I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You for this event and for these speakers. We ask that You bless them and encourage Your people.
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Mark Zelden is the Director of Centers for Faith and Opportunity Initiative at the Department of Labor and a faithful IFA Intercessor. In this video, Mark talks about his personal experience in Pennsylvania amid voter fraud where he went to observe individuals who counted ballots. He discusses the process of counting votes and potential fraud.



Mike Mears is the director of Strategic Partnerships and Faith Engagement for the Republican National Committee. Mike talks about his experience in Iowa and Detroit both before and after the night of the election. He speaks about voter fraud and the relevance of it in this election process.



Lori is an IFA intercessor from Willowgrove, Pennsylvania who shares her story about how God showed her He was going to rebirth the nation through the womb of the nation.


What encourage you most from these videos? Let us know in the comments!



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November 12, 2020

Let God arise and his enemies be scattered.

Pam Bultmann
November 12, 2020

Thank you for the info from Mark and Mike as I was so blessed to hear what God is doing! Iā€™d love to hear more! I also was so blessed to hear from Lori. Iā€™d love to hear more from her. Thank you for your ministry!

Carole Ann Neve
November 12, 2020

I am concerned about Michigan my home state and of course want it to go red. Congratulations to the new US prayer warrior coming here from Canada. She is blessed and we are blessed having her. It was interesting to find out the history of Pennsylvania with the bell and the Quakers and the keystone state. We shall wait and see.

Laura Dominick
November 12, 2020

These videos were so uplifting! Thank you, Jesus, for waking up Your church to pray for our nation! Thank you for all of Your children who are involved with this election and who are seeking what is right and who want to see truth. I pray for their protection and that You would give them boldness in seeking the truth. You hate unjust judges, and I ask that you – as Head of the Supreme Court – would compel those judges do judge rightly – let them know that You alone are God and that You demand justice from earthly judges. Give our judges courage to judge righteously and protect them. It is SO exciting to be part of the remnant and to pray with brothers and sisters throughout the world! Lord, please heal our land and let America be a bright light reflecting Your glory on this earth! Amen! Thank you, Lord – hallelujah!

November 12, 2020

Agreeing in prayer for Pennsylvania and Philadelphia. We are getting the same regarding our roots, birthplace and covenants with God in our history. Also listened to an agreeing word about the church of Philadelphia in Revelations 3:7 and on. I noticed the messenger to the church is called holy and true, who has the key of David…. read on about open doors…paying attention to Godā€™s word…As we contend for our nation we also come face to face with the One who is Holy and True who also holds personal keys to our own hearts. I have come to another level of cleansing, repentance and love for Jesus. His love is pouring out through me in a new love for this land. Itā€™s His heart for the people…for our nation and all the nations, and future generations. Holy Spirit is speaking to His bride in all the letters to us in Revelation 1-3 to listen, repent and receive. Yes, God is the ultimate chess champion and we can be a part of a great awakening. Hold on to His rhema Words. Amen! Thank you church for allowing God to purify us. And for interceding, worshipping, declaring, sacrificing, bowing, crying out, as the unified body of Christ our Lord. Having done all with each piece of the Holy armor we stand, with Him who is Holy and True. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is not done, we will follow our Champion and proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous Light!


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