I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You that we can worship and praise You each and every day! Thank You that You are good and that we receive victory from Your hand.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Sean Feucht, the leader of #letusworship, a worship movement set on bringing revival to the U.S., is calling all Americans to Washington, D.C. on 09/11 and 09/12 to commemorate the 20-year anniversary of terror attacks on American soil. The events in Washington, D.C. will be focused on a time of prayer to remember those who lost their lives on 09/11; as well as a time to lift Jesus high in worship.

In a recent interview with Dave Kubal, President and CEO of a prayer movement that has rallied millions across the U.S., Intercessors for America; Feucht and Kubal spoke about similar words they had received from the Lord about the synergy of revival and worship. While praying through the lockdown and protests around the nation, Kubal received a word that revival will come to America through worship, sparked first in hotspots. Sean agreed, recalling how the Lord had also given him an assignment for the U.S. in this season, and a promise that revival will come through worship.

Feucht passionately recounted, ā€œFor 20 years I spent energy investing my heart in the hardest, darkest nations of the world. Iā€™ve been in most of the persecuted nations but, when COVID happenedā€¦I really felt like the Lord gave us our assignment to go after revival.ā€

ā€œWhat gave me hope was seeing the Church in the most fearful, intense, politicized season where there were so many tyrannical government leaders trying to shut the church down, and people refused to comply,ā€ Feucht said.

#letusworship has since marked its 125thĀ stop, from small towns to the largest cities across America.

Sean spoke about what he considered to be a miracle in receiving a permit to gather on the Mall on the anniversary of the terror attacks. ā€œI donā€™t know of any other organizations that have gotten a permit this year,ā€ said Feucht. Feucht originally requested an October date, but instead received permission to gather on September 11-12. ā€œIt is really prophetic and significant this being the 20thĀ year anniversary of 9/11,ā€ Feucht said. ā€œThe fact that there is nothing that is planned for those dates. The fact that I had a history with Amos 9:11, the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David, reiterated in Acts 15:16. Thatā€™s been part of my story line.ā€

Feucht, who at one time ran for office and has numerous relationships with Congressional leaders, offered biblical advice on praying for government leaders.

ā€œWell, you know weā€™re in a such a unique season right now; itā€™s so politicized. You can feel the demonic agendas rising within government leaders, and so Iā€™ve just been praying that the Lord would expose, bring revelation, and raise up Daniels within the government, (men and women) who are unwilling to bow and to take a stand for righteousness,ā€ said Feucht.

ā€œWell, we pray the prayer a lot; itā€™s a great prayer from Jesus that this place would look like that place. ā€˜That your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.ā€™ā€

ā€œOne of the most powerful ways to manifest those realities down here is to do what the angels and elders are doing up there.ā€ ā€œWhether itā€™s Paul and Silas locked up in prison. They worship and doors open. Not just their doors; it opens every prison door,ā€ Feucht said.

Feucht also prayed for worship to rise in hearts across the U.S.: ā€œLord, I just ask that in this season of intensity, division and oppression and anxiety that you would release a grace to worship like before,ā€ Feucht prayed.

Kubal asked Feucht to lead intercessors listening to their call to ask God to raise up leaders with a Daniel spirit, to serve in all levels of government.

Feucht prayed, ā€œJust like I prayed when I was 16-years-old on the (National) Mall, ā€˜Raise up righteous judges, righteous leaders, God, who (will help) turn the tide in America, God. (People who) would break the death decree of Roe v. Wade, God, that would stand for family values, Lord, that would uphold religious liberties.ā€™”

ā€œI pray God that this would be a season where we would see the fulfillment of those prayers in our day. For the sake of our childrenā€™s children, God, we pray right now for those members in the Senate, those members in the House of Representatives, those members in the federal government, Lord, that you have placed there for such a time as this.”

ā€œWe pray great encouragement to them today, God. That you would uphold them with boldness and with courage. That you would uphold their spirits with life, God. That you would make them like Peter prayed in the Book of Acts, God. That you would make them even more bold, God, more bold, more bold.ā€

ā€œYou know Iā€™m so grateful for you guys, and Iā€™m so grateful for the intercessors across America that have been, you know carrying us in prayer, that have had our back. We know that we are reaping where we have not sown,ā€ Feucht said at the conclusion of their interview.

