Pray with America's Leaders is streaming live Pray with America's Leaders live at 12:15 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, left to our own devices, we are without hope. With You in our lives, there is hope. So we look to You. May Your will be done.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Most Holy God, we confess that we have been a stiff-necked and rebellious people who have run after other gods. We have lusted after pleasures, money, fame and power. Our sins have destroyed lives, dishonored You and defiled our land.


We acknowledge and humbly ask your forgiveness for:

  • Our complacency, compromise, and apathy.
  • Loving the world more than You.
  • The sins of racism and segregation.
  • Being a part of the problem instead of the answer. Not being salt and light to the world.
  • Harboring unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy, hatred, and offense toward brothers.
  • Sleeping while the enemy has advanced his agendas across our land.
  • For embracing political rhetoric over the unchanging truth.
  • Our lack of compassion for the lost and our failure to heed our Commission (Mk 16:15).
  • Clothing ourselves with affluence instead of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Living ungodly lifestyles that have profaned Your Holy Name.
  • Condoning and calling acceptable and normal what God calls an abomination.

Lord, we stand before You “wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” (Rev 3:17). Holy Spirit, come and move upon the Church in America with a spirit of conviction and repentance so that God’s people will humble themselves and pray, see Your face and turn from our wicked ways. And in your gracious love and mercy, will You turn this nation from destruction, forgive our sin and heal our land (2 Chron 7:14).

Most merciful God, forgive us for electing leaders who have supported legislation promoting death and perversion over life and righteousness. Forgive us for embracing political rhetoric over the unchanging Truth of Your Word. Forgive us for putting our hope in men instead of putting our hope in You.

We call forth righteous, God-fearing patriotic statesmen/leaders who embrace the Founders’ vision, support the Constitution, and revere the Word of God.

We confess that, as a nation, we have denied and abandoned You and Your holy commandments. We have blasphemed Your Holy Name and deserve the consequences of our irreverent, rebellious behavior, but, O God of mercy, we are desperate for You! Do not remember the former iniquities against us! In wrath remember mercy (Hab 3:2) for mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13). Your mercies endure forever (Ps 36).

Will You not come and meet us? (Ps 59:10) Will You not revive us once again, that Your people may rejoice in You? (Ps 85:6)

Father, we pray for a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit to bring forth Revival and Reformation and a great harvest of souls into this land! May Your River of Life be released to counter the “culture of death” which has gripped this nation (Ps 94:20-21). And may it spread to many cities across our land, to heal bodies and souls, transform hearts, and set the captives free! We declare that the blood of Jesus Christ has triumphed over, and prevails against, the spiritual hosts of wickedness aligned with Baal over this nation (Eph 6:12). For it is written: “Having disarmed principalities and powers, Jesus made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them through the Blood of His Cross. (Col 2:15).

We stand in the authority of Isaiah 22:22 and close the doors of access used by the anti-Christ, humanistic structure that has infected our government and our society, and we declare a shifting to the foundation of truth and righteousness at the gates of our nation.

You are Yahweh, the God Who keeps covenant with His people. Lord, we bring You in remembrance of the blood of the martyrs upon this land—and of our godly heritage. Remember the faith of our founding fathers and their holy covenant with You for the dedication of this land for the glory of God and the furtherance to the Gospel. O, Lord, do not forget or forsake this covenant, we pray. For it is written: “The scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous. (Ps 125:3). For the sake of Your mighty Name, do not allow our enemies to triumph over us.

We call the Church to Awake and Arise! “Awake, awake, you who sleep come arise from the dead, and Christ will give you Light!” Arise and shine to be the Light of the world you are called to be (Eph 5:14, Is 60:1, Mt 5:14).

It is written that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church. Mighty God, empower Your people to stand against the tide of evil that seeks to overwhelm us and to take this nation back for You. We cry out for this nation to be one that is exalted by righteousness and whose God is the Lord. We declare justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line over this nation (Is 28:17-18). And we declare over America that the Lord is our Judge. The Lord is our Lawgiver. The Lord is our King. He will save us (Is 33:22).

We speak to the gateways of our cities and our nation, “Lift up your heads O gates and be lifted up O everlasting doors that the King of Glory may come in, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lord of hosts, arise in our midst so Your enemies will be scattered” (Ps 68:1). The heavens are Yours, and the earth also… Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne (Ps 89:11 and 14). Establish the dominion of Your throne over our wayward nation.

