Intercessors of The Month-Bill and Betsy West
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Intercessors of The Month-Bill and Betsy West
What an honor and privilege it was to “sit down” with Bill and Betsy West this past week. As intercessors and Monthly Ministry Partners with Intercessors for America, I was curious to hear more about their own personal story and how they came to be involved with this ministry we know and love. I know their story will bless you too!
“God healed our marriage. I mean I was a guy who was hemorrhaging to all of a sudden I am made whole… I wasn’t saved yet but God showed me He loved me before I was saved, and that principle kind of stuck.” -Bill West
Bill and Betsy have been believers in Christ for over forty years. God supernaturally saved their marriage from the brink of divorce and in turn marked them for eternity. Betsy was first saved in a divorce lawyer’s office (in case you needed a reminder on how far-reaching evangelism can be) and Bill followed a few months later in a Full Gospel Business Men’s Meeting. Newly saved and spirit-filled, their hunger for the Lord and His Word grew. “It was like God put us on hyper-drive, we were so hungry for the Lord. That was when…we started going to the prayer meeting” (Betsy) which later grew to over 200 intercessors at their Catholic church. The women who started it were so excited to have a “born-again” man join!
Their prayer mantle grew over the years, first in their introduction to Harvest Evangelism – prayer evangelism where you pray for your city – and later expanded into politics. That venture began when Pat Robertson ran for president (1986/1987). Every door opened after that – Women’s Aglow, Pro-Life movement, CBN, Jesus Ministries… They first met Larry Tomczak (IFA board member) at a Jesus Ministries meeting. Since they had little money, they volunteered at the Jesus Ministries events – which continued the open doors, introducing them to leaders and nationwide ministries. At one point, they got their hands on an IFA newsletter.
“I never wanted to be an intercessor because I envisioned that intercessors would sit in a room and fast all the time… I’m just kind of a hyper person… When we connected with Harvest Evangelism, we were introduced to Lighthouse prayer, where you got out and walked the street…and then the city-reaching…(Betsy)” They met politicians, business leaders, pastors and found that that was part of intercession too! When God knew He had full access to their hearts, He sent them on “Elijah” assignments – doing crazy things in obedience to the Lord. (Betsy)
When IFA staff member Beth LaRock called them, not asking for money, but simply a “bless you” call, it snowballed to the Wests being invited to visit IFA in Purcellville, Virginia. It was an immediate knitting of hearts and they saw prophetically the call and future over the ministry at IFA. “It’s just this special treasure that God has in this tiny, little obscure town that is touching the entire United States.” (Betsy) “When I think of IFA, I think of efficiency wrapped in humility and it’s really amazing what gets done there. And the other thing too that I value more than anything is that IFA values its intercessors…like we just came in the chariot of God…” (Bill)
As they grew in this “frontlines” ministry, Bill was reminded of words shared by Dave Thompson VP of Harvest Evangelism, “In your city you are the prow of the ship, you are the battering ram…” “Do I really want to be this person? That’s the guy getting hit in the head before anyone else but that is the role that the intercessor plays. We are the ice breaker, we are the ones that are going to knock the wall down. That is never pretty but the reward is just incredible. And to partner with a ministry like IFA is a rare and precious gift!” (Bill)
Bill and Betsy have a deep love for this country. Their generational roots go back to the American Revolution and Ellis Island. They have an understanding and appreciation for the beginnings of this country and the freedom it represents. “Blood was shed by so many of our own ancestors to preserve our freedom and this One Nation MUST remain UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE and the City on the Hill” (Betsy). It is out of a heart of gratitude and the calling and responsibility that cemented in their hearts as they walked the streets of Washington.
We have each been born for such a time as this. “IFA, especially now more than ever, and in the last two years, we have seen such an acceleration to have connections on Capitol Hill to get the back story, to get the truth and not all of this social media trivia… This is like taking out a rifle instead of a shotgun and that rifle is right on target and that is IFA… I like that they vet these stories…making sure that what they put out to the public is truth… What God blew on…we have a real heart for this ministry!” (Betsy)
“As business people (realtors) we are really focused on return on investments and efficiencies. We know that time is limited and precious, so when we do something, we want it to count. The bang for your buck with IFA is incredible” (Bill).
“That unnoticed digging… That is how I saw IFA. When Loudoun County was on the news and watch that unfold all the way to your wonderful Lt. Governor, Winsome… To see all that roll out, that’s right, I know why. Because you have got this pearl that nobody knows about. We know, but the world doesn’t know. And it’s been plowing and plowing and plowing and that’s the blessing, because of that ministry” (Betsy).
When asked why they became Monthly Ministry Partners, Bill was quick to answer, “We learned early on to be not givers but to be investors. When you invest your money, you put it where it brings the biggest return… We are generous but very selective. IFA has been a blue-chip stock in the Kingdom. You guys are the gold standard. It’s very easy to give because you know that money is going to a good, good cause.”
Get out! “Get out among the people because they are hurting, depressed, fearful… Have your eyes open and look for the struggling mom… There is a peace you carry, you got Jesus in you! (If you are discouraged) you have to get out into your community.
