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Pray with other intercessors for the nation on Election Day.

Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. (Mt 18:19-20)

Our prayer line will be open all day for intercession, Tuesday, November 6, 2018, for the midterm elections. Call anytime and pray with other intercessors from across the nation. IFA staff will join the call throughout the day. Make sure you pray aloud so others can pray in agreement. Vote first and then call in to pray. DialĀ (712) 432-0075, access code 1412452#.

What was your experience at the polls? Leave a comment below.

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November 8, 2018

November 6, 2018 at 7:32 AM
Dear Heanenly Father,
Thank You for Your faithfulness toward all the saints and Patriots in America and around the world who have been praying for this country. I pray that You would put a hedge of protection around our country and our President and his family and all of the voters who will be at the polls today.
Please send your warring angels to push back any forces of darkness, violence and intimidation that plan to come against the voters today. Please send your angels to tofrustrae the plans of those who are trying to get votes by cheating, rigging any voting machines, putting dead people on the poll lists or encouraging and aiding illegal non citizens to vote. Mess up the rigged machines Lord. Expose all of those who are implementing nefarious means to illegally influence the votes. Bring justice to these evil people Lord who, even unknowingly may be promoting the agenda of the Deep State and NWO. Please open the eyes of all the voters to see that this is more than a political battle, but that it is Spiritual warfare between good vs. evil.
I ask you to send your angels and the prayers of your saints to block any and all hexes and spells and curses being sent out by the witches and warlocks and all Wiccan covens around the world that are aimed at destroying the goals of our faithful saints and Patriots who are voting for and praying for a return to a righteous and Godly America.
I pray that you put a firewall of protection around all of the People who are involved in exposing the evil and corruption in our government, especially President Trump, Vice President Pence, Jeff Sessions and his team, General Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Judge Kavanaugh, Judge Gorsuch, the Q anons, and all others who are committed to draining the swamp and cleaning up our government. Please protect them God, as it is no exaggeration to say their lives are in danger. I ask that You would, through Your supernatural means, bring forth and expose any documents that the CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc. are holding back and trying to hide from our government and the public. Turn the hearts and minds of these evil people to bring forth the perpetrators of all the ugly, evil acts that have been going on in our country and world for who knows how long.
Bring holy Justice to the traitors in our country, and to the evil ones who have exploited children and other human beings, using them for satanic rituals and selling them into sexual slavery.
Destroy the evil bloodlines that have continued these evil practices throughout the centuries. Bring justice to the victims of these groups of people and their families.
Dear Father, please motivate people to go and vote today, putting on their hearts the importance of this election. And I pray, dear Father for repentance in our great nation, for that is the only way we can expect revival and blessings from You. We have grown exceedingly sinful in America, doing things and acting in ways that are so repulsive that this would have been unthinkable to our parentsā€™ generation. Please let your Holy Spirit convict our people toward repentance and in your mercy, pull us up from the slimy, miry clay we have been drowning in. Open the hearts of our people once more to your love, dear Lord. And open the eyes of our people to the sacrificial love of our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Praise You, dear Father, that You love us so much that the Scriptures say You actually bend down and open Your ears to hear us as we speak to You. How unbelievably wonderful is that!
Thank You Father.
I pray these prayers in the Name above all Names, Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen

Felicia Penner
November 7, 2018

I am seeing a big shift in our country, i think this election shows that Americans are waking up to the Socialist threat to our very existence. It is disappointing on the Republicans loosing the House, but what amazed me is how close the races were, that to spite being outfunded and being ignored or abused by the media, that most conservatives showed high numbers of votes. Also it seemed more Conservative Governors were elected. This is huge. We also know there was some voter fraud, there always is. So, all in all, i think this was a great win. Praise the Lord.
Lord, i ask that those conservatives that are now leading would keep there lead, those who are losing by small margins would gain in the last counts. We pray salvation for all the Democrates, and any Republicans who do not know it is You who gave us this country that they believe in. We pray your continued work in the hearts of men and woman on the Hill, our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name, Amen

November 6, 2018

Father,I ask that You turn the tide in favor for righteousness, and integrity.
It looks like we are not fairing well, but it also looked like President Trump was not fairing well in 2016, but it changed because Your people started interceding and praying even harder. That Your people who have run for offices will prevail in this election, so President Trump will have the help he needs to continue making America great again for You.

Father, send Your angels to intervene if there has been any type of deception in the voting process and to reverse it.

LORD, convict Your prayer warriors to continue to pray and to intercede even more then they are already doing for this election.

Father, let Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We cry out to You LORD to reverse the tide for righteousness and integrity. We plead the cause for pro-life, for the unborn that can be affected if people who are pro-death get into office.

