I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for this monumental ruling. We thank You for hearing our prayers. We pray that You would block these changes in every school across America!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A judge has blocked the Biden administration’s proposed Title IX changes in thousands of schools across all 50 states. Hallelujah!

From Kris W. Kobach. Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach today won a preliminary injunction halting the implementation of the Biden administration’s Title IX transgender regulations.

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Biden’s Title IX regulations would have required public schools to allow biological males who identify as females to shower with biological girls in school locker rooms. It also would have required public schools and universities to allow biological males who identify as girls to compete in girls’ sports.

“Given… the evidence before the court, it is not hard to imagine that, under the Final Rule, an industrious older teenage boy may simply claim to identify as a female to gain access to the girls’ showers, dressing rooms, or locker rooms so that he can observe his female peers disrobe and shower,” Judge John Broomes wrote in the order.

Broomes, a Kansas federal judge, ruled in favor of the state of Kansas and attorneys general from Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming as well as three private organizations, Moms for Liberty, Young America’s Foundation, and Female Athletes United.

Kansas Attorney General Kobach personally argued the case on June 20.

“We have had many wins in court, but to me, this is the biggest one yet. It protects girls and women across the country from having their privacy rights and safety violated in bathrooms and locker rooms and from having their freedom of speech violated if they say there are only two sexes,” Kobach said.

The federal district court injunction will have a sweeping effect, prohibiting the implementation of Biden’s transgender regulations in the four plaintiff states. In addition, the injunction covers schools throughout the entire country via the plaintiff organizations. The private organizations have members in all 50 states.

“The Department of Education’s reinterpretation of Title IX to place gender identity on equal footing with (or in some instances arguably stronger footing than) biological sex would subvert Congress’ goals of protecting biological women in education,” Broomes wrote in the order. “The Final Rule would, among other things, require schools to subordinate the fears, concerns, and privacy interests of biological women to the desires of transgender biological men to shower, dress, and share restroom facilities with their female peers.”

It is likely that thousands of schools across the nation will be covered by the ruling. If a single member of Moms for Liberty, Young America’s Foundation, or Female Athletes United has students in any school in any state, that school is prohibited from complying with Biden’s Title IX rule. The organizations have until July 15 to notify the court which schools across the nation are affected.

The Kansas Attorney General’s Office stated that all Kansas school districts are now on notice that they must abide by the court’s injunction and that they are prohibited from changing any of the schools’ policies to reflect Biden’s Title IX transgender rule.

Read the full order here.

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This news release was originally published by Kansas Attorney General Kris W. Kobach. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash.

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Karen Chambers
July 10, 2024

Praise the Lord our God! I have grandkids in school, mostly girls but still it is scary for young boys too. And I personally have had a man walk in the women’s restroom in public and it is scary. You don’t know what perverse things they want to do, I rushed out and went somewhere else. Our schools should be a safe place for our kids not a scary place to be. May God keep protecting our children from this perverse generation.

Helen Randall
July 4, 2024

Praise our Holy GOD for protecting our women and girls from people who are controlled by the devil. I thank God like Kris Koback who stool up for the innocent children who cannot fight for them selves against the evil in this country. God bless them.

Robyn Sawdy
July 4, 2024

Thank You God!! All Good Things Come From You Lord 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

Darlene Estlow
July 4, 2024

Thank you, Father, for this victory. Thank you for the protection of women. May we ever give you thanks and be in prayer for the restoration of our nation. We praise your name.

Margaret Nezhadpour
July 4, 2024

Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord God, for this judge and this ruling, and thank You for all who stood firm on Your Word and in this fight!

July 4, 2024


July 4, 2024

May the Lord Himself put a hedge of protection around federal Judge Broomes and his family, and also AG Kobach. They will surely be targeted and their children as well, due to their righteous stand. Father, bless them with joy for standing with You and Your word, in how You created us. May their loved ones also experience Your presence and protection surrounding them!

Mary Beth
July 4, 2024

Thank you for this ruling, Lord. Thank you for each and every person who fought for it – bless them! Please continue to grant victory to those seeking righteousness in our nation.

July 4, 2024

Praise you Jesus!! Thank you for this victory over the devil’s evil plans. To you be the Glory, my Savior! I pray that this will be totally done away with as it plays out in courts. Lord, it is hard enough to be a teen now days without the added pressure of having to be a young girl afraid that you will be leered at or even possibly assaulted because boys are being allowed into your restrooms and shower/dressing areas. I beseech you to put a final end to the lunacy the current administration is enacting over us in this and many other regards. Lord, how many bad directives and reprehensible laws can America allow this fruitcake to make before we courageously take back our land and become ONE NATION UNDER GOD again. To me that meant that we would follow your Father’s statutes and commandments and that is not happening at all. Please Savior, help us to return to you and repent from these sins. In your Mighty Name we pray. Amen


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