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Father, we need government spending reform and a return to fiscal responsibility. Save us, Lord!
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Americans’ livelihoods and the health of our economy are at stake. Let’s pray for leaders with godly wisdom who can help us.

From CNBC. For the better part of a year, the inflation narrative among many economists and policymakers was that it was essentially a food and fuel problem. Once supply chains eased and gas prices abated, the thinking went, that would help lower food costs and in turn ease price pressures across the economy.

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August’s consumer price index numbers, however, tested that narrative severely, with broadening increases indicating now that inflation could be more persistent and entrenched than previously thought.

CPI excluding food and energy prices — so-called core inflation — rose 0.6% for the month, double the Dow Jones estimate, bringing year-over-year cost-of-living increases up 6.3%. Including food and energy, the index rose 0.1% monthly and a robust 8.3% on a 12-month basis. …

The broadening of inflation

Rather than fuel, it was food, shelter and medical services that drove costs higher in August, slapping a costly tax on those least able to afford it and raising important questions about where inflation goes from here. …

Indeed, new vehicle prices and medical care services both increased 0.8% for the month. Shelter costs, which include rents and various other housing-related expenses, make up nearly a third of the CPI weighting and climbed 0.7% for the month. …

The food at home index, a good proxy for grocery prices, has increased 13.5% over the past year, the largest such rise since March 1979. Prices continued their meteoric climb for items such as eggs and bread, further straining household budgets. …

On the positive side, prices came down again for things such as airline tickets, coffee and fruit. A survey released earlier this week by the New York Fed showed consumers are growing less fearful about inflation, though they still expect the rate to be 5.7% a year from now. There also are signs that supply chain pressures are easing, which should be at least disinflationary.

Higher oil possible

But about three-quarters of the CPI remained above 4% in year-over-year inflation, reflecting a longer-term trend that has refuted the idea of “transitory” inflation that the White House and the Fed had been pushing.

And energy prices staying low is no given.

The U.S. and other G-7 nations say they intend to slap price controls on Russian oil exports starting Dec. 5, possibly inviting retaliation that could see late-year price increases. …

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(Excerpt from CNBC. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Brian lynch
September 19, 2022

This is all part of the New World Order, dictated by the globalist elite, and presented to we the people by our favorite stooge, Joe Biden, their mouthpiece. Their goal- ruin our nation, one- world government, prepare the way for Antichrist . Lord, in spite of how our nation has pushed you out of our society, please, intervene in the mess that we are being forced to live in. Man’s best efforts have created this unholy morass. We need to have You first and foremost in our nation. Please, make a way, where there seems to be no way. In Jesus’ name.

Karen Secrest
September 19, 2022

Out city has begun a new charity pilot progr a m to give a few homeless a minimum income. We currently have 10, 000 homeless. No mention of services. 65% are handicapped. Its such a bandaid on existing wounds that are to be met by the middle class .

I was led back to prophetic words of Amos..

Raymond Via
September 19, 2022

Devil, take your ugly hands off our economy in the Name and Power of Jesus Christ and under His Blood! You have NO ATHORITY OVER THIS NATION WHATSOEVER! Our Economy Is Ours not yours, forever loser!


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