I Prayed have prayed
Father, give each of us in this nation a spirit of discernment that only comes from You. Guide us to the truth.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Ken Starr, a former appellate judge and U.S. solicitor general, says that with the facts coming out about what happened at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, those pushing for impeachment of former president Trump should recant and apologize to both him and the American people.

Click HERE to listen to the podcast to hear more information. . . .

Ken Starr (KS)  former Solicitor General of the US and Whitewater Investigation of Bill Clinton years ago, has a great legal mind.

JS: Is a trial to convict someone no longer in office is this unconstitutional?

JS: Facts matter, the idea that this was a spontaneous riot, seems to not be true.

KS: It’s wildly unconstitutional. Lack of hearings, counsel with the president. House had it in power to impeach the president of the US.

What is about to unfold is a flagrant violation of the text, structure and history of our constitution and of the historical example of the Nixon resignation. I would like to see thoughtful people on both sides of the aisle argue that this is unconstitutional. All people of good will who have taken an oath of the constitution to read the text of the constitution. It’s a pernicious precedent. If they were serious about this, then lets impeach Obama and Hillary Clinton. They lost their authority to impeach on Jan 20th when Trump left office.

JS: Why isn’t CJ Roberts presiding, so does it make it unconstitutional?

How does it add to the equation that this is not constitutional?

KS: The CJ of the US reads the constitution and says there is no authority of constitution.

The constitution is very clear that the CJ shall reside over impeachment.

Let’s formalize this and have someone send a letter to CJ Roberts sayin,  you have a duty to be here.

So Roberts will have to respond that he does not have the authority.

Another tell tale sign this is all unconstitutional.

JS: when we go back to House impeachment, a couple of hours after Jan 6

KS: It was a classic rush to judgment, unfortunately with ten republicans joining, it has the reality of it being bi-partisan.

Now we look at the timeline, in The NY Times, Wash Post. Facts coming in, there was a terrible rush to judgment. People should be recanting.

At least those voices should say I made a mistake. They made a huge blunder. Apologize to the President and American people. I rushed to judgment.

JS: I’ve gone through alll the afidavits. This thing was planned for weeks. The devices were planted the night before at the RNC and DNC

It’s been debunked this was spontaneous.

JS: Why are some lawmakers making this decision? Seems some thoughtful people made a rushed decision.

KS: I cannot judge not lest you be judged. Certainly there was exasperation. My own view was once the electoral college was complete, that was in as a matter of constitutional law. But the post 1876, they passed a series of votes, Hawley, Cruz, had a legal leg to stand on. We want to inquire into the votes. That’s all fair. I have a strong view, that the constitution speaks to this situation. Once the vote has been certified, then the votes are cast.

They had a leg to stand on. That triggers the first amendment. The 46 min the president spoke, it is shielded by the first amendment.

It’s argued : “The president does not have first amendment rights. We the people do. The people are protected not the leaders.”  That is too extravagant to be maintained.  We all are protected by the 1st amendment.

KS: The fair point Sec of War of 1876, Belnap secretary of war (defense)  was corrupt, the House was ready to return articles of impeachment. You can’t fire me, I will quit. The house preceded to impeach him. And gave him a fair trial. He was trying to skirt the constitutional powers. As soon as it was passed by the House, there was a duty to transmit it right away. No one preventing anyone from doing that.

Once Nixon resigned, the House stopped on a dime. Bi partisan committee stopped because they read their constitution. It’s about removal and disqualification.

KS: The Chief Justice is not presiding.

(British) Parliamentary history is interesting. But does not trump the constitution.

It was a shameful impeachment of Warren Hastings- it was political

What the senate is doing is Bill of Attainment. Punishment on the head of a former president. That constitutes a bill of attainer.

They can’t impeach, he left peacefully. They can’t remove him. He left lawfully.

Another example of parliamentary practice. Article 1 Section 9, Congress has no authority has no ex post facto law.

NO no of no no’s punishment on the head.

This will live in historical infamy.

JS: do you feel the President’s team is taking a good approach?

KS: They are going to be arguing no jurisdiction, no authority

First amendment. too.

I do not think they will litigate the issues during the election.

I think that can go either way. Classic judgment call. Former Pres Trump’s call

JS: If you read the brief,

The president had a first amendment right to bring up

Wisconsin election rules changed were not approved by the legislator

State of Virginia violated the constitution

Courts have ruled that way.

JS: We are not going to be hearing about election machines in the trial.

JS: Massive companies, you tube, google, twitter, Facebook

KS: shame on people in Silicon Valley. This is the kind of things we see in CCP

It’s a travesty.

