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Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes. Isaiah 56:1
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Thirty House Republicans sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Wednesday, warning him that creeping left-wing extremism and politicization is jeopardizing the United States military’s status as one of the nation’s most respected institutions.

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The letter, led by Rep. Matt Rosendale, Sr. (R-MT), said:

We write to express concern about the growing trend of left-wing extremism and politicization in our armed forces. The military’s long history of standing above politics has made it one of the most respected institutions in America and enabled our armed forces to both defend the Homeland and serve as one of the bulwarks of our constitutional order. That legacy is now in jeopardy.

The lawmakers said that under the guise of reviewing “extremism” within the Department of Defense, “political actors such as Bishop Garrison, the head of the working group tasked with defining extremist views” for the DOD, have been given “broad freedom to both catechize and root out servicemembers who will not affirm far-left doctrines.” . . .

They listed four examples of growing politicization in the military:

— In March of this year, the U.S. Special Operations Command, which trains and oversees special forces like the SEAL teams, Green Berets, and Delta Force, hired Richard Torres-Estrada to be their first ever Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and announced a new “Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan” for our special forces. Days later, amid widespread backlash, he was reassigned after his vast trove of far-left social media posts came to light, one of which compared President Donald J. Trump to Adolf Hitler.

— Recently the United States Army released a recruitment video titled “The Calling” which describes marching in left-wing social protests as “defending freedom,” depicts “two moms” raising a child, features a lesbian wedding, and refers to the subject of the video’s service to this country as “shattering stereotypes.”5 West Point has come under criticism for an anti-police, racist “Diversity and Inclusion” training that caused consternation among parents and cadets.

— Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base, warned of the radical ideology being pushed on our military, recently stating “the diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism.” Instead of rewarding Lt. Col. Lohmeier for sounding the alarm bell on extreme ideologies infecting the military, he was relieved of his command. . . .

“The sole purpose of the United States Military is to protect American citizens, defend American national security interests, and to fight and win wars when necessary. We urge you to use your authority to take action to fight back against the creeping left-wing extremism in the U.S. military,” they said.

The letter was signed by Republican Reps. Ronny L. Jackson (TX); Jody Hice (GA); Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA); Andy Biggs (AZ); Ted Budd (NC); Lauren Boebert (CO); Dan Bishop (NC); Randy K. Weber (TX); Ralph Norman (SC); Andy Harris, M.D. (MD); Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ); Bob Good (VA); Mary E. Miller (IL); Barry Moore (AL); Jeff Duncan (SC); Brian Babin, D.D.S. (TX); Andrew Clyde (GA); Russ Fulcher (ID); Matt Gaetz (FL); W. Gregory Steube (FL); Clay Higgins (LA); Alex X. Mooney (WV); Louie Gohmert (TX); Diana Harshbarger (TN); Barry Loudermilk (GA); Ken Buck (CO); Brian Mast (FL); Chip Roy (TX); and Warren Davidson (OH). . . .

Share your prayers for your military and their legacy in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Kristina Wong. Photo Credit: Canva.)

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June 3, 2021

God, please protect those who are protecting this divided nation. Give them Your strength & hope!

June 3, 2021

Father where diversification & inclusion has become an agenda that jeopardizes our military & what they stand for, we ask that you begin to break off that spirit that is trying to pervert & sabotage those you have called to defend our nation. You know all things & you see what is taking place with our military. We ask that you extend your hands towards those leaders who are seeing what is taking place & are now speaking out & voicing a righteous concern over the move to pervert what was established by our founding Fathers. Move now Father to begin to turn things around & let others in our leadership begin to speak out. There is strength in unity. Let them unite & let them prevail as they raise up a standard of righteousness. Let leaders be put in place to reverse these amendments that opened the door to what is happening now in Jesus Name Amen

June 2, 2021

I sent the Action Center item, “Say ‘No’ to a Woke Military” to the listed officials. The State Representative for my District replied that this concern is outside his area of responsibility. I then tried to sent the message to Sec. Austin, but the DoD webpage blocked my numerous attempts. Does anybody know a Defense Dept email address to express directly my concerns and prayer support? Plz send to [email protected]

June 2, 2021

This news grieves me and I know it must grieve you. This is not your will! I beg and plead, Father for mercy and I am asking for the boldness of young David facing Goliath to come over our military leaders and those who have authority to act on this situation. May the fear of a holy righteous God prevail over plitics in our military. Send more laborers in the military who love you Father. More chaplains and more recruits who are bold as a lion speaking truth in love. And may ecisting troops not bow down to the left’s agenda. Grant them courage to say “No” May they decline without fear. May they decline without wavering. But Lord! Open their mouths to decline this madness and then follow through until the “no” becomes the final say stopping this agenda in its tracks! In the mighty name of Jesus who is able to to do exceeding above ALL we ask…according to the power that worketh in us! Amen

Susan CC
June 2, 2021

Abba Father, You are the God of all armies in Heaven and on earth. I pray the man Lloyd Austin knows that in his heart. I pray the leader Defense Sect. Lloyd Austin is convicted in his spirit from these words and moves in urgency. He is one man but so was David. I pray just as a young shepherd boy was filled to fight, You will fill Lloyd Austin. I pray You would keep him in the palm of Your hand, direct his heart and mind into truth and create in him a right spirit. May his influence be HUGE. I pray this and so much more. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, all for Your Glory and our good. Amen


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