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I Prayed have prayed
Father, secure our border. Bring peace and unity built on Your truth, Your love, and Your wisdom in this nation.
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The concerns at the border have gone unaddressed for so long that Americans are being pushed to the breaking point.

From The Center Square. The judges and commissioners of four more Texas counties have declared an invasion at the southern border, bringing to 22 the number of counties that have done so.

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Jasper, Madison, Throckmorton and Wichita counties are the latest to declare an invasion.

They’ve signed resolutions expressing support for border counties and for Gov. Greg Abbott to declare an invasion, citing U.S. and Texas constitutional authority to protect Texas sovereignty, Texans and Americans from cartel violence, unprecedented illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug smuggling pouring into Texas and the U.S. a result of Biden administration policies. …

Jasper County’s Sept. 6 resolution expresses support for “Operation Lone Star and additional measures to secure the Texas border and protect Texas communities.”


The resolutions of Madison, Throckmorton and Wichita counties signed between August 29 and Sept. 6 call for “additional measures to secure the border, stop the invasion at the border and protect our communities.”

The counties label Mexican cartels as “paramilitary, narco-terrorist organizations that profit from trafficking people and drugs into the U.S.,” that “exploit weakened unsecure borders for their own power and profit, to the detriment of our communities.” …

The counties also argue the “sovereign and unilateral authority explicitly reserved to the States, respectively, under Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution and Article IV, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution” allows them “to defend themselves against invasion,” which “has been exacerbated by the federal government’s failure in meeting its constitutional obligation to ‘insure domestic tranquility,’ ‘provide for the common defense,’ ‘execute the laws,’ and ‘protect each state against invasion.’”

The judges and commissioners express support for Abbott’s border security efforts through Operation Lone Star and encouraged him to use his full authority under the U.S. and Texas constitutions to “take the necessary steps … to secure the Texas border and stop the invasion at the border, including the actions by paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels that pose a huge risk to our communities.”

Both the Republican Party of Texas and the Texas Public Policy Foundation have called for the state of Texas to declare an invasion, citing the same constitutional provisions, arguing Mexican cartels and their extensive criminal networks in U.S. cities are threatening the lives of Texans and Americans. …

While Abbott hasn’t declared an invasion, he’s most recently directed state law enforcement officials to apprehend illegal border crossers and deliver them to ports of entry. He’s also the only Texas governor to build a wall on Texas soil. …

What do you think of these counties’ decisions? Share your prayers and scriptures for our border below.

(Excerpt from The Center Square. Photo Credit: Adam Thomas on Unsplash)

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Gary R. Driessen
September 16, 2022

I’m praying for Governor Abbott, that he’ll do what is right for the citizens of Texas, and America. To stop these illegal border crossings and send them all back to the country where they came from. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Grant Windholz
September 15, 2022

Use all forces to keep the evil out of the state of Texas. I pray for the strength of the police and Boarder Patrol security forces in Jesus’s mighty name!

September 15, 2022

This issue has grown worse in the past few years. Mexico as well as other nations south of Mexico because of their dire poverty caused by several factors, its uncaring government, drug cartels abusing with their authority/violence in many regions, people running for their lives, etc., and other factors that I won’t mention, is originated in pure evil. God loves every one of these people and SEES all the evil behind these events, and as people of God we do have compassion therefore, we pray unceasingly because that is what the Lord our God commands us to do, especially with the downtrodden, orphans, the poor, the suffering. On the other hand the present administration has freely given access to our borders for illegal entries, UNASHAMEDLY without considering the repercussions here at the border(s). That is wrong! It’s as if Texas and the other border cities are orphans demonstrating that this administration is far removed from all the suffering, the conditions of these people, and as they by-pass the laws instituted with purpose to protect our American borders, they are regarded as nothing, trampled on. It’s going to come to a head sometime in the near future. I appreciate that other counties are standing by with Texas and border cities declaring publicly of the Invasion!!! I’ve lived at the border most of my life and feel for both sides because I have been exposed to both sides. I love America, my country, and pray incessantly for it and its reformation from the evils that beset it. I KNOW GOD HEARS THE PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS, AND He will act. In Jesus’ name!

