allow prayer for the president to be forwarded either
    What does this tell you in the Ezekial 5 world we live in
    Make your own..They can’t block that

    Lisa Stout
    January 28, 2020

    Nextdoor App does not allow ou to share stuff like this either. In fact my account was terminated for a while when I posted about kneeling for the National Anthem.
    Someone up above states that this is a year old and that the Super Bowl is on Fox not CBS.
    There is a petition going around about Fox refusing to show a Pro Life ad during Super Bowl.

      Judy McDonough
      January 28, 2020

      This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

      Judy McDonough
      Communications Director

    Judy McDonough
    January 28, 2020

    This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

    Judy McDonough
    Communications Director

Erin Thomas
January 28, 2020

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.
Billy Graham

January 28, 2020

I decided to do my “due diligence” before forwarding this info to friends. When I googled it, I found out it was a year ago the ad was denied. Either I am mistaken (and I would like to be corrected if so) or that info should have been included in the article. These days in social media a year is like a decade ago.
Also, CBS gave a “reason” that the company did not not have the proper credit. I don’t know if this is true, but I think it also should have been addressed in the rather vague paragraph about the reason CBS gave.
I appreciate IFA and all that it does and very frequently forward info to my friends, so that they can pray, too. I do so appreciate all that you do. I just kind of wanted to enter these “details” into the record before info goes flying out that has issues (undercutting all the info we send out).
I hope this does not seem critical because I am sure it was all presented with the best intentions and I did not know about the circumstances last year (Feb., 2019 was when it hit the news).
Thank you for listening.

    January 28, 2020

    It would be a credit to all reading if each would do their own “due diligence,” which I have not done in this instance, but thank you for doing yours. Like you, I would like to think that all the pertinent information would always be included on this site. We trust the website to post complete and accurate information. Otherwise, it can become just one more place for inflammatory rhetoric, partial truths, and miss-information. I have learned the hard way that when we publicly post information like this, our critics not only do their “due diligence,” but are quick to call us out in our errors.

    In regard to the ad itself, I believe it was cowardly of the network to refuse it. I could be wrong, but I believe they published ads with kneeling football players, I guess that is different.

      January 28, 2020

      I agree, Gary. I’m sure CBS had more than one “reason” to reject the ad. As my friends and I say, “We pray.” Thanks for responding.

      Judy McDonough
      January 28, 2020

      This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

      Judy McDonough
      Communications Director

        January 28, 2020

        Thank you, Judy, for acknowledging and correcting the error. However, this page is now quite confusing, as the top comment still refers to CBS. I fear that if the CBS page (with a comment about it being an error) is not left up and a totally different page about Fox posted, that the info will indeed be dispersed through social media. We know how that goes – this is one of the “harmful” ways that lightening fast communications hurt us (I’m old, ha!) I know it can be useful and I have a number of friends who know about IFA through my passing along articles and quotes from your site. However, my personal opinion is that this site is still in a state of confusion. Therefore (no offense is intended), I am reluctant to fill in the info on the attached link to Fox.

        January 29, 2020

        Thank you for your quick response, Judy. The response alone speaks volumes about the integrity with which IFA operates. Acknowledged mistakes can be rectified and forgiven. This one is! We really do appreciate all IFA is doing to keep us informed. Thank you again.

    Judy McDonough
    January 28, 2020

    This article was posted in error. It is, indeed, from last year. We at IFA never intend to make mistakes and we are grateful when they are brought to our attention.

    Judy McDonough
    Communications Director

James Tanner
January 28, 2020

Americans of all backgrounds have stood proudly to offer freedom to countless people. I am proud to stand also.

    January 28, 2020

    All true Americans should be ā€œcrazy enough.ā€ Being a Christian does not mean being a doormat – or being a ā€œsissy,ā€ as we used to say.

    I love this commercial. Apparently, it struck a nerve – hhmmm. I pray that I will always be ā€œcrazy enoughā€ to do the right thing.


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