I ask this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

November 6, 2018

Father, as we watch these election returns,it appears that some of our very godly people seem to be not getting the votes they need. Ted Cruz of Texas is it an extremely godly man who represents people throughout the country, not just Texas, by always voting for godly positions. Father, I ask in the name of Jesus that you would bring him the votes he needs to win tonight! Again, itā€™s not just Texas he represents, but the kingdom of God. We pray for victory for all your godly people, in Jesus Name, Amen

November 6, 2018

Felicia Penner I praise God for you leading the way in these comments! as you did with the Dutch sheets video on why we should vote

November 6, 2018

Heavenly Father we surrender to you on spiritually bended knee. Please answer us in our deepest need to save this country You so richly blessed us to live in. GOD, BLESS AMERICA in her need. Part the Red Sea that you may lift her up and place her high on the hill of victory tonight. May she shine like never before because your Son is shining through her. May all nations look to her as the truly shining city on the hill standing strong with Israel, hand in hand, arms raised up giving You all the honor and glory. We know you are the ruler of heaven and earth. Please come to our rescue and make us victorious tonight so that all would understand that truly You are Lord of all and Savior of the world. We give you ALL THE HONOR AND GLORY.

November 6, 2018

Fran at https://www.ifapray.org/blog/join-intercessors-to-pray-on-election-day-tuesday-november-6/#comment-11286
I praise God for the prayer he gave you! for which I pray all who read it will know that it is true in all it says about our country and does need to be continually repeat it to ourselves until God gives us the grace truly know it is true and trust God to be at work in US obey what God leads us to do to overcome the evil by our growing submission to the Holy Spirit working through us to do all of God’s will as being in Jesus name!
I have asked to see any new posts! I am Tom at: http://www.ifapray.org/blog/join-intercessors-to-pray-on-election-day-tuesday-november-6/#comment-11344

November 6, 2018

Our Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for having Donald Trump elected as our leader and thank you for the gift of our vote. Please let your people get out and vote wisely to carry out your agenda Lord. This is the first time in years I have felt real hope that our country may be healed and returned to you Lord. Please heal all the people acting so crazy in the other party. Show them the light , and change their zeal from hate , to love and peace. Thy will be done! AMEN

Deborah Lemons
November 6, 2018

Thank you for the privilege and the freedom to vote, to make choices, to speak and to pray. Though it is late in the day there are still many many thousands to vote and I pray Lord that your Spirit is working in hearts and minds as people go to the polls or mark their ballots. I pray that your faithful people and those who make claims on your name are listening, even acting on positive emotions and responding. I pray that as events and voting is taking place that your Spirit will block and bind the powers and influences of evil; let them not be effective and God when they get attention, may they also receive a chastising and corrective action – an accountability to lawful rules and actions. Break the strongholds of resistance, distraction, disruption, distruction of ill intent in and towards our government Republic structure of Freedom and government of all people, not a few.

May we, America, return to being a country of laws and principle based on your law and your commands and covenant. Thank you for those in leadership positions and status who are holding true and strong in faith; may they grow and may more representatives be chosen. God bless and guide our President, Vice President, The Cabinet and heads of Agencies, the SCOTUS, Ambassadors, all with authority and power of shaping our government, our country. Bless, guide and empower all levels and areas of Law enforcement and national security. Thank you God for your plans, your working in all things for the good of your people. We pray in and by the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in us.

Susan Askins
November 6, 2018

While praying this morning I was asking for pro-life candidates to be elected. And all pro-choice candidates to be removed from their place authority. Then. I asked myself why do I call them pro-choice. The opposite of life is death so they are pro-death candidates. With that in mind I am asking you Heavenly Father to awaken the Christian from their slumber and go out and vote pro-life. Jesus you came to bring life and to bring it more abundantly. Satan is here to kill steal and destroy. So I speak life into this election today and ask for Your mercy oh God upon this nation. Let this be the election that will turns us away from the slaughter of our innocence in the abortion mills of this nation.
In the sweet and precious name of Jesus I pray

Carol Hedrick
November 6, 2018

Father, I thank You that You are hearing and answering our prayers. I thank You that You will bring all things to pass according to Your will. I thank You and I praise and worship Your Holy Name for Who You are and what You are doing in this election and in this nation. I thank You that You are giving this nation another chance to get things right and in line with what You have always intended for this nation. I magnify Your Holy Name, You are awesome O LORD, You are all that this nation needs or will ever need. As You sit upon Your throne, I honor and worship You. Thank You for the privilege of living in the country called the United States of America. I thank You that Your people who are called by Your name have come before you many, many times to pray and to seek Your face and not Your hand. WE love You LORD and we lift up our voices to worship You, Who is mighty in wonders. You, Who, spoke the worlds into existence, Who has given each and everyone of us Your breathe of life. For without You LORD we can do and are nothing. For You hold all things in Your hands, and You created all things.