Zoe Ella
September 15, 2022

Some of that immigration is not just criminals and drug cartels. Some of it is also from the dire conditions in home countries, such as poverty and violence (especially unaccompanied child immigrants), conditions caused by governments which we have supported at one time or another. Perhaps it is reasonable to see if we can correct some of those conditions in the home countries. At any rate, the issue is complex and it definitely needs to be addressed, because we cannot absorb the population of South and Central America. We need both compassion and rules.

September 15, 2022

I will move there (currently l’m living in the DFW area) and take the authority Jesus gave to us when He said, I give you authority to tread upon (trample, march upon, stomp on the head of) serpents and scorpions (this means all demons) and over ALL power of the enemy so that NOTHING shall harm you! We have the Spirit of the living GOD living on the inside of us and our mere presence is greater than those demons. Jesus defeated satan when He went into hell (the 3 days before He was resurrected) and ruined and made a spectacle of Satan in front of all his demons ! They all know Jesus and know they have to obey when we (believers and who acknowledge Jesus is our LORD) are covered with His blood and order them back to their pit. All authority has been given to Jesus. Praying is great but we are to take dominion and occupy (this is a military term) Its our state -Texas – that is under siege and we have to understand they are in Gods country. We have a covenant with GOD almighty for America and Texas! We must stand and forbid them to cross that border.

September 15, 2022

Heavenly Father in Jesus name I pray for all of our borders but especially the southern border.I pray for the Texas people who are having to endure this invasion.I pray that the cartels that have areas set up to rape and torture women that Gods angel armies will invade the enemies camp.That the battle belongs to you Father and these atrocities would be stopped in Jesus mighty name!!That the people that they have gutted that can’t pay that their death would not go unpunished.That judgement would be here swiftly and in heaven for these that have innocent blood on their hands.I pray in Jesus mighty name.

Connie Segeleon
September 15, 2022

Dear Gracious God,
We know you are in control. I pray for those countries from whom all are crossing borders to get to the US, would treat their people with respect, dignity, love and care for them so that they would want to stay in their native lands. I pray their leaders treat them as you command. Amen

Amy J
September 15, 2022

Unfortunately, many people in this country seem to think that there really isn’t a crisis at the border. I live in Texas (several hours from the border) and I can tell you it is very real. We have frequent incidents in our area due to illegals being smuggled to other cities. They go through the rural areas to try to avoid detection. If a chase occurs, they end up running the vehicle into something and bailing out. A pickup vehicle is usually waiting nearby so they often escape. I feel for the ones who want to make a better life for themselves and their families, but there is a right way to do it. The cartels take advantage of these people and don’t care if they live or die as long as they get paid. I also feel for our law enforcement officers, especially the Border Patrol. I can’t imagine how they must feel going to work everyday without the support they need to effectively do the job. Simple answer – close the border. Other countries do it, why can’t the US?

    September 15, 2022

    If we had a conservative run government, there would be a closed border. This is why ALL Christians, ALL conservatives MUST vote. Those in power now want to destroy this country so they can “remake” it in a socialistic model & be the forever rulers. All those illegals will be given voting ballots at some point & told they need to vote for the people who let them walk in, gave them shelter, clothing, food.
    Wake up America!

September 15, 2022

Yep – an invasion to be sure.

Question – what becomes of the fighting age males? Where are THEY going exactly?

Carol Aspy
September 15, 2022

I am so discussed with the President continuing to allow people into this country when there has been many new infections such as Covid . We are all going through a recession and cannot afford the cost of these people entering our country and providing financial care. What is the real story behind his actions?

Maria Fillyaw
September 15, 2022

Dear Lord we pray guide those in power in Texas to exercise their power to protect their state their communities and this country from the illegal entry into our country. Your mercy we pray on the innocent and Your hand in this situation in Jesus name amen

Deborah Ann Ortiz
September 15, 2022

Praying in agreement, in the name of Yeshua


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