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Lord, we pray for reform and revival in our nation. Let all Americans, both Republican and Democrat, leave behind political affiliations in pursuit of You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prominent Democrats are abandoning their party to support Trump. Meanwhile, some prominent Republicans are endorsing Harris for President. What is God doing in our nation and our political system?

From Washington Examiner. A former California Democratic state Senate leader has defected to the Republican Party.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


Former California State Senate Democratic Majority Leader Gloria Romero announced her decision at a press conference hosted by Republican commentator Steve Hilton, who livestreamed it on his X account. She was joined by several leading Republican legislators.

“In this Capitol behind me, I served as both Senate Democratic Caucus chair and the Senate majority leader. But today I say goodbye. Adios! I’ve had enough,” she said. …

“This is not the Democratic Party that I once championed,” she said. “I do not recognize it anymore, and I cannot continue. I changed my voting registration today as the sun was rising to Republican, which has, under Donald Trump, become the champion of working people … and indeed, I will vote for Donald Trump this fall.”

For her reasoning, she accused the Democrats of stifling democracy, going so far as to compare them to Latin American dictators. She said the party rigs primaries against candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and executed a “political coup” against President Joe Biden.

Romero also hit the Democrats on women’s rights, criticizing the undermining of Title IX protections, and going too far on abortion. Immigration, crime, and the rising cost of living were topics of her criticism as well. …

Is God shaking up our nation and our political parties? What do you think is going on?

(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)

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September 5, 2024

“ What do I think is going on?”

God is revealing more.. and as most have prayed for in previous posts and for months- that more will be revealed.

I think some peoples eyes are being opened as has also been prayed … more will be opened.

….. The Holy Spirit has shifted and will continue to shift the atmosphere wherever His Holy Spirit hovers.

God’s Angel Armies stand at ready for battle against any and all evil plots. God’s Remnants, Warriors, Intercessors, Appointed, Anointed must continue to do what we are called to do.

Referencing Tim Sheets- “Angel Armies on Assignment” :
“Decree the breakthrough God has promised. “
“Even diabolical laws that have contended against the Word of God can now be changed just like they changed in Esther’s and Mordecai’s time.”
“No more acting, no more pretending, no more actors.”

The word I received on 8.16.24: “Don’t break before the breakthrough.”

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Father, God of Creation.
In Jesus Name – Amen

September 5, 2024

There can never be any progress unless there is more thoughtful discussions about foreign policy and what the Republicans position is. (Opening the door to discussions and pointing out oversights in policy is not the same thing as a personal attack.) If you will remember, during Trump’s first administration, there was constant chaos with the Secretary of State and the Head of Homeland Security were among several important positions which changed constantly (as many as four times). His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson had this to say about him: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.” (Tillerson’s remarks, by the way, are some of the mildest remarks which were made by Trump’s former advisors.) Donald Trump needs to make it clear that this time around, his administration is going to be different. We have two months to go. He has to make this shift.

September 5, 2024

What happened to the Republican Party being the party of life? To win the election we’re playing with the devil. Yes, Trump is way better than Harris and her fellow Marxists, but we are becoming the Rockerfeller Republicans who were economically Conservative but socially moderate to liberal. We are playing with fire when we compromise the life of an unborn baby. Yes, we need to do more to show that it is a human. However, we are fighting the media who uses phrases like “reproductive health”. Abortion is anything but reproduction. You are killing an unborn baby. You want to pay for IVF and at the same time you’ll allow abortion but just not as late as the Democrats. Trump never was a social conservative.

Jerry Givan
September 5, 2024

Father God we bind that spirit of abortion that has become a main plank in the democratic party platform, that spirit of lawlessness that has overtaken the party. IF they refuse to lay down these abominations then we pray for your justice to be done.

Cheryl Lund
September 5, 2024

I agree, many will be shocked by the number of republican congressmen and women who are going to be exposed for their collusion. I often pray for God to shoot his sharp arrow of truth and pierce their hearts with His truth and put to death all that defiles their hearts.

September 5, 2024

YeHoVaH has Shaken and now is Bundling like minded RINO and Marxist Communist Socialist Democrat’s together to be burned IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

September 5, 2024

Yes, there has been an historical shift with both parties. When Progressives took over the Democratic party, they shifted the party to the far left, and many people who considered themselves liberal, without having changed their beliefs, found that on the political spectrum, their position had been changed to moderate or even conservative (On most issues.). Elon Musk was one such person. That is why many who consider themselves to be Republican need to be careful when labeling a person ‘liberal’ because many still have the mindset that ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ have the same values. Liberal individuals are in a position of feeling lost and disconnected from their party and could, thus, be drawn into support for the Republican party. And on the right, the Republican party, which used to favor big businesses, has become a party that the ‘working man’ now associates himself with. But one has to acknowledge that the platform for this new Republican party is still in flex. For example, there has not been any thoughtful discussions of foreign policy. Trump’s claims that he will end the Ukraine war with one phone call is not the same thing as his saying what his policy actually is (If you will remember, Trump promised in 2015 to build a wall between us and Mexico and that Mexico would pay for it and that he would offer North Korea such a ‘good deal’ that they would give up their nuclear weapons and neither of those things happened.)

    September 5, 2024

    And Why Was That?
    Progessive Judges
    Kept that WALL
    from happening!
    Where are the
    Conservative Judge’s
    Closing our border?

    September 5, 2024

    Stopped Rocket-man in North Korea
    Issi in Iraq
    Taliban in Afghanistan
    Trump didn’t start a new war
    And kept Putin from Ukraine (Obama gave over it’s ports)

      September 5, 2024

      North Korea detonated three nuclear tests during Trump’s administration with the last one possibly being a hydrogen bomb.

      September 5, 2024

      Trump wasn’t responsible for any major changes in either Iraq or Afghanistan. And saying that is not a personal attack against him. I am just pointing out the facts.

      September 5, 2024

      North Korea performed missile tests every month that Donald Trump was president.

    Haley S
    September 5, 2024

    It’s hilarious.

September 5, 2024

God may be separating, the wheat, from the tares.

    Jerry Givan
    September 5, 2024

    Yes, that is what is going on separating, the wheat, from the tares by letting the dark be so dark that no one can claim they did not see the depth of the darkness and how anti God, anti Israel and anti-American certain politicians have become.

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