I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray that the angry 10% will lose their power in our churches and in our nation. Help us, Jesus, become more like You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Editor’s Note: Lisa Cherry, founder of Frontline Family Ministries, writes wonderful commentaries on articles and news of the day. She read an article by Tom Rainer in The Christian Post, entitledĀ Don’t let the angry 10 percent decide the direction of your church, and applies it to the division in our nation. Let us know what you think about the angry 10%, leave a comment.

The angry 10%..

As soon as I read that phrase, I know exactly what he meant!

Iā€™m sure you do too. Itā€™s the small group that stirs up trouble within an organization. Itā€™s the loud voices that it seems you just canā€™t please. Itā€™s the people that seem to be leading a negative cause – and it sometimes it’s even difficult to know where theyā€™re wanting to go.

I can tell you from personal experience itā€™s that angry 10% that often causes pastors to live under unhealthy discouragement and pressure!

This article is a quick little read. I suggest you take a look at it – because none of us want to inadvertently be in that angry 10%, and none of us really should be aspiring to let the 10% have control of the churches we love!

But here is another thoughtā€¦

I wonder if there is also the “angry 10%” that is hijacking our nation today?

Oh, we all know that there seem to be a stronger percentage of people that may be voting to follow radical progressives; but at the heart of it, could it be that thereā€™s really this angry, radical 10% is driving the charge? And perhaps the rest of the blind sheep are just going along with it?

Iā€™ve been thinking about this lately and realizing I need to be praying for the scales to fall off the eyes of those blind sheep.

In America we have this interesting phrase called –“Woke”.

The left uses that phrase to imply that all of us who are standing for conservative guy values are asleep and they are the enlightened ones (i.e., the ā€œwoke”). But actually, we know it is just the opposite!

Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s possible that we have a lot of Christian people who need to wake up right now and step away from the radical 10%.

I can think of names going through my mind even as Iā€™m writing this. Perhaps you are thinking of names going through your mind if youā€™re reading what Iā€™m saying.

Are we earnestly praying for those who have been caught up with the angry mob? Can we ask the Lord for a heart of compassion that will stand in the gap for those who have been taken captive to do destruction and harm?

A spiritual awakening, a removal of scales, a return to their first love…God, we need something SPIRITUAL here to awaken your people once again!

(Used with permission. Article by Lisa Cherry, Frontline Family Ministries.)


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Joan Bartruff
February 17, 2020

In Jesus name, Heavenly Father, I say “Amen” to these prayers. Guide us to have boldness in a spirit of love and consideration for others at the same time allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through us to shed light and truth in each situation regarding issues before us in our personal and community lives. Guide us, lead us so we have a positive impact, make a difference in being “salt and light” in Your world. Release those who are blinded and misled by false teachings and philosopohies into the truth and light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which teaches us to pray for our enemies, to love one another. Remind us to pray for wisdom for you promise if we ask we will receive. “We have not because we ask not”. In a complex dark world let us seek your guidance in all matters, in all conversations with others so You are glorified, and Your will be done. Amen. philosophies into the truth and light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Doug Spurling
February 17, 2020

Thank you for this.

You are tapping Truth for sure and certain.

When praying over the year 2020; “the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked” (Genesis 3:7) was brought to my remembrance and I heard the word “Exposed” echo in my soul.

As I watch and pray, I see, the knowledge of good and evil is being exposed.

Let’s pray as one voice with Jesus, as He prayed for us (for those who believe), just before he went to the tree; “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” (John 17:21)

Dorothy Cemore
February 15, 2020

Fatherabo e all else hp us guard our hearts. Holy spirit create in us a pure heart. Teach us to leave unoffendanle lives help us to love even our enemies crying out for an awakeni g and uniting in the united states of America. In Jesus name

Darlene Estlow
February 14, 2020

Father, I pray we as citizens in this great nation would step away from the angry people and listen to you and what you say I’m your word. Confound those who say they are woke and touch their hearts with your gospel and love.


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