We bless You on this special election day and again I thank You for what You are bringing to pass this huge eventful day in America. I humble myself before You in all Your splendor and majesty.

Our Father, Who art in heaven hallowed be Thy Name,Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever Amen and Amen

WE worship You and magnify Your Holy Name. Amen

November 6, 2018

Sovereign God of all creation in the great scheme of things we Americans are a small 5 to 6% of all the people in your world and yet you have so richly rewarded America with your blessings! an America that started out firmly planted on your foundation! we pray now it is your will for this prodigal country to Rise From the Ashes of having left you behind! We ask for a Godly Nation once again led by men and women who know you love you and have a deep understanding and respect for your will and ways! So we ask you to transform the hearts of those who serve as Leaders but don’t know or honor you as sovereign please make yourself known to them beloved father show us we can respectfully and effectively represent you if and when we are able to interact with them because we believe this is truly praying in your son’s name by the blood of his sacrifice!

Carol Hedrick
November 6, 2018

Father, I ask You open the spiritual eyes and ears of Your people who have deaf ears and blind eyes, who have lost their way at this time. I pray their eyes and ears will be opened and they will finally be able to understand and recognize Your truth when it comes to the issues that are before us, concerning abortion and all things that are not in line with what You want.
I pray that You will encourage people who are in limbo about what to do and how to vote, give them wisdom and understanding.

Father, I ask that you give President Trump, the wisdom of Solomon in how to bring peace to America, how to guide this nation that was formed on Your Word and Your righteousness. Father, bless the President, his family, his administration and their families. I pray You will send Your warring angels to surround him, his family, his administration and their families to protect and keep them safe.

Father, I ask that Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in America as it is in Heaven. Move upon Your people, wake them up, shake them up, to bring us to our feet where we will stand and not be moved regardless of what comes against us. Raise up Your warring Church, in these last days, that we will be the Church You have always intended us to be, to stand for integrity, righteousness, hope, peace and love,(Your agape love not man’s love). To stand strong for the LORD Jesus Christ and not be moved no matter what it may bring upon us. Strengthen us LORD, strengthen us. to never be complacent again, to never back down, or give up again as we have in times past. Let Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in Your Church as it is in Heaven.

In Jesus’ precious name I pray Amen.

November 6, 2018

Lord God thank you for all of these wonderful prayers warriors and our shared love for you. May you hear our prayers and Dear Lord may you please forgive me a sinner that I may not be a stumbling block to your answered prayer. We need you now in our country for so many things we have managed to mishandled in your behalf. I pray for your mercy and love to be poured out on us as we seek your Face and pray that you would save our land. You are our God, the able, merciful, forgiving, loving, perfect, all knowing, alpha and omega, lovely, wise, majestic, eternal, beautiful, kind, gentle and true. I exalt you Lord! I glorify you Lord! Praises to our King! Thanking you Lord for all things. Amen

November 6, 2018

Oh Daddy, ABBA, Father,
Like Daniel I grieve.
I grieve for our sins of
pride, greed, compromise, cowardice
that we who know You are entangled.
Father the world sees us and turns away from You because there is cruel sin, cruel self ensnaring our testimony. Father our children see and turn away. Father open our eyes this day to see ourselves as You see us… voters, local, state and federal officials in every facet of authority.
EL ROI… convict us this day that You see every act done in darkness; there are no secrets that will someday not be revealed. Father help us this day to own our sin, confess our sin whether it be
independence, traditions or unbelief.
Father forgive us.
Help us not worship power, money,
acceptance, comfort, security.
You are with the lowly of heart.
Cleanse us, purge all that keeps us
from reflecting Your glory.
Father help us not be bound
by upward mobility
that neglects those in need…
not impressing ourselves
with acts of kindness
for the praises of men.
My eyes are on You.
Prosper our souls to the glory of Your name.
In Jesusā€™ name,

Loretta Marie Moody
November 6, 2018

I thank Jesus Christ for the authority that he gave His followers. He told us to cast out demons, and we cast out the globalist plan that is destruction, and we pray forth the power of the Holy Spirit to give life and abundantly. We thank God for the victory that is in His Name, Jesus Christ’s name is the name above all names, and I agree with other intercessors that America belongs to the Lord, in Jesus Christ name, Amen !

Judy Lokits
November 6, 2018

2 Chronicles 20 is a wonderful story of God’s intervention for Jehosephat and the Israelites. Lord, we are reminded to: “Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…..Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will [fight for]be with you” Lord, we will trust You to hear our prayers, our repentance, and our praise for Who You are! You too want righteousness and Godly principles to prevail in America….You are the only One who can truly bring this to pass. We will trust You to be with us and deliver us from the plans and plots of the enemy. We will trust You to place your servants in places of power, to use Your power to change others and to reveal Truth to them all. We will lean on Your promises…the promises of Your Word, and surrender our own plans as we have faith in Your love for us and America. All thanks and praise be to You, “for Your love endures forever”.

