I Prayed have prayed
Lord, what have we become? Save us Lord. We need You now.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

On Jan. 17, 2020, Kenneth Roth, the president of the purported human rights organization euphemistically known as the Human Rights Watch, testified before the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights.

The topic under discussion was abortion.

Mr. Roth was straightforward and to the point. “Abortion,” he contended, “is a fundamental right” for “anyone who wants or needs it.”

He then proceeded to tell the commission that the right to terminate a child is simply an assumed corollary to the right to health care. “Millions” of deaths could be prevented by abortion, he argued.

Setting the legal assumptions for his position, Mr. Roth proceeded.

All arguments that an unborn child is human and, therefore, has the unalienable right to life are merely “philosophical,” Mr. Roth opined. Such beliefs should have no place in policy or law.

Since no agreement will ever be reached concerning the constitutional rights of our youngest babies, policymakers must defer to the United Nations team of experts in applying international law. No nation should be granted the sovereign authority to “take the absolutist position [on the personhood] of an unborn child.” If a given nation’s laws are pro-life, Mr. Roth told Commissioner David Tse-Chien Pan, then international law must trump that which is provincial. “The whole point of human rights law is to limit governments,” said Mr. Roth.

When challenged by Commission member Peter Berkowitz that many people believe a baby in gestation is, in fact, a human being, and, thereby, worthy of ontological recognition, Mr. Roth acknowledged that there are different religious views on this subject.

Pushed further, however, to respond to what most thinking people see as a legal and moral tension between Mr. Roth’s argument for federally-funded abortion and our nation’s First Amendment guarantee of religious freedom, Mr. Roth was blunt and clear.

There is no such tension, he claimed, because when it comes to religious freedom, the only thing protected by human rights is a “freedom of belief” and not the right to exercise such beliefs in public roles or venues.

So let’s review Mr. Roth’s worldview.

First, it is a moral good and “human right” to kill our youngest children any time, and for no other reason than we “want” to.

Second, killing young human beings somehow and mysteriously results in saving millions of human lives.

Third, defending the dignity of all persons is a “philosophical” argument that has no place in actual law.

Fourth, freedom of religion means you are free to believe, but you are never free to act upon your beliefs.

Fifth, the Constitution of the United States and its premise that all human beings are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights (first and foremost of which is life) is not worth the paper it’s printed on.

Sixth, and this is the take-home: Power — pure power — absolute power — rests, with Mr. Roth and his club of “experts.” “We the People;” we the “deplorables,” we the “credulous boomer rubes,” we the fly-over folks who “cling to our God and our guns,” be damned. Big Brother is only too ready to tell us how to practice (or not practice) our faith, which pronouns to use, how many new genders there are this week, and even how to use the bathroom. Our smarter-than-thou sibling is also ready to tell us whether our babies should live or die.

Mr. Roth and his cabal have a palpable hatred for the practice of Christian virtue, and they have a frightening love for the degradation of the human being. They have no regard for human freedom, but instead seek to oppress it. And all while waving a sanctimonious flag of “human rights,”  “choice” and “democracy.”

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Everett Piper.)


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Maynard Beck Sr,
February 6, 2020

The Cleveland Clinic is doing in utero surgery (for types of spina bifida) where the surgeon brings the fetus out of the mothers body through an incision in the stomach – performs the surgery – then puts the baby back. Is not a “complete cure” but greatly increases the odds of the child being able to walk, etc. We watched a story about it on the 700 Club this week.
Was very uplifting to see the knowledge God is revealing to doctors even as satan’s forces are trying to murder the unborn. The faith the parents had in doing everything possible to protect the little life our Savior had entrusted to them was precious.
The 3-day fast at the end of this month is an awesome idea! Count me in

February 6, 2020

the life is in the blood, as soon as there is blood it is murder.

Jane Fain
February 6, 2020

Jane, Point# Six nailed what this man, Kenneth Roth, is all about.
I like the idea of a 3-day fast. Melissa I checked the 2020 calendar to see what days this fast would cover and it show that there are actually 29 days in February for this year. A leap year.
What days would you plan to fast? I will try to do the same on my end.

Michael Woelfel
February 6, 2020

A living human, albeit small, is not a philosophical argument.
Here is Proof:
( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hm24p8cBPKQ ). Moreover, since an infant in the womb often has a different, non- transfuseable blood type than the mother, and since God said ‘the life of the flesh is in the blood, Lev. 17:11. therefore, an unborn baby is a unique, distinctive individual, due unalienable rights as all other citizens. …Oh Lord, restore the value of human life in this nation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Mary L Faux
    February 6, 2020

    He, along with many others are serving Satan who demands sacrifices on his altar of hatred of mankind. A serious commitment to Fasting and Prayer are the answer!

    Caroline Eagan
    February 7, 2020

    I also think a 3day fast is a spiritual beautiful thing, but I think I pressed the wrong button, for I wanted to agree or comment.

February 6, 2020

Lord, have mercy!!

Dusty Jordan
February 6, 2020

You wonder why our society has become indifferent to life. It is because the church (us) has not been Salt & Light to the Seven Mountains of Society. When many of us have been intimidated by the anger and the noise of those that have intentionally turned against God, this is the result. Unfortunately, because of the misdirected respect for higher education, these people are often the ones our Government turn to for policy consultation. This is why many of the laws have been passed that seem so short on morality or common sense are because the body of Christ has not been involved. People who are not born again, do not understand God, nor can they. He doesn’t make sense to them. We as the Body of Christ have to engage, interceed and change Society. This can be done first by intercession and then by speaking up.

    Melissa Leveque
    February 6, 2020

    Amen, you nailed it. Join me and others for a 3 day fast for our country on February 27,28, and March 1st. Just as they did in the time of Esther.

      Dusty Jordan
      February 6, 2020

      Yes, I’ll join you in a fast for the future of this Great Nation God has Blessed us to live in. I will be praying for Harvest, that our Father would move through our land and heal us. That we would all come to Him in Repentance and His presence would be felt throughout the Land.

Vicki Moore
February 6, 2020

Father God please help us! We are at Your mercy as we see where a lack of right thinking according to Your natural law has sent us astray. Father, we see this being played put in China right before our very eyes, where in Communism that allows for ZERO tolerance of any type of faith except in the govt, has allowed for so many lives to be lost. Father we pray our govt leaders would remove us from the UN, and the WHO as both are antithetical to a Christian worldview. Father we pray for You to raise up Believers in You that will trust in Your authority over them to be used by You to save this nation, and raise up many nations to also place You first at the head of their governments, God fearing nations, that we may lead peaceable lives, for Your glory alone and in Jesus name we pray for those in leadership in our own communities to cry out to You, surrender to Your will alone in their weakness and be willing to stand for Your righteousness against the immoral non sense Mr Roth was spouting on behalf of his father, the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. We dont battle against Mr Roth, but against the powers and principalities he has surrendered his life to. Father we pray you supernaturally show mr ruth and those in his camp Who You truly are, may he have a change of heart and if that not be Your will Lord, we pray You cast them down, for this thinking is truly evil and has no place on the world stage. We know the battle has been fought and God wins. Let us armor up and wage this war by standing for You in the name of Jesus. Amen

    February 6, 2020


    Melissa Leveque
    February 6, 2020

    Amen, awesome prayer, I stand in agreement with you and pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven as well as the lives of the people pushing this agenda against life.

    Debra Johnson
    February 7, 2020

    Yes, And Amen! 🙌🔥💞😊

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