It’s public held company not the gov

What is the recourse

We are seeing an eloquent speech by Gov DeSantis

I am helping Tx AG paxton, so full disclosure

Yes, we need to

Anti trust laws guard against monolistic power.

Modern Robert Barrons do.

Immunity granted in section 230

American people need to rise up to their representatives.

It’s outrageous that voices are being squelched.

Ill use the first amendment.

This is un-American

WE MIGHT NOT AGREE but it’s still protected

Liberals used to be the champions of this

ACLU the Neo nazis in Illinois, they defended the right to parade in streets of skokie, I find it offensive but our sweet land of liberty

You don’t censor it.

JS: we have lost the precipice of that.

JS: I’ve gone through the FBI files and a growing number of people are accused of planning days and weeks before.

Brand New. Fed prosecutors filed against Ethan .. State of Washington. Posted messages in Dec to plan this. He was raising money for equipment.

Let them remember the day they decided to start a war with us.

Jan 4th he posted Proud boys going to bring back 1776, no democracy no peace.

JS: How could this stuff be going on in plain view? What was the FBI doing to stop the violence that was clearly planned days and weeks ahead.

It was a planned even. Not spontaneous event. This impeachment article

(Photo Credit: The White House Flickr.)

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Kathy Burke
February 8, 2021

So many questions. why were the doors opened for all to come in?
I feel it is a bait & switch shame to cover what is really going on now. The attempts to dissolve our free speech rights. The deep state at work.
God I ask you to bring your justice on all that are leading our country away from Freedom and Liberty given by your hand.
Jesus bring us your strong arm to guide and protect your church. Anen

Gerald Schork
February 8, 2021

Oh Father God of Justice,

No only exposed the evil roots of this whole affair to an deniable height but godly and good people will be enabled to bring judgement of those who perpetuated all this wickedness and distortion of our Constitution.

February 8, 2021

Lord, I believe You have been on the move for a long time to bring evil that hides in the dark out into the light. I believe You have chosen Donald Trump as a feather in Your quiver. I pray for Your plan, for what is good for America, to move swiftly. Prepare all people to see and accept truth. May Your justice bring healing to our great nation. Protect all Your servants Lord, as they engage in this fight. May You receive all the glory. Amen

February 8, 2021

Ken Start is, no doubt, one of the best when it comes to Constitutional law and it’s application in everyday practical terms. As he explains the “why”, it’s pretty obvious that he is stating that those trying to use impeachment (again) are nothing more than liars and thieves trying to save their own skin and agenda. They hide behind the facade of “twisting the law” to fit their narrative. All of us see how desperate and fearful they are as the enemy of their souls has consumed them through hatred and vengeance.
** Lord, we again lift up President Trump to you. You Lord know the truth. We see it also. Let Your presence preside over every minute of this impeachment charade that is steeped in deception. Give great favor to Pres. Trump and his legal team – fill them with great wisdom, knowledge, courage, integrity and peace as they move forward. For those who have set themselves in support of this false impeachment pursuit, we ask that confusion would be their companion. We ask that a wall of resistance, from you Lord, would hem them in on all sides. We ask that any / all of their fraudulent arguments would be exposed for the world to see. Take away any protections they are trying to hide behind – expose publicly their motives. Allow frustration to be their friend. Lord – Do not allow those seeking Pres. Trump’s destruction to achieve any measure of success. Lord, Set yourself against their heinous and devious plots and schemes.
We ask for victory for Pres. Trump, his attorneys, for the rule of law, for justice, for truth and for America. In Jesus name we pray amen.

Daylynne Starr
February 8, 2021

The entire world knows that Trump has been against the riot mobs — and voiced his authority to the states when they allowed the mobs to ruin their cities! The Dems REFUSED TO STOP THE MOBS VIOLENCE! NOT ANY were TRUMPS PEOPLE!
Trumps people were there to celebrate –as they thought they were going to win the election that day! Not there to start a riot.
Some of the rioters were arrested and confessed they where Antifa and were NOT PROTESTERS! THEY WERE PAID MOBS PAID BY SOROS COMPANIES. AND believe me — Soros HATES Trump!
So all this fake stuff — is just that so the Dems have a reason to impeach Trump.
The Dems are afraid that Trump will prove he won the election and claim the White House again — but if they can get him impeached then he can’t claim the Presidency again!
That is how we can pray for this situation. That the real truth of the election will be revealed — including why Pence turned Traitor at the last minute!
I am praying that the Lord will save our nation and bring us back to being the Christian nation it was designed to be! Law and Order and GOD blessing His people. AMEN.


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