November 6, 2018

Lord, end abortion, and send revival! We thank You and give You all of the praises. In Jesus Name, amen and amen!

Joan Arpin
November 6, 2018

I,too, join in praying the prayers of the intercessors here, adding agreement to the multitudes who have been called to stand the gap to interceed for our country,the elections, repentance and forgiveness of our sins, exposure of what has been/is hidden to come to light, for truth, honesty and a return to the biblical, moral bedrock foundation of how we conduct business and treat each other.
Father open the eyes of those who have listened and believed the news media’s portrail of our president,policies and government. Expose the lies and put forth the real truth of accomplishment. Thank you Father for bringing prayer and Bible study back into the White House and government..make it flourish in all areas.
Thank you for your protection on all intercessors and their families. Encourage us in this “behind the scenes ” vital work for your kingdom.Thank You for hearing our prayers, thank You for moving mightily in our country, our families, our hearts.

Joye moffatt
November 6, 2018

Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing our prayers ! Bring a Red wave of to win America over ! Bring justice peace and defeat all lies of the enemy . Protect our President and leaders with your angelic army now in Jesus name !

November 6, 2018

2 Chronicles 20:18-22 shows us that worship is also warfare. Let us praise the beauty of His holiness. Let us praise the LORD for His mercy endures forever! Let us praise the God who saves not by many but by few. The few who believe not in the strength of man but in the strength of God.

Michele Fountain
November 6, 2018

Precious Heavenly Father, all glory, honor and praise be to your might righteous Name. I join together with my brothers and sisters in Christ and agree with them in these prayers. I thank you, Mighty God, that you chose us from before the world began to be your very own. Thank you for the righteous blood that Jesus shed so that we could have the privilege of coming before your throne in prayer. Thank you, Lord, that it is no accident that we are here on this earth today for such a time as this. Thank you that we do not need to fear for You did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind. Thank you that, “the prayers of a righteous man availeth much.” We come before you knowing that your Word tells us, “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.” We humbly repent for the sins of our nation, the blood sacrifices we have made to Baal through abortion and the killing of innocent children, the sexual perversion we have embraced, the worship of money, celebrity and other false gods, our forfeiture of prayer and the name of Jesus in our schools and government buildings, the deep corruption of our government … the list is endless. We have torn down every righteous gift you have given us with our own hands. Forgive us, Dearest Lord, and hear from Heaven and heal our land. We put on the whole armor of God: the belt of Truth, the breastplate of Righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of Peace and the helmet of Salvation. We take up the sword of the Spirit, and the shield of Faith and we stand. The battle belongs to You, Mighty God, and we say,”Yes.” We ask that you preserve and protect our nation from the evil that seeks to destroy us. Send your warring angels and your heavenly hosts to ensure your righteous leaders would be elected today. Forgive us in your church for becoming lukewarm and turning from our first love, for failing to bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, for embracing the philosophy of the World rather than the Truth of Your Word, for failing to preach the reality and utmost danger of all sin, for quarreling and gossiping among ourselves, for our failure to love as You have loved us. Bring truth, unity, obedience and love to the Body of Christ and to our nation. May we truly be One Nation Under God. Thank You, Father, for hearing our prayers. Thank you that, “if we confess our sin, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Thank You for what You have done, for what You are doing, and for what You will do both in the Body of Jesus Christ and in the United States of America. All glory and honor and praise be to you, for truly you are worthy to receive it. In Jesus’ name we pray.

November 6, 2018

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed it be Thy NAME. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And, forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

November 6, 2018

Father in Heaven,
Now is the time for repentance and restoration of government. Commence thy work in this land and among all nations.
I ask for this today, in the name of Jesus Christ.

November 6, 2018

Heavenly Father praise, glory and honor belong to You alone. We come to You to fix and heal our Nation for only You are capable of this. We place these Mid-term elections in Your hand. We ask that You would shorten Satan’s chain and bring confusion and lack of communication among the enemy’s camp.
Father, we know Satan is behind this Globalist, Progressive, Socialist movement that the the Democrats and some Republicans have embraced. We pray that You would return this Nation back to it’s roots- back to You.
I stand with Iva Grahek and others who are coming to You by the authority of Jesus and asking You to move mighty through these polls in every corner of this Nation to remove and expose voter fraud and those who should not be voting. We ask that You would install Contitutionally minded men and women into positions of authority that are friendly to Your Gospel. We ask that in the name of Yeshua our King.

