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Father, we pray that You would stay the hand of the enemy. Prevent us from falling into a third world war and change the hearts of the Russians.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The anti-western sentiment in Russia is growing. Intercessors need to be praying for Putin’s heart to be changed to avoid global war.

From The Wall Street Journal. Moscow is recasting its fight with Ukraine as a broader war between Russia and the West, as Kremlin leaders and state propaganda outlets warn Russians that the conflict with its smaller neighbor could spill over into a global clash.

The Kremlin and state-controlled media have warned in recent days that the West ultimately seeks to contain—or even destroy—Russia and have threatened retaliation, including the possibility of nuclear strikes.

The U.S. and some of its allies have ratcheted up military assistance to Ukraine as it increasingly views the war as an opportunity to constrain Russia’s ability to pursue imperial ambitions.

In response, the Kremlin has begun priming its population for the possibility of a wider and more intractable conflict. In particular, it is using the May 9 celebrations commemorating the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany, a historical touchstone for millions of Russians, to draw parallels between World War II and the conflict in Ukraine.

The narrative of Russia as the victim of the West and the need to defend the country has gained new momentum in recent weeks.

“The forces that have always pursued a policy of containing Russia…they do not want such a huge and independent country that is too big for their ideas,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week. “They believe it endangers them simply by the fact of its existence, although this is far from reality. It is they who endanger the world.”

If any other country intervenes in the events “and creates strategic threats for Russia that are unacceptable to us, they should know that our retaliatory strikes will be lightning-fast,” he said, repeating a past warning. Russia has “all the tools for this, such that no one [else] can boast of,” he said. “We will use them if necessary.”

State media have gone into overdrive with prominent news anchors, pundits and talk-show hosts warning of the dire consequences of a loss in Ukraine.

“I think World War III is more realistic, knowing us, knowing our leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin,” said Margarita Simonyan, head of the Russian state-controlled international television network RT, during an appearance Tuesday on the program of the pro-Kremlin talk-show host Vladimir Soloviev.

“There’s no chance at all that we would simply roll over and say, ‘Oh, you know, it didn’t work out,’ ” she added. “The most incredible thing is that, in the end, all this will end in a nuclear strike.”

Mr. Soloviev replied, “But we will go to heaven, and they will simply croak,” echoing a past remark by Mr. Putin.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Friday: “You have a nation the size of Russia with a nuclear arsenal their size and capability and a leader that is clearly as belligerent as Vladimir Putin, we have to take seriously the escalatory rhetoric that he and his leaders have been using lately.” He added, “It would be—as irresponsible as it is for him to use that rhetoric, it would be equally irresponsible for us not to take it seriously. And so we do.”

Before the war, Mr. Putin depicted Western military and economic support for Ukraine as a direct threat to Russia. Since then, moves by Western officials have strengthened the Kremlin’s view that they are using Ukraine to weaken Russia, some Russian analysts said….

Over the years, Mr. Putin has tried to harness the wave of patriotism connected to the Great Patriotic War, as World War II is commonly known in Russia, to bolster his position and rally the country….

State media has also been playing on a popular perception in Russia that Ukraine is under the yoke of corrupt and inept leadership….

The Russian Defense Ministry says 1,351 soldiers had been killed in the conflict as of March 25. The U.K. estimates that 15,000 Russian soldiers have died so far….

How are you praying over the situation in eastern Europe? Share this article to encourage other intercessors to pray.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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May 4, 2022

Lord, when I read this article, I am thankful you have been the foundation of America. There is no way a small group of people could have conceived this nation without you. Help us keep our freedoms and truly appreciate how extraordinary your guidance has made America. The stories I am reading from Russia here remind me that we cannot neglect to safeguard our own freedoms. Guide our nation in teaching our children and adults to be honest. Thank you for exposing lies.

May we have ‘Honest Abe” labels for politicians and citizens once again as an honorable public virtue. Help us be wise as a nation; please guide our politicians away from evil and corruption. May we have repentant hearts and seek your will in all that we do.

I pray for Ukraine to have more miraculous victories in battle; we give you the glory for all victory. May many people hear your Word over propaganda and accept Jesus both in America and abroad. Thank you, Lord, my rock and salvation.

May 4, 2022

By all accounts Russia is a paper tiger. If America had a real leader, Russia/Putin would have done nothing. Ultimately this shows how in a vacuum authoritarians feel emboldened to grow their power. Proves time and time again. The same is happening on the home front. We would not be where we are if good people would stand. Imagine if Christians had made a stand long ago abortion was wrong? I mean a real stand all the Christian pastors made it their mission to tell the truth about abortion? Would Roe have lasted this long? I don’t think so. Onward Christian Soldiers!

Lori Meed
May 4, 2022

I believe that we have already entered a ‘third world war’ scenario – that line is behind us. Putin has always been a revivalist – wanting to revive the former USSR. Between him, and Erdogan in Turkey desiring a revived caliphate, we have the scene set for worldwide conflict. So how do we pray? God has always moved powerfully in times of upheaval. He is looking to bring about the restoration of all things but scripture describes this happening amidst great tumult. We must be those who cry out for the gospel to go forth in power and for the church to be strengthened to stand in these last days! We are the Bride who will be worthy of her Bridegroom as we overcome by the blood of the lamb, the power of our testimony, and not loving our lives unto death. Even in wars and rumors of wars we will boldly proclaim, No King but Jesus! We will.share our unshakable hope as all things shake.


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