America, arise to your destiny!

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(Excerpt from “The Overcomer’s Handbook Kingdom Proclamations” by Barbara Potts)

About: Barbara L. Potts is an intercessor and prayer leader. She serves as the Maryland State Prayer Coordinator for Aglow International and as the U.S. Assistant to Aglow’s Global Prayer Director. For 24 years she has had “boots on the ground” with Capitol Hill Prayer Partners in Washington, DC.  For additional information on her books and ministry go to

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Jacqueline Moore
November 30, 2020

Jesus is here!


Marcia Djahanban
June 7, 2020

Thank you! My heart has cried out for our country and forgiveness of our transgressions. We have turned our heads away from God.

Helen Yarbrough
June 2, 2020

Yes, Jesus, we call Your church to awake and arise! Empower us to take this nation back for You, Lord.

Beth Ziarnik
June 2, 2020

Amen and amen!

Mark Modjeska
June 2, 2020

Called to identification repentance on behalf of our nation and the church, I value the heart and expertise of JOIN OUR PRAYER OF REPENTANCE: CRY OUT TO GOD FOR THE DESTINY OF AMERICA

Michele Nicol
June 2, 2020

Could not have thought of a more timely prayer for the state of our land, it’s people, and our spiritual state.

Kim Pascarella
June 2, 2020


Kim Juarez
June 2, 2020

I sent this out to 20 intercessors and posted it on Facebook! We must pray and this is a perfect prayer! Praise Jesus!

Maria Taylor
June 2, 2020

Abba Father, hear our cries, forgive us of our sins and heal our land. My heart breaks for my America, my heart breaks for all the lost. Lord, Your Word says the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to go out and make disciples of all the world. We need You God, we long for You to swiftly carry us up. As Your Word says, that those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint. O Daddy, thank you for Your never ending grace and mercy upon our lives. I wait in expectation to see You move, for You God are faithful. In Jesus most holy and mighty name I pray, Amen & Amen!!!

Doug Spurling
June 2, 2020

Thank you.

Keep praying & staying, the course.

June 2, 2020

Father, for those of us living in areas not affected by this civil unrest & lawlessness, I pray that the Body of Christ would go from the Dry Bones of Ezekiel 37 to a people of flesh with a heart that breaks like God’s Heart breaks. God, Break our hearts for the pain that the African American community & other injustices such as the killing of babies, the slaughter of inner city citizens & so much more. Lord, show us what breaks Your Heart and break our hearts in those areas. Body of Christ: may we throw off our rags & humble ourselves before the Living God. Father God — show us Your Mercy but redeem our Land.

Ezekiel 22:30 says we can create a wall of prayer around our leaders and our nation. Father God, we beseech you to hear our prayer… may a wall of God’s Wisdom surround our leaders from President Trump all the way down to mayors and chiefs of police…. may a wall of Righteousness surround our nation, that evil strongholds would be broken, that chains of bondage would be broken, that generational curses would be broken. Father God, hear our humble prayer. Remember your promises to this nation in Jesus name. Amen.

    Janet Thompson
    June 2, 2020

    Thank you for this prayer God bless you!
    Dear Lord I agree with this prayer In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Get all Glory in the name of Jesus as you hear our prayers Thank you Lord Amen.

June 2, 2020

Thank You for this powerful, powerful crafted prayer.

Lord let it be so in our land.

Cynthia Hoch
June 2, 2020

LORD, stir our hearts as the church to be the church that You have called us to be, dependent and trusting in You to perform Your word…Grace us in these wicked times to focus on You and Your faithfulness and power to overcome the darkness, because darkness cannot prevail before You…Help us as Your people to choose rightly, to make godly decisions with pure motives, not thinking of ourselves, but of those who know you not…O God, we are so easily caught up in the chaos of this world when truly we are pilgrims just passing through…May we, Your people walk forward knowing we are under the power of the blood of Jesus, proclaiming our testimonies and not loving our lives even unto death, for our true life is in You…None of it is by power or might, but by Your Spirit…LORD have mercy upon us and revive us! In Jesus’ name…Amen.

Jackie Prentiss
June 2, 2020

Amen to this timely straight to the point powerful cry out to the Lord God. Hear our earnest prayer dear Lord. In Jesus name I pray this. Amen

    Cynthia Hoch
    June 2, 2020

    The effective, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much! (James 5:16)


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