Carolyn Bell
November 6, 2018

Father, I thank you this morning for the opportunity to join my faith in agreement with other Sisters and Brothers in Christ to make our request known! We ask that Your Will be established and done here on Earth, in our nation and these elections, as it is in Heaven! We declare that Righteousness will prevail and You will be glorified today as people go out and cast their votes! We pray wisdom, guidance and safety for our President Donald Trump and family plus all our government officials! In Jesus Precious Name! Amen!

Iva Grahek
November 6, 2018

Heavenly Father, we come before you in humility, repentance and sorrow for our sins as individuals and as a nation. We ask that you take away our sins and remember them no more. May there be nothing that interferes with our Praise of you oh God our Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, three in one. We praise you and give you the honor and glory that only YOU deserve. Rescue us from ourselves. Rescue us from our sinful ways. Help us to turn back to you, that we will be obedient to your plan for each of us and this nation. Unveil our eyes to the sin in our lives and our nation that we may continue to repent and be healed. May believers offer prayer and praise that is a sweet aroma to your nostrils. May we as believers, do our duty in taking up the mantel to watch, pray, and move through the spirit in our families, communities, states, and nation in bringing down the plans and actions of the enemy in the spiritual realms. God, it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. May we never experience such a dreadful thing. Holy Father, if we must experience your wrath, as David prayed, “Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands.ā€ Use our Nation for your purposes. To you be the Glory of God, for now and evermore. Amen

Patricia Cuevas
November 6, 2018

Thank you Father for this opportunity that we have to come to you. I declare in the name of Jesus your promise for Unided State of America our nation!!

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
AmĆ©n šŸ™!!!

Cheri Henderson
November 6, 2018

Dear Father, I am praying this morning in agreement with many others who believe in the power of prayer and our God who has promised that He would heal our land if we pray, seek His face, admit our sinful ways and turn from them.Heal our increasingly amoral society. With man it is impossible to accomplish a turnaround for America, but with You, Lord, all things are possible.Praying with my sisters and brothers in the powerful Name Above all Names, Jesus. Amen/So be it!

November 6, 2018

I am in agreement with all of these mighty prayers! Mt. 18:19

November 6, 2018

Dear Lord, I thank you for all the people who have posted on this board. I have prayed aloud everyone of their prayers, in agreement, and I especially appreciate how well thought out each and every post has been.

Consistent with everyone elseā€™s prayer, Father, I just pray that you put the most Christ-centered person in each of the positions that are up for election. Our country needs to return to biblical values so that we can give You the glory and honor You deserve. You tell us in your word that there is strength in numbers and we come en masse asking that our fellow Christians win each of these elections, so that Your biblical principles can be reestablished in our land. To Your glory, in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Kerry Denham
November 6, 2018

Lord, we are asking for this nation as you have bid us to ask. Any poll taken cannot hold up to the promises in your Word. Father, you heard our prayer and saved this nation in the 2016 election.
DO IT AGAIN!!! Praise the faithfulness of our heavenly Father to hear the cries of his people.

Judith Falcon
November 6, 2018

Praying hard for our beloved country. Thank you for allowing me to pray with you.

david oliver
November 6, 2018

Praise God! Father, of all. Creator of Heaven and earth. Whom sent His only begotten son Jesus “Yeshua” was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace of mind was laid upon Him. And by His stripes, we were healed.

Abba, Father I pray that our country begins to understand and honor you using the many gifts you’ve bestowed upon us. With Fasting, praise and worship seeking His guidance and direction using the Word of God which is the Spirit of the Spirit.

I pray that our land starts using its wisdom and knowledge all unity and corporate prayer will break anything contrary to the word of God praying in spirit and truth.

Father, I pray that your Word, the Holy Spirit, and our Lord, Jesus Christ will continue to guide, teach, counsel, protect, pray, and intercede for America.

Heavenly, Father I pray that the “United States” shall not lead upon its own understanding. But, seek the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit of God daily with praise and worship, Thanking you for all your benefits and whom you are and all you’ve done and continue to do for us. I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.

Marja Dā€™Auria
November 6, 2018

My gracious and merciful father, master and creator of all things, I love you!

My Lord, we need you everyday, but today we especially need you as our nation comes together to vote, I pray Father that the Holy Spirit be with us all, guiding us to see what is true and upright.
I pray in agreement to break the stronge holds in our government and that we as a nation stand up to bring You Lord back to be front and center in our nation.

There is so much darkness all around us, I pray God that our eyes be opened to see the light.

In your sons mighty mighty loving name Jesus Christ ā¤ļø

Rosemary Brown
November 6, 2018

2 Chronicles 7:14: If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and PRAY and SEEK my face and TURN from their wicked ways, I will HEAR from heaven and will FORGIVE their sins and HEAL their land.


Steve Olson
November 6, 2018

Father in heaven, it is because of who You are and what You have done that grants us access to you to come before you with our prayers and petitions. Thank You for Your sacrifice and Your intercession on our behalf.
I pray that You will protest Pres Trump, VPres Pence and their families both physically and spiritually. I pray they will be instruments for accomplishing your will. I pray that you will raise up leaders at the federal, state, and local levels that are zealous for you and that you grant them success in accomplishing the work that brings You glory. Give them the courage, the boldness and strength to face the challenges, the threats and the attacks that they will stand in the gap against the forces of evil and faithfully represent You and the people of this nation. I pray for that You will raise up men and women of integrity, honesty and loyalty to serve You and this nation.
Even the pagan ruler Nebuchadnezzar recognized that You establish rulers and you remove them as You please. We therefore pray that You will intervene in this election to establish elected men and women that are Your instruments to promote a biblical world view, to restore the sanctity of life, Your divine order and ethical behavior. Protect them and help them to practice honesty, integrity and purity .
We pray that You will expose the lies, the deceit and corruption in our government, in the political parties and in the media and cause the citizens of this nation to be angry and demand that those committing these acts be held accountable and brought to justice. Expose the deep state and deny success to these unrighteous individuals. Lord Jesus, we pray that You will intervene on behalf of this nation to thwart the forces of evil and deny the further advancement of the corruption, destruction and perversion in this nation that You established and ordained.
Be present at this time throughout this nation to deny success to those that oppose You, Your commandments, Your principles and Your standards. Amen

B Shuler
November 6, 2018

The WV ammendment to stop tax funding of abortion was worded so confusingly that many of my friends voted against it- hoping they were voting Against, but you had to vote For it to be against it!

Daivd Kirkendall
November 6, 2018

Father God we humble ourselves under your mighty hand of Righteousness. We employ your mercy and grace to dispel the darkness and to expose the lies for what they are and that we as your people, under God, will stand in your authority to take back our Nation by humbling ourselves in prayer and voting. May you even today begin to challenge young Godly men and woman to be called forth to run for offices and to be our Judges that will establish Your standards and uphold our Constitution in the original intent. We ask today that the True Light, Jesus, will enlighten every man, woman and child in America to the Truth. Jesus we cry out for your mercy; that the scales on the eyes of every America citizen will be removed and that we will have ears to hear You and a will to obey. Arise Holy Spirit of Truth and speak into the hearts of your people who are called by your name to vote for Your heart. We come against the media projections that would discourage or cause doubt and we look to you for Truth and Justice as the Author and Finisher of our Faith believing you will have mercy on America and put into office those who will help restore this nation to a nation after You. May we have the spirit and boldness that David, the shepherd boy at the time, said to King Saul, about the Philistine giant, Goliath, “Let no man’s heart fail on account of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine…”The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” God we praise you we can trust you that you will deliver us from the wickedness and lies in our Government and will establish your leaders in office and turn the tide of the Far Left opinions and lies, because we ask and believe you want this more than we do. In Jesus Name I pray.

Ruthann Bailey Miller
November 6, 2018

Gracious and loving Father, thank You for hearing our cry and pouring out Your grace like a glory cloud over this nation bringing enlightenment, revelation and deliverance to those who have been suffering by the demonic forces exposing hidden agendas and restoring justice in our lives. You are raising the standard according to your written Word which is yes and Amen. You have called, equipped, and appointed Your preordained people to stand for liberty and justice at this very point of time and junction. You’ve had a redemption plan long before the foundations of this world were formed. You are bringing order back to the Capitol as the government is on Your shoulders. Reformation is coming to our nation. Peace on earth as it is in Heaven. Love for one another is permeating the atmosphere. We are fighting the good fight of faith and believing the truth of Your Word decreeing and declaring abundant blessings and favor over everyone involved. We are arising with fresh and renewed strength to take back what the enemy has stolen from us. This Country was founded on God’s freedom, liberty and justice for all. It is now returning to its original state. We are a lighthouse to others based upon Christian values piercing the darkness while bringing a solution. Let God arise in this hour with hope for all to enter in and be saved in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