“We just met yesterday with our county commissioner…and ended with prayer with her. We are seeing this onslaught coming in and there is no standard raised up against it. And she needs encouraged… Share hope and excitement!
“God knows before the foundation of the world, God has registered how I am going to die. And if I’m going to die of Covid, I am going to die out there in the public doing the best I can do and then he will take me out. I am not going to sit in a hole and be fearful… Get out there.” (Betsy)
“If you pray and pray and pray and never see a result, you are going to quit praying. We were encouraged a long time ago that the prayers we pray – you ask God for guidance on where to pray and how to pray that you want to see verifiable, measurable results. Once you start to see that, it’s just like the high a runner gets when you breakthrough. Spiritually, we have experienced that. ‘I want to stay on the battlefield until I die.’ If we understand that, we are people of great purpose…so that people will come to know Him. Don’t be discouraged, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you! If we got that, why don’t we act like that… Push through.
“Time is of the essence. We need to understand the season we live in. The enemy understands totally. The Church is reactive; we need to be the aggressor. We are supposed to advance the Kingdom, not have the Kingdom push back and we hold on. We are advancers, not defenders” (Bill).
We each have a call, a mantle, a piece that we carry to help the BODY operate in its fullness. May this encourage each of you to step in and boldly carry His Kingdom forth. We are the light of a city on a hill. We have Jesus living inside of us. May it SHINE so that the whole world may see!
How has Bill & Betsy’s story encouraged you today?
Suni Piper is a writer and passionate intercessor for the nation and for the Church. She is determined and surrendered to be a voice of truth and encouragement to the Body of believers. Follow Suni at her website
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Jim Coleman (IFA) called me directly in December or early January. It was a call to pray for me THAT DAY, as a courtesy “wellness” call.
I was about to make a serious mistake in the eyes of Jesus. I was about to leave my church because of anger at the Pastor. Jim didn’t know that.
However, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, or the Father (some people argue over who it is that intercedes for us) was stepping into my life aggressively that day. (Not the first time).
I use a daily devotional (The Bible, by Tecarta). THAT DAY it said, “If you are committing spiritual murder, stop it, right now”…!!!
Then Jim’s call. No one ever called me personally from IFA. I’m so grateful.
Jim asked about my “support group”, because many older folks he talks to don’t have one. Mine was fine. But his question turned my thinking 180 degrees. I suddenly saw that I WAS PART OF THE SUPPORT GROUP FOR THE PASTOR and others in the church. I immediately turned around and stopped expecting the church to be my support group. On the contrary, I was able to stop reacting and accepted Jesus’ plan for me in that church.
This article encourages me because my testimony is somewhat similar since the middle ‘80s.
My email is full right now, again, until I delete some, or buy more space.
Dave’s special session today (2-17-22) was extremely well done….!!! Riveting in it’s importance…!!!
Bottom line, great interview with some great intercessors…!!! Thank you for your excellent writing…!!!
Please pray for all people to make it through these hard times
2 of my favorite people! Thank you West’s for your example in Christ. It is such an honor serving you and calling you both my friends. May God bless you both as you encourage others in your walk of faith.
Such a great article on Bill and Betsy West. I loved Bill’s quote: “We are the advancers for the kingdom, not the defenders.” As the church, we have been on the sidelines for way too long. We have each been put here for such a time as this. God knew before we were ever born the call He had for us, the assignments He wanted us to do. I’m inspired by the Bill and Betsy’s attitude and hard work ethic, their taking the kingdom by force.
Bill and Betsy are the gold standard of intercessors! What a joy to know them and to hear their hearts in this story. I pray all the Lord’s blessings on you Bill and Betsy and on all those for whom you care. May your prayers tip the bowls of heaven and Divine blessing pour out over you! In Christ Alone, Joyce Swingle
Thanks so much Joyce. Your kind words not only bless us but are a great encouragement.
Bill and Betsy,
I pray with my bride for the blessings to flow in your lives and prayers!
You probably know by now, but Judy read Joyce’s first line on Pray with Others Live today. How refreshing to have prayer warriors bathed in prayer! My intercession for you is that today’s article and program magnify your prayers and encourage you to stay on your knees (while actively prayer walking cities and meeting with leaders of course!).
in Christ alone,
May God continue to bless and use Betsy and Bill in a Kingdom way!
Bill and Betsy are a wonderful testimony and example of the fervency in which Paul and the disciples spread the Word. I pray God continues to bless them and those with whom they come into contact.
Bill and Betsy it was so good to meet you in DC. We enjoyed talking about Italy as we prayed together before the Supreme Court. Blessings. Bill and Rosie Pezzutti
Jacksonville Florida
I am a prayer intercessor. I am 76 years old and my hands are crippled with arthritis. I love the word of faith. We pray every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am at Christian Life Fellowship. Since the cold weather though we have been fought to sustain this. My body cant handle the cold. Ive felt the need to prayer walk. Please prayers appreciated. Thank you and may God bless you all