Join #letusworship on the National Mall on 09/11 for a candlelight ceremony and appeal to heaven to honor ā€œfirst-responders, military personnel, and civilians who lost loved ones,ā€ followed up on 09/12 by a Let Us Worship service, also at the Mall. For more information and to register, click here.

Sean has founded several movements: ā€˜ā€œBurn 24-7ā€ is a global worship and prayer movement launched out of Seanā€™s college dorm room, now spanning 6 continents and more than 250 cities.ā€‹ā€‹ “Light A Candle” ā€‹is a global missions and compassion movement bringing light, hope, healing, and tangible love to the hardest, darkest and some of the most isolated places on earth. ā€‹”Hold the Line” ā€‹is a political activist movement seeking to rally the global church to engage in their civic duty – to vote and stand up for causes of righteousness and justice in the governmental arena.ā€ You can find out more about Sean’s ministries here.

Do you plan to be there? Is the Lord leading you to worship Him to victory? Share in the comments below!

This article is taken from an IFA interview between Dave Kubal and Sean Feucht.

(Photo Credit: Jose Fontano/Unsplash).

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September 11, 2021

Let all evil strongholds over America be broken, captives held unjustly in prison in DC be set free, Americans held hostage in Afghanistan be released, miracles of deliverance and healing flow from the heart of Abba through Jesusā€™ redemptive work and the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit happen. Let Godā€™s grace and love permeate DC and shake things up there and across America to restore righteousness through godly leadership in every state, county, city and town according to our founding documents and covenants with God. Father raise up and restore Your Church as a mighty army up girded by host of warring angels to defeat all satanic strategies, expose all lies, evil mandates, and end abortion in every state. We cry out in repentance for our sins and seek Your mercy. Restore us as one nation under You. Hallelujah! So be it in Jesusā€™ name. Amen!

September 10, 2021

Did some of our founding fathers (and other Godly men and women throughout our history) have the foresight that, maybe one day our nation may fall away from God, so…they encouraged worship and incorporated into certain patriotic hymns and songs a type of key or device to use in case of emergency…like right now! Please God help us to spread and encourage worship with thanksgiving for You and for the blessings You have bestowed upon our nation! May the spiritual songs be sung out and spread abroad publicly, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

September 10, 2021

Did some of our founding fathers (and other Godly men and women throughout our history) have the foresight that, maybe one day our nation may fall away from God, so…they encouraged worship and incorporated into certain patriotic hymns and songs a type of key or device to use in case of emergency…like right now! Please God help us to spread and encourage worship with Thanksgiving for You and for the blessings you’ve bestowed upon our nation! May the spiritual songs be sung out and spread abroad publicly, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

September 10, 2021

I pray blessings on all those in attendance and for those praying for the success of this event. Pour out Your spirit with grace for repentance and a confirmation of Your love with miracles and signs. Let the worship and praises shake the earth with a great release of Your power and glory. Let the prison doors of the 1/6 prisoners be opened like You did for Paul and Silas. Let the airplanes filled with US citizens and allies be released to fly to freedom from the Taliban. May mercy for America with a great revival rise across America and abroad.
As we worship make our enemies retreat, repent, and surrender to You. Make all their evil plans (especially mandates and abortion) fail. Raise up righteous leaders that honor You. Let America fulfill her destiny to evangelize the world. In Jesus name. Amen!

September 10, 2021

Amazing. Worship on the mall 9/10 and 9/11. So desperately needed in light of recent embolddening and equipping of our enemies. Arming them. Placing our citizens, allies, Christians in their hands. Our porous borders.
Oh Lord, use this worship on the mall to save lives and foil evil plans. Yes Lord, we praise your works. Just as Esther saved her people by prayer and fasting, we plead that evil plots are foiled by praise.

    Susan CC
    September 10, 2021

    Elana, I will join you in “pleading that evil plots are foiled by praise.” Amen and Amen!

Susan CC
September 10, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray Sean Feucht’s plan is good and pleasing in Your sight. I humbly ask You to circulate the news of this upcoming event and draw not only the faithful…draw the inquisitive, the rejecters and even those intending to disrupt. I pray the hearts and minds of those not yet Yours would confess and believe, “there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all.” I pray in this perfect time, September 11th and 12th, the testimony given, will consume the hearts and minds of EVERYONE. May they be saved and come to the knowledge of truth for YOUR GLORY. I pray in the Name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

1 Timothy:3-6. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for allā€”the testimony that was given at just the right time.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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