November 6, 2018

Dear Heanenly Father,
Thank You for Your faithfulness toward all the saints and Patriots in America and around the world who have been praying for this country. I pray that You would put a hedge of protection around our country and our President and his family and all of the voters who will be at the polls today.
Please send your warring angels to push back any forces of darkness, violence and intimidation that plan to come against the voters today. Please send your angels to tofrustrae the plans of those who are trying to get votes by cheating, rigging any voting machines, putting dead people on the poll lists or encouraging and aiding illegal non citizens to vote. Mess up the rigged machines Lord. Expose all of those who are implementing nefarious means to illegally influence the votes. Bring justice to these evil people Lord who, even unknowingly may be promoting the agenda of the Deep State and NWO. Please open the eyes of all the voters to see that this is more than a political battle, but that it is Spiritual warfare between good vs. evil.
I ask you to send your angels and the prayers of your saints to block any and all hexes and spells and curses being sent out by the witches and warlocks and all Wiccan covens around the world that are aimed at destroying the goals of our faithful saints and Patriots who are voting for and praying for a return to a righteous and Godly America.
I pray that you put a firewall of protection around all of the People who are involved in exposing the evil and corruption in our government, especially President Trump, Vice President Pence, Jeff Sessions and his team, General Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Judge Kavanaugh, Judge Gorsuch, the Q anons, and all others who are committed to draining the swamp and cleaning up our government. Please protect them God, as it is no exaggeration to say their lives are in danger. I ask that You would, through Your supernatural means, bring forth and expose any documents that the CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc. are holding back and trying to hide from our government and the public. Turn the hearts and minds of these evil people to bring forth the perpetrators of all the ugly, evil acts that have been going on in our country and world for who knows how long.
Bring holy Justice to the traitors in our country, and to the evil ones who have exploited children and other human beings, using them for satanic rituals and selling them into sexual slavery.
Destroy the evil bloodlines that have continued these evil practices throughout the centuries. Bring justice to the victims of these groups of people and their families.
Dear Father, please motivate people to go and vote today, putting on their hearts the importance of this election. And I pray, dear Father for repentance in our great nation, for that is the only way we can expect revival and blessings from You. We have grown exceedingly sinful in America, doing things and acting in ways that are so repulsive that this would have been unthinkable to our parentsā€™ generation. Please let your Holy Spirit convict our people toward repentance and in your mercy, pull us up from the slimy, miry clay we have been drowning in. Open the hearts of our people once more to your love, dear Lord. And open the eyes of our people to the sacrificial love of our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Praise You, dear Father, that You love us so much that the Scriptures say You actually bend down and open Your ears to hear us as we speak to You. How unbelievably wonderful is that!
Thank You Father.
I pray these prayers in the Name above all Names, Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen

Evelyn Hunter
November 6, 2018

Gracious Father,
We lift up your name, high exalted above every name: King of Kings, Mighty God, Faithful, Prince of Peace. You have raised up men and women who have prepared and persevered through this election cucle to bring righteous, lawful goverment to our country. They are only flesh, their strength and wisfom come by Your council and favir. I pray that in this day each one will turn and submit to You and be thankful for this opportunity to seeve You and others in leadership.
Leave us, Lord, not alone in our weakness but be out strength in faith.
We look to You to open hwarts and minds to come and vote for godly principles of governing and to thwart all efgorts of dishonesty and coercion.
We wait on You, Lord. Our eyes turn to You. Thank you and praise Your Name.

lois oyler
November 6, 2018

Thank you Lord Jesus for fellow christians praying for this election day. I love you and pray for President Trump.

Angie Alonzo
November 6, 2018

Father God,we come before you in humility to Bless you and plead the Blood of Jesus Christ upon all the people today is election day and we ask that Gofly men and women be elected to be our leaders. Let your Peace rule over all people we bind the plans of the enemy and that you be exalted in The earth as you are in heaven! Thank you for the Victory that’s coming in these elections today! In Jesus name we pray amen!

Carol Davie
November 6, 2018

Amen. We agree with our brothers and sisters in the USA that God will uphold honesty and Trump and Pence in this election so that your will be done in this election. Yes we ask that those who are against biblical values and working to bring unrighteousness to this nation will as Psalms 7 says fall into their own our. May God be glorified in this nation so that they can fulfil the destiny God has called them to in blessing many nations. Amen

Alberta M. Baker
November 6, 2018

Father, we cry out to You, the One true God, may Your light shine, may Your will be done this day, in Jesus Name. May the Holy Spirit arouse Your children
to arise and go vote this day! Forgive us our sins Father, may we be a loving force for You this day every where we go, speaking the truth in love.
May Your enemies be scattered, remove the blinders from theirs eyes and ears, that they would hear truth and receive it.
We love You this day Father, we praise Your Name, in Jesus I pray, amen.

Akiko Calvert
November 6, 2018

Lord, our father, today is the day for all of us praying for the righteousness on this nation. Please forgive us our ignorance, short coming, arrogance, all other sins in us. Please led our nation to be back to You. Move all of votersā€™s heart to you and let us see Your Glory on this nation. Reveal all evil plots over voting system and terminate evil schem for this day. Send Your Mighty Angels for this battle. We unite under a God. Hear our prayer today. Thank you for your greatness and mercy and love for us. In Jesus name we pray.

