I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that the truth would prevail. Expose any and all corruption in our government, Lord, and let Your will be done.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Is the Department of Justice preventing a FOIA request to protect President Biden? Trace the facts of their handling of hundreds of pages of documents relating to Hunter Biden’s work in China, Russia, and Ukraine.

From Daily Mail. The Department of Justice is trying to prevent disclosure of 400 pages of sensitive documents on Hunter and Jim Biden’s dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine – by pretending they don’t exist.

Who is praying on the wall?


Colorado lawyer Kevin Evans sued the department in March after it failed to comply with his request for records on the Bidens’ dealings under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Evans, a FOIA expert, asked for documents pertaining to ‘any relationship, communication, gift(s), and/or remuneration in any form’ between the president’s son Hunter or brother Jim, and China, Russia or Ukraine.

He said government lawyers first admitted in court to having at least 400 pages of ‘potentially relevant’ documentsbut are now trying to get away with saying they can ‘neither confirm nor deny’ the existence of any records that match his request.

A Justice Department prosecutor, David Weiss, is currently considering a criminal case against Hunter with potential allegations of money laundering, illegal foreign lobbying and tax crimes in relation to the First Son’s overseas business dealings.

The 400 pages are not the only cache of Biden records being sought from the government.


The National Archives and Records Administration is preparing to release hundreds of Obama White House internal documents containing information about Hunter’s relationship with controversial Ukrainian gas company Burisma, Business Insider reported this month. …

Biden’s administration is able to veto the release, but must decide by February whether to invoke executive privilege to keep them hidden until 2029.

The records date back to 2014 and include 69 images and 260 email messages mentioning Burisma.

Evans’ case has its next hearing in January.

The Greenwood Village, Colorado-based lawyer said he filed his FOIA request in November 2020 after reading about the Bidens’ overseas business dealings, and the Justice Department strung him along for almost two years before he eventually sued them. …

‘Then towards the end of last year they said, ”well we have these 400 pages of potentially responsive documents, we need to review them.” …

Evans said the government dithered for a few more months, then made a confusing new argument: that they could ‘neither confirm nor deny’ the existence of any records.

Government agencies have a legal precedent to make such claims to avoid disclosures that could harm national security. …

Share your prayers for transparency in our government below.

(Excerpt from Daily Mail. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Estrella Perez
January 5, 2023

Please protect our country from these criminal people who are their own law. May the truth be known and their actions be punished. May those who protect and enable them be put out of power. Keep The USA free and may Your name be glorified.
Protect our children. Amen

Rebecca Kurtz
January 5, 2023

Where’s the GOP? Why aren’t they doing their jobs?!? Instead they stick their heads in the mud on this massive corruption that would have burned any republican president alive instantly???

Donald Vader
January 5, 2023

Thank you Father God for exposing the truth about the resident in the White House and who Joe Biden really is and may they come forth and be held accountable and your justice be done…Amen

January 5, 2023

Oh Lord, we come into your presence and pray for the Government of the United States! You are God, you are Our Creator, you are the Eternal, you are Jehovah King of Kings, Lord of Lords, you are the only one that can change the actual circumstances, we plead at your throne for mercy for our children, mercy Lord, mercy Lord. In the beautiful NAME OF JESUS, I PRAY!

BarbarakPease Pease
January 5, 2023

Father please reveal everything within the Biden administration as well as the DOJ,FBI and everything else that has been hidden in darkness.Let transparency come forth.” America Shall Be Saved”, in Jesus name.

January 5, 2023

Lord Jehovah, Please don’t just expose, PUNISH! I ask in Jesus ‘s name. Amen
In these end times Justice will be welcomed by all true men and women.

Brian lynch
January 5, 2023

In spite of the DOJ and their antics to try to protect Biden, I pray for Your will to prevail, Lord. Honesty and truth are at stake here. Not to mention integrity. Lord, by the power of Holy Spirit, please, show these misguided DOJ members the error of their ways. Give SOMEONE the backbone to go after Biden and his son. In Jesus’ name.

Sue Tracy
January 5, 2023

Lord we thank you and humbly ask that you would expose the corruption that is currently going on in Washington. Lord, Your throne is righteousness and justice and we ask You to act on our behalf and prevent these actions from continuing.. Hold those accountable for their actions and restore our nation. We trust in You and You alone for You are our only Lord and authority, it’s in Jesus’s Name I pray.

Brian lynch
January 5, 2023

This is typical End Times nonsense.

Elizabeth Crouse
January 5, 2023

I am praying for truth. Too many lies and hurting America

January 5, 2023

Oh Lord, there is no Congressman, Senator, elected official or unelected bureaucrat that can clean up the wickedness running unrestricted in our land today. But there are millions of your people all appealing to you with the same call—HELP! Unmistakably I believe you hear us. We don’t deserve your mercy but you are famous for it. Have mercy on us, hear our prayers and bring your Justice again,
If not to you to whom do we appeal?

    Susan CC
    January 5, 2023

    Oh Lord, this is my prayer. Amen and Amen!

    Sandra Bates
    January 5, 2023

    Oh yes!!! Amen and Amen!!! Truth, Justice, and Righteousness in the United States!!! Thank you Abba!!


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