Toni Kushner
November 6, 2018

Gracious Heavenly Father we give you praise, honor and thanksgiving for the privilege of living in the United States of America. forgive us Father for the sins of our nation and have mercy upon us. Restore us as a nation to stand for righteousness once again and glorify your Name. We ask for this election to bring forth men and women who will be a support to our president both in the congress, the house and in all state and local branches of government. We ask that you would move upon the hearts of the people to step forward to vote. Protect all voting areas from any form of violence and keep the spirit of peace in this nation on this day. Be glorified once again and let us see the forces of evil once again defeated across the nation for righteousness exalts a nation and how we desire to see our nation once again be a nation under God. Blessed is your Name! Amen

November 6, 2018

Praying and believing God is able. His people are praying, repenting and crying out. He will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. Amen.

November 6, 2018

Heavenly Father, You are Almighty, our Creator, Forgive us for sacrificing our innocent babies, forgive us for building to the neglect of others, forgive our religious spirit. Light our path with truth, Open our eyes to see hearts. Your amazing love leads us to love You, desiring to honor you. Your love, your gracious mercy exemplifies Your command to love one another. During these times we pray to have leaders elected to our government who honor You. Leaders honor You, acknowledge, revere You as the Great I AM.Leaders who wisely understand how and what needs to be in place for our nation to assist, support one another. Leaders who value truth above themselves. Stir hearts Oh Lord that we vote for those who are favorable to You.

November 6, 2018

Father, I agree with the prayer of my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus. I pray for your angels to protect the voters today from evildoers who wish them harm while going to and being at the polls today. Father thwart the enemies plans and turn them back to where they came from. Protect President Trump, his family, VicePresident and his family, and all of his cabinet. Change peoples hearts and minds toward You Father, even today, because nothing is impossible for you! Bless this nation once again with Your forgiveness and protection as You lead us to repentance for our sin against You is very great and we are undeserving. But Your mercy endures forever! Father- pleaseremember Your people who are called by Your Name!

Paul R Simpson Sr
November 6, 2018

It is my joy to join IFA
For this time of Prayer to You Lord and trusting you to help me repent on the areas you choose. Help me to turn from my political passions that interfere with your love and righteousness that you require for our nation, Amen.

Nancy McComb
November 6, 2018

Dear Heavenly Father,

We love you so much! You have given your very life for us. We ask today that you would pour out your justice in merciful ways that would bring righteous leaders back into every position in America. Happy are the People who’s God is the LORD!

Father, we ask in Jesus’ Almighty Name that you would bring true PEACE and BROTHERHOOD and COMRADERY to our nation in and among our lawful citizens and patriotic servant leaders by breaking the chains of darkness and shining forth YOUR GLORIOUS LIGHT so that all the world may know that YOU ARE GOD AND THERE IS NO OTHER. YOU ARE GOD AND THERE IS NO ONE LIKE YOU.

I pray in Jesus’Name that true believers everywhere in the US today would walk and talk and act graciously, albeit determinedly to pray and vote and stand for righteous Biblical values and truths, so that our witness for you Jesus is obvious, unmistakable.

I pray today in Jesus’ Name that the voting system be upheld justly. I pray that every believer would take up the call to participate in choosing the leaders of this great nation, participating in the government that rules over us. I pray that dishonesty and evil schemes would be quickly exposed and disciplined and made ineffective in all matters of today’s elections in every location all across our nation and for our overseas voters.

I pray that everyone who is registered and willing and wanting to vote would be able to vote. Lord, hold us together no matter what. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable/pleasing in your sigh, Oh Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. We trust in you!!


Dave & Kathy
November 6, 2018

Dear Lord, we are a nation, founded upon You and Your principles. Over the years we have departed from that firm foundation. We pray that You mend the cracks and wearing away and restore our foundation on the rock of Jesus Christ again. We want our house to be on the solid rock, not the crumbly apostasy. Continue to be with Donald Trump and the other leaders of America and deflate the satanic opposition like a balloon, that more and more of the left will recognize the lie and abandon it for godliness. We are so privileged to be among the sheep of Your pasture and pray Your blessing on thousands more. We offer up the wolf predators for Your intervention and pray the we sheep may safely graze and drink from the still waters of your shalom. In the wonderful name of Jesus!

Suzanne Wiese
November 5, 2018

Happy to be a part of a group of intercessors praying for America.

Felicia Penner
November 5, 2018

Lord, you have called your people to a solemn fast, to intercede for our government officials and for our country. We implore you, God of Heaven, to break the great deception that is blinding the American people. We ask that you would release the liberals from being kidnapped by socialism and their European backers. Lord God, may You arise and your enemies be scattered here in America. Break the strongholds in our Government, we